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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

lol you are funny.

The avant garde of the deepstate are the Trumpers and fellow partners - Putin and supporters. Wanting to burn down the globe for the Trump agenda, cia Pompeo agenda, and Putin agenda.

Trumpers and Putinites are fifth columnists for mi6 Brexit Tories and cia Pompeo Trump Russia Republican agenda against Europe.

The Real Deep State Is Trump​

How the president has used William Barr and other officials to turn the government into his personal fiefdom

And cia vetted Putin. And Farage. And Tucker is the deepstate. Once you know Trump is the cia Bush/Pompeo Republican deepstate, then you know buddy Putin is the deepstate, because cia deepstater Trump backs Putin. And you know Brexit was cia deepstate against the EU, because it was the first agenda of cia Republican Trump. The very morons "fighting the deepstate", are the deepstate. The Bush cia in 2008 with historic low approval ratings, decided the PNAC neocons to lead the popular resistance/tea party/patriots to be the new Republican party, as potential future replacements of the Christian zionists. The Christian zionists failed twice in 2008 and 2012; and neoconservatism became a failed ideology. The very same publications and media that promoted neoconservatism of the Bush cia are the very same media (Fox News, New York Post) that promote Trump and Putin, and yes, Bitcoin. When the main projects of the Bush cia have been Trump, cia vetted Putin, and bitcoin.
Called it again. The new neoconservative deepstate is trump, putin and bitcoin.

The same media of old that promoted the neocon agenda have embraced Trump and Bitcoin, along with promoting the defeat of Ukraine.

Bitcoin is gonna be the global money that is worth hundreds of millions of dollars per bitcoin. That is the deepstate agenda. To replace dollars, euros, yen and yuan with bitcoin. When gold and silver were the anti-dollar investment, the deepstate did as much market manipulation to suppress the price of gold and silver using banks:

Suppressing Silver Prices Has Been Official U.S. Policy Since 1965​

Now that the deepstate have their dollar replacement, bitcoin, to own the globe, it does not bother Washington if currencies collapse.
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S300-400+ systems are static systems and can be targeted by all long range means after they are detected by satellites. Best strategy for evolution of these systems is decoupling the radar antenna and missile tubes which need to be exposed outside from the other parts like power-source, command control vehicle and all other radar electronics parts and station these inside a mountain complex or underground bunker network far away from the frontline. This way only the radar antenna or missile tubes which must be exposed outside would be destroyed and other parts-personnel will be secure inside the mountain bunkers.

Another last move by Zelensky and co. will possibly be get submarines and use them against Russian fleet. He was telling about getting submarines several weeks ago. Russia can buy midget submarines from North Korea. Also locally produce them like Geran drones. Station those submarines in Crimea. They can be targeted from above so entrance into the underground submarine hangar should be under the sea level. Iran also has midget submarine fleet and capabilities but "officially" North Korea can provide which is nuclear and other countries dont risk anything against NK as we see with their tactical ballistic missiles provided for Russia. It is better to provide technology to Russia to produce them like Geran drones or do partnerships with NK to make them build better midget submarines for Russia (disguised as space technology cooperation maybe). Odeassa can be kept in check when Russia controls Crimea this way. As well as these types of deals giving Russia the upper hand, zionist plan of reelecting trump after zionist previous election of democrats to initiate this current conflict and future Usa threatening against Russia to stay silent towards trump initiated military attacks against Iran or maybe China wont have much effect so they may need to change their plans.

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There are also signs that a ceasefire deal is cooking up between Russia and Ukraine but in initial stages only. Ceasefire is the best option to end this conflict. It doesnt mean that final situation will be like this forever. Future governments of Ukraine and Russia can make new deals like Minsk 3 and some territories can be gained back by Ukraine after some time there is still possibility of this. Ukraines non-nato status and continuation of ceasefire will possibly make Russia take more flexible steps closer to the initial territorial agreement in Istanbul maybe after 5+ years.

North Kherson region is strategically not holdable by Russia as it is closer to Ukr supply lines and can be bombarded densely by Ukraine with Dnieper seperating from Russian areas and supplies. Ukraine military can retreat about 10kms from all frontline directions including Sumy,Kharkiv and these areas can be buffer zones for multinational ceasefire observers gathered by UN.

-Ukraine has many potential guarantors as we know. Russia can have Iran, China, North Korea as guarantors. If ceasefire is meaningfully breached (observers should be accurate some small amount of mortar-rocket fire by proxies does not count as well) by Ukraine guarantor countries will be free to supply equipment to Russia and vice versa.
-Countries can produce equipment by themselves. They should document what they purchase. If Ukraine buys atacms missiles for example Russia would be able to buy tactical bms from Iran with the same amount.
-There should be Ukraine F16 upper limit like 50 depending on the negotiations. If ceasefire is breached by Russia then Poland, Romania etc. can provide additional F16s to Ukraine.
-Ukraine nuclear non proliferation treaty is a must. Even if they get Zaporijia npp back(in possible future deals like Minsk 3) part of the inspectors should be Russian checking the activities.
-Ukraine non-nato status should be a must.

A stable ceasefire deal will work for everyones benefit except some power groups benefitting from this and future potential wars(trump biden it doesnt matter if the strings are the same acting them). Every party will claim a win as they gain advantage from it.
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Russian motorcycle tactics are good. The bikers can escape from direct artillery hits by continious zig-zag maneuvring making the unguided artillery target calculation by Ukranian drones highly complicated and difficult.

However they are open to other forms of attack like fpv drones and anti-personnel artillery. An ap artillery shell can spread fragments even if it doesnt hit directly.

A lightly armored tricycle motorbike or a lightly armored quad atv will be more beneficial in future conflicts. AP artillery shell exploding nearby cannot penetrate the armor as well as a grenade dropped from fpv drone cannot penetrate the vehicle. High maneuvrability will make it zig zag and escape from direct artillery hits. It is too small for atgm hits. The difficulty would be make the armor hard enough to protect from anti personnel sharapnel fire but light enough to not to reduce maneuvrability of the vehicle. Fpv drone direct hits is still possible but maneuvrability, zig zag and speed changes would somewhat protect from direct hits. most fpv direct hits are from the back of the vehicle. A mesh cage behind the vehicle can protect as well.
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