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The so-called Chinese claims on Arunachal

The border will never be fenced haha 8-) You will never dare to shoot chinese.:p: China already hold a large chunk of it and you can do nothing :bunny:
what chunk, If you cant make your point without childish behavior. Then just shut up and let the mature members here discuss it. Fence or no fence we are here so come and get some.
I think most people here assume that China is loved by people from the 7 sister states on the merit that they are mongoloid lol. Do ask a Tibetan person how he feels about China lol.
How PRC can't defeat India?

How much time india can stay offensive towards pakistan?
We are not here to just clap on Indian attack. :yahoo:
It's true that India is superior technologically and number wise but bro you can't deny the fact that our tiny army and people have will to die for their country and are even ready to fight with hockey against indian army. So you are underestimating us so watch your step dudes.

Power gap between India and pakistan and India and china are different .You can understand that.
First of all in our north eastern area Heavy machinery will not have any chance.In that area only air support ,artillery,and infantry determine the fate of war.Even at first sight ,chinese active troops is more than India.But Indian army also have support from ITBP and other paramilitary forces.so
infantry numbers of both India and china will be same.
PLA is vulnerable to the extreme terrain of Himalayas ,so they cant get constant logistical supply.
so both sides suffers same casualities.Neither China nor India can win that war .
But in the case of pakistan and india except nukes,pakistan cant sustain more than a week against India.
China-India war will be a bloody war.That is sure .But PRC cant defeat India,that is impossible

Yes, conventionally, none can defeat India because killing more than one billion people through conventional means is something none can achieve.

There are however two options: one nuclear and that we all know. But there is one more and is more deadly than any nuclear weapon.

India is in a vulnerable geographical position and it has certain natural attributes which made India but also can break India. India is the gift of monsoon which is a very delicate system. With a HAARP like weapon system, one can kill the monsoon or change the way it is working right now.

Now, you may say, monsoon does not matter to you. I give you a clue, the recent flood of Uttarakhand stands as a burning example of what a screwed monsoon can do indiscriminately.

Whoever wants to conquer South Asia and wipe off all the natural habitat (flora and fauna) without firing a bullet, must immediately concentrate on how to kill the monsoon with the use of HAARP like ultimate weapon system.

Who can fight if such clouds (image of Lucknow, UP) start acid rains, or radio active rains, or with high precipitation or no rain at all.


I think more than any nuclear catastrophe, weaponizing natural attributes, particularly the meteorological ones, can result in maximum damages and permanently change the ecology and landscape of the region. For example, if one can kill the monsoon which is a very delicate system and therefore easy to be destabilized, one can change the whole story of this region. Forget humans, even grasses will stop growing.

Just go to the Google Map, and see India. Yes the green patches you see in the images are the tropical rain forests which exist because of the monsoon. Now imagine, the map without the greenery. If that kind of vegetation disappears resulting in the desertification of the landscape, population will overnight reduce from one billion to a few thousands perhaps, if some manage to survive.

If anyone wants to have more discussion on how a HAARP like weapon can change the story of India, please put your queries first.
Power gap between India and pakistan and India and china are different .You can understand that.
First of all in our north eastern area Heavy machinery will not have any chance.In that area only air support ,artillery,and infantry determine the fate of war.Even at first sight ,chinese active troops is more than India.But Indian army also have support from ITBP and other paramilitary forces.so
infantry numbers of both India and china will be same.
PLA is vulnerable to the extreme terrain of Himalayas ,so they cant get constant logistical supply.
so both sides suffers same casualities.Neither China nor India can win that war .
But in the case of pakistan and india except nukes,pakistan cant sustain more than a week against India.

I also have ideas which can surely be put into scientific applications of how to screw the Himalayas. Gone are the days of foot soldiers, today, wars will be of high tech scientific applications aimed at wiping off billions of humans at one go.

It is science and its applications, human head counts don't matter.

I knew a guy who had a limited aspiration of earning only $ 1 million in his entire life time and I also knew another guy who had an ambition of earning $ 1 billion in his life and I had more respect for the latter and less for the former.
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Yes, conventionally, none can defeat India because killing more than one billion people through conventional means is something none can achieve.

There are however two options: one nuclear and that we all know. But there is one more and is more deadly than any nuclear weapon.

India is in a vulnerable geographical position and it has certain natural attributes which made India but also can break India. India is the gift of monsoon which is a very delicate system. With a HAARP like weapon system, one can kill the monsoon or change the way it is working right now.

Now, you may say, monsoon does not matter to you. I give you a clue, the recent flood of Uttarakhand stands as a burning example of what a screwed monsoon can do indiscriminately.

Whoever wants to conquer South Asia and wipe off all the natural habitat (flora and fauna) without firing a bullet, must immediately concentrate on how to kill the monsoon with the use of HAARP like ultimate weapon system.

Who can fight if such clouds (image of Lucknow, UP) start acid rains, or radio active rains, or with high precipitation or no rain at all.


I think more than any nuclear catastrophe, weaponizing natural attributes, particularly the meteorological ones, can result in maximum damages and permanently change the ecology and landscape of the region. For example, if one can kill the monsoon which is a very delicate system and therefore easy to be destabilized, one can change the whole story of this region. Forget humans, even grasses will stop growing.

Just go to the Google Map, and see India. Yes the green patches you see in the images are the tropical rain forests which exist because of the monsoon. Now imagine, the map without the greenery. If that kind of vegetation disappears resulting in the desertification of the landscape, population will overnight reduce from one billion to a few thousands perhaps, if some manage to survive.

If anyone wants to have more discussion on how a HAARP like weapon can change the story of India, please put your queries first.

where the hell you get this HAARP weapon? and USA is the only one that trying to develop this technology.Until it test it will remain as fictious weapon.About Nuclear, India also have nuclear weapon ,I am just here talk about conventional war.

