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The speech that got Morsi killed

as i said before morsi refused to make an election 5 times
Why should he make election one year after he was elected.

It is clear that he was ousted because he was threat for the military cleptocracy and on more important scale he wanted independent Egypt free of current servitude to the west and israel, please do not insult our intelligence with opposite claims backed up by yours military propaganda.
Muslim brotherhood is actually a creation of M16 to punish Egypt back in the 50's for taking back Suez Canal... all MB leaders are based in London which has become their hub.. Hizb ul tahrir was also MI6 creation... today Egypt is way stronger under el-sisi
They are so strong that they are on mercy of Ethiopia.
app ko laal salam!

Aap ko bhi. :enjoy:

Muslim brotherhood is actually a creation of M16 to punish Egypt back in the 50's for taking back Suez Canal... all MB leaders are based in London which has become their hub.. Hizb ul tahrir was also MI6 creation... today Egypt is way stronger under el-sisi

Well, though "Muslim" Brotherhood existed before Nasser came to power with his comrades in a revolution the "M"B certainly collaborated with the British and other Western governments against the progressive ideas of Nasser. Here is one article included with Nasser talking about it :
CAIRO – 23 July 2018: Jinx! Gamal Abdel Nasser is not here today to say this term to President Sisi in order to prevent bad luck. It is easy for someone who is used to listening to the current leadership’s statements and Abdel Nasser’s statements as well to know that they sound exactly the same.

13 years after the success of July 23 revolution, which abolished the monarchy, late President Nasser, one of the revolution’s top leaders, described Muslim Brotherhood in one of his speech as people who exploit religion to obtain people’s support and seize power.

“The parties were dissolved, and we clashed with the Muslim Brotherhood party, during the four years, in 1953 and in 1954 … We were embroiled in dispute, they declared war against us, and they shot at me on October, 26, 1954 in Alexandria … Terrorist members in the Muslim Brotherhood party were arrested, and they were judged,” Nasser said during the statement.

“In 1954, we were negotiating with the British [forces occupying Egypt at the time] for the evacuation [deal]. At the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood members were holding secret meetings with the members of the British Embassy. They were telling them: we will be able to seize power,” Nasser said.

The late President said that the Muslim Brotherhood party has never held the patriotic feelings which Egyptians have held, adding: “The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time when we were fighting in the Canal was asked: what is your stance on the war in the canal. He said: We are a wide (international) call. Perhaps the war in the canal comes for your benefit here in Egypt, while we think it is beneficial to fight in another country.”

“This is the call of the Muslim Brotherhood. All of [their] speech is full of deception and [exploitation of] religion,” Nasser stated.

Similar to what happened following 2011 revolution when people decided to reconcile with the Muslim Brotherhood, perhaps because the youth who led the January revolution were not familiar with the MB policies, Abdel Nasser said he reconciled with the MB members, explaining that the reconciliation however, failed to turn them into good citizens.

“In 1953, we actually and honestly wanted to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood supposing that [this will make its members] take the right path. I met with the General guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. He issued [some] demands,” Nasser said.

The late President said that the MB guide asked him to force Egyptian women to wear Islamic veil and to shut cinemas and theaters.

Nasser said: “He told me that you as a ruler is responsible [for veiling women]. I told him, you have a daughter in the Faculty of Medicine who is unveiled. Why didn’t you force her to wear a veil? If you are not able to make your daughter wear a veil, [how] would you want me to [force] 10 million women to wear veils in the country?”

“Then, [he told me] that women must not [go to] work. I think that when a woman works, we are protecting her [this way]. Why do [some women] go astray? They do so because of the need and poverty. We all know such stories of women whose sons or mothers are sick and they did not find money, so they were forced to sell their bodies. Therefore, work is a protection for women, while preventing women from work [works] against her. We actually liberate women by [allowing] them to work and cooperate with the man,” Nasser added.

“Last year, in 1964, before the constitution, I released them all from the prison, and we issued a law to return every one of them to his work with the same salary and promotion prospects. In 1965, we seized the new conspiracy of the Muslim Brotherhood; secret system, and assassination and destruction plans,” the late President said.

Nasser said that Muslim Brotherhood group says that all the [Egyptian] people are disbelievers, and that the MB members are the only Muslims. According to Nasser, The MB members say they refuse people representation, and the Parliament. He added that the MB group considers the kings and presidents of the Arab and other countries as disbelievers, and that the MB members are the only Muslim people.

