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The Question of "Shia Genocide" in Pakistan.

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Iran is still being run by the same Revolutionists and their policy of exporting their ideas, and imposing their political power in the Arab world including Non-Arab sunni states is continued.

I am all eyes if you can give some proof that Iran is targeting Sunnis in Pakistan. Ideology that do not cross borders and has no backing by money, do diddly squad.
Just did some "search" on google comparing database provided by you in the OP and the Database provided by LUBP (that claims over 20,000 Shia have died so far) .... For year 2003 ...

And guess what ? You have been caught lying !!

You didn't mention/count these incidents from 2003 that were mentioned by LUBP, can you tell us why ?:

Nine shot dead in Karachi: Conspiracy against govt: minister

7 Shia Suparco employees shot dead in Karachi

Also, please tell us how you count years ? You start from 2003 ... 2003-2017 = 15 years, not 17

Who do you think you are trying to fool Jhangvi fanboy ??

what's LUBP?
Also i started in 2003 as there were no Shia Killings in 2001 and 2002, or i couldnt find any such news report for these years. If you have any such news reports, you are welcome to post a link.
I am all eyes if you can give some proof that Iran is targeting Sunnis in Pakistan. Ideology that do not cross borders and has no backing by money, do diddly squad.
9 MARCH 2014

Sunnis treated as second class citizens in Iran

In a recent speech made in Iran's southern city of Bandar Abbas, President Hassan Rouhani asserted that his government has promised equal rights to Shia and Sunni Iranians.


In Iran, Sunnis are grossly discriminated; they are denied government jobs, not allowed to participate in political administration, one million Sunnis in Tehran but they are not allowed to have a Masjid in the Iranian Capital.

And take a look at Pakistan. We have had many many shia head of states and head of governments in Pakistan. They have overtaken not just political parties, but public administration (bureaucracy) and the rest of key services. Still they complain they are targeted in Pakistan.

Now if you want to talk about shia rights, I also have the privilege to talk about sunni rights in Pakistan and in Iran also.

And a very important question is why there are more shias in public administration, political make up of Pakistan as well as the rest key positions than their percentage in total population?

Who is forcing their entry to these key positions? Is there a conspiracy or a particular agenda from some foreign sources?
Well in that case there is a Sunni Genocide as well, most of the shrines that are revered by the Brelvi school of thought in Pakistan have been attacked by terrorists, their religious leaders have been targeted, so there is a Brelvi genocide going on in Pakistan as well.

And there is Christian genocide as well, their churches have been routinely targeted in the past decade and dare I say they lost more people than Shia when the overall population size of both groups are taken in to account.

And then there is an Ahmediya genocide as well, they have been targeted as well by these animals.

What about the targeting of Punjabi settlers in Baluchistan? They have been targeted solely because of their ethnic background, they have been threatened, killed, their businesses destroyed and they have been forced to flee the province. So there is a Punjabi Genocide in Baluchistan as well then?

If law-enforcement agencies are taken as a group, they can call what is going on in this country as their genocide, these groups are participating in a larger plan to destroy them after all, so why not.

See sir we are at war, we are all suffering, Shias can call it a genocide but only if they think that the majority of population is conspiring against them, if the state is involved in these killings. Otherwise they are victim of terrorism, just like the rest of us, Pakistan has lost more than 60 thousand lives in this War on Terror, I bet not all of them were Shias.

No, not true. Persecution of minorities in Pakistan is an unfortunate reality. But no community/sect has been targeted the way Shia have been targeted since 1963 .. Although I do believe that it is harder to be an Ahmedi than to be a Shia in most part of the countries, but even Ahmedis have not been targeted/killed on the scale Shia have been..... , Maybe because Ahmadis do not pose any threat to the imperialist Arab "donors"
The issue is genocide. Not the causes or justification. Every genocide has cause or claims of justification behind it. The fact is Pakistani Hazara are being murdered at alarming rates and given their tiny population that starts looking like a genocide. My feeling is that because Hazara are visible by their appearance (they display Mongol features) they have become prime targets for those hunting Shias. They are walking targets as almost all Mongol Hazara are Shias.

Would you call the killings of Sunnis by the Khomeini and Khamenei administration in Iran as genocide as well?

And would you call those 300 Taliban prisoners killed by Hazaras a genocide or not?

Taliban have a 'visible' presence in and around Quetta, so maybe it's their revenge for the crimes committed against them by Hazaras of Afghanistan. There is an Indian factor as well, as Kalbhushan Jhadav have stated in his confession that RAW got Hazaras killed too.
Well , these type of data collection has no end. Shia and Sunni are two arms of one body. Pakistan is majority Sunni country, if they don't provide security to Shia then who will ? . It's easy to do all type of mud slinging on minority , but don't forget the day of judgement. The last court is divine court.

shia kafir .... how easy, are we the god ...
The issue is genocide. Not the causes or justification. Every genocide has cause or claims of justification behind it. The fact is Pakistani Hazara are being murdered at alarming rates and given their tiny population that starts looking like a genocide. My feeling is that because Hazara are visible by their appearance (they display Mongol features) they have become prime targets for those hunting Shias. They are walking targets as almost all Mongol Hazara are Shias.
So by your this commnt it can be stipulated that they are not being Killed just because they are shia. there is an ethnic factor too. Also 231 were killed in the last 17 years, which is not a genocide even with thier so called Tiny population.
I don't think its a genocide. A genocide would involve mass causalities over a very short time (if it was 1850 over 6 month to 1 year, i would agree its a genocide). Look at the speicher massarce of 2014, in which only shia and non-muslim were singled out and killed, resulting in over 1400 killed in just one day. However in the case here (based on the number you have shown) 1850 over 17 year works out to 9 deaths per month. So i don't think its a genocide. However, its targeted killing that is intended to cause tension between the sects, and that has resulted in people to leave out of fear, so call it terrorism.
No, not true. Persecution of minorities in Pakistan is an unfortunate reality. But no community/sect has been targeted the way Shia have been targeted since 1963 .. Although I do believe that it is harder to be an Ahmedi than to be a Shia in most part of the countries, but even Ahmedis have not been targeted/killed on the scale Shia have been..... , Maybe because Ahmadis do not pose any threat to the imperialist Arab "donors"

This is because there's no powerful fascist Ahmadi state in the world like there's a fascist Shia state called Iran which is exporting its ideology to Non-Shia states to impose their political power.

Now if you throw a stone, you should expect an equal or perhaps worse response, or not?
Well , these type of data collection has no end. Shia and Sunni are two arms of one body. Pakistan is majority Sunni country, if they don't provide security to Shia then who will ? . It's easy to do all type of mud slinging on minority , but don't forget the day of judgement. The last court is divine court.
To be a "Minority" one has to be legally declared a minority same as Pakistani Ahmedi or Christians are declared Minority and hence certain privileges.
If Shia want special treatment by security forces then why not ask Government to declare you a Minority?
According to all news reports i could accumulate, so far 231 Shia Hazara have been killed in and around Quetta since 2001.
Read below. In just two incidents in 2013 alone 170 hazaras were killed in Quetta alone. So you need to look at the figures again.

"In January 2013, 81 people of the Hazara community were killed and 121 others injured in a suicide and car bomb blast on Alamdar road, again in Quetta. This tragic event created a lot of tension between the Hazara Community and the provincial government, because they kept the dead bodies of their kith and kin under the open sky for several days in a very cold night. The community demanded justice and the immediate resignation of the provincial Chief Minister, Nawab Aslam Rassani. As a result, strong demonstrations by the Hazara community compelled the CM of Balochistan to resign.

A month later, in February 2013, a lethal bomb blast occurred in a crowded market in Hazara Town, which left around 89 people dead and more than 200 injured - even deadlier than the last attack".


Read this please. > https://www.dawn.com/news/777973
To be a "Minority" one has to be legally declared a minority same as Pakistani Ahmedi or Christians are declared Minority and hence certain privileges.
If Shia want special treatment by security forces then why not ask Government to declare you a Minority?
Well , that's what been called now. Even we are almost 25 percent of population. Even so called minority are not secured .
I don't think its a genocide. A genocide would involve mass causalities over a very short time (if it was 1850 over 6 month to 1 year, i would agree its a genocide). Look at the speicher massarce of 2014, in which only shia and non-muslim were singled out and killed, resulting in over 1400 killed in just one day. However in the case here (based on the number you have shown) 1850 over 17 year works out to 9 deaths per month. So i don't think its a genocide. However, its targeted killing that is intended to cause tension between the sects, and that has resulted in people to leave out of fear, so call it terrorism.

The Sunni Genocide at Hama, Syria in 1982?

At least 20,000 Sunnis Muslims were killed and Hama was razed to ground by Bashar-al-Assad's father Hafiz-al-Assad, the Shia Alawaite, an Iranian Ally... who are still busy doing Sunni genocide in Syria.

what's LUBP?
Also i started in 2003 as there were no Shia Killings in 2001 and 2002, or i couldnt find any such news report for these years. If you have any such news reports, you are welcome to post a link.

Simple search for 2002 Shia killings in Pakistan and results turn up:

26 February, 2002

At least 11 Shia worshipers were killed by indiscriminate firing by a group of masked gunmen at the Shah-i-Najaf Mosque in Rawalpindi.


17 June, 2002

Two unidentified gunmen opened fire on Shiite Muslims at Al-Hussaini mosque in Multan, Punjab province, Pakistan. Three people were killed in the shooting.


How can you say there were no Shia killings in 2001 or 2002 ??

You have compiled incomplete Data
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