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The reality of Iraq and why bombings are commonly used in Baghdad

I still don’t know what your point is.

How has Abdul sattar Risha got nothing to do with Sunni militias, he was a tribal leader that commanded the Sahwa militia, sons of Iraq. Those that sided with the US fighting : Ansar al Sunnah, Islamic state of Iraq ( ISIS ) and the others you consider Sunni fighters.

When did the Shia complete surrender happen ? Who ? who the **** Shia are you talking about, Maliki, Mahdi army, Asaib ahl al Haq.

All are different.

Sided with US fighting? ISIS the group you and your friends keep raging about being Al Qaeda? LOL! Why are you lying bro.
The sad part was Saladin had to fight Shia people before going to Jerusalem. And you can guess why on your own.

Ya Akhi, have you changed now? You had supported the Rafidi death cult and now following the footstep of Jam'3. Masha'Allah may Allah guide you and I want to give you an authentic reminder to you -

Muhammad Ibn ‘Amr from Abi Salamah that Abi Hurrarah narrated that the Messenger of Allah salla Allahu ‘alayhi wasalama said: “The Jews have separated into 71 or 72 sects, and the Christians have been separated into 71 or 72 sects, and my Ummah on 73 sects."

"Indeed this nation will split into 73 sects, 72 will be in the hell-fire, and one will be in paradise, and that is the Jama’ah.” Narrated by Abu Dawood in his Sunnan.

Sadly, now the death cult had fabricated stories of Salah'din Rahimullah who was our greatest warrior who followed the footstep of the Sahaba RA especially Muwawiyah RA who wanted the Rafidis finished. Beside the reason to kill the Isma'ili cult who opened the door for the Crusaders and killing the Muslims is aside from what we call kafir for Christians and Jews who are provided security and protection. The Shias are murtadeed who are not provided protection under Islamic state (ruling of Allah's law) and either brace to Islam or get killed. This is what Salah'din who brought the worst torment against the Isma'ili and Shia sects and we'll follow the footstep of him. I can give you a 249 net page authentic story of him which include the ruling of Fatimid savages, the Crusades and Salah'din emergence. Just let me know. Also, incase if you didn't know the story of the Shias who again helped the Mongolians open a slaugherhouse in Baghdad. Just imagine you were friend with 3 or 5 Rafidis and if there is a conflict coming would you survive with them? Happened once Suunis in Iraq before the invasion who used to call Shias brothers but now, Allah had exposed the Shias. Taqiyah, even the video in my first post Iraqi mentioned this with tears :(

Again sadly, Muslims still falling for this trap to symapthize the cult of Shias and calling like us terrorist who is suffering. The mujahideen in Syria is too soft toward the Nusaryis because our religion so instead they increase the opening of Dawah (learn Islam) stores for the Nusayri rats (not Shabiha) to give them their chance to embrace. Although, these rats had slaughtered and tortured over 200,000 families and raped collectively of females infront of their families. Insha'Allah, dedicated to Salah'din, the Nusayris will be excinct through peaceful mean with either Dawah or get killed which is happening now.

I'm confused with this new look of this site because I don't know where is the message link but if you can help me out I'll give you the active updates by the mujahed fighters, brigades and ISIS on and facebook and twitter. This is completely different story from what the mainstream media says and what the Shias says and this I want you to know what it is happening in Iraq exactly since you are a sympathizer of Palestinian resistance who are known to support them and you are a Muslim. The truth is nearly half of Anbar is in their hand and killing the Sahwa members on daily basis, advancing toward this and that and those sickening Sahwa who never cared about the Suunis is finished then afterward it's over by the grace of Allah. By Allah, if you understand your fellow brothers and sisters who had been suffering in Iraq like the ulema and Muslims agreed then you would never had supported the grave idol worshipping rafidis. It is the billion population of Suunis you gotta believe, not some Shia cilt who use Taqiyah.

BTW, the US isn't helping them in Syria for the sake of defending Israel and with the news I hear, Palestinians is with our supporters.

Peace brother, i'm glad you have changed :)
I haven't changed. I've always known of the sectarian conflicts in several specific countries and I don't discuss it much. But, the 'elis' guy was getting on my nerves and forced me to.

Who's the sahwa? I had another guy tell me the same thing.

And how's Egypt going? What do you think is going to happen on Morsi's trial?

Peace brother, i'm glad you have changed :)

And he got arrested.
Who's the sahwa? I had another guy tell me the same thing.

Why ask him or me, find out yourself instead since Me and Moosh have sides.

