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The US took Osama bin Laden out; would Modi order a cross border strike to take out the terrorist Ma

Poor pakistanis..thousands of years of foreign rule has effed up your brains . :lol:
You guys are not fit to rule anything , your country's situation shows that . Even bihari mauryas ruled you folks for hundreds of years:pakistan:
Oh the cure I got an idea! Stop eating dal bhajiya eat some red meat in a week two or three time may be your next to next generation start growing some ballz. Just a friendly advice
Oh the cure I got an idea! Stop eating dal bhajiya eat some red meat in a week two or three time may be your next to next generation start growing some ballz. Just a friendly advice
I eat more meat ( red meat included ) than an average pakistani. See , how much bs you believe in that hindus are all vegetarians when actually more than 90℅ of them are non - vegetarians ; its laughable . I didn't even know before joining this forum that we hindus were all vegetarians:lol:
BTW , no amount of red meat will help you guys grow ballz though
I told you to get your facts right and get the right facts.
Brahumdagh Bugti is still living in Switzerland. Anyone can apply for assylum in India. Our govt. is entitled to grant asylum to anyone based on merits.
By the same logic, Masood Azhar and Hafiz Saeed are Pakistani citizen, we have every right to protect them. You have no problem harboring a man who has openly claimed attacks on Pakistan and it's forces so why should we?

If you know a little about criminal procedure then you will know that a confessional statement extracted in custody has zero value before a court of law unless its a banana court.

Here you have given an answer to your own accusation related to Ajmal Kasab.

Like i said, there is no end to a chicken and egg debate and you have failed to provide any facts to win any points. The only fact is that the Indian Army will not risk a misadventure inside Pakistan which obviously is the sane thing to do. This war will continue through covert warfare and proxies from both sides.
My childhood playmate was Osama bin Laden’s spoiled kid
Osama bin Laden’s favorite son may have been taught to hate the US, but that didn’t stop him from obsessing over Coca-Cola, which he regularly smuggled into the family compound as a boy.

“Hamza was . . . always trying to sneak stuff in that we weren’t allowed to have,” said Abdurahman Khadr, who spent three years growing up alongside the bin Laden children in their strict religious compound near Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan before 9/11. “He was about 9 at the time, and he brought us Coca-Cola and sometimes even tobacco,” he told The Post in an exclusive phone interview.
India doesn't have the balls to do it, the implications are too grim.
As long as Haqqani, Hafees Saeed, Lakhani, Dawood Ibrahim and similar jihadi nuts live in Pakistan and receive state protection, Pakistan will continue to suffer the title of terrorist factory. Pak posters, instead of stupidly cackling about such provocative articles that too by someone in Canada, should learn to understand how their own behavior is emboldening the establishment nuts to further screw up Pakistan.

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