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The real threat from NaMo

the Indian economy to an even bigger lead ahead of Pakistan than it has now.

That is indeed the real issue. His nationalism and whatever else he is associated are not an issue for us and nor were they when the BJP was elected years back. If he puts India on a stellar path then Pakistan will fall further and further behind into mere irrelevance.

I hope we can elect a leader that puts their nation first. Hate him or not. Modi does that with India and I can respect that.
All the economic indicators put Pakistan and india GDP per capita almost comparable to each other with minor difference by 2050 inclidng the man who coined the BRIC concept.

Ofcourse we can't surpas india in over all GDP but it would be Good for Pakistan if we have comparable GDP Per capita to india.

anyway indian does believe that Modi will give them better economy but the fact is that they are gonna miss the MMS govt,They might disagree with me now but after 2-3 years they will have no reason but to accept the fact.

The GDP Growth rate of india is set to remain around 6% for the next couple of years as is claimed by IMF and World bank etc
I dont expect any logic from u but still wud like u to support ur future prediction by logic. Why wud we miss MMS govt? Ohh, coz he never governed anything but was merely a nominal head? :D

post reported for the bold part

In Pakistan not even 0.0000000001% people know the growth rate of india let alone concerned.

we have enough of our problems to deal with.
Cant say that by attitude of Pakistan on this forum and on media.
NAMO is India's 2nd Father like Xio Ping of China.
namo reminds me of nemo


NAMO is India's 2nd Father like Xio Ping of China.

nemo is your second father?
I am not against NaMo. I am eagerly looking forward for his future policies.

But please do not forget that he obtained support from only Indian 30% voters which means 70% voters voted against him. Although this did not prevent him to obtain absolute majority in parliament.
I am not against NaMo. I am eagerly looking forward for his future policies.

But please do not forget that he obtained support from only Indian 30% voters which means 70% voters voted against him. Although this did not prevent him to obtain absolute majority in parliament.

Fundamentally flawed logic. No, it does not mean that 70% voted against him. Most votes were for or against regional parties. Did every voter in TN vote against Modi? No, they voted against the DMK or AIADMK. It was not a for Modi v/s anti Modi binary choice.

About only 30% voting for BJP, that is the case with any other party that has come to power in recent times. Check out the vote shares of other victors in past elections. In 1998, the entire NDA got less that 25% vote share when they ruled the country. That is how our system works - it's the "first to cross the line" model.
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