I also have ideas which can surely be put into scientific applications of how to screw the Himalayas. Gone are the days of foot soldiers, today, wars will be of high tech scientific applications aimed at wiping off billions of humans at one go.

It is science and its applications, human head counts don't matter.

I knew a guy who had a limited aspiration of earning only $ 1 million in his entire life time and I also knew another guy who had an ambition of earning $ 1 billion in his life and I had more respect for the latter and less for the former.

High tech weapons has it own limitations and I also pointed which weapons can be used in that mountain terrain
I think most people here assume that China is loved by people from the 7 sister states on the merit that they are mongoloid lol. Do ask a Tibetan person how he feels about China lol.

Neither Mongoloids nor Caucasoids have as much physical endurance as the Dinosaurs once had, still, ecological changes wiped them off from the face of the Earth. Where do petite humans stand in comparison?
where the hell you get this HAARP weapon? and USA is the only one that trying to develop this technology.Until it test it will remain as fictious weapon.About Nuclear, India also have nuclear weapon ,I am just here talk about conventional war.

High tech weapons has it own limitations and I also pointed which weapons can be used in that mountain terrain

Lol, organization like DARPA will engage itself in a fictitious weapon system!

Forget HAARP, screwing cloud formation is not novel, it started decades ago. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

US has its HAARP functioning and that is not a challenge. Challenge is how you turn it's applications into a precision target area/region.


What is difficult is how you ensure that you hit only a particular region fallout and collateral damage.
where the hell you get this HAARP weapon? and USA is the only one that trying to develop this technology.Until it test it will remain as fictious weapon.About Nuclear, India also have nuclear weapon ,I am just here talk about conventional war.

High tech weapons has it own limitations and I also pointed which weapons can be used in that mountain terrain

Why should anyone target only mountain terrains in the north and not Central or South India?


Monsoon of South Asia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If monsoon is destroyed, nobody can rebuild it, you can't create natural attributes.

Imagine India without monsoon and you will get the picture if you are educated.
China-india war will be bloody for India. Don't delude yourself, your military is fully aware of it.

Don’t have capability or intention to match China force for force: Navy chief - Indian Express

Do you think you can defeat India ?If you think like that it is not my problem.Just check weapons
of PLA and IA and also consider terrain of Himalayas ,you get the clear picture.
IN is battle hardened,that chief means we dont need compete you with equal to equal weapons .
but that dont mean you can easily over come IN.
India is a seventh largest country in the,that has standing army of 1.3million active troops ,that just Army and consider another additional trained Paramilitary forces.If we field weapons in Andaman Nicobar island and IN blockade Malacca straits then it will be real trouble for china.PLAAF has some advantages over IAF,but numerical superiority is not enough to defeat India,considering Indian Anti- air defense and land mass of India ,
The war will sure 100% bloody ,but no one get clear superiority ,will see heavy casualities in both side.

Why should anyone target only mountain terrains in the north and not Central or South India?


Monsoon of South Asia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If monsoon is destroyed, nobody can rebuild it, you can't create natural attributes.

Imagine India without monsoon and you will get the picture if you are educated.

Ha ha we have our own counter measures stupid guy ha ha:rofl::rofl:.Deluded guy

Lol, organization like DARPA will engage itself in a fictitious weapon system!

Forget HAARP, screwing cloud formation is not novel, it started decades ago. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

US has its HAARP functioning and that is not a challenge. Challenge is how you turn it's applications into a precision target area/region.


What is difficult is how you ensure that you hit only a particular region fallout and collateral damage.

This is about India and China ,not about India and USA.You can think big imaginary way.but in the real applications it is not that easy.And India is not japan
Do you think you can defeat India ?If you think like that it is not my problem.Just check weapons
of PLA and IA and also consider terrain of Himalayas ,you get the clear picture.
IN is battle hardened,that chief means we dont need compete you with equal to equal weapons .
but that dont mean you can easily over come IN.
India is a seventh largest country in the,that has standing army of 1.3million active troops ,that just Army and consider another additional trained Paramilitary forces.If we field weapons in Andaman Nicobar island and IN blockade Malacca straits then it will be real trouble for china.PLAAF has some advantages over IAF,but numerical superiority is not enough to defeat India,considering Indian Anti- air defense and land mass of India ,
The war will sure 100% bloody ,but no one get clear superiority ,will see heavy casualities in both side.

You didn't get my point. The point is not about defeating India or China, the point is how to drastically change the ecology and landscape of India so that a billion populace disappears. Just imagine Indian farmlands witnessing only two/three years, let alone more, without a drop of rain or the 12 months non stop heavy rains.

Forget natural disasters, food chains will be hampered beyond imagination and that will result in .....
Do you think you can defeat India ?If you think like that it is not my problem.Just check weapons
of PLA and IA and also consider terrain of Himalayas ,you get the clear picture.
IN is battle hardened,that chief means we dont need compete you with equal to equal weapons .
but that dont mean you can easily over come IN.
India is a seventh largest country in the,that has standing army of 1.3million active troops ,that just Army and consider another additional trained Paramilitary forces.If we field weapons in Andaman Nicobar island and IN blockade Malacca straits then it will be real trouble for china.PLAAF has some advantages over IAF,but numerical superiority is not enough to defeat India,considering Indian Anti- air defense and land mass of India ,
The war will sure 100% bloody ,but no one get clear superiority ,will see heavy casualities in both side.

LOL, fanboy daydreaming. Yes, go look up the weapons and mobilization capability of PLA. Even your Navy chief admitted India is no match for China. :omghaha:
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