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The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

I will address that video when I have time. There is no rush.

Sure you will. Thus far, minus some ad hominem, you showed to have the ability to do nothing else.

Meanwhile, enjoy the link I provided. You clearly fit the bill.

"National-interest" Now I know why you're so misinformed, given you use them as a source! Here is another "gem" article from them:

What Were the Mach 10 UFOs That Iran's Jets Encountered?


Check this post again: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-...tes-and-destroy-it-in-2-days.651899/page-7#po

Editing does not imply mistake in quoting.

You had accidentally quoted my comment when you also replied to that comment, like I said, you edited it afterwards.

Get your head re-examined instead because you are not thinking clearly.

Unlike you, I am not so infantile to resort to such childish insult tactics. I sense your desperation however. It's okay.
Trump IS a warmonger! All the "no more wars" and "bring the troops back home" he trashtalked didnt happen! On the contrary there are more US troops in Europe (even biggest maneuver since more than 25 years direct at russian border!), more US troops in Afghanistan, and more US troops in Irak, Cruise missile attacks against e.g. Syria, and still drone killings around the world!

The US is NOT at war with Europe, and in case you have forgotten, RUSSIA AND THE US HAVE BEEN ENEMIES SINCE THE EARLY 1950s. In fact, your entire comment is nonsense. There are not that many troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and Trump is in fact the FIRST US PRESIDENT to finally negotiate a realistic peace deal with the taliban in Afghanistan. The US will leave Afghanistan, probably this year.

As for Iraq, once again, not to many troops are there. With the embassy attack, and tensions with Iran, the US deployed a few thousand troops only. If the US was seriously considering war with Iran, they would have sent in half a million.

The Syria cruise missile attack was in retaliation to a CHEMICAL WEAPONS ATTACK by Assad. No matter how much your anti-American bias may deny it, this was the reason. Also, NO SYRIAN WAS KILLED, BECAUSE THE US TOLD RUSSIA, AND RUSSIA INFORMED SYRIA, before the strike occurred. Just like with how Iran informed Iraq, knowing that Iraq would inform the US about the missile attack.

It has nothing to do with "anti american"! It is just the reallity! A reallity you dont want to see!
It IS anti-americanism, no matter how much you dent it. You are ignoring facts, and substituting your own bias anti-American opinion. You're presenting half truths, and ignoring context.
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Sure you will. Thus far, minus some ad hominem, you showed to have the ability to do nothing else.
Addressing a video will take a while. You need to be patient.

You deserve Ad-hominems due to behaving like an Iranian propaganda muppet instead of being interested in having a genuine debate and exchange of views.

"National-interest" Now I know why you're so misinformed, given you use them as their source! Here is another article from them:

What Were the Mach 10 UFOs That Iran's Jets Encountered?

So? National Interest have multiple authors contributing to it. Some articles are professional - some are not.

So it is OK for you to resort to Ad-hominems when it suits you in your responses? You have no principles.

You had accidentally quoted my comment when you also replied to that comment, like i said, you edited it afterwards.

More insults. Unlike you, I am not so infantile to resort to such childish tactics. I sense your desperation however. It's okay.
I recall this [ missing in a post which I fixed in a subsequent edit. My keypad missed the symbol - it happens.

You need to be patient in your responses.
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Addressing a video will take a while. You need to be patient.

Sure it will. Just make sure to quote me.

You deserve Ad-hominems due to being an Iranian propaganda muppet instead of being interested in learning.

At least you're admitting to only be capable of ad hominems. Which is exactly what I said from the beginning.

Furthermore, I have given you ample opportunity to substantiate your claims, but you're the one running away from a proper discussion.


National Interest have multiple authors contributing to it.

So does wikipedia, it does not mean it is a valid source.

So you resorting to ad-hominems when it suits you? You have no principles.

I am showing you how silly your sources are. In such discussion, the credibility of people and sources is very important. You might as well start quoting from "The onion".

I recall this [ missing in a post which I fixed in subsequent edit. My keypad missed the symbol - it happens.

You need to be patient in your responses.

