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The Question of "Shia Genocide" in Pakistan.

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Well , that's what been called now. Even we are almost 25 percent of population. Even so called minority are not secured .

What census tells you that you are 25%?

Please show me the data.

Or it's another Iranian propaganda?

Then relate the shia/Hazara killing to Sunnis' massacre by Khomeini and his Loyalists.
ethnic factor too
Yes, indeed there is a ethnic factor. Although the proper term would be ethno-religious factor as those who hunt Shias know that every Hazara who are visible by their Mongol features are Shias so they make easy targets.

Also 231 were killed in the last 17 years
Where did you pull that figure? As I showd 170 alone were killed in 2013 alone, the full list is below on Dawn's timeline. Take the time to peruse it and the figure is far higher then your claim.

Simple search for 2002 Shia killings in Pakistan and results turn up:

26 February, 2002

At least 11 Shia worshipers were killed by indiscriminate firing by a group of masked gunmen at the Shah-i-Najaf Mosque in Rawalpindi.


17 June, 2002

Two unidentified gunmen opened fire on Shiite Muslims at Al-Hussaini mosque in Multan, Punjab province, Pakistan. Three people were killed in the shooting.


How can you say there were no Shia killings in 2001 or 2002 ??

You have compiled incomplete Data

Why only shia count for deaths?

Why not sunni count?

Do you think sunnis are insects?
I have collected a database of all terrorism incidents against or suspected against Shia of Pakistan. The database has been meticulously collected while sifting through news reports of the last 17 years. We counted about 1850 Deaths over 17 years...does this look like "Shia Genocide"?
Perhaps this word is a better fit:


[puh-gruhm, -grom, poh-]

Wikipedia says, "A pogrom is a violent riot aimed at the massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly a riot aimed at the massacre or persecution of Jews. The term originally entered the English language in order to describe 19th and 20th century attacks on Jews in the Russian Empire (mostly within the Pale of Settlement, in what would become Ukraine, Belarus and Poland). Similar attacks against Jews at other times and places also became retrospectively known as pogroms. The word is now also sometimes used to describe publicly sanctioned purgative attacks against non-Jewish ethnic or religious groups."

However, in the Jewish experience the classic pogrom was a series of hit-and-run raids by mounted Cossacks intent on killing Jews and burning their homes and villages. Bombing ethnic neighborhoods is essentially the modern equivalent.

The issue with applying the word "genocide" is that it includes deliberate intent. Pogroms merely require acquiescence. So the bloody events you've recorded can't "look like" genocide unless you can attach statements of intent to them as well. (Perhaps only a little more research is needed for you to accomplish that.)
And it's a shame that Khomeini's Loyalists do not talk about how many Sunnis have been killed so far in Iran by the state.

Khomeini fatwa 'led to killing of 30,000 in Iran'

This thread has nothing to do with Iran or Khomeini but the killings of Shias in Pakistan.

The problem with people like you is that for some retarded reason, even the killings of Pakistani citizens is tried to justified in one way or another.


@Azlan Haider This thread is a good reminder of our poisonous society.
Yes, indeed there is a ethnic factor. Although the proper term would be ethno-religious factor as those who hunt Shias know that every Hazara who are visible by their Mongol features are Shias so they make easy targets.

Where did you pull that figure? As I showd 170 alone were killed in 2013 alone, the full list is below on Dawn's timeline. Take the time to peruse it and the figure is far higher then your claim.

Yup. i missed out this incident as there were about 4 separate incidents of Bombing in that month of 2013.
So i have to add 130 to the figure. That makes t 360 Hazara Killed.
Perhaps this word is a better fit:


[puh-gruhm, -grom, poh-]

Wikipedia says, "A pogrom is a violent riot aimed at the massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly a riot aimed at the massacre or persecution of Jews. The term originally entered the English language in order to describe 19th and 20th century attacks on Jews in the Russian Empire (mostly within the Pale of Settlement, in what would become Ukraine, Belarus and Poland). Similar attacks against Jews at other times and places also became retrospectively known as pogroms. The word is now also sometimes used to describe publicly sanctioned purgative attacks against non-Jewish ethnic or religious groups."

However, in the Jewish experience the classic pogrom was a series of hit-and-run raids by mounted Cossacks intent on killing Jews and burning their homes and villages. Bombing ethnic neighborhoods is essentially the modern equivalent.

The issue with applying the word "genocide" is that it includes deliberate intent. Pogroms merely require acquiescence. So the bloody events you've recorded can't "look like" genocide unless you can attach statements of intent to them as well.

And these Jews revenged by imposing Communism upon Russia through Lenin (Jewish bloodline) and Karl Marx (the Jew) who transformed the political order of Russia and Eastern Europe.
No, not true. Persecution of minorities in Pakistan is an unfortunate reality. But no community/sect has been targeted the way Shia have been targeted since 1963 .. Although I do believe that it is harder to be an Ahmedi than to be a Shia in most part of the countries, but even Ahmedis have not been targeted/killed on the scale Shia have been..... , Maybe because Ahmadis do not pose any threat to the imperialist Arab "donors"
Can you believe it, that even in my village, Saudi sponsored mullahs asked us to donate land for a madrasah ? It's a village of hardly a thousand or so people...

We didn't... but just in the next village, they opened a madrasah whose estimated cost ran over 10 million.
Why only shia count for deaths?

Why not sunni count?

Do you think sunnis are insects?

I think that Only terrorists (regardless of what sect/religion they are), their sympathizers/supporters and those who spread terrorists' propaganda online are filthy insects
Why? What beastial rule says if Iran kills people Pakistan has to kill it's own citizens?

Because the shia militants in Pakistan are trained and funded in Iran. Did you bother to read the above report or you ignored it for obvious reasons?
I think that Only terrorists (regardless of what sect/religion they are), their sympathizers/supporters and those who spread terrorists' propaganda online are filthy insects

Don't you find yourself fitted in one of these categories as you're highlighting casualties of only one religious group, totally ignoring/avoiding deaths of other affected group (Sunnis)?
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