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The Uyghur issue

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most Han males would like to have a Uyghers wife, we don't have discrimination toward them at all. I admit due tithe low education rate of the Xingjiang area, some of the Uyghers migrant to Urban City become Thiefs and drug dealer, it will improve when more Uygher children receive proper education and the economy of the Xingjiang area is doing better in the future. We Chinese don't discriminate anyone from any where, cause we are educated to treat others equally. there are lots of benevolent Uyhgers out there, the separatist is just few and finally become extremist terrorist like joining ISIS.

Turkey members must give a ears to what we tell, and try to find out the truth from what you see inChina rather than judge China in terms I the cheap news your media sells. As a Chinese Chiristian , I love all the Muslim population live in PRC, why not?
The authoritative Encyclopedia Britannica acknowledges China's Han Dynasty (which existed 2,000 years ago) sovereignty over Xinjiang in 60 BCE.

Xinjiang | autonomous region, China :: History | Encyclopedia Britannica

The Uyghers population is growing from several hundreds thousand in 1940s to over 10 minions nowadays. if we wanna annihilate them , we would have done it in 70 years ago. the only reason why their population is steadily growing is just because we take good care of them.
most Han males would like to have a Uyghers wife, we don't have discrimination toward them at all. I admit due tithe low education rate of the Xingjiang area, some of the Uyghers migrant to Urban City become Thiefs and drug dealer, it will improve when more Uygher children receive proper education and the economy of the Xingjiang area is doing better in the future. We Chinese don't discriminate anyone from any where, cause we are educated to treat others equally. there are lots of benevolent Uyhgers out there, the separatist is just few and finally become extremist terrorist like joining ISIS.

Turkey members must give a ears to what we tell, and try to find out the truth from what you see inChina rather than judge China in terms I the cheap news your media sells. As a Chinese Chiristian , I love all the Muslim population live in PRC, why not?

man come on we now what kind of land china is from internet censorship to formaldyhyde abortion even if the child was born.. to torturing, if you act this way to your own children to your own folk than god help the non chinese.. you cannot say anything against china because you live there it could be dangerous for you you know it I know it everybody knows it lets stop this..

you say equally but than you say terrorist and say you can do what you want because of your power..

I hope yopu love Muslim ppl in china and that we are wrong but we see the opposite and many chinese members act the opposite way..
BS, so you think you have power:-). That is a statement, we give you statement back. Look to syria dude, and think again.
man come on we now what kind of land china is from internet censorship to formaldyhyde abortion even if the child was born.. to torturing, if you act this way to your own children to your own folk than god help the non chinese.. you cannot say anything against china because you live there it could be dangerous for you you know it I know it everybody knows it lets stop this..

you say equally but than you say terrorist and say you can do what you want because of your power..

I hope yopu love Muslim ppl in china and that we are wrong but we see the opposite and many chinese members act the opposite way..
if Tuekey keep providing support to Uyhger Terrorists, we will address it. now we begin to adopt iron fist in Cingjiang Area in anti terrorists operation, you shall drop your pan Turkestan wild dream through plotting on Xingjiang. Some Turkish ignored the truth and keep instigating Uyhgers rebellion to hurt China integrity. Shame on you. and we will keep that in mind. At someday in the future, we will let you pay the price.

man come on we now what kind of land china is from internet censorship to formaldyhyde abortion even if the child was born.. to torturing, if you act this way to your own children to your own folk than god help the non chinese.. you cannot say anything against china because you live there it could be dangerous for you you know it I know it everybody knows it lets stop this..

you say equally but than you say terrorist and say you can do what you want because of your power..

I hope yopu love Muslim ppl in china and that we are wrong but we see the opposite and many chinese members act the opposite way..
if Tuekey keep providing support to Uyhger Terrorists, we will address it. now we begin to adopt iron fist in Cingjiang Area in anti terrorists operation, you shall drop your pan Turkestan wild dream through plotting on Xingjiang. Some Turkish ignored the truth and keep instigating Uyhgers rebellion to hurt China integrity. Shame on you. and we will keep that in mind. At someday in the future, we will let you pay the price.
Guys, be rational. Every nation in some stage of their history have done some mistakes.

