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The U.S. just sent a carrier strike group to confront China

For all its impressive firepower, I doubt if it would ever fire a single shot in SCS. US is there for an "Innocent Pass", but China is there to Stay.
Yup, Any one can send a ship. But who has the guts to fire the first shot and its way too late to give an entry.
If US wanted they should have come early and prevented china from construction on island. It now looks like they have come for window shopping and nothing else.
Yah, that's right. That's why the SCS nations have arrayed themselves against the United States in this.....because they know we Americans instigated it all. :rofl: You just keep telling yourself what you want to hear....

(Probably best if you avoid reading the, oh, about two dozen threads on various SCS and other regional nations, who are building up their military presence in the face of Chinese actions in the area. )
By SCS nations you mean Philippines and Vietnam? Heh you couldn't even get ASEAN to issue a joint statement against China. Keep telling

The B-52 flights were only in the ECS after china claimed an ADIZ over disputed islands, not in the SCS.

And we never started doing FONOPs until they started building islands deep in the SCS. You got your timeline wrong son.
Maybe tell your lackeys not to build islands first, since China certainly wasn't the first to start. Don't start shit you can't finish, then cry foul.
Yup, Any one can send a ship. But who has the guts to fire the first shot and its way too late to give an entry.
If US wanted they should have come early and prevented china from construction on island. It now looks like they have come for window shopping and nothing else.

The funny thing is US suddenly woke up to this whole fiasco of Chinese land reclamation in SCS, 18 months after Chinese started and right about the time Chinese wrapping up the construction. It looked almost like both were just putting up a show to fool Viets and Filipinos.
US can fight only one war either they have to fight the middle east war or the SCS, either way the americans are screwed and they dont know to which way to go
The good thing is, the United States has to do or say very little here, including on PDF. The Chinese simply drip with disdain and ridicule of their Asian neighbours in the region and it is taken note of by them. China's reputation has suffered greatly for it. As I said before, one doesn't have to read this post to know that. Just read the dozens of threads where Chinese posters disparage and insult their Asian neighbours and arrogantly boast about how those "little countries" must follow China's line....or else.

Now I await the oh so original, classic 'misdirection' response of , "But, but, what about you AMERICANS!" :cry:
Now I await the oh so original, classic 'misdirection' response of , "But, but, what about you AMERICANS!" :cry:

It's true though isn't it? :lol:

For all these "terrible" things we are supposedly doing in the SCS, we have not spilled one drop of blood. Not a single person has been killed by our military there. Not one.

Whereas America is swimming in rivers of blood in the Middle East. The Iraq war alone was estimated to have killed over a million innocent civilians, and that is just Iraq alone.

American bombs and drones and cruise missiles are killing people all over the planet, even in Pakistan itself which hosts this forum.

People aren't stupid, they can tell the difference.
US can fight only one war either they have to fight the middle east war or the SCS, either way the americans are screwed and they dont know to which way to go
Nah, we aren't fighting much of a war in the middle-east and if, God forbid, war breaks out in the SCS between China, the US and other regional Asian countries, it would be almost entirely a job for our navy, which isn't really engaged anywhere at the moment. I mean, it's not like we would invade the Chinese mainland. We would likely declare a sea and air exulsion zone in the disputed area and attack any Chinese forces violating it. We have more than enough naval force and capable nuclear attack submarines.

And of course...




...so, no worries. :usflag:
This is china's own fault. You don't do stupid things like build artificial islands to make claims on territory. If that was the case every country would have built islands everywhere in the world to make claims.
For those Chinese who want to see a 20% hike in defense budget this year, this US CBG couldn't come in better time. Now China has every reason to "militarize" their assets in SCS. Talking about "self-fulfilled prophecy"! Is someone in US Navy 7th Fleet working for Chinese hawks?

Yes, it's the Right time.
When China is to Decide Defence Budget for this Fiscal Year Lol ;)

Now, Chinese Official in Government who support hike in Defence Spending will have "Bigger Balls"
to Increased Significantly China's Defence Spending.

I think 2% from GDP is to Low for China's Military Budget
China must Increase their Military Budget to 3% from their GDP in the near Future (2020)
Even Americans spend 3.5% of their GDP for Military Expenditure.
Nah, we aren't fighting much of a war in the middle-east and if, God forbid, war breaks out in the SCS between China, the US and other regional Asian countries, it would be almost entirely a job for our navy, which isn't really engaged anywhere at the moment. I mean, it's not like we would invade the Chinese mainland. We would likely declare a sea and air exulsion zone in the disputed area and attack any Chinese forces violating it. We have more than enough naval force and capable nuclear attack submarines.

And of course...




...so, no worries. :usflag:

Maybe when the US balls get bigger, right now China balls is bigger then US now. If US dare just shoot at least a bullet, then I will thumb up the US. Lol, please do it. More ship wasting American taxes money.
Maybe when the US balls get bigger, right now China balls is bigger then US now. If US dare just shoot at least a bullet, then I will thumb up the US. Lol, please do it. More ship wasting American taxes money.

Honestly, (and I am being completely serious here.), if I'm going to get trolled by anybody, I just love when the Chinese do it. I could not keep a straight face when reading this. It's so damn cute and funny! "Maybe when the US balls get bigger" :lol:
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