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The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

You are in no position to tell US how to conduct wars. Am not saying that to be mean to you. Desert Storm is mandatory reading in all the military academies. You can bet your life on that.

Army A have no machine gun. Army B have just one machine gun. A machine gun is very much a force multiplier. Army A cannot predict what Army B can do in terms of battlefield tactics. There is no telling how fast Army B can move that one machine gun around and how many casualties it can produce in a fixed period of time.

A landlocked country, like Mongolia, cannot even imagine what a sea battle is like.

Hitler could not invade England because of radar even though half the time, the RAF was sent to empty airspace and many German bombers made it to England.

Iran do not have satellites the extent the US have. Iran's F-14s will be shot down without their pilots knowing where the shooter(s) came from. The uncertainty of US cruise missiles and bombers will mentally wear down Iranian air defense.

You used the word 'pinpoint'. Here is true 'pinpoint' over 20 yrs ago, probably when you were still a child.


Six bombs rendered an airbase inop and the base's occupants did not know where the bombs came from. Now try to imagine what we are capable of doing today.

And here what Iran can do 2020 to an airspace defended by the USAF, not a non-functional Serbian airforce and airdefense:

And here what Iran can do 2020 to an airspace defended by the USAF, not a non-functional Serbian airforce and airdefense
Do not think that just because you got off a few lucky shots that mean you will be able to do the same throughout. If you have served in the Iranian armed forces in any capacity, it clearly was in a conscripted role and therefore, not much military knowledge absorbed in that scant 2 yrs.

The Serbs knew we were coming. That B-2 sortie was in Apr 1999. We lost an F-117 in Mar 1999. In other words, the Serbs got lucky. They could not figure out how to detect the physically larger B-2 despite all the hoopla about being able to detect 'stealth'. Iran will not fare any better.
And this is precision of Iranian missiles

9 Perfect hits by a missile that takes 3 minutes to reach its target from 500km away and hit it with a speed of Mach 5

Now imagine your F-16 in the air base is targeted by a precise ballistic missile with cluster munitions.

US never dealt with a threat of precise ballistic missiles.
The tactically smart thing would have been runway denial. But if you want to talk about precision, here is a lesson for you, who do not know what you are talking about...


Iran will have nothing but imagination, as you posited, about destroying our F-16s.



Runway denial is a skill clearly Iran do not have. When I was active duty, a fully laden F-16, geared for ground strikes, can take off in 2/3 the distance specified in peacetime. The illustration above is about runway repairs and the yellow line indicate the minimum operational runway distance. Now contrast that with the Serb air base. The Iranian Air Force WILL be grounded.
The tactically smart thing would have been runway denial. But if you want to talk about precision, here is a lesson for you, who do not know what you are talking about...


Iran will have nothing but imagination, as you posited, about destroying our F-16s.



Runway denial is a skill clearly Iran do not have. When I was active duty, a fully laden F-16, geared for ground strikes, can take off in 2/3 the distance specified in peacetime. The illustration above is about runway repairs and the yellow line indicate the minimum operational runway distance. Now contrast that with the Serb air base. The Iranian Air Force WILL be grounded.
apart from this whole issue, in recent attack your military proved that it has no 24:7 Reconnaissance capability as assumed before. your military was freezed during whole time. i dare to say you are easier target that what previously assumed.
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The tactically smart thing would have been runway denial. But if you want to talk about precision, here is a lesson for you, who do not know what you are talking about...

Runway denial is a skill clearly Iran do not have.

PeeD literally showed pictures above of Iran hitting runways with its missiles. Come on now, at least check first. Iran could with ease perform runway denial, like it showed with the attack on the airbase. Those 14 ballistic missiles were nothing but warning. You think in an actual conflict, they would only fire 14?

Do not think that just because you got off a few lucky shots that mean you will be able to do the same throughout..

What do you mean "lucky shots"? Explain to me, the probability that Iran would have hit those targets accurately with the 14 missiles it fired if they were "lucky shots". And then you wonder why I say you lot are living in a alternate reality when only your actions are from design and others are just fluke.
Pinpoint? :lol:

I think it is hilarious that Americans are accused of thinking waging a war is like playing video games or watching movies when am reading the definitive outcome of a US-Iran war written by those who were not around when I got orders to deploy to Desert Storm.

Before the shooting started, we read the same predictions about what a war with Iraq will result -- global economic depression. You are not spouting anything new.

And was Saddam ever able to drop a bomb or a missile on a single American aircraft shelter or bunker let alone do so with purely domestically produced weapons?
I think NOT!

Hell he couldn't even produce a single weapon that could pose a viable military threat and the fact is Saddam without the help of a rather long list of countries had no real indigenous military capability that could pose a real threat in fact he couldn't even produce his own ATGM's! Fact is all the military capability that he did have was all imported and the U.S. knew that and a few American Sanctions took care of those!
Where as Iran's military was under 4 decades of sanctions when the beating we served you at Ain al Assad!

