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The war on Iran begins…in Syria

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Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
As the United States, along with its European and Israeli allies, prepares to launch yet another illegal war of aggression in the Middle East, the geopolitics of the US strategy could not be more apparent.

Despite the high-minded talk of humanitarianism, the US is advancing a transparently neo-colonialist agenda aimed at securing hegemony in the region by destroying what little opposition remains.


The images and videos flooding the internet since last week purport to show ‘evidence’ of a chemical weapons attack perpetrated by the Assad regime. This development neatly and conveniently coincides with the declaration by the Obama administration that the use of such weapons constitutes a ‘red line’, merely a euphemism for the point at which the US would feel emboldened to militarily intervene on behalf of the rebels.

And so, as news outlets report on the ‘likely use of chemical weapons’ by Damascus without anything other than unverifiable hearsay and ambiguous video footage, the drumbeat of war gets louder and louder.

A clear-thinking and rational political analyst would immediately be suspicious about the attack considering the presence of international chemical weapons investigators in Syria, as well as the fact that Damascus was undeniably winning the war against the ****** rebel factions in cities like Qussair, Homs, Aleppo and elsewhere. That Assad would sabotage his own military victories and provide the perfect pretext for a foreign intervention is not only far-fetched, it runs contrary to his own record throughout this conflict. Remember that Damascus has shown restraint in the face of international war crimes committed against it by Israel, Turkey and other regional actors who have been fomenting the conflict in Syria for more than two years.

And so we see once again that we are living in what French philosopher and cultural critic Guy Debord called ‘The Society of the Spectacle’ – a world in which representation of truth is more important than truth itself, where videos of unknown origin and without verification take the place of authentic evidence and investigation, where wars that will destroy millions of lives and future generations are manufactured by paid actors on television who merely masquerade as journalists.

All this leads many to wonder whether the United States is really as stupid as it seems. Could Washington actually believe that a war in Syria will actually benefit the US and its interests? Could they truly be so short-sighted and unwilling to learn from past mistakes? Although these questions would seem entirely valid, they presuppose that a war with Syria is actually the goal of a war with Syria. On the contrary, this illegal aggression against the sovereign Syrian Arab Republic is merely the opening phase of a greater regional war with the ultimate target being the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Smashing the Shiite crescent

In the decades since the revolution of 1979 which created the modern Islamic Republic of Iran, the US policy toward that country has been antagonistic and belligerent to such a degree that Iran has been forced, out of sheer necessity, to rely very heavily on its few regional and international allies. And so, given the political posture of Bashar Assad, like that of his father before him, Damascus has been viewed as Iran’s key political partner, providing Iran with a crucial ally along the border with Israel and a bridge to the Hezbollah organization in Southern Lebanon. Additionally, a multi-ethnic society like Syria with a dominant Shiite-Alawite demographic presents itself as a natural friend to Shiite Iran. However, the importance of this relationship does not stop at mere similarities.

Since the United States imposed draconian sanctions against Tehran, ostensibly over Iran’s alleged nuclear program, the economics of the Iran-Syria relationship have become even more significant. As Tehran has been increasingly frozen out of world energy markets due to US and European sanctions that make it difficult if not impossible to settle international debts with the Islamic Republic, it has been forced to find alternative methods and infrastructure to sell its oil and gas and maintain its fragile economy.

A centerpiece of this strategy is the Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline deal signed last month. Intended to provide Iran with a new delivery route to the Mediterranean coast, giving it renewed access to the Eurasian landmass and markets, the pipeline is obviously a blow to US-Israeli attempts to strangle the regime in Iran economically. Syria, being the critical linchpin in this deal, figures significantly in the Iranian strategy to survive the sanctions, thereby necessitating Iranian involvement in the conflict if only to provide the critical support Assad needs to maintain control of the security of the country.

When one looks at the players involved in the war in Syria, it becomes clear that the Sunni monarchies – Saudi Arabia and Qatar primarily – have committed to the war in order to ensure their own continued hegemony, especially in terms of energy production. Qatar, being one of the world’s wealthiest gas exporters, views the growing relationship between Iran and Syria, especially the gas pipeline deal, as an existential threat to their own standing. The Saudis, long since mortal enemies and rivals of the Shia Iranians, also have come to view Syria as merely a battleground in the larger proxy war with Iran.

And then of course, there’s Israel. Perched comfortably on Syria’s border, Israel has played a key role in stoking tensions and fomenting unrest on the other side of the Golan Heights. Not only did Israel carry out a number of blatantly illegal bombings inside Syria’s borders, there have been dozens of mainstream accounts, including videos, of Israeli Special forces commandos inside of Syria. Naturally, Israeli intentions are to further their own interests which for decades have been centered on the destruction of Iran, their main regional competitor and rival.