“They were arrested, and we also arrested all old MB organizations … It is not about the assassination of Gamal Abdel Nasser. If Abdel Nasser was assassinated, a thousand people similar to Gamal Abdel Nasser would emerge, but we can never accept that [our] people be assassinated,” Nasser stated.

“We started to view [their cases]; all people who participated in these secret organizations will be referred to judgment. All dangerous people who we released in 1964 and had basically represented heads or dangerous members in the secret organizations will be [imprisoned]. After that, the rest of [the MB group members] will be released. We will give them another chance. If somebody of them [commits similar illegal actions] we will arrest him and we will never get him out of prison.”

“It is enough. We cannot take a gamble on the rewards we achieved during the 13 past years,” Nasser stated, adding that the MB group uses Islam to deceive people and grab them to join the party.

Concerning the MB, “they are neither Muslims, nor brothers. They are malevolent … Their leaders outside [the country] cooperated with Baghdad Pact, colonial countries, all our enemies, and Arab reactionary, and proved with clear evidence that the MB party or movement is only a movement that works for the benefit of colonialism and reactionary, by which it is funded.

Islamic ideologies are always not welcomed by monarchies. The MB wanted to cooperate with the Free Officers who lead the 1952 revolution, in order for them to achieve political advancement amid competition with other parties including “Al-Wafd.”

The MB’s crisis began when they found themselves almost excluded from the new ministry in the era of Mohamed Naguib, Egypt’s first President following the removal of King Farouk of Egypt. When Nasser came into power, the crisis was worsened; While MB members have held an Islamic message, Nasser had emphasized in his speeches the Arab identity of the country.

Before Nasser came into power in 1956, Mahmoud Abdel-Latif, an MB member tried to assassinate him two years earlier, while he was delivering a speech in Alexandria, to celebrate the British military withdrawal, according to media reports.

Following his return to Cairo, Nasser ordered the arrest of thousands of people mostly of the Muslim Brotherhood members, and dismissed dozens of officers loyal to Naguib.

MB author and thinker Sayed Kotb was executed in 1966 after being convicted of planning to assassinate Nasser who ruled Egypt for about 14 years until his death in 1970.
So from Hydration's post who's the House Negro now, Fatah or Morsi ?

AFAIK Egypt under Sisi has a blockade of Gaza in coordination with Israel. Was Morsi worse? I don't know.

No one is saying he was perfect or didn't have shady associates. It's always a choice between two options and you must pick one. From what we saw, he had immense support from the Egyptian public and they have the right to chose their leaders without external imposition.
It's like the Kashmiri freedom fighters who, for some strange reason, want to join the pathologically corrupt Pakistani state even though Pakistan has completely failed them for 70 years. It does little more than wring its hands and make comical protestations as Indian forces commit atrocities. As an Indian you may have a different point of view and that's fine.

I essentially have a pan-human point of view. :)

AFAIK Egypt under Sisi has a blockade of Gaza in coordination with Israel. Was Morsi worse? I don't know.

No one is saying he was perfect or didn't have shady associates. It's always a choice between two options and you must pick one. From what we saw, he had immense support from the Egyptian public and they have the right to chose their leaders without external imposition.

As you will have read and watched in previous posts by Egyptian members and by @Foinikas and me this "immense support" for Morsi from the Egyptian public can be described as created by NATO governments on their media. For example I spoke of Yemeni politician Tawakkol Karman writing on the American-government-related website foreignpolicy.com this article saying that Moris was the "Mandela of the Arab world" when he was jailed by the Sisi government. :lol: The "immense support" for Morsi was essentially from NATO governments. Morsi when he became president he was thrust upon Egypt by NATO much like how Hamas was thrust upon Palestine by USA, Britain and Israel though so-called democratic process. These were the real external impositions.

@jamahir @Foinikas
I can't say for sure if Morsi was good or bad but I can recall Mubarak was not willing to leave power until Barak Obama told him on live TV to resign, the pressure was so much that he resigned, then MB with salafi allies won the elections. Morsi by coming to power started to have issues with the military and the judiciary, he spoke against Israel, but then openly supported Syrian rebellion and called for Egyptians to join jihad, the military did not like this because they had good relations with Syria and Syria was also anti Israel. Then Morsi tried to get close to Turkey Iran and Qatar and this upsetted UAE and Saudia. I also saw the double standards of MB, in Arabic they mentioned anti Israel slogans but in English talked about peace and democracy. When Morsi was removed, then slowly low level militancy started in sinai. He tried to remove judges for pro MB judges and that was final.