You love repeating the same comment over and over, don't you? I have already made it clear to you that in that reply, you had also quoted me and hence why I replied, then you edited it. Maybe it was accidental on your part but regardless, I replied to it.
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You dont know who Uzi Rubin is, call him a TV expert who is less informed than you (while claiming that you "make your own analysis" LOL)

Claim that US will preemt strike at Iranian TELs and missile bases, even despite TELs are mobile while missile bases are 500m underground and protected by air defenses (that must be neutralized first and it takes time)

Claim that Saddam,s Scuds with their 1km CEP ( a terror weapon) have the same military value as Iranian high precision missiles and show example of how one of Saddams missile with its terrible accuracy was lucky enough to kill US military personnel as evidence.

You don,t understand the game changing importance of high precision, while claiming that others dont understand warfare.

You believe ABM defense systems will protect US even despite its poor record in interception of real targets and small quantity of expensive interceptors.

What a joke you are.

And if you like National Interest...this article about Iran appeared just 10 minutes ago
Trump Should Worry: Iran Could Do Massive Damage In the Next Regional War

There is something known as "delusions of grandeur". Some members are showing symptoms of this given they are under the impression their words hold more merit than people that have been in the defence industry for decades!

Let us make something clear. There are two point to consider when it comes to capabilities of nations and conflicts, these are:

1- Perception of capabilities & conflicts
2- Actual reality of capabilities& conflicts.

The difference between fanboys and actual experts, is that the true experts have a much more sound understanding of the realities of war and not some perception driven by bravado and moviesque propagandas.
At first day of war thousands yankee females & males soldiers will directly sent to hell. :tup:

Barefoot taliban kick yankee azzes in Afghanistan on daily bases :rofl::rofl::rofl: Same as Sudis who get kicked by much weaker Yemenis
There is something known as "delusions of grandeur". Some members are showing symptoms of this given they are under the impression their words hold more merit than people that have been in the defence industry for decades!

Let us make something clear. There are two point to consider when it comes to capabilities of nations and conflicts, these are:

1- Perception of capabilities & conflicts
2- Actual reality of capabilities& conflicts.

The difference between fanboys and actual experts, is that the true experts have a much more sound understanding of the realities of war and not some perception driven by bravado and moviesque propagandas.
Do you even understand your own sources?

Uzi Rubin elaborated Iranian military options and proxies to challenge opposing forces in the Middle East but he is doing a fine job in preparing Israel for any eventuality. He never claimed that USA and/or Israel are lacking in options vis-a-vis Iran and its proxies. He clearly hinted the doctrine of Offense-Defense to defeat Iran and/or its proxies in a potential war in the future.

Didn't you notice Israel developing and fielding a multi-layered defensive system to blunt/absorb potential attacks from Hezbollah as well as Iran itself in the form of following:


Israel is particularly improving its Iron Dome system by the year: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...em-swats-down-100-percent-of-targets-in-tests

US have also complemented Israeli multi-layered defensive system with a THAAD battery in the mix, to defeat incoming Iranian ballistic missiles in the region.

Of-course, idea is not to sit idle and allow enemy forces to exhaust those defenses. Idea is to subject enemy forces to significant levels of firepower until their offensive options virtually diminish [while] the multi-layered defensive arrangement blunt much of attacks in the homeland: Offense-Defense doctrine.
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Do you even understand your own sources?

Uzi Rubin elaborated Iranian military options and proxies to challenge opposing forces in the Middle East but he is doing a fine job in preparing Israel for any eventuality. He never claimed that USA and/or Israel are lacking in options vis-a-vis Iran and its proxies. He clearly hinted the doctrine of Offense-Defense to defeat Iran and/or its proxies in a potential war.

Didn't you notice Israel developing a multi-layered defensive arrangement to blunt/absorb potential attacks from Hezbollah and Iran in the form of following:


Israel is improving Iron Dome system by the year: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...em-swats-down-100-percent-of-targets-in-tests

US is also complementing Israeli multi-layered defensive arrangement with a THAAD battery in the mix.

Of-course, idea is not to sit idle and allow enemy forces to exhaust those defenses. Idea is to subject enemy forces to significant levels of firepower until their offensive options virtually diminish [while] the multi-layered defensive arrangement blunt much of attacks in the homeland: Offense-Defense doctrine.

You probably did not even watch the video, if you did, his speech obviously went way over your head. I am not surprised. You should have paid more attention to the part where he applauds Iran's way of waging a conflict. Next time, pay better attention or actually watch the sources given to you.
The US is NOT at war with Europe, and in case you have forgotten, RUSSIA AND THE US HAVE BEEN ENEMIES SINCE THE EARLY 1950s. In fact, your entire comment is nonsense. There are not that many troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and Trump is in fact the FIRST US PRESIDENT to finally negotiate a realistic peace deal with the taliban in Afghanistan. The US will leave Afghanistan, probably this year.

