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The similarities between today's India and China at 80 year ago

Yes, 50 years ago because of communism. But 80 years ago, there were warlords in China, much like how India is today.

China was good 80 years ago and 20 million people died of starvation 50 years ago means 30 years after happy china. So now what is the guarantee that in coming 30 years it will not become a china like 50 years ago? After all one idiot like Mao is needed to starve your country to death since you guys are are made ships and goats by these communist who can be made to do anything liked by your dictators. This is the difference between a true democracy and a dictator regime like yours.
Everyone on earth has more potential than India if we figure in caste

In 1930, there was a central government, which was KMT. Though there were regional warlords, very similar to India today.

China was fighting civil war 80 years ago and China was a fragmented country. India don't have warlords, you perception is screwed.

80 years ago India had no democracy, there were 565 princely states under British suzerainty who got integrated with India after 1947 due to the hard work of Sardar Patel. Feudalism was abolished in 1953.
We did not have a visionary like Mao who had the capability to kill 20 million people without firing a bullet (Killing by bullet is in addition to those 20 million) by his great drive like 4 pest campaign to reduce poverty by killing people. The funny thing is that whole country follows such nonsense like ships and goat. Forget about 80 years, China has some horrible history just 76 years ago.
Mr. High IQ, are you able to comprehend the difference between cold blooded killing and FAILED STATE POLICIES?
China was good 80 years ago and 20 million people died of starvation 50 years ago means 30 years after happy china. So now what is the guarantee that in coming 30 years it will not become a china like 50 years ago? After all one idiot like Mao is needed to starve your country to death since you guys are are made ships and goats by these communist who can be made to do anything liked by your dictators. This is the difference between a true democracy and a dictator regime like yours.

Your "true democracy" has led to India being poorer than the entire continent of Africa, with more malnutrition and starvation than the rest of the world combined, and the majority of your population practicing open defecation.

Calling India a democracy is an insult to real democracies like Canada. Where people don't sh*t on the streets and die in their millions by starvation every single year even in 2013.
i see some similaryties todays china and India 80 years ago.for a start Indians who spoke against the authorities where posecuted and its the same in todays china.
80 years ago, Pakistan did not exist. Pakistanis accept this reality. Indians can't accept this reality so it come up with fabricated past and a superpower 2030 video. So pathetic.

Why are you so jealous of Indians. Is it because of inferiority complex in you guys since Indians earns a lot more that you guys and respected very well in country you live or because they are highly educated and seen as engineers, Doctors and scientists and not the Pizza men like *******?
China was good 80 years ago and 20 million people died of starvation 50 years ago means 30 years after happy china. So now what is the guarantee that in coming 30 years it will not become a china like 50 years ago? After all one idiot like Mao is needed to starve your country to death since you guys are are made ships and goats by these communist who can be made to do anything liked by your dictators. This is the difference between a true democracy and a dictator regime like yours.

80 years ago, China was beset by warlords and Maoists, no different than what has happen to India today.
80 years ago, China was beset by warlords and Maoists, no different than what has happen to India today.

Ok so what has changed you dint have a voice then you dont have it now.... All i can see is you were in cage then and also now but there is difference now that is being fed well if that makes you happy.
Why are you so jealous of Indians. Is it because of inferiority complex in you guys since Indians earns a lot more that you guys and respected very well in country you live or because they are highly educated and seen as engineers, Doctors and scientists and not the Pizza men like *******?

Trust me, no one in the world is jealous of India. Any none Indians feel blessed that they don't live in India. And every Indians that live there wish to be out of there.
i see some similaryties todays china and India 80 years ago.for a start Indians who spoke against the authorities where posecuted and its the same in todays china.

I see similarity between British rule in India and communist rule in China like Bengal famine and Great Leap Forward although later more fatal.
Trust me, no one in the world is jealous of India. Any none Indians feel blessed that they don't live in India. And every Indians that live there wish to be out of there.
Sadly china is no different even after being "80 years" ahead of us...
Your "true democracy" has led to India being poorer than the entire continent of Africa, with more malnutrition and starvation than the rest of the world combined, and the majority of your population practicing open defecation.

Calling India a democracy is an insult to real democracies like Canada. Where people don't sh*t on the streets and die in their millions by starvation every single year even in 2013.

Man you do not understand the true meaning of democracy. In democracy we share every thing whether it is poverty or affluence. We do not have a system where people are treated like slave and made to work in inhuman condition for few people in power. We can not get rich by exploiting people like grabbing their land at a throw away price. We can not put people in labor camp simply because they do not fall in line in government ideology. We can not sell human organ of our convicted people simply because they are criminals and this list go on and on and on.....

Since you and many others like you are a brain washed by your government (Like Russians were brain washed in the era of cold war against US), I do not see your fault if you can not see a great democracy (Which whole world can see) and an emerging economic power in India. What you see and write is perfectly in line with your teaching so not your fault man.
Your "true democracy" has led to India being poorer than the entire continent of Africa, with more malnutrition and starvation than the rest of the world combined, and the majority of your population practicing open defecation.

Calling India a democracy is an insult to real democracies like Canada. Where people don't sh*t on the streets and die in their millions by starvation every single year even in 2013.

CD - while poverty is there in India since independence it has gone down and the significant shift in poverty reduction started after India ditched the poor man's communism since 1991. And open defecation is still an issue in India but you trying to point out(similar to other Chinese here) as this issue only exists in India is little far fetched. I suggest you look up UN data on lack of sanitation facilities - You guys are the second in line following India where you have more than 400 million without toilet facilities which in turn translates to open defecation - so I suggest you stop this BS.
Ok so what has changed you dint have a voice then you dont have it one.... All i can see is you were in cage then and also now but there is difference now that is being fed well if that makes you happy.

I never lived in China. But I'm a student of history and I know that China was plagued by warlords and
Sadly china is no different even after being "80 years" ahead of us...

This thread is not about whether China or India is ahead on anything. That is a totally different topic. This thread is about India today is similar to China during the warlord period.
Trust me, no one in the world is jealous of India. Any none Indians feel blessed that they don't live in India. And every Indians that live there wish to be out of there.

Man problem with you guys is that you think that what you think of your country, others also think the same about their country. It is not the case man. There are lots of people who are coming back to India from abroad unlike your country from where evry body want to flee.


Now see what is happening in India.


Trust me, no one in the world is jealous of India. Any none Indians feel blessed that they don't live in India. And every Indians that live there wish to be out of there.

Man problem with you guys is that you think that what you think of your country, others also think the same about their country. It is not the case man. There are lots of people who are coming back to India from abroad unlike your country from where evry body want to flee.


Now see what is happening in India.


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