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Hagel to tour China's new aircraft carrier

Some Vietnamese are high on drugs. There is a certain tolerant for sprouting rubbish. Today some Vietnamese shown us a level of BS that even surpass Indians. :lol:
Sad to say but i know enough viets in real life. Big talker but very few doers. Naive at best. They think if you drive a honda civic, you must be poor.
I want Vietnam or japan to fire the first shot. I can't wait.
Even our Defense Minister said we will not fire the first shot but it doesn't mean we are scare of defending our territorial rights just because these troublemakers have the backup of the USA.

Sad to say but i know enough viets in real life. Big talker but very few doers. Naive at best. They think if you drive a honda civic, you must be poor.
I read in here that many Vietnamese have this desire to build and design their own weapon system. It sadden me to see so much optimistic in the Vietnamese.
I'm talking about now, my little friend. Pay attention to what I said and stop wasting my time. Today, we can easily build conventional aircraft carrier but we want to match the US by building nuclear-power AC because we don't want to lack behind too far. By 2020s, we will complete our modernization and we will show the world what we are made up. A MONSTER! I do not want to get into a nonsensical talk with you because of your lack of military knowledge. You talk big but lack basic military understanding. LOL.

What you want is not what you get


Gay map .. No bases in Pakistan .. In the past 1 airfield in isolated region close to Afghanistan was given to USA which was later evacuated ..
I read in here that many Vietnamese have this desire to build and design their own weapon system. It sadden me to see so much optimistic in the Vietnamese.

It's free to dream and fantasize
Chinese military gives Hagel hostile reception
Chinese military gives Hagel hostile reception | Asia-Pacific | BDlive

Referring to critical comments by Mr Hagel earlier in his Asian trip, Gen Fan said the "Chinese people, including myself, are dissatisfied with such remarks".

Gen Chang blamed US allies Japan and the Philippines for the tension, suggesting that Washington should restrain its partners.
The US has okay selling guided missile warships to Taiwan. The US House Committee on Foreign Affairs unanimously agreed on Wednesday to introduce legislation that will clear the way for the US to sell Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates to Taiwan.

In response, China has expressed its "strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition."

"China resolutely opposes arms sales to Taiwan from any country. Our position is clear and consistent. We urge some people in the American congress to abandon their cold war mentality, abide by the one China policy and the three China-US joint communiques. They should abide by the spirit of building a new model of China-US major power relations, stop promoting arms sales to Taiwan, and do more to contribute to the healthy development of China-US relations and the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, not the opposite." Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said.
An analogy is we take an old turtle shell and plug in with a more advance, modern turtle and see what this new specie will evolve into. Quite frankly, Liaoning is an experimenting AC.

Wait and see, my friend. An AC is not just about engine type although engine plays a crucial role in its capabilities. It has many technologies that are crucial to making a moving island on the sea.
Oh please 'splain to us this, what you call it, Aircraft Carrier? So when are you gonna stop smelling up our nation with your fetid kitten soup and go home?

1. LOL. We are very confident that we take our chance to survive over an all-out nuclear exchange with the tiny island Japan. But you see, my little friend, building nuke is not as simple as some of you Vietnamese believe. You need the right ingredient and delivery system and you need to ensure of 2nd strike capability. Do you even understand what's 2nd strike capability implies in military term??? LOL.

2. Oh righttttttttttt. Japan is ONE OF THE MOST, if not the MOST overrated country in the world. What happen to their F2? A freaking overprice piece of shit. That what it is. LOL So bad that F-15/F16 becomes their main "flagship" aircraft. 5th gen aircraft? LOLOLOL You mean a wood model and test model? Even Iran can field those wood model better than Japan. LOL The latest the Japan can field their own indigenous 5th is 2030s and that is using the US's engine import. LOL

Their best Izumo "fake aircraft carrier" is a gas turbine. LOL Not even a nuclear-power AC. Currently UK/US possess nuclear AC. We do have the blueprint and technology to build one but we don't have the manufacturing capability yet, or better yet, our supply is not yet maturing enough. It will take us 5-10 years to sort out our manufacturing capability to mass produce nuclear AC. Look for 2020s at the decade we will match the US in AC. Just as 2020s is the decade we will showcase the world our real development and manufacturing capable MONSTER!

This is why it is so pointless and worthless to argue with you Vietnamese. You lack intelligence and historical knowledge to debate over anything! Go learn some more and not wasting my time to repeat again. But for your information, the US did not pass administrative right to Japan until 1970s. We expect the US to pass administrative right to us or at least Taiwan in 1970s but they didn't and that led to the start of protest in the 1970s. Get it, my little Vietnamese friend?
We are very impress with your ability to re-paint Soviet ships!
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