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The speech that got Morsi killed

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Court Marriage Karachi Lawyers are experts in all family matters, including online court marriage, foreign court marriages, and we additionally give legitimate consultancy and complete lawful insurance to the couples who need to wed each other with their choice and furthermore to recently married couples, who need to partake in their free lives according to lawful privileges gave to them by the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
@jamahir and @Foinikas want to marry each other. Please offer minimum fees as one is broke jobless and the other is drowning in debt
@jamahir and @Foinikas want to marry each other. Please offer minimum fees as one is broke jobless and the other is drowning in debt
Wow! What an educated comment. Well since we're going down to that level...

I thought you mullahs did the boy-boy thing. And just yesterday you declared that I and @Foinikas are the same person with multiple id and now you say we are different. You are confused.
Yes,apparently I'm Apollon,jamahir and some other guy at the same time. Meanwhile,the interesting thing is that last night Nabil kept pressing the laugh emoticon on every post of mine in this thread. After a while he left and Tabmachine,the new member,started pressing the laugh emoticon on the rest of my posts. How interesting is that? @waz Can you check this guy's IP or ...?
@jamahir @Foinikas
I can't say for sure if Morsi was good or bad but I can recall Mubarak was not willing to leave power until Barak Obama told him on live TV to resign, the pressure was so much that he resigned, then MB with salafi allies won the elections. Morsi by coming to power started to have issues with the military and the judiciary, he spoke against Israel, but then openly supported Syrian rebellion and called for Egyptians to join jihad, the military did not like this because they had good relations with Syria and Syria was also anti Israel. Then Morsi tried to get close to Turkey Iran and Qatar and this upsetted UAE and Saudia. I also saw the double standards of MB, in Arabic they mentioned anti Israel slogans but in English talked about peace and democracy. When Morsi was removed, then slowly low level militancy started in sinai. He tried to remove judges for pro MB judges and that was final.
Not only judges even private companies. He speaks against israel at day, wishes to destroy the palestnian cause at night. They ruled us with metal and fire they organized protests they organized hits on us. Al- qaeda flags outside theyre HQ trying to defend it and gathered and paid people to do that.
Yes,apparently I'm Apollon,jamahir and some other guy at the same time. Meanwhile,the interesting thing is that last night Nabil kept pressing the laugh emoticon on every post of mine in this thread. After a while he left and Tabmachine,the new member,started pressing the laugh emoticon on the rest of my posts. How interesting is that? @waz Can you check this guy's IP or ...?

Yes, I too wondered why the otherwise sensible @_Nabil_ was pressing laugh buttons on my posts too which criticized "M"B. I agree about Tabmachine too.
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MashaAllah what a handsome fellow. No wonder why White girls are dripping for Muslim men instead of....

Handsome fellow ? I don't look anything like that fake-pious smug fellow yet females of all ages here do give me glances and flirtatiousness even when I have worn the mask.
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AFAIK Egypt under Sisi has a blockade of Gaza in coordination with Israel. Was Morsi worse? I don't know.

No one is saying he was perfect or didn't have shady associates. It's always a choice between two options and you must pick one. From what we saw, he had immense support from the Egyptian public and they have the right to chose their leaders without external imposition.
Where the large support? Your protestors were being bribed and organized protests to send messages, your protestors half of them werent even egyptians. Immense support means 1/10 of the piblic who were either bribed or are MB themselves. Under morsi isreal woukd take the west bank and gaza and sinai would be offered to palestnians effectiveley killing the 70 year old case. Under morsi bribed protesters would storm the militarys HQ with al qaeda flags to give israel the green flag to take sinai that same day israeli troops with heavy mechanized and armoured divisions were on the border and returned back when the protests failed.

Same like ours cant resist our military , militaries of islamic countries are there to keep ppl and islamic political parties in check(and to brutelize when needed). They Serve no other purpose, All the helpers of west are mostly socalled educated cleanshaves munafiqs(political OR military wise) who have no honour and lack a spine to stand up for anything remotely islamic against the west ..so they find IT easy to butcheres religious ppl and religious thoughts.

Morsi was a gem who was ousted in less a year after getting in office and died at the hand of cleanshave elite ruling egypt for decades .islamic nations Will only progress when mullah and mullah(islamic) ideology led ppl Will rule the nations of islam, otherwise cleanshave Will keep repeat their action over and over again. May God have mercy on Morsis soul and give him paradise for suffering he had to endure , Ameen
I mighy want to remeber ypu that gem anti west of ypurs is based in britian and carried by the mi6. Speaking with isreal on a daily basis to Make sure his throne doesnt collapse and hamas takes over sinai and leave palestine. Used religion as a political tool to acheive elwctions that are even questionable till this due to the new videos exposing him he would burn egypt if he doesnt win. Firing on protestors and blaming it on the military.Morsi didnt rule mate it was el ershad office his leaders khayerat el shater and from behind him the mi6 who fed them for centuries. and you call him the anti west the beacon of democracy and islam and yet he calls anyone who opposes him a taghout and an enemy of God. Did you even step foot in egypt before?
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Handsome fellow ? I don't look like anything like that fake-pious smug fellow yet females of all ages here do give me glances and flirtatiousness even when I have worn the mask.
Your bar is set too low to only fat ladies and yet you are still unmarried :rofl: . How much of a loser one has to be that even the most conventionally undesired ladies are not ready to marry him, yet he only brags on PDF and post misogynistic comments regarding women's bodies and clothing choices :omghaha:
Your bar is set too low to only fat ladies and yet you are still unmarried :rofl: . How much of a loser one has to be that even the most conventionally undesired ladies are not ready to marry him, yet he only brags on PDF and post misogynistic comments regarding women's bodies and clothing choices :omghaha:

Wasn't it you who exploded with fake-moral outrage by my description of when I entered a restaurant and a young, married burqa-wearing-but-unveiled perhaps Iranian girl had a fraction of a moment of shy eye communication with me and her husband got aggressive ? And just last page you insinuated that I was homosexual. Well, which is it ? Do you write for the sake of being snarky ?

As for me liking voluptuous females I don't care for the Western fake-feminist and religious leaders inspired and media and Hollywood reinforced image of the female to be thin and "fit". Perhaps you visit the webpages of the British news agency Daily Mail where the pages are full of male homosexuals and gym-going fashionably muscular androgynous females.
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