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The SAUDIfighter Typhoon??

Combat in Yemen? Are you at war with Yemen? Wow! I never knew about this war! No reports at all. Can you please tell me about it? Thanks.

Man Where you live? come out of bollywood and the world!
That's exactly what i am trying to say. ppl on this forum think that producing things under license means that they can produce things on their own.

Producing things under license is like " Ok give me the parts and step by step instructions and i will put them together" or "give me the step by step instructions to make parts and how to put them together and i will put them together"

Sadly no muslim country can produce a fighter jet on its own.

EDIT and the above statement stands true even without engine manufacturing.

Trust me this is not IKEA syndrome. ToT is much more different than license production. But as I said. The typhoon will be to Saudi Arabia what the F-16 is to Israel Inshallah. Of course I am not saying it will be easy on the contrary it is a challenge but the Ambition is there.
Having a few engineers and scientists isn't good enough.

India has millions of highly respected scientists and engineers, yet India as whole doesn't have a strong manufacturing industry to manufacture what these engineers design. Ironically, Indian engineers and scientists do not shine in India, but in the US.

There is no industrial base for Saudi Arabia to manufacture what its engineers put out. This is why a Saudi jet fighter is impossible at this time, and only a handful of highly industrialized nations are capable of building their own indigenous jet fighters.

I will give an example. China has transferred JF-17 technology to Pakistan. Does that mean Pakistan can now go out and build its own indigenous fighter jet that could be called Pakistani? The answer is no.

PAKISTAN is now able to mass-produce own 4 gen fighter of high quality.
your Korean have't own 4 gen fighter and Korea can only produce a trainer which is still a F16's clone . lol ....I simply know this is the answer.
PAKISTAN is now able to mass-produce own 4 gen fighter of high quality.
your Korean have't own 4 gen fighter and Korea can only produce a trainer which is still a F16's clone . lol ....I simply know this is the answer.

I have high faith on our student studying aeronautical engineering in china.
wasn't it some Israeli who protested against this to the UK? or did it go all smoth with that part. i know USA bit*ed and moaned.
wasn't it some Israeli who protested against this to the UK? or did it go all smoth with that part. i know USA bit*ed and moaned.

Yeah. Lots of problems faced this deal but it finally got through.
The Saudis have some of the best universities in the region, they've spent alot of money on their human capital in the past decade. To the people blaming KSA of aiding in the Osirak attack, they should know that Iran was known to have offered it's airspace as well. None of the leaders in the Muslim world are saints, I know that the current leadership in Pakistan is very corrupt - it's widely believed that the criminal who is now President, only became President with US assistance. He was absconding from multiple corruption and murder cases in Pakistan and abroad before Uncle Sam decided this guy could be of some use to them.

And in the 80's, when after Osirak the next Israeli target in the Muslim world was the Kahuta nuclear facility in Pakistan, Saudi Airborne Early Warning assets had detected the Israeli strike contingent crossing the Arabian sea and heading towards India. We found out from our Saudi friends at 12AM, and the Israeli indo-assisted attack was to come at 4AM. But these zionists are cowards essentially, and do not normally fight fair fights. F-16s on the other side of our eastern border were detected to be airborne, but when they saw that our Airforce was prepared and in wait for them, they called it off. So, who knows perhaps our nuclear capabilities would have been jeapardized early-on if it was not for that fortunate little bit of providence that our Saudi friends detected the threat and warned us.

No wonder there were some reports in the late 90's, early 2000's(soon after our nuclear tests in 1998), that some nuclear warheads and missiles were covertly moved to KSA. It was also reported in the previous decade, that in military exercises the KSA army practiced under the theoretical scenario that, if Israeli aggression threatened Saudi borders, their army would focus on containing the assault until nukes would be readied. I first heard Zaid Hamid(a famous Pakistani defence analyst) narrating this incident. I for one, and many Muslims around the world, would be very proud and happy if this is indeed true, and our nukes are a part of the arsenal defending greater-Hejaz, the land of our Prophet(PBUH). Politically, this also prevents Israel from using nuclear blackmail - with it having the only nuclear arsenal in that region, intimidating countries around it that in the advent of war Israel would be able to severely damage them.

I think we have a tendency to criticize our Arab brothers, this goes against the Hadith of the Holy Prophet(PBUH), who told us to love Arabs for three reasons. And he also said that Arabs aren't superior to Ajam, nor are Ajams superior to Arabs. The west hates Muslims collectively, it does not differentiate between Arabs and Ajams, it bombs Iraq and Afghanistan and kills millions of innocent civilians in both the Muslim countries.

Assalam alaikum

Very well said brother

Rain bhai agree with u

Mosa i will blame u for ruining the threads u keep on answering for question again and again on every thread that is regarding saudia.