Sons of Iraq
Abdul Sattar Risha commander
Type it in google, youtube.

In short :
A local militia established by tribal Sheikhs in western Iraq to fight/defend from Al Qaeda jihadists that came into Iraq after the invasion.
I haven't changed. I've always known of the sectarian conflicts in several specific countries and I don't discuss it much. But, the 'elis' guy was getting on my nerves and forced me to.

Who's the sahwa? I had another guy tell me the same thing.

And how's Egypt going? What do you think is going to happen on Morsi's trial?

When Zarqawi formed ISI and mostly Fallujah lions joined, Americans then supported the Suunis who hated ISI to fight them in the Western areas and these Sahwa people claim to be Suuni back then at the same time the Rafidis were slaughtering Suunis in Baghdad which I have mentioned then ISI lost then Sahwa stopped. Now, Maliki is trying to bring back Sahwa in fully active because ISIS regained control where Sahwat is (Anbar) and is getting support from Syria and still pushing for control but Sahwa won't revive fully because they were deceived and realized Suunis had gave up because of Maliki's slaughterings so most likely between ISIS and Iraqi force which is happening.

Not going well, still protest around but not big as before massacre and the four hand sign widespread. Still lack of media coverage on Sissi backed thugs. You know Sissi...either life sentence or execution but if that happens then likely this will keep going then the worst outcome will happen. Azhar students beaten by Sissi thugs
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Too much errors again

When Zarqawi formed ISI and mostly Fallujah lions joined, Americans then supported the Suunis who hated ISI to fight them in the Western areas and these Sahwa people claim to be Suuni back then at the same time the Rafidis were slaughtering Suunis in Baghdad

The civil war started in 2006, Sahwa fighting Qaeda was started around 2003/2004.

which I have mentioned then ISI lost then Sahwa stopped.
They never stopped since al qaeda never stopped.

Now, Maliki is trying to bring back Sahwa in fully active because ISIS regained control where Sahwat is (Anbar) and is getting support from Syria and still pushing for control but Sahwa won't revive fully because they were deceived and realized Suunis had gave up because of Maliki's slaughterings so most likely between ISIS and Iraqi force which is happening.

Sahwa is active, gov is going to support them with money & equipment.
There is a project to build barriers on the Syrian border along with FLIR + ( armed ) UAV patrol to keep rats from crossing, then if needed landmines can be planted along the whole border between 2 fences knowing where they are when they want to remove them, these things can be done and might be constructed ATM though these things stay classified so rats dont know it.
al-Gharib الغريب ‏@troublejee23h
@ajaltamimi from your knowledge in Iraq how many percentages ISIS control in Nineveh & Anbar provinces ?

Aymenn J Al-Tamimi ‏@ajaltamimi22h
@troublejee Would be difficult to quantify in terms of percentages. Abu Risha put it at 40% in Anbar. To give specifics...

Aymenn J Al-Tamimi ‏@ajaltamimi22h
@troublejee ISIS doesn't control any towns in Anbar but they operate freely on the highways & have geared up assaults on towns since January

Abu Siqr Al Shabwani ‏@AbuSiqr8 Nov
Saddam Al Arkhita hands himself over to ISIS along with 150 weapons after he repented - he killed many ISIS b4.
Abu Siqr Al Shabwani ‏@AbuSiqr8 Nov
Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi: even if they kill a thousand thousand mujahid and repent and hand in their weapons - they won't be harmed

In northern Iraq, where insurgents have a foothold, al Qaeda gave the Sahwa an ultimatum that expired this week on the first day of Eid al-Adha, the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice, to repent and swear allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq or face death. Al Qaeda's Iraqi wing has told Sahwa fighters to hand over their weapons and uniforms. Sahwa leaders and security officials said. - Reuters on October 2013.

This is huge and the beginning which took a month since Eid Adha, now Saddam Al Arkhita will be followed by many soon, cowards doesn't even know what "repent" mean before and had realized this now. The Sahwa fools finally woke up realizing Maliki is nothing but a criminal and a puppet of Iran.:haha:

Desperate Rafidis making rumours on Waheeb's death only because they couldn't resist the numbers of Rafidi forces he and his "desert men" had killed, here is the new message from him to Maliki. In short, refute his death, will be here (border) to monitor and continue to slaughter the Rafidi force if they see them enter to aid Bashar al Butthead. :sniper:
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Iraq keeps eye on Kurd-jihadist battle in Syria

Baghdad (AFP) - As the latest jihadist-Kurdish military showdown eases in northeast Syria, Baghdad is keeping a close watch on a battle which threatens even greater instability in Iraq.

