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The Uyghur issue

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Turkey is Secular defined by constitution...
as major Population is Muslim, religion has big influence on daily life even political stances. but the Uygher thing is more related to ethnicity. You are inclined to subjectively judge the situation of Uyghers in China cause you are emotional. to be honest, you are biased.
as major Population is Muslim, religion has big influence on daily life even political stances. but the Uygher thing is more related to ethnicity. You are inclined to subjectively judge the situation of Uyghers in China cause you are emotional. to be honest, you are biased.
Religion plays absolutely no role in politics, most Turks are as much religious as they see it more like a moral/social codex than a way of life.

About being biased, well its on booth side, your not gonna claim that your objective dont you?
Religion plays absolutely no role in politics, most Turks are as much religious as they see it more like a moral/social codex than a way of life.

About being biased, well its on booth side, your not gonna claim that your objective dont you?
we shall stop here, further discuss will be very unnecessary.
Religion plays absolutely no role in politics, most Turks are as much religious as they see it more like a moral/social codex than a way of life.

About being biased, well its on booth side, your not gonna claim that your objective dont you?

What's up my Uyghur?
China's clampdown on Uighurs Muslims 'disturbing': UN

U.N. human rights investigator criticized China's crackdown on Muslim Uighurs in the far western region of Xinjiang on Wednesday, citing "disturbing stories" of harassment and intimidation against the ethnic minority.

Xinjiang has been roiled by ethnic tension between Uighurs and majority Han Chinese. Uighur groups and rights activists say the government's repressive policies in Xinjiang, including controls on Islam, have provoked unrest.

Heiner Bielefeldt, special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, told a news briefing that China's actions against the Uighurs were "a major problem".

"I heard, also, very disturbing stories about harassment, for instance, intimidation during Ramadan - children in schools were expected to break their fasting on Ramadan," he said, referring to the month-long religious holiday when observant Muslims do not eat during the day.

Some Xinjiang cities have placed restrictions on Islamic dress, including the capital, Urumqi, which banned the wearing of veils in public late last year.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, said the government paid great attention to freedom of religion and it was "baseless" to say there was any kind of repression on religious practices during important festivals.

Bielefeldt said there had been no progress on his office's request to conduct an official visit to China, which was last agreed on in 2004.

Bielefeldt also criticized China for wanting to control the reincarnation of Tibetan monks, saying Beijing was "really destroying the autonomy of religious communities, poisoning the relationship between different sub-groups, creating schisms, pitching people against each other in order to exercise control".

His comments came two days after the Chinese-appointed governor of Tibet said the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama was profaning Buddhism by suggesting that he would not be reincarnated when he dies.

Activists have criticized China for using a campaign against militancy in Xinjiang to crack down on Uighurs. Hundreds have died in violence in recent years in predominantly Uighur parts of Xinjiang.

The government has blamed attacks in Xinjiang and elsewhere in China, including Beijing, on Islamist militants from the region. It says separatists there want to set up an independent state called
East Turkestan.

On Thursday, the head of China's Supreme Court said 712 people had been sentenced last year for "separatist activities" or participating in terror attacks, up 13.3 percent on 2013.

"We will actively participate in the fight against terrorism and separatism (and) severely punish violent terrorist crimes according to the law," Chief Justice Zhou Qiang told the annual meeting of parliament.

Bielefeldt said he believed the crackdown on freedom of religion stemmed from nervousness on the part of an "authoritarian" government about people coming together "outside of official channels".

Chinas clampdown on Uighurs Muslims disturbing: UN - Daily Sabah
Its about ethnicity chinese childrean are even killing turkkish children. What about our muslim brother irans oiil does it change no? And now somebody accusing us as of not beingg secular. I am just a secular democratic muslim turk. Come on attack me then. You can even sell your mothers for money racist axis pigs.
China will continue to clamp down extremist Uighurs for the safety of other citizens. It's not a Turkic problem. Turks should react and prevent your country to become another ISIL...
You look likee a non extremist one can you explain me why chinese children are kkilling turksih boys if its extremists problem.
China's only advantage is the high population.
China in that area was left alone and stronger......

But we found in 'Table of Wolves''
My ancestors have done so much war. Our population is not so much that. (There are 60 million Turks in Turkey)
But the Turkish world is made up of 350 million people.
We will come together sooner or later

We will establish the Turkish Union. Even the Turkish-Islamic Union will be established. As in Ottoman times. Every Muslim country who wants to be with us, we will take this union.

Ottomans did not die, just lay asleep.
We will rise again. Oguz Kagan, Kültegin , Conqueror Sultan Mehmet, Suleiman the Magnificent, Alparslan, Ertuğrul Gazi still alive in TURKİYE.

We are not afraid of any country. In Liberation war, attacked us all western countries.
Technologically, we beat them even though they are far superior to us.
We sent back to where they came from.

Still trying to destroy us all western imperialist and Zionist Israel.
But again they failed.

Thousands of years the world has been one hundred percent pure race?
Said for Turkey, applies to all races.
The ancient Chinese also married with Turks.
Russians are not so pure a mixed society.

In addition, '' Geography adaptation '' There's something called.
We are in Anatolia 1,000 years. (I had the Turkish community in Byzantium)

Turk is a race spread all over the world.

Also in the discussion of Kuman Turks, they are referred blond hair and blue eyes.

BTW, the Ottomans never been to assimilate anyone.
Greek, Greek is, that the Arabs Arabs, Circassians, Kurds, etc., they all know what they are.

We do not hate the Chinese. But they killing of our brothers and sisters, stop interfering with religious beliefs.
Or, 'We can come suddenly one night'


''One day we will meet all Turkish states also did the Great Wall of China'' M.KEMAL ATATÜRK
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Russians learned that oppressing Muslims will not work. So what did they do instead? They declared that Islam is a part of Russian national faiths and promoted the local sufi culture of their Muslim regions. Result, Chechnya is now peaceful and thousands come out to celebrate Putin"s birthday lol. Chinese would do best to learn from the Russians.
We do not hate the Chinese. But they killing of our brothers and sisters, stop interfering with religious beliefs.
Or, 'We can come suddenly one night'

Your "brothers and sisters"? You realize that all the other Turks hate the Uyghur, right? Kazakhs used to kill them on sight.

Russians learned that oppressing Muslims will not work. So what did they do instead? They declared that Islam is a part of Russian national faiths and promoted the local sufi culture of their Muslim regions. Result, Chechnya is now peaceful and thousands come out to celebrate Putin"s birthday lol. Chinese would do best to learn from the Russians.

China has no problems with any other Muslims in the region.
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