U ve got to remember Sons OF ibn saba'a when ever they see name of saudia or someone fron ur country will bring very bad and sad feeling for their gone empire. Plz let us enjoy ur developments and not let these ppl troll

We pakistanies have made many mistakes still when we make some achievement we expect from our brothers and friends to appreciate us and encourages us and not undermine us.

Saudia just 3 decade ago was not saudia of today there is an improvement in every field we should be encouraging them to keep up.

My pakistani Brothers always forget how saudia tipped us about israeli intentions and always forget how saudia stood by our side before and after nuke explosion, earthquake and floods etc ( i though we pakisanies have many faults but alwasy thought that we r not ahsan framosh )

موسى مو كل كلب ينبح ترد عليه الله يصلحك

My friend i would not dare dream such a pathetic thing. It is the land of the prophets and responsible for getting us out of the darkness of ignorance.

However easy money has never lifted anyone to heights of glory or fulfilled dreams of self sufficiency.

Brother if saudia was underdeveloped , backward etc do u think any progress is good or they just live like they were before.

Is it good if they r trying to do some good or not or ( oye kun k tum jahil ho to jahil hi raho ) is better for them

Yesterday I had a trip to National Guard where a lot of forgien trainers and support personal are based. There is one thing I will commened about Saudia is that they know how to keep a grip on potential trouble makers. A britisher, American, Australian, whoever he may be but in Saudia he is kept tight like a rat especially when they are deputed to diplomatic and military related matters. They Mubahits knows about every inch of their movement. Compare this with Raymond Davis in Pakistan, he murders Pakistani citizens in broad daylight and easily makes his way out with government protection. The master of double speak John Kerry then gives his middle finger to Pak government.
hey Guys, why are you targeting Mosa(S. A), they are moving in right direction, if there are pitfalls, its natural, if the continue towards self reliance in defense n technology field, they can prove to be very potent force in the region, instead of locking horns with SA like we did with USA, and EU, We should work constructively and try to benefit from their progress.

Some of Pakistanis friends are more lethal in their actions than USA+ISRAEL+INdia all put togather.


---------- Post added at 07:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------

So what is your contribution towards self reliance???

I am doing what i supposed to do. Keeping to myself,doing things legally, paying my taxes and zakat and any other obligation that i have. If only everyone would do the same in Pakistan you wouldn't have to ask that question of yours.
Trust me this is not IKEA syndrome. ToT is much more different than license production. But as I said. The typhoon will be to Saudi Arabia what the F-16 is to Israel Inshallah. Of course I am not saying it will be easy on the contrary it is a challenge but the Ambition is there.

I wish someone could present you an actual contract of military hardware sale. This Tot(the much hyped word) is not like anything that you think. You really think that Europeans or Americans or Russians or Chinese are going to give you the fruits of their decades of research for money.

Its like asking Microsoft to release source code of windows for 50 Billion or even 100 billion. Doesn't matter the money they are not going to do it.

Because once they release the source code other organizations would be able to make far better software and are going to compete with windows ultimately ruining Microsoft.

There is a rule in Business that you protect your core competency fiercely.

No organization is going to give you its gold so just that tomorrow you can make competitors out of it.ITS COMMON SENSE.

The kind of TOT that changes hand in these contracts is just enough to keep the assembly running in the foreign country.

I hope that you are understanding what i am trying to say.
If Saudi is ever going to develop its own fighter jet, believe me, as long as Uncle Sam is around, it just won't happen.

Even Israel couldn't do that with the Lavi.


Lavi was canceled in 1987 as a result of growing American concerns about the cost of the project, as well as from concerns that Lavi fighters would threaten the export market of the US F-16 and F-18. After extensive government deliberations, the decision was made by the Israeli Cabinet in to cancel the Lavi program. This led to a serious crisis at IAI which necessitated a major reorganization of the Company's structure and business strategy. Under American pressure, on 30 August 1987 the Israeli cabinet voted to cancel the Lavi project, but asked the United States for $450 million to pay for canceled contracts. The State Department agreed to raise the earmark for procurement in Israel from $300 million to $400 million to pay Lavi cancellation costs.

If Saudi is ever going to develop its own fighter jet, believe me, as long as Uncle Sam is around, it just won't happen.

Even Israel couldn't do that with the Lavi.



Saudi arabia cannot make their own fighter jets anyway, even israel could not do it without uncle sams help.
Yup. Even much of Lavi's components were of US origin :lol:
Exactly, so when these people say we are gonna make our own fighter jet, they really mean they are gonna pay the usa to make it for them.

i mean making a jet fighter is not a candy, it takes years of research and training and so on, does saudi arabia even have a wind tunnel?
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