Kurdish forces and Al-Qaeda-linked groups have for weeks fought over territory, with the Kurds taking over a key border point late last month.

But with the likelihood of more fighting to follow, Baghdad is worried of jihadists securing a wider corridor between eastern Syria and western Iraq.

"This border point is significant for both Al-Qaeda, and the (Syrian) Kurds," said Ali al-Haidari, a Baghdad-based security analyst. "At the same time, it threatens the Iraqi government's security as well."

"For Al-Qaeda, it is a border point through which they smuggle explosives, fighters and suicide bombers."

Iraq and Syria share a 600-kilometre (375-mile) border, and jihadists and Kurdish forces have for weeks fought fierce battles to the frontier's east, culminating with Kurdish fighters seizing the Al-Yaarubia crossing in late October.

Iraq's security forces reinforced their side of the border as the clashes raged in a bid to prevent jihadists from retreating into the northern Iraqi province of Nineveh.

The clashes do not directly threaten Bashar al-Assad, Syria's embattled president who has fought against an armed rebellion for more than two years.

But their proximity to Iraq and the strategic importance of the border point are the latest example of the Syrian civil war's potential spillover into Iraq.

"If it (Al-Yaarubia) fell into the hands of the (Islamist Al-) Nusra Front or other terrorist groups, our area would be in danger," said Naif Sido, the mayor of Snoni, an Iraqi town near the border.

Sido said security forces -- both from the central government as well as Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region, which are often at odds -- and local officials were holding weekly meetings to keep tabs on the situation.

Al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), both linked to Al-Qaeda, have increasingly fought against Kurdish forces in northern Syria, in Hasaka, Aleppo and Raqqa provinces.

Their aim, analysts say, is to establish control of key border points to ensure easier transit of fighters and equipment.

The Islamists also see Iraq and Syria as one large, contiguous battlefield.
"It's an ideological thing for them," said Aymenn al-Tamimi of the Middle East Forum think-tank.

Tamimi said ISIL in particular "sees Iraq and Syria as one battleground. It's part of the wider project of achieving the first goal of building an Islamic state in Iraq and Syria."

He noted that borders had been a focus for jihadist groups seeking to establish secure supply lines for reinforcements and military supplies.

And he warned that the
Kurds' seizure of Al-Yaarubia did not mean the fighting was over.
"It's not going to stop," Tamimi said. "It’s still going to be a pretty bad situation for the Iraqi government."

Iraq has long voiced concern over the impact of the bloodshed in Syria, Al-Qaeda's expanding role in the conflict and the potential spillover of the violence.

Unrest in Iraq has surged dramatically in recent months -- more people died in October than in the first three months of 2013 combined -- which officials and diplomats say is partly due to the conflict in Syria.

The war across the border, they say, has emboldened Sunni militant groups linked to Al-Qaeda and opposed to Iraq's Shiite-led government.

ISIS has "succeeded in rebuilding some of its capacity in some areas (of Iraq)," Iraqi deputy national security adviser Safa Hussein told AFP.
Hussein said the main reason for the group's resurgence was the conflict in Syria, noting: "Now they have an open border, and strong – very strong – allies in Syria, and finance and weapons are almost open to them."

"They (jihadists) realise that the battle with Assad is a long battle," he continued. "If you like, the intermediate goal is having control of those key areas, or areas they think are key to their strategy."

Iraq keeps eye on Kurd-jihadist battle in Syria - Yahoo News

Yet the YPG communist says we are fighting alone? :crazy: and Maliki and the Rafidi force now admitting they are crumblings to bits which now Northern Syria is now connected to 40% of Anbar Iraq to begin the expansion :sniper:

Updates by the so called monitor terrorism douche bags, effective analysing reports on ISIS because they are Westerners, if it's a mujahed I post you would call it a bs updates :coffee:
Aymenn J Al-Tamimi (ajaltamimi) on Twitter (reported the article)
Charles Lister (Charles_Lister) on Twitter
Brown Moses (Brown_Moses) on Twitter
Evan Kohlmann (IntelTweet) on Twitter
Flashpoint Partners (FlashpointIntel) on Twitter
Aaron Y. Zelin (azelin) on Twitter
Jenan Moussa (jenanmoussa) on Twitter
Remembering the American invaders and the Shia forces who welcomed them literally kidnapped Muslim females randomly into large prison and Abu Ghrab (Dungeon) is one of them as mentioned in post #25 which now still exist.

