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The West’s double standards over China and India


Feb 5, 2011
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  • US-led containment against Beijing in the Indo-Pacific means cosying up to New Delhi while ignoring India’s egregious misdeeds
India can officially call for rape and genocide to be state policy and the Anglosphere will only try to stifle the news and try to only report on the very surface ignoring the majority of the issues and immediately stopping. This way they can say they are fair since they did report on it but if India commits an atrocity of 100, the Anglos will only say 1.


Look at this... If this was Russia or Iran or North Korea, the country would be in the title and mentioned 20 times in the article. Because it's baby india, they will only mention it softly. Rather than "Rape Epidemic in India continues and worsens" they say, "indian neighborhood" only in the text... you have to read beyond the headline to know it is india even though we all know india's problems are 1000 when they show 1. lol having real liars and the real propagandists as your supporters and friends NEVER ends well. So whatever to them. They deserve each other no?

  • US-led containment against Beijing in the Indo-Pacific means cosying up to New Delhi while ignoring India’s egregious misdeeds
China should give a shit care about what the shameless hypocritical West says about China, all the West cares is making vicious lies about China all the time intended to discredit and destroy China all together. Chinese have to stand on the ground that Chinese affairs don't need West whitemen's approvals. Dealing with the evil West whitemen, China just has to be strong just like Russia, build many more nuclear arsenals are needed, that's the only way the West will come to senses when dealing with China !
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The United States and the United Kingdom have flexible moral bottom lines. As long as it is in their own interests at a certain period, you can do all kinds of bad things by being their sidekicks.
That is, the US and UK have no moral bottom line.
Americans used to say the murderous dictatorships in South America were son of a bitch, but they are our son of a bitch
Now India is America's XXXX

  • US-led containment against Beijing in the Indo-Pacific means cosying up to New Delhi while ignoring India’s egregious misdeeds
Take it as a compliment. West doesn't criticize countries that behave like their pets.

  • US-led containment against Beijing in the Indo-Pacific means cosying up to New Delhi while ignoring India’s egregious misdeeds
IMO, India even does not qualify for any standard against China.
Yes, they could compete only in their exiting neighborhood of 3rd world.
It is only the jealousy and hypocrisy of the USA/West to China for which they pose India as a country on par with China. They know that they are going to use India as 'tout' and 'canon fodder'.
A certain group of slave minded people still believe that west is friend of Pakistan.
Take it as a compliment. West doesn't criticize countries that behave like their pets.
Full article.

Alex Lo

SCMP Columnist
My Take by Alex Lo

The West’s double standards over China and India​

  • US-led containment against Beijing in the Indo-Pacific means cosying up to New Delhi while ignoring India’s egregious misdeeds

Alex Lo
Alex Lo
Published: 9:00pm, 20 Feb, 2022

A gaffe is a truth inadvertently let out by a politician. So, it’s no surprise that all hell broke loose in India when Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong earlier this month warned in a speech about how healthy democracies could “go downhill” and referenced news reports that 43 per cent of members of the current Indian parliament were facing criminal probes.

New Delhi summoned Singapore’s envoy to the country to express its anger.

The sentiments expressed by Lee, whose country has long enjoyed good relations with India, may be contrasted with those of Britain and the United States. Last year, at a virtual summit between Boris Johnson and Narendra Modi, the British prime minister said: “The UK and India share many fundamental values … The UK is one of the oldest democracies. And India is the world’s largest.”

In December, US President Joe Biden invited Modi to his virtual Summit for Democracy, a rather awkward moment. The V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, which tracks data on the health of democracies, has reclassified India as an “electoral autocracy”. In its latest release, the Economist Intelligence Unit has ranked India as a “flawed democracy” at 46th in its 2021 Democracy Index’s global ranking, out of 167 countries.

At least China has long ago rejected liberal democracy. India under Modi makes a pretence of practising it. But you won’t hear many complaints from Biden and Johnson. This is because India is critical to the US-led containment strategy against China in the Indo-Pacific. So now you have the paradoxical situation of powerful Western democracies drawing ever closer to India while the country drifts unmistakably towards ethno-authoritarianism and Hindu supremacy.

As a result, whatever outrage or crime New Delhi or regional Indian states perpetrate, say in Jammu and Kashmir, they would be minimised or ignored in major Western capitals. But the slightest hint of misdeed, say in Xinjiang, would be blown out of all proportion.

By any objective measure, New Delhi’s revocation of the semi-autonomous status of Kashmir in 2019 – guaranteed under the country’s constitution and followed by widespread crackdowns – ought to be a bigger deal than Beijing’s imposition of the national security law in Hong Kong. Its equivalent would be Beijing’s scrapping the Basic Law, which constitutionally guarantees Hong Kong’s “high degree of autonomy”.

But we all know which issue Western politicians and media have chosen to exploit.
This photo looks more appropriate.


Oh, dear me, no. Not at all. You have been attracted to it by the vision of a well-disciplined pack marching along under strict control. All must be spayed or neutered, so, no pups. So VERY typically Asian.

If you knew South Asia a little better, you would have understood why I playfully chose a feline. Disciplining South Asians is like herding cats.

Do reach out to me when you have these difficult choices of visuals to make. Always glad to help.
India is a former Anglo-Saxon colony.

There's a feeling of "sorry".

That's why, whatever India does, will be pardoned.

Make a friend with Russia, domestic human rights issues, corruption, massive poverty, rebellions, etc.

Nothing happens, India is great and always be loved.
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