I could have entered the fray, since I have second hand experience in this matter. But it wouldn't matter because a propaganda officer will play the victim and will try to win over with emotional statements. However we can observe than during the time this PRC has been established that many minorities have been assimilated and even though they may still have minor racial differences they are culturally assimilated which they are trying to do with the Uyghurs, within the Uyghurs we know there are communists which sell information to the state of any muslim activity(Preaching the religion and their own Uyghur culture, specially their culture).
Thus because Uyghurs are resisting assimilation and for that they enduring this bad treatment, but the Uyghurs which let themselves get assimilated get bonuses and rewards from the PRC.
This propaganda officer said that if they wanted to kill the entire population that they would, but the only reason they aren't doing that is because of diplomatic consequences and I also consider the possibility that their culture might play a role in the let them die off slowly while suffering.
Basicly If the people of Turkiye are moved by moral obligations, than there won't be good relations with PRC, but reasonable relations at max. And a Future conflict with PRC is a high possibility.