Fatima's Letter

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-giving. "Say He is God the One; God the Source [of everything]; Not has He fathered, nor has He been fathered; nor is anything comparable to Him." [Qur'an, Surat 112 "al-Ikhlas"]

I chose this noble Surah from the Book of God because it has the greatest impact on me and on all of you and it strikes a particular kind of awe in the hearts of Believers.

My brother Mujahideen in the path of God! What can I say to you? I say to you: our wombs have been filled with the children of fornication by those sons of apes and pigs who raped us. Or I could tell you that they have defaced our bodies, spit in our faces, and tore up the little copies of the Qur'an that hung around our necks? God is greatest! Can you not comprehend our situation? Is it true that you do not know what is happening to us? We are your sisters. God will be calling you to account [about this] tomorrow.

By God, we have not passed one night since we have been in prison without one of the apes and pigs jumping down upon us to rip our bodies apart with his overweening lust. And we are the ones who had guarded our virginity out of fear of God. Fear God! Kill us along with them! Destroy us along with them! Don't leave us here to let them get pleasure from raping us! It will be an act to ennoble the Throne of Almighty God. Fear God regarding us! Leave their tanks and aircraft outside. Come at us here in the prison of Abu Ghurayb.

I am your sister in God (Fatimah). They raped me on one day more than nine times. Can you comprehend? Imagine one of your sisters being raped. Why can't you all imagine it, as I am your sister. With me are 13 girls, all unmarried. All have been raped before the eyes and ears of everyone.

They won't let us pray. They took our clothes and won't let us get dressed. As I write this letter one of the girls has committed suicide. She was savagely raped. A soldier hit her on her chest and thigh after raping her. He subjected her to unbelievable torture. She beat her head against the wall of the cell until she died, for she couldn't take any more, even though suicide is forbidden in Islam. But I excuse that girl. I have hope that God will forgive her, because He is the Most Merciful of all.

Brothers, I tell you again, fear God! Kill us with them so that we might be at peace. Help! Help! Help! [Wa Mu'atasima!]
Some posts in this thread (mainly by Moosh) represent everything that is so f*cked up about Middle East.

I hope that with Turkey mending its relations with Iraq, it will downplay sectarian rift. Sectarianism is a thing of the 7th century, and its this backwardness that is really holding the region back from prospering.
Look at VAST resources we have, our rich history and cultures. Then compare that to where we are right now. Such an enourmous discrepancy.:hitwall:
I swear, the rest of the World is laughing at us. We are pathetic loosers, there is no other way about it.
Any person/organization/country that promotes this kind of divisive sectarian narrative should be marginalized to the point of irrelevance.

People like MooshMoosh urgently need to enter the modern era. Luckily most Iraqis are not like that, and dont define themselves by Shia or Sunni, but rather define themselves as being Iraqis.
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I hope that with Turkey mending its relations with Iraq, it will downplay sectarian rift. Sectarianism is a thing of the 7th century, and its this backwardness that is really holding this region back from prospering.
Look at resources we have, our rich history and cultures. Then compare that to where we are right now. Such an enourmous discrepancy.:hitwall:
I swear, the rest of the World is laughing at us
Any person/organization/country that promotes this kind of divisive sectarian narrative should be marginalized to the point of irrelevance.

Coming from an Iranian who turned Iraq into an Iranian colony and masterminded sectarianism since 1979, used media like PissTV to deceive the world and accuse the so called "Wahhabi" of sectarianism because your mullahs has pride to do so, go ahead. :coffee:

And for the record, I'm defending those who wanted to get rid of the tools of Iran.
Coming from an Iranian who turned Iraq into an Iranian colony and masterminded sectarianism since 1979, used media like PissTV to deceive the world and accuse the so called "Wahhabi" of sectarianism because your mullahs has pride to do so, go ahead. :coffee:

And for the record, I'm defending those who wanted to get rid of the tools of Iran.

Iraq is not an Iranian colony. Even if we wanted to colonize Iraq (which we dont), we would not be able to because Iraq is too powerful to be controlled by anyone. Its simply impossible.
Dont mistake Iraq for the Khaleeji petrodollar monarches which ARE controlled, but by the US. Although Im positive that even those countries will eventually be decolonized because monarchies like Al Saud are on life support. Its rather amazing they have lasted this long, but it wont be sustainable. They will be forcibly removed by their own people eventually, as they are unsustainable and unbearable and outdated as f*ck.

Iran just wants normal good relations with Iraq.
We have friendly ties to one another, but that doesnt mean Iraq is a colony. Keep up with your conspiracy theories.
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