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The similarities between today's India and China at 80 year ago

I never lived in China. But I'm a student of history and I know that China was plagued by warlords and

This thread is not about whether China or India is ahead on anything. That is a totally different topic. This thread is about India today is similar to China during the warlord period.

You claim yourself to be a student of history and where did you learn about the warlords in India since Independence? As for Maoists, they exists in some parts of the country( but isn't China fully under the control of Maoists? ;))
Trust me, no one in the world is jealous of India. Any none Indians feel blessed that they don't live in India. And every Indians that live there wish to be out of there.

Man problem with you guys is that you think that what you think of your country, others also think the same about their country. It is not the case man. There are lots of people who are coming back to India from abroad unlike your country from where evry body want to flee.


Now see what is happening in India.


80 years ago, China was beset by warlords and Maoists, no different than what has happen to India today.

are you confusing federalism with warlords. I didn't expect an American national having such a screwed up knowledge of English.
You claim yourself to be a student of history and where did you learn about the warlords in India since Independence? As for Maoists, they exists in some parts of the country( but isn't China fully under the control of Maoists? ;))

Man he is a chinese history student. He has on this forum displayed his great history knowledge many time.
Man you do not understand the true meaning of democracy. In democracy we share every thing whether it is poverty or affluence. We do not have a system where people are treated like slave and made to work in inhuman condition for few people in power. We can not get rich by exploiting people like grabbing their land at a throw away price. We can not put people in labor camp simply because they do not fall in line in government ideology. We can not sell human organ of our convicted people simply because they are criminals and this list go on and on and on.....

So why does India have more slaves than the rest of the world put together?

India has half the world's slaves - Times of India

So I suggest you stop this BS.

Sorry, I forgot to follow the Indian line, as stated by India's favourite President:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times
Reason India struggles to modernise and civilise is because of their caste system and intellectual deficiency. Until these two problems are solved, I see very little progress in India and among Indians. I believe this is as far as India will ever progress unless it can abolish the caste system and increase iodised salt intake to solve their intellectual disabilities.

Can India modernise and civilise? YES.
Will India modernise and civilise? NOT LIKELY.
Sorry, I forgot to follow the Indian line, as stated by India's favourite President:


What has my quoting the UN data got to do with this? Did I contradict the poverty rates or open defecation in India? No. It exists but we are well on target towards poverty reduction by 2021(the date quoted by World bank and tracked by them). I was just asking you to cut down your BS that open defecation exists only in India.
What has my quoting the UN data got to do with this? Did I contradict the poverty rates or open defecation in India? No. It exists but we are well on target towards poverty reduction by 2021(the date quoted by World bank and tracked by them). I was just asking you to cut down your BS that open defecation exists only in India.

Except I never said it only exists in India. What I said is that the majority of the Indian population (i.e. over 50%) practice open defecation.

Who are you arguing with, because apparently it is not with me. Nobody on this thread said it was only from India, that is a figment of your imagination.

Your "true democracy" has made India poorer than Africa, with slower growth rates as well now (around 4%... or 3% by World Bank data).

There are two explanations. Either there is something wrong with democracy (I don't believe that)... or much more likely... there is something wrong with India.
You guys are the second in line following India where you have more than 400 million without toilet facilities which in turn translates to open defecation - so I suggest you stop this BS.

Pure and absolute lie. :rofl: Find me the source for this ridiculous claim.
But I am pointing out the cat calling the kettle mentality when you were taking a cheapshot at India quoting
Pure and absolute lie. :rofl: Find me the source for this ridiculous claim.

Lets see what this UN link says.


Basic sanitation is improved sanitation. Facilities that ensure hygienic separation of human excreta from human contact. They include:

So why does India have more slaves than the rest of the world put together?

India has half the world's slaves - Times of India

Sorry, I forgot to follow the Indian line, as stated by India's favourite President:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

Come on man your whole country is a slave who can be made to think and behave in a way their master wants. Where is your chines culture man? Since CCP wanted to destroy it, they made you European and American in a very short period of time . Isn't it? An idiot Mao can push your country to nonsense like 4 pest campaign and starve your 20 million people to death. You guys follow him blindly (may be because you were scared of them) . Isn't it a mental slavery? I can stand up in Jantar Mantar and call my Prime minister a thief, I can scold him for anything wrong doing (In my opinion). Can you do that standing tiananmen squere?

Man India is going to become a super power as our beloved president said (Do you love your president Or equivalent in you system?) . It is not that he is saying alone. It is said by many such as goldman sach and others. The only difference is that it may take few more year than what he said.
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But I am pointing out the cat calling the kettle mentality when you were taking a cheapshot at India quoting

Bullsh*t again Sashan. That is "improved sanitation".

What we are talking about here, as made clear multiple times, is "open defecation".

And here is the link:

The Hindu - India accounts for 58 per cent of those practising open defecation globally

UNICEF estimated that as many as 63.8 crore people practice open defecation due to inadequate sanitation

India accounts for 58 percent of those who practice open defecation across the globe.

In its finding for the year 2008, UNICEF estimated that as many as 63.8 crore people, that is, 54 percent of the country's population, practice open defecation due to inadequate sanitation.

On this ignominious list, Indonesia is a distant second with 5.7 crore people lacking toilet facilities, and it accounts for 5 percent of the hapless population which still are denied sanitation, with China following where 5.6 crore people have no other option.
Bullsh*t again Sashan. That is "improved sanitation".

What we are talking about here, as made clear multiple times, is "open defecation".

And here is the link:

The Hindu - India accounts for 58 per cent of those practising open defecation globally

UNICEF estimated that as many as 63.8 crore people practice open defecation due to inadequate sanitation

India accounts for 58 percent of those who practice open defecation across the globe.

In its finding for the year 2008, UNICEF estimated that as many as 63.8 crore people, that is, 54 percent of the country's population, practice open defecation due to inadequate sanitation.

On this ignominious list, Indonesia is a distant second with 5.7 crore people lacking toilet facilities, and it accounts for 5 percent of the hapless population which still are denied sanitation, with China following where 5.6 crore people have no other option.

Did you look into the article for definition of improved sanitation? it is the basic sanitation i.e lack of toilet facilities - Quoting again from the article.

What is “basic sanitation”?
Basic sanitation is improved sanitation. Facilities that ensure hygienic separation of human excreta from human contact. They include:

  • Flush or pour-flush toilet/latrine to a piped sewer system, a septic tank or a pit latrine.
  • Ventilated improved pit latrine.
  • Pit latrine with slab.
  • Composting toilet.

Here Sashan:

With 58% figures, India tops in open defecation - Times of India

With 58% figures, India tops in open defecation

NEW DELHI: With India facing the slur of topping the global list in open defecation, the Centre is keen to put the sanitation programme back on the centrestage by sensitizing the population about public hygiene.

According to a UNICEF survey, 58% of the world's population practicing open defecation lives in India, while China and Indonesia come a distant second by accounting for just 5% of the world numbers. Pakistan is down to third with 4.5%, tied with Ethiopia.


You said 400 million in China, that was a pure lie.

And don't try to move the goal posts, this has always been about open defecation, not access to "improved toilet facilities". Which doesn't mean they don't have toilets.
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