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The similarities between today's India and China at 80 year ago

I would say India is behind China 20 years in everything - from Industry to Infrastructure.

That is only under the assumption that India could raise it's growth rates from the current 3-4% to something like 9-10%, and sustain it for several decades.

That may not happen. So far, China is the only country in the world that has been able to sustain double-digit growth rates for decades at a time.
That is only under the assumption that India could raise it's growth rates from the current 3-4% to something like 9-10%, and sustain it for several decades.

That may not happen. So far, China is the only country in the world that has been able to sustain double-digit growth rates for decades at a time.

Well..by most estimates India would grow around 6-7% after 2015. It is highly doubtful that India would achieve sustained double digit growth.
However, China has incurred very heavy costs for growing at double digits decade on decade as well. The environmental costs have been huge...and Chinese Govt now has to spend on environment particularly to keep it even.
So that rate of growth is a compromise between what you want. I dont think that is the right way. A reasonably lesser rate of growth is acceptable if the damage to environment can be minimized.

Plus, there are leapfrog technologies that are made available as time goes by. Today India does not need two decades of same growth as China to reach their standard of living, just like China did not need a century of growth to reach the West's level of infrastructure.
India has an active development programme featuring both fast and thermal breeder reactors.[58]

India’s first 40 MWt Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) attained criticality on 18 October 1985. India has developed the technology to produce the plutonium rich U-Pu mixed carbide fuel. This can be used in the Fast Breeder Reactor.[59]

At present the scientists of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), one of the nuclear R & D institutions of India, are engaged in the construction (already in its final stages) of another FBR — the 500 MWe prototype fast breeder reactor - at Kalpakkam, near Chennai,[60] with plans to build more as part of its three stage nuclear power program.

India has an active development programme featuring both fast and thermal breeder reactors.[58]

The Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) is a breeder reactor located at Kalpakkam, India

It first reached criticality in October 1985, making India the sixth nation to have the technology to build and operate an FBTR after United States, UK, France, Japan and the former USSR.

The China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) is a 25 MW(e) prototype for the planned China Prototype Fast Reactor (CFRP).[83] It started generating power on 21 July 2011.[84]

@througheye > You guys are achieved in 2011 what we achieved in 1985, i.e 25 years earlier.

Top 10 Milk Producers

Country Production (1000 MT)
1 EU-27 140,620.00
2 India 121,500.00
3 United States 88,768.00
4 China 31,780.00
5 Russian Federation 31,200.00
6 Brazil 30,846.00
7 New Zealand 18,049.00
8 Mexico 11,228.00
9 Argentina 11,070.00
10 Ukraine 10,812.00


India is today world's no.1 milk producing nation. (EU is not nation.)

We didn't have this title. We worked for it and achieved it.

@JayAtl > Throw this data on faces of trolls. You are one of the only few Indian members who can give nightmare to trolls.
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Your "true democracy" has led to India being poorer than the entire continent of Africa, with more malnutrition and starvation than the rest of the world combined, and the majority of your population practicing open defecation.

Calling India a democracy is an insult to real democracies like Canada. Where people don't sh*t on the streets and die in their millions by starvation every single year even in 2013.


When China claimed to have lifted 220 million people out of poverty, guess what its poverty line was? Just $85 per year, or $0.24 per day! Whatever statistical adjustments you make for comparability, it was far lower than today’s Tendulkar line. Did today’s critics of the Tendulkar line castigate China for fudging? No, they sang China’s praises.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...-ending-poverty-world-bank.html#ixzz2hNeJasZS

India set it at $1.25(PPP) per day.

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Why are Indians still stuck in the past ???

Indians are backward people by nature. Their society still practices caste system. They are comparable to Africans in their backwardness in society and human behaviour.

Just look at the way they behave. How on earth can you respect Indians and Africans? I'm sorry but I have to be honest here.
You claim yourself to be a student of history and where did you learn about the warlords in India since Independence? As for Maoists, they exists in some parts of the country( but isn't China fully under the control of Maoists? ;))

This sentence shows that you know nothing about today's China.
China abandoned Mao's policies 35 years ago.
Some people may still miss and respect Mao as the first Leader of PRC, however China is out ruled by Maoist anymore.
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