And the recent years show that Uighurs are well respected and seen equal as any other chinese person in China.

Oh btw, China's population grows annually as much as the current population of Turkey, so it is like a new Turkish Republic is born every single year in China, just FYI.
if Tuekey keep providing support to Uyhger Terrorists, we will address it. now we begin to adopt iron fist in Cingjiang Area in anti terrorists operation, you shall drop your pan Turkestan wild dream through plotting on Xingjiang. Some Turkish ignored the truth and keep instigating Uyhgers rebellion to hurt China integrity. Shame on you. and we will keep that in mind. At someday in the future, we will let you pay the price.

you are not replying to me you are repeating your own postings.. you are talking from "we" as if you are a member from chinese government or an institute.. you are not going one single step behind and dont think sceptical you are just like a manual or a robot..

you talk from supporting terrorists because of an event that just is giving some refugees a new home that is somehow very dangerous for china.. so my Zhōnggòng member what do you think we should react?
you are not replying to me you are repeating your own postings.. you are talking from "we" as if you are a member from chinese government or an institute.. you are not going one single step behind and dont think sceptical you are just like a manual or a robot..

you talk from supporting terrorists because of an event that just is giving some refugees a new home that is somehow very dangerous for china.. so my Zhōnggòng member what do you think we should react?
I highly suspect you are some CIA or NGO members try to overthrow China government by spreading rumors and slangs in the internet.
i always say china is not paper tiger .it is a paper donkey
Cut the crap. There is no such thing.
you sure? recently Turkish found provided fake passport for Uyhgers to smuggle them out of China.

now those Turkish breaking China Law was under arrest and will be deported or be accused furtherly.

i always say china is not paper tiger .it is a paper donkey
A descendent of Tujue talk BS of China, who's ancestor kicked your ancestor's *** and deported you out of Asia.

I will leave this thread as some of you are too ignorant to be teached.

we Chinese can squash you like ants, don't act big.

i always say china is not paper tiger .it is a paper donkey
the you are real pigs.

Now China is in the way restoring to the power of the Great Han empire, you guys certainly cause yourself unnecessary trouble. on what base Turkish think you can interfere in China domestic affairs? If you guys love the Uygher, let them fck in alone.

@vostok , if any foreign force support Chechnya independence and separation. what u think? this is really antagonizing. you can aw the fcking hostile attitude some Turkish member show here.
you sure? recently Turkish found provided fake passport for Uyhgers to smuggle them out of China.

now those Turkish breaking China Law was under arrest and will be deported or be accused furtherly.

A descendent of Tujue talk BS of China, who's ancestor kicked your ancestor's *** and deported you out of Asia.

I will leave this thread as some of you are too ignorant to be teached.

we Chinese can squash you like ants, don't act big.

the you are real pigs.
there is no pig in our culture by the way you should be born pig years in chinese calendar lol
you sure? recently Turkish found provided fake passport for Uyhgers to smuggle them out of China.

now those Turkish breaking China Law was under arrest and will be deported or be accused furtherly.

A descendent of Tujue talk BS of China, who's ancestor kicked your ancestor's *** and deported you out of Asia.

I will leave this thread as some of you are too ignorant to be teached.

we Chinese can squash you like ants, don't act big.

the you are real pigs.

Now China is in the way restoring to the power of the Great Han empire, you guys certainly cause yourself unnecessary trouble. on what base Turkish think you can interfere in China domestic affairs? If you guys love the Uygher, let them fck in alone.

@vostok , if any foreign force support Chechnya independence and separation. what u think? this is really antagonizing. you can aw the fcking hostile attitude some Turkish member show here.
Well, actually the West and its puppets had actively supported the Chechen terrorists in cash, arms, and through the media and "human rights organizations" . Many terrorists leaders quietly live in London and Britain refuses to extradite them.
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