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The West’s double standards over China and India

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Who is that? The quad along with other poodles?
It's not as far as the Pakistanis seem to be projecting here from their own experience. That sort of patronage is long over for us. We don't engage in hostilities with them but there has already been a lot of crap that we have faced in the time since Biden-Harris came to power.

The one good thing that this whole Ukraine-Russia war did is that it removed the mask of the neo-colonial Liberal elites, bankers & powerful rich who control politicians.

IN under 72 hours, 30 countries took the same bloody stance politically; even for an alliance, this is a record. That includes all corporations, gaming companies, sports management companies, movies, streaming services, etc.. Not exactly the sign of independent nations.
West already told us they are weaponizing human rights and religion.
Someone said the West has double standards on China and India.

Also on Pakistan.
Thats why Pakistan has stopped purchasing F-16s and we got J-10Cs instead from China.

Pakistani Airforce realized that the J-10C is comparable to the F-16s in capabilities.

Because the West are hypocrites. Pakistan learned the hard way.
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