Well, Obomba told Gaddafi and Assad to leave as well as if he is the master of the world and the rational Libyans and Syrians fight Obomba's forces to this day. But I generally agree with your post.
As you will have read and watched in previous posts by Egyptian members and by @Foinikas and me this "immense support" for Morsi from the Egyptian public can be described as created by NATO governments on their media. For example I spoke of Yemeni politician Tawakkol Karman writing on the American-government-related website foreignpolicy.com this article saying that Moris was the "Mandela of the Arab world" when he was jailed by the Sisi government. :lol: The "immense support" for Morsi was essentially from NATO governments. Morsi when he became president he was thrust upon Egypt by NATO much like how Hamas was thrust upon Palestine by USA, Britain and Israel though so-called democratic process. These were the real external impositions.

The flaw in your argument is that Hosni Mubarak was already a good doggy for Israel and the West, so why would they oust him? Sure he swindled a billion or two or seventy, but the man needed to eat like everyone else.
Morsi was the first democratically elected leader in the history of Egypt. PhD in Materials Science from the University of Southern California and professor.

On the other hand, Sisi illegitimately grabbed power, is a paranoid dictator who turned Egypt into a security nightmare.
The flaw in your argument is that Hosni Mubarak was already a good doggy for Israel and the West, so why would they oust him? Sure he swindled a billion or two or seventy, but the man needed to eat like everyone else.

I have already written to you about this. :)
I have never seen you post a single sensible post. That same "small army" is collaborating with Israel in fighting against Assad's forces in Syria.

Hamas is supported and funded by Iran.
Iran is supporting Assad regime.

But you claim that Hamas is fighting against Iranian backed Assad regime. This means that Iran is funding and supporting a fight against Iran. Lololololol

Do you even power up your brain before banging your hand on the keyboard?

@SilentEagle @Areesh
Look at his desperate mental gymnastics

Hamas is supported and funded by Iran.
Iran is supporting Assad regime.

But you claim that Hamas is fighting against Iranian backed Assad regime. This means that Iran is funding and supporting a fight against Iran. Lololololol

Do you even power up your brain before banging your hand on the keyboard?

@SilentEagle @Areesh
Look at his desperate mental gymnastics

*sigh* The Iranian support to Hamas went the day Hamas acted against the Assad government. This was years ago. You power up your brain first.

Hamas is supported and funded by Iran.
Iran is supporting Assad regime.

But you claim that Hamas is fighting against Iranian backed Assad regime. This means that Iran is funding and supporting a fight against Iran. Lololololol

Do you even power up your brain before banging your hand on the keyboard?

@SilentEagle @Areesh
Look at his desperate mental gymnastics

He needs therapist. Not PDF
Unfotunatelly he could not resist military junta money laundering machine.
Same like ours cant resist our military , militaries of islamic countries are there to keep ppl and islamic political parties in check(and to brutelize when needed). They Serve no other purpose, All the helpers of west are mostly socalled educated cleanshaves munafiqs(political OR military wise) who have no honour and lack a spine to stand up for anything remotely islamic against the west ..so they find IT easy to butcheres religious ppl and religious thoughts.

Morsi was a gem who was ousted in less a year after getting in office and died at the hand of cleanshave elite ruling egypt for decades .islamic nations Will only progress when mullah and mullah(islamic) ideology led ppl Will rule the nations of islam, otherwise cleanshave Will keep repeat their action over and over again. May God have mercy on Morsis soul and give him paradise for suffering he had to endure , Ameen
Morsi was a gem who was ousted in less a year after getting in office and died at the hand of cleanshave elite ruling egypt for decades .islamic nations Will only progress when mullah and mullah(islamic) ideology led ppl Will rule the nations of islam, otherwise cleanshave Will keep repeat their action over and over again. May God have mercy on Morsis soul and give him paradise for suffering he had to endure , Ameen
So you think Morsi is a gem,Mullahs should rule all majority muslim countries and turn them into islamic States,in the sense of hardcore Mullah regimes.

And what the heck are you doing in Netherlands then?
And what the heck are you doing in Netherlands then?
You guess..

Among three scenarios, the most likely mid-point migration scenario identifies 13 countries where the Muslim population will be majority between years 2085 and 2215: Cyprus (in year 2085), Sweden (2125), France (2135), Greece (2135), Belgium (2140), Bulgaria (2140), Italy (2175), Luxembourg (2175), the UK (2180), Slovenia (2190), Switzerland (2195), Ireland (2200) and Lithuania (2215). The 17 remaining countries will never reach majority in the next 200 years.
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