As for Iraq, once again, not to many troops are there. With the embassy attack, and tensions with Iran, the US deployed a few thousand troops only. If the US was seriously considering war with Iran, they would have sent in half a million.

The Syria cruise missile attack was in retaliation to a CHEMICAL WEAPONS ATTACK by Assad. No matter how much your anti-American bias may deny it, this was the reason. Also, NO SYRIAN WAS KILLED, BECAUSE THE US TOLD RUSSIA, AND RUSSIA INFORMED SYRIA, before the strike occurred. Just like with how Iran informed Iraq, knowing that Iraq would inform the US about the missile attack.

It IS anti-americanism, no matter how much you dent it. You are ignoring facts, and substituting your own bias anti-American opinion. You're presenting half truths, and ignoring context.

Why you lie?

There are more US troops than at the time Trump said "bring US troops back home".

Also the "chemical attack" in Syria was fake and if you would inform you, you can read that Report at OPWC. So AGAIN US act criminal with the CMs, based on a lie - as always. Also the US is illegal in Syria for years and kill Syriens. - thousands! There is no UN Articel 51 and Syria did not invite US.

Also US kill humans all over the world by drones. This is called murder. US is massmurderer.

US are the corona virus of human kind.

And every US citizen who support that is a murderer too. So every US soldier who die while do the cited criminal things outside the US is a fun and a happyness for the world!
You probably did not even watch the video, if you did, his speech obviously went way over your head. I am not surprised. You should have paid more attention to the part where he applauds Iran's way of waging a conflict. Next time, pay better attention or actually watch the sources given to you.
I have watched the video, and you continue to post nonsense as usual. What I disclosed to you in my earlier response (post # 113), flew over your head instead.

Respecting your enemy is a matter of "professionalism." He didn't assert that Israel is doomed, let's pack our bags and EXIT from the Middle East. :rolleyes:
I have watched the video, and you continue to post nonsense as usual. What I wrote, flew over your head instead.

Respecting your enemy is a matter of "professionalism." He didn't assert that Israel is doomed, let's pack our bags and EXIT from the Middle East. :rolleyes:

Like I suspected, you did not watch the video. He did not simply "respect the enemy".

When referring to Iran's pin point missile attack a few months ago he said:

"In the west the comparable thing would to take a few F-16's risk the pilots use huge bases very vulnerable ones you look at these two things and you say hey whose modern here and whose behind"

I asked you to watch the video regarding your comment that Iran's war doctrine is old and you're replying with Israel's multi layer air defence. You don't even have the ability to watch and properly analyse a 20 minute video?
Like I suspected, you did not watch the vide.o He did not simply "respect the enemy", he said:

When referring to Iran's pin point missile attack a few months ago he said:

"In the west the comparable thing would to take a few F-16's risk the pilots use huge bases very vulnerable ones you look at these two things and you say hey whose modern here and whose behind"

I asked you to watch the video regarding your comment that Iran's war doctrine is old and you're replying with iIsrael's multi layer air defence. You don't even have the patient and ability to watch and properly anlyse a 20 minute video?
Cherry picking much? This is exactly why you need to use your own brain and do your own homework instead of narrowing down your entire focus on a cherry picked (subjective) statement of one individual in a video.

Shall I post a list and pictures of offensive options at the disposal of US to deliver crushing blow to Iran?

US is lightyears ahead of Iran in the ballistic missile tech - Iranian muppet.
Ballistic missiles with CEP of 1 km are not suitable for striking military bases. Iraqi ballistic missiles were much better than this, and absolutely capable of threatening military bases.
well , let just say you are not familiar with Iraq missiles , we are familiar with them and knew first hand how accurate they are.
Cherry picking much? This is why you need to use your own brain and do your own homework instead of narrowing down your entire focus on a cherry picked subjective statement of one individual.

Shall I post a list and pictures of offensive options at the disposal of US to deliver crushing blow to Iran?

Lets try this again:

1- You made a statement regarding Iran doctrine being antiquated.
2- I posted a video where an actual expert directly stated the opposite.
3- I reemphasise that portion of the video because it was the reason I posted it.

This is not "cherry picking". Its called countering a statement with another one, and one that is stated by a professional. Just because you did not watch the video, it does not change the reality of his comment.
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