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The so-called Chinese claims on Arunachal

So are you suggesting that India should be open to give Tawang to China to exchange for China's recognition of India's claim to its NE?

A very respectful post to support friendship between China and India as two great civilizations.

Well to be honest that would have been the right way but right now that will be the worst option because there is a settled population in Tawang.

So any move will go against their will thus leading to a nation wide uproar.. I would suggest recognizing the LAC as a permanent border and exchange uninhabited areas... which will raise a few eyebrows...
Yes i am aware that Tawang was under Tibetan administration back then.. but not the entire state on which China claims even you will agree on that.

There you go again, proof that you truly don't have a good grasp of the issue. There exists no such state called AP before British era, the borders between southern Tibet and beyond were not demarcated. China has every rights to stake on claims on the areas that was illegally taken by the British in 1914. But we are willingly to take Tawang as a compromise. Get it?

What claims does India have over AP? Based on what these British hooligans did?
And your indian govt and media called Chinese land grabber. Tell me who is the real land grabber?
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Sorry, could you please rephrase that line?
Pakistani people will fight will hockey in their hand against Indian army if things go that bad.

You already tried that 4 times.
It actually happened 2 times 1948 and 1965 and India lost these wars.:omghaha:
1999 wasn't actually a war because baldy called back forces and in 1971 errm i forgot about that.
India should regard Robert Clive as the "father of India". Since he first founded the British India.

British left because US require that other west ended colonialism. US has leverage because of Europe needed US assistance after WWII.

Don't give too much credit to Gandhi. Wasn't his strategy the same before or after WWII? But the results were not different because of his quit India campaign. But because America's, specifically, Roosevelt and Trumans quit India demand on the British.

What do you know about Indian Independence?Who are you to question ' Father of our Nation'?
I am not giving all credit to Gandhiji ,Gandhiji cant give me freedom with his only method,but he is one that unified all of India ,psychologically ,all of the people in India irrespective language ,race ,culture
become an Indian under his method .
India get independence because Subhash Chandra Bose organize a military and planned to strike British in India with help of Japan and Germany.Britian get this information earlier and they know very well they will defeat because WW-2 destroy their nation spine ,hitler completely destroyed Uk.they cant sustain a war with Subhash Chandra Bose and his INA.So for face saving they allow independenceand give all credit to gandhi and nehru,But INA played important role again.
Do you know about 'RED FORT MUTINY' ,that is reason fro withdrawal of british from India ,can any one govern a country when their all security forces turn against governor?that happens in India.
USA is not in this picture:coffee:
There you go again, proof that you truly don't have a good grasp of the issue. There exists no such state called AP before British era, the borders between southern Tibet and beyond were not demarcated. China has every rights to stake on claims on the areas that was illegally taken by the British in 1914. But we are willingly to take Tawang as a compromise. Get it?

What claims does India have over AP? Based on what these British hooligans did?
And your indian govt and media called Chinese land grabber. Tell me who is the real land grabber?

What you say makes sense but its no just about land its about the people who live in those lands. I am sure that If Tibetans were happy with China ppl of Tawang too would have acceded to China.

But thats not the case so china should concentrate on winning the hearts of Tibetans which will win them Tawang too..

Now if India gives up Tawang it will be against the will of the people.
What you say makes sense but its no just about land its about the people who live in those lands. I am sure that If Tibetans were happy with China ppl of Tawang too would have acceded to China.

But thats not the case so china should concentrate on winning the hearts of Tibetans which will win them Tawang too..

Now if India gives up Tawang it will be against the will of the people.

Of course, what I said is the real account.

Settling the land dispute is between the govt, not the people. That's just an convenient excuse India came up with because they know the land never truly belonged to India.
If it's truly up to the people, why not let Kashmiri decide if they want to be independent?? Double standard?

The ball is in India's court to offer an acceptable solution, but India even refused to come clean and honest to its own people regarding AP dispute.
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No, you don't. Read from neutral source. A treaty that is not rectified by all party is not legally valid.
The Machon line was not rectified by China, who suzerainty over Tibet--this is recognized by the British themselves, the Anglo-British treaty of 1907.

China were plagued by civil war, WW2, and civil war again up til 1950.

Here comes the fake history by a Chinese. :omghaha::omghaha: China was there not to decide McMahon Line but to decide the border between inner and outer Tibet since Tibet already declared independence. The McMahon Line was decided by British India and Lamas of Tibet(the legitimate rulers of Tibet).
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India colonial masters UK has admitted Tibet belongs to China but this is still hush up. So, UK is telling India that we are not supporting any McMahon line implicitly.

Dalai Lama 'undermined' as Miliband says: China rules Tibet | Mail Online

'Our recognition of China's "special position" in Tibet developed from the outdated concept of suzerainty,' he said.

'Some have used this to cast doubt on the aims we are pursuing and to claim that we are denying Chinese sovereignty over a large part of its own territory.

'We have made clear to the Chinese government, and publicly, that we do not support Tibetan independence.'

Lord Patten, former governor of Hong Kong, said the Foreign Office had abolished a 'quaint eccentricity', a move he believes was long overdue.
So, Chinese will accept British recognition of Tibet as part of China but won't accept the McMahon line drawn when British ruled India. :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Looks like the effect of opium is still kicking in .... :lol:
@kurup The McMahon Line was decided by British and Lamas of Tibet(the legitimate rulers of Tibet) because Tibet was independent since end of 1800s. China was there to to decide boundary between China and Tibet, China boycotted it because they wanted more land from Tibet, not because of McMahon line. Now, you will see all Chinese explaining fake history to you. :lol::lol:
@kurup The McMahon Line was decided by British and Lamas of Tibet(the legitimate rulers of Tibet) because Tibet was independent since end of 1800s. China was there to to decide boundary between China and Tibet, China boycotted it because they wanted more land from Tibet, not because of McMahon line. Now, you will see all Chinese explaining fake history to you. :lol::lol:

Using fake history is the only way they can grab on to their BS territorial claims .

It is funny that the fake PISA scores has not been posted in this thread untill now ... :D
Using fake history is the only way they can grab on to their BS territorial claims .

It is funny that the fake PISA scores has not been posted in this thread untill now ... :D

I have talked to many Chinese and asked them what they know about Arunachali people, all the fake high IQ Chinese told me all Arunachalis are Tibetans, follows Tibetan Buddhism and speak Tibetan language. :omghaha::omghaha: So, they know nothing about the people who's land they want to grab. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
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