So your comparing apples and oranges!

And you idiots owe the fact that Iran only fired a little over a dozen missiles to Hassan Rohani because if it wasn't for him and his administration IRGC would have fired as many as 80....

NOT a single American at Ain al Assad thought any of Iran's shots had anything to do with luck! LOL! In fact the key word out of all of them was "Precision" and NOT American precision! and after hiding in bunkers for 3 days they thought they were the ones that got lucky!!!!!
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Unfortunately I see many of our American friends are in perpetual denial regarding the capabilities of other nations. I wonder what is there to gain to try and change their minds when clearly this is a case of "pretending to be asleep".
U.S.A has killed millions in iraq & Afganistan alone, while having loss of few thousand soldier. Compare the ratio how dangerous U.S.A can. If you kill his one soldier, He easily kills 1000 +. Why are you keeping your eyes closed. Living in delusionary world? Good . Mashallah

Human life is expendable in the persuit of strategic goals. Tens of Thousands of Afghans have been killed, but they still deny their enemy control of their country, they prevent them from achieving their military and political goals - and once they regain control of the entire country - they'll have instead achieved their military and political goals.
Runway denial is a skill clearly Iran do not have. When I was active duty, a fully laden F-16, geared for ground strikes, can take off in 2/3 the distance specified in peacetime. The illustration above is about runway repairs and the yellow line indicate the minimum operational runway distance. Now contrast that with the Serb air base. The Iranian Air Force WILL be grounded.
did Iran Goal was runway denial ? the photo show precision of the strike if we wanted runway denial those missiles could damage far more than your GBU-31, well your option was cheaper but ours is more devastating
And was Saddam ever able to drop a bomb or a missile on a single American aircraft shelter or bunker let alone do so with purely domestically produced weapons?
I think NOT!

Notable incident in 1991: https://www.nytimes.com/1991/02/26/...ud-missile-hits-a-us-barracks-killing-27.html

One of the incidents in 2003: https://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/07/international/worldspecial/iraqi-missile-hits-army-base.html

Hell he couldn't even produce a single weapon that could pose a viable military threat and the fact is Saddam without the help of a rather long list of countries had no real indigenous military capability that could pose a real threat in fact he couldn't even produce his own ATGM's! Fact is all the military capability that he did have was all imported and the U.S. knew that and a few American Sanctions took care of those!
Imported weapons do not work? What logic is this?

Study this report: https://www.rand.org/pubs/notes/N3248.html

Comprehensive information of Iraqi military acquisitions and indigenious programs in the referred report.

And you idiots owe the fact that Iran only fired a little over a dozen missiles to Hassan Rohani because if it wasn't for him and his administration IRGC would have fired as many as 80....
Iraqi armed forces were able to subject Israel, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to a total of 88 (ballistic missile) strikes in 1991. Didn't make much difference because coalition forces were on the move throughout and YOU cannot defeat Air Force and Navy with ballistic missiles anyways. These weapons posit a threat to stationary targets.

NOT a single American at Ain al Assad thought any of Iran's shots had anything to do with luck! LOL! In fact the key word out of all of them was "Precision" and NOT American precision! and after hiding in bunkers for 3 days they thought they were the ones that got lucky!!!!!
Some troops were patrolling; some were in the bunkers.
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Notable incident in 1991: https://www.nytimes.com/1991/02/26/...ud-missile-hits-a-us-barracks-killing-27.html

One of the incidents in 2003: https://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/07/international/worldspecial/iraqi-missile-hits-army-base.html

Iraq h

Iraqi armed forces were able to subject Israel, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to a total of 88 (ballistic missile) strikes in 1991. Didn't make much difference because coalition forces were on the move throughout and YOU cannot defeat Air Force and Navy with ballistic missiles anyways. These weapons posit a threat to stationary targets.

Some troops were patrolling; some were in the bunkers.
Saddam,s missiles had a CEP of 1km.....they were a weapon of terror and couldnt be used against strategic targets.

Iranian missiles with 5m accuracy can target anything from powerplant or refinery in Saudi Arabia to closely parked under open air F-35s in the airbase in UAE
Saddam,s missiles had a CEP of 1km.....they were a weapon of terror and couldnt be used against strategic targets.

Iranian missiles with 5m accuracy can target anything from powerplant or refinery in Saudi Arabia to closely parked under open air F-35s in the airbase in UAE
You do not understand much about of warfare even in theory. Iranian worldview is limited to World War 1 era combat tactics in which two camps will be entrenched and exchanging blows from a distance.

Ballistic missiles with CEP of 1 km are not suitable for striking military bases. Iraqi ballistic missiles were much better than this, and absolutely capable of threatening military bases.
Regarding moving targets like ships there is Persian Gulf anti-ship ballistic missile.

You dont want aircraft carrier to look like those buildings in Ain al Assad
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