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The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

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Blood a little boiling, eh? The day that india's military can even come close to success whould be the following link below happens. 2 days, all of india is wiped out (conventional war). 30 mins all of india flattened . (nuke whttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjB6a0e8THUar).


Thanks, RedFaux. For the History (and future) of the world according to YouTube!

But between you and Herr Feld Marschall HongWu; when you use up your 30 minutes flattening India, spare my favorite Chinese restaurants there from decimation! Am looking forward to more meals there.
And let not History say-- Chinese Restaurants were flattened by Chinese Missiles and Nukes.:P
Blood a little boiling, eh? The day that india's military can even come close to success whould be the following link below happens. 2 days, all of india is wiped out (conventional war). 30 mins all of india flattened . (nuke whttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjB6a0e8THUar).


Whatever makes you feel better YOU TUBE FAN BOY KID.
So your point is India is so backward even if it gets nuked it wouldn't get any poorer, maybe even better since population would be small. :tup:

I am talking about collateral damage :sniper:.

Personal attack
and now u guys know who is HongWu..
U know who calls us Bharathi :lol::lol:
LOL..... there is no offense intended. I called you stupid because that is an objective fact.

You don't even know the difference between AESA (a technology) and ABM (a role / function).

Nor do you know that India's own "ABM radar" is an Israeli-made AESA.

Is that a threat? LOL!

Anyway, there's no proof that India had 400KT nuclear warhead but everyone knows that China had MT level nuclear warhead.

If we tell you the exact yield of our bombs then it wont be secret any more. I am happy that there is no source. People are not fool who are pressurizing us to sign NPT for no reason. There are reasons. When you can make a single kT bomb you can build a 400kT bomb.
I just wonder you people didn't even come to know about our nuclear test in 1998 and also in 1974. Infect you people are still confused about our Thermonuclear device with different yields different sources.
LOL..... there is no offense intended. I called you stupid because that is an objective fact.

You don't even know the difference between AESA (a technology) and ABM (a role / function).

Nor do you know that India's own "ABM radar" is an Israeli-made AESA.

EL/M-2080 Green Pine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India is not using green Pine..
India's ABM use Swordfish radar..

However, it differs from the Israeli system as it(swordfish) employs Indian Transmit Receive modules, signal processing, computers and power supplies. It is also more powerful than the base Green Pine system and was developed to meet India's specific BMD needs.

In March 2009, India DRDO tested long-range capabilities of its indigenously developed Swordfish radar

Swordfish Long Range Tracking Radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Infect you people are still confused about our Thermonuclear device with different yields different sources.
Yes, Indians said it was successful. The rest of the world says it failed.

Just like Indians say they are a superpower. The rest of the world laughs. :lol:
I dont believe this .... this thread is still alive ... an article with no reference ... let alone haveing credible proof....

greeat its doing wonders for this forum... but hey its India Bashing ... who's cares aboutour reputation when that can be done ...

perfect :cheers:
Yes, Indians said it was successful. The rest of the world says it failed.

Just like Indians say they are a superpower. The rest of the world laughs. :lol:

then we should test again,
what you say?
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