Furthermore, as renowned author and geopolitical analyst F. William Engdahl has noted, Israel’s new gas discoveries off the Mediterranean coast add a new dimension to the struggle for dominance in the region. Engdahl writes, “Now Israel faces a strategic and very dangerous dilemma. Naturally, Israel is none too excited to see Assad’s Syria, linked to Israel’s arch foe Iran, and Iraq and Lebanon out-compete an Israeli gas export to the EU markets. This could explain why Israel’s Netanyahu government has been messing inside Syria in the anti-Assad forces.”

Of course, Israel is not an entirely independent actor. As a principal player in the US-dominated imperial system, Israel serves as the bad cop to Washington’s good cop on Iran. While the warmongers in Tel Aviv call for Iranian blood, the US is able to feign interest in nuclear negotiations to resolve the conflict and lift the sanctions. At the very same moment, the US, EU and Israel foment civil war in Syria precisely to weaken the Iranians, already isolated politically and economically, thereby showing that not only are they not interested in peace with Iran, they are implementing a multi-phased strategy to destroy that country.

Adding insult to injury, the continued instability and violence in Iraq has politically weakened Prime Minister Maliki, a key Iranian ally. With Baghdad and Damascus in chaos, Tehran will find it very difficult to continue to support Hezbollah, another important piece on the chessboard. So one can see without great difficulty that the war in Syria is, at a fundamental level, a means to an end – the end being the total destruction of the Shiite Crescent insofar as it represents resistance to the hegemonic designs of the US, Israel, and their puppet Sunni monarchies.

What has become ever more apparent in recent weeks and months is that the conflict in Syria is much larger than Syria itself. Like the Balkans almost exactly 100 years ago, Syria has become the proverbial powder keg in which Western leaders play with matches. Tragically, the diplomatic brinksmanship of the imperial powers in 1914 unleashed upon the world one of the greatest tragedies in the history of humanity: the First World War. As the United States prepares to commence yet another war, let us hope that world war is not once again the outcome.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

The war on Iran begins?in Syria ? RT Op-Edge
When Iran got criticized to help Al Assad kill innocent people, many of the Iranian members here were talking about the defense pact between two countries. Now Assad faces a real threat after his army killed thousand with chemical gas. We all will see the response of Iran whether all her threats regarding any attack on Syria mentioning the defense pact between two countries real or not, after US lead countries attack Syria. I think it will not look like helping a dictator kill his people. Even Russia has declared she will not get involved in the war. We will see, May Allah help Syrian brothers and sisters who stand against the dictatorship.
where are those who were talking about peace with U.S?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

When Iran got criticized to help Al Assad kill innocent people, many of the Iranian members here were talking about the defense pact between two countries. Now Assad faces a real threat after his army killed thousand with chemical gas. We all will see the response of Iran whether all her threats regarding any attack on Syria mentioning the defense pact between two countries real or not, after US lead countries attack Syria. I think it will not look like helping a dictator kill his people. Even Russia has declared she will not get involved in the war. We will see, May Allah help Syrian brothers and sisters who stand against the dictatorship.
we don't need the cannibal's advise.
When Iran got criticized to help Al Assad kill innocent people, many of the Iranian members here were talking about the defense pact between two countries. Now Assad faces a real threat after his army killed thousand with chemical gas. We all will see the response of Iran whether all her threats regarding any attack on Syria mentioning the defense pact between two countries real or not, after US lead countries attack Syria. I think it will not look like helping a dictator kill his people. Even Russia has declared she will not get involved in the war. We will see, May Allah help Syrian brothers and sisters who stand against the dictatorship.

God is going to stand with the Truth.

Assad is not innocent in this conflict.

But the war in Syria was planned long long time ago by the west.

We don't believe Assad is guilty of Chemical attacks, this is based on evidence Iran and Russia have. U.S and it's allies only have circumstantial evidence.

oh and don't worry Iran is definitely helping Syria.
God is going to stand with the Truth.

There is no doubt on that

oh and don't worry Iran is definitely helping Syria.

I do not worry, it is no secret you help Syria. If I were I would be worried, after all exaggerated talks. You have the defense pact to defend each other against any attack , do not you? Now, your all words and pact will be tested.
Man, you guys shouldn't have stormed their embassy after your revolution. The Yanks sure know how to keep a grudge :D
If someone has a mental problem, he/she can perceive everyone is like him/herself. If you wanna see the cannibal, look at yourself.
no, I look at the cannibal and terrorists that you are supporting in Syria and that's enough to understand your nature.
speaking of mirror, here is your mirror, look at your face carefully.
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There is no doubt on that

I do not worry, it is no secret you help Syria. If I were I would be worried, after all exaggerated talks. You have the defense pact to defend each other against any attack , do not you?

I could ask you the same thing, where was the strong Turkish army when its fighter aircraft got shot down over Syrian air space? Where was it when terrorists killed tens of people in Turkey? Why haven't you retaliate? By all means... go and invade Syria. What are you waiting for? Waiting for U.S. to finish the job so later when the dust settles you can move in and claim it was Turkey that went head to head against Syria?

If what you say about Iran aids to Syria is true then why are you accusing Iran of standing idle? If Iran is already helping Syria that means that the defense pact is already activated, isn't it?

Now, your all words and pact will be tested.

Well, actually you better remember that yourself, because recent events in Turkey contradicts the whole idea of democracy that Erdogan supposedly supports in Syria.
I could ask you the same thing, where was the strong Turkish army when its fighter aircraft got shot down over Syrian air space? Where was it when terrorists killed tens of people in Turkey? Why haven't you retaliate? By all means... go and invade Syria. What are you waiting for? Waiting for U.S. to finish the job so later when the dust settles you can move in and claim it was Turkey that went head to head against Syria?

If what you say about Iran aids to Syria is true then why are you accusing Iran of standing idle? If Iran is already helping Syria that means that the defense pact is already activated, isn't it?

Well, actually you better remember that yourself, because recent events in Turkey contradicts the whole idea of democracy that Erdogan supposedly supports in Syria.

The defense pact between Iran and Syria is strong.

Iran will protect it's allie against Aggression.

Iran will not allow Syria's fragmentation. Syria is a country with a proud history.

Mogol turks don't understand this.

2 or 3 days of bombing won't do much damage.

It will only send more refugees to Turkey and will destabilize Turkey even further :woot:

If they really want their Al-Qaeda friends to win,

they have to send in troops.

The best outcome for U.S would've been to come to the negotiation table, and make an exist from a conflict it has NO interest in.

Now the U.S will be sucked in to this conflict even more, ours tax dollar wasted.

BTW, I think this is great time for Iran to leave the NPT treaty, what do you think?
Man, you guys shouldn't have stormed their embassy after your revolution. The Yanks sure know how to keep a grudge :D

You think it was about an embassy? embassy is just a building, hostages were freed. It's about something else, US does not accept independent countries who have different opinion than them
Man, you guys shouldn't have stormed their embassy after your revolution. The Yanks sure know how to keep a grudge :D

Much Much worse stuff has happened since then. The embassy was 1979, most people have moved on. Just because Hollywood makes a movie about it to keep the hostiles that doesn't mean people are still holding on to it.

America has done much worse

America overthrow our government in 1953 through an illegal coup.

It helped Saddam Gas 50,000 Iranian.

America shut down a civilian airline and killed 400 people.

America kills, torture and detains Iranian scientists and citizens abroad and inside Iran.
no, I look at the cannibal and terrorists that you are supporting in Syria and that's enough to understand your nature.
speaking of mirror, here is your mirror, look at your face carefully.

I am not surprised though and I could not expect more from you to show your true nature. You once again showed that you are not civilized. You are acting according to your nature, keep going like that. Almost every time most iranian members response is same. Either they insult or attack stupidly. I am not going to downgrade myself to your level.

I could ask you the same thing, where was the strong Turkish army when its fighter aircraft got shot down over Syrian air space? Where was it when terrorists killed tens of people in Turkey? Why haven't you retaliate? By all means... go and invade Syria. What are you waiting for? Waiting for U.S. to finish the job so later when the dust settles you can move in and claim it was Turkey that went head to head against Syria?

If what you say about Iran aids to Syria is true then why are you accusing Iran of standing idle? If Iran is already helping Syria that means that the defense pact is already activated, isn't it?

Well, actually you better remember that yourself, because recent events in Turkey contradicts the whole idea of democracy that Erdogan supposedly supports in Syria.

I guess you were not on earth when we declared the engagement rule was changed after our aircraft was shot down. After we changed the engagement rules, every attack from Syria was retaliated much more stronger than we got. So before you mumble make a search!

Mutual defense pact is an international agreement obligating the signatories to come to each other's defense in circumstances laid out in the terms of the treaty. The pact between Iran and Syria (as your officials declared many times) requires to defend Syria from any aggregation of another country. So your pact has not been tested yet (Actually your pact was r@ped many times by Israel, but let this aside). Today, I also read a news saying your one of the generals said if US attacks Syria, you can attack Israel (As usual, it smells a big propaganda from your mullahs). So, your pact has not been activated yet. we will see what you will do after talking too much propaganda.


To all iranian, stop changing the subject, the subject is a coming war of Syria and your defense pact with her. If you have anything about the topic, say so or get lost!
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