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The third option for attack helicopter

sir have you got any info about the upcoming Leonardo AW 249 Attack helicopter what stage is it on or it can be another option for us .i came across the some information on the website but not much regarding what stage of development its on .
thank you
It's still in development, and will likely be on the expensive side due to Italy being the only firm customer for it. I fear Italy might choose GE for the AH249's engine, so it'll probably run into the same issues with US restrictions.
Pakistan can also try diverting the CSF and FMF to C-130s and other HADR-relevant equipment (in case the US outright refuses to release the AH-1Zs). Not as if Pakistan's short of equipment needs in other areas.
Did Pakistan pay any upfronts advance to bell for zulus

My question is , if Turkis are unable to American engine for Pakistan order, why thay cant go for other European engines? As T129 is derivation of leanrdo A129 which used British engine
Did Pakistan pay any upfronts advance to bell for zulus

My question is , if Turkis are unable to American engine for Pakistan order, why thay cant go for other European engines? As T129 is derivation of leanrdo A129 which used British engine

No payment was made.
Not sure about the rest, it would mean Turkey going elsewhere when they are banking on their own engine.
This is a great game play (option,option,option) & we can play it for more 50 years...:hitwall:
Agreed. The AW139 opportunity is still there, it just depends on what the Army and Navy want. If they both settle and agree on the AW139, then a large-scale requirement through many incremental orders is possible. It would be interesting if we could design a naval ops variant of the AW139, i.e., with sonar, radar, lightweight torpedoes, etc.

Is it on par with AH-60 India acquiring in terms of Capabilities, if yes then it will be good to have naval version of it.

This topic is v old now . Former PAA Commander told about it , that our current attack helicopters cant go to higher altitudes due to old air frames e.t.c ( almost 2 years old news ) . you can seach about it .

Mid term solution was made with armed version of Fennec helicopters.
Z 10

Russian can ditch us any time for the Indians

Unlike the french, whose hardware Pakistan has been operating for decades. They (french) ditched Pakistan, when PAF wanted to go for french radars, engines and aa-missiles on JF-17 Thunders. The french did it because they wanted "the mother of all combat aircraft deals" the hindian mmrca.

The Russians have been far more reliable supplier, with Mi-35 gunships, Mi-17s military cargo helos and RD-93 engines for JF-17 Thunders.

Pakistan ought to and is, establishing a stronger relationship with Russia. As it stands, Russia along with China, are more reliable partners in all sectors, be they economic, military or political.

The worse countries Pakistan could ever have relations with, are America, Britain and France.
We are on their hit list
We are a threat to Israel
A strong Pakistan is not in US/Israeli zionist interest.
Some questions:
1- Why is USA blocking sale of AH-1 and ATAK? Relations aren't that bad and this equipment isn't going to significantly alter balance of power in the region then why?
2- What's wrong with Chinese helo?
3- Other options besides Chinese helo?
4- On paper, HAL helo looks good.
Pakistan can also try diverting the CSF and FMF to C-130s and other HADR-relevant equipment (in case the US outright refuses to release the AH-1Zs). Not as if Pakistan's short of equipment needs in other areas.
I doubt AH 1Zs are the issue..its the CSF..

If its indian lobbying than trust me they will lobby hard even against a m16 rifle..they know that each penny we get from CSF lets us spend more on defense
Pakistan remains the most valued ally in Afghanistan for US however what kind of relation we have with US that we have been virtually barred from every first tier technology from USA. A bit of introspection to why it has gone to this stage and we should really question the leverage we have in US.
Oh yeah I forgot. PAA really is caught betwee rock and a hard place. Like PAF in old days.
One thing is sure though if ATAK2(HEAVIER apache equivalent) is indigenous, has all Turk DNA then it will be best for PAA and PAA might have a shot at procuring/making it in big numbers.
PA is unlikely to do it due to the risk of CAATSA.
In the end it would be MI 28 vs KA 52 vs Z 10.

Hope so, all are good option, make decisions and go ahead

PA is unlikely to do it due to the risk of CAATSA.
Sir CAATSA is mostly cade where countries accrue high tech weapon that can captured information using advance links, usa have problem there weapons info can be leaked and countered

But these attach helos are single ground attach helo, thay even allow use to use Mi 35. and Mi 17

So these can cause CAATSA @Bilal Khan (Quwa) ?
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