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The so-called Chinese claims on Arunachal

If there ever was a war between India and cheen we could just give them opium. They love that stuff.
You didn't get my point. The point is not about defeating India or China, the point is how to drastically change the ecology and landscape of India so that a billion populace disappears. Just imagine Indian farmlands witnessing only two/three years, let alone more, without a drop of rain or the 12 months non stop heavy rains.

Forget natural disasters, food chains will be hampered beyond imagination and that will result in .....

You may get my point .The radioactive aerosol developed due to nuclear explosion considerably reduces the fertile land of PRC and reduce your farm out put,large amount of land of PRC become unfertile and radioactive .This not defeating of Indian and China.
LOL, fanboy daydreaming. Yes, go look up the weapons and mobilization capability of PLA. Even your Navy chief admitted India is no match for China. :omghaha:

It is you are day dreaming about you capability and underestimating you adversaries capability.
IA ,IN, and IAF saw 5 wars.IA is battle hardened and roughed due regular military operation conducted in every year.But actually PLA present actual duty is parade training.Even PA is better trained than you.
Attacking India is not like attacking poor monks in Tibet.PLA cant sustain a war with Indian Army.
Your leaders already know that .That is why they retreat in 1962.even they get initial advantages against IA.IA was just a rag tag army at that time.But this time if you attempt again ,it will real different story.
Even if clearly out numbered PA has courage to waging war with India for 3 times after 1962.
But PLA dont even fired a shot after 1962.They actually tried in 1967 and 1987.But PLA retreat do you know why?.we dont underestimate our enemies even if it is pakistan or china and peace is good.that is point of naval chief.
Numerical superiority cant help to win a war.In WW2 German Luftwaffe has 2400 aircraft and RAF has only 400 aircraft.But german cant defeat Britian .IN has experience of war and it is a success story in 1971.We can effectively blocked malacca straits .PRC cant sustain without trade routes through malacca straits,and your leaders know that.
It is 100% sure ,next war of china and India is bloody and no one get get clear superiority over other.

It is you are day dreaming about you capability and underestimating you adversaries capability.
IA ,IN, and IAF saw 5 wars.IA is battle hardened and roughed due regular military operation conducted in every year.But actually PLA present actual duty is parade training.Even PA is better trained than you.
Attacking India is not like attacking poor monks in Tibet.PLA cant sustain a war with Indian Army.
Your leaders already know that .That is why they retreat in 1962.even they get initial advantages against IA.IA was just a rag tag army at that time.But this time if you attempt again ,it will real different story.
Even if clearly out numbered PA has courage to waging war with India for 3 times after 1962.
But PLA dont even fired a shot after 1962.They actually tried in 1967 and 1987.But PLA retreat do you know why?.we dont underestimate our enemies even if it is pakistan or china and peace is good.that is point of naval chief.
Numerical superiority cant help to win a war.In WW2 German Luftwaffe has 2400 aircraft and RAF has only 400 aircraft.But german cant defeat Britian .IN has experience of war and it is a success story in 1971.We can effectively blocked malacca straits .PRC cant sustain without trade routes through malacca straits,and your leaders know that.
It is 100% sure ,next war of china and India is bloody and no one get get clear superiority over other.
PLA mobilization will end in tibetan side of Himalaya.We have our own counter measures go and check IA missile regiment and missile support.Wake up boy it is not 1962 :-) please a cup of tea:coffee:
Hmmm... waste of time.

Where are you Sir, I want to talk to you, please give me you mobile number.

Waste of my time.

It is about India and China .Not India and USA,
ohh i get PRC usual policy ,if american develop any technology, chinas hack and stole,like f-35 .I get that.
Fact is all this story about DARPA and HAARP is still surrounded as conspiracy theory,No one confirm
You are too talking about monsoon how are you going to disrupt,How china can disrupt that?Gimme a point.
No my dear no phone number .Talking to chinese is a real trouble cause last time i met a chinese guy in kochi marine drive and try to talk to him.Man half chinese - half englsh ,that is terrific experience .
India beg British for independent, that all you need to know about India mentality.
India beg British for independent, that all you need to know about India mentality.

China beg for open support from USA when japan completely destroyed you.Now PRC talking about overtaking USA.pathetic that is chinese menatlity.
For reference ,it is not only Gandhiji effort but Red Fort Mutiny is real cause
of british withdrawal from India .Go and check in google about Red Fort Mutiny
British withdraw their troop because after the WW2 British in no position to fund their troop and maintain their empire on the India subcontinent, Indian never revolt against the British rule after British fully united the India subcontinent, India subcontinent need to thank Hitler for started the WW2 and destroyed and bankrupt the British empire.

British draw the border line and created both Pakistan and India after they left.
The foundations of the British empire in India were, it is said, laid by Robert Clive, known to his admirers as the "conqueror of India".

Manas: History and Politics, Robert Clive

Slaughtering more than one billion with conventional means! :lol:

India should regard Robert Clive as the "father of India". Since he first founded the British India.

China beg for open support from USA when japan completely destroyed you.Now PRC talking about overtaking USA.pathetic that is chinese menatlity.
For reference ,it is not only Gandhiji effort but Red Fort Mutiny is real cause
of british withdrawal from India .Go and check in google about Red Fort Mutiny

British left because US require that other west ended colonialism. US has leverage because of Europe needed US assistance after WWII.

Don't give too much credit to Gandhi. Wasn't his strategy the same before or after WWII? But the results were not different because of his quit India campaign. But because America's, specifically, Roosevelt and Trumans quit India demand on the British.
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There you go, it just shows you don't have a good grasp of the dispute. Discussing AP wouldn't be complete without Tibet. As per 1907 treaty, British themselves recognized Tibet as part of China, so how could they legally rectified the Simla accord 1914 without Chinese agreement? You're aware part of AP was under Tibet back then? The British are dishonorable thugs.

And India is staking claims on AP based on what these imperialist hooligans did, on the other hand, we hear how india complained the British looted India. Hypocrisy at its best.
And thanks to your govt and media, Indians failed to see they are aggressors in Sino-Indian dispute.

Yes i am aware that Tawang was under Tibetan administration back then.. but not the entire state on which China claims even you will agree on that.
Indo-China Border is one of the most peaceful border in the world. On social networking forums, we fight,we troll,irritate each other often forgetting the nature of the ground realities. The Chinese,if wanted to take Arunachal by forcible means,they would have done it in 1962,1965 when we were weak and vulnerable. They did not do it because we have a sixty years old treaty to keep the region at ease and peace.

It is easy to fight here,but leaders of both the countries including Military establishment are sane enough to respect the mutual trust and cooperation. I simply do not care what our former defence Minister said because a singular opinion can not deny the the evidences of thousand years old cordial relationship between the two great civilizations.
Yes i am aware that Tawang was under Tibetan administration back then.. but not the entire state on which China claims even you will agree on that.

So are you suggesting that India should be open to give Tawang to China to exchange for China's recognition of India's claim to its NE?

Indo-China Border is one of the most peaceful border in the world. On social networking forums, we fight,we troll,irritate each other often forgetting the nature of the ground realities. The Chinese,if wanted to take Arunachal by forcible means,they would have done it in 1962,1965 when we were weak and vulnerable. They did not do it because we have a sixty years old treaty to keep the region at ease and peace.

It is easy to fight here,but leaders of both the countries including Military establishment are sane enough to respect the mutual trust and cooperation. I simply do not care what our former defence Minister said because a singular opinion can not deny the the evidences of thousand years old cordial relationship between the two great civilizations.

A very respectful post to support friendship between China and India as two great civilizations.
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