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The Question of "Shia Genocide" in Pakistan.

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That's not going to happen. Shias and Sunnis are at 180 degrees to each other over religious ideology. Qadiyanis are considered Non-Muslim minority in the state Constitution.
And it was Shia alim who contest and prove Qadiani are non muslim not any other mullah.
Nothing wrong with Sunni Madrassahs

It's the Deoband and Wahhabi Madrassahs that promote intolerance and churn out militants.

Deobands/Wahhabis make 15-20 % of Pakistan's total population but run more than 76% of total Madrassahs in the country. Thanks to GCC petro-dollars

Shia (too) make 15-20 % of Pakistani population but run 3-4% of total Madrassahs.

Now this sectarianism on your part.

Why singling out all groups of Muslims who don't share their creed with you?

Ask your shias to open as many madrassahs as you can; ask your Iranian marjas to send you Riyals, if there's some left from creating terrorists and buying bullets.

And it was Shia alim who contest and prove Qadiani are non muslim not any other mullah.

The basis on which Ahmadis were declared out of Islam, you can also qualify that for making takfir on the earliest generations of Muslims (companions of the Prophet and Mothers of Believers).

It's your luck, there's no Constitutional campaign has been run to do that, or else Ahmadis wouldn't be alone on their boat.

I AM PAKISTANI , not wahabi or foreign funded gulfi mullah lover . I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAN.

Then condemn what Iran has been exporting to Pakistan since 1979. And prove that you're Pakistani by declaring that Wahabis and Deobandis are as much Pakistani as you are.
That's not going to happen. Shias and Sunnis are at 180 degrees to each other over religious ideology. Qadiyanis are considered Non-Muslim minority in the state Constitution.
Why it cant be happen, it can be happen, we need to change our mindset and lets sane people takes the command. Difference of opinion is good and respect the diversity and others point of view, No Shias and Sunnis have 80% similarities and state needs to educate the masses about their differences but no idiot mullah has the right to talk shit about anyone.
Difference of opinion allows you to think out of the box.
I beg to differ.

Majority population in Muslim countries have strong affiliation with Saudi Arabia because of our holy places in their country, as well as 3 million Pakistanis working their and supporting our economy. Saudi Arabia also has a contributing role in our defenses. Iran has no equal status to Saudis in this regard.

i am not comparing Saudis with Iranian, offcourse Saudi did much more for Pakistan then any Muslim nation especially if we look remittances from GCC, but there is bad side too, they funded sectarian fassadis, religious political parties and madrassa all over Pakistan.. they are still doing.

We have to Nationalize our mosques if we want to get rid of this fassad, we should have Sarkari Mullahs and Ayatollahs like Turkey or UAE. we should ban all sectarian parties like MWM, Sunni Tehreek and ASWJ, establishment should instead force all Mullahs to join hands like they did during MMA era so we can have harmony in country.
And it was Shia alim who contest and prove Qadiani are non muslim not any other mullah.

Dont make this thread ahmadi bashing, State neutrality was damaged due to this act or amendment.
Ok now tell me how many Sunnis were killed by the Khomeini regime and why Sunnis are given second grade status in Iran?
Sunnis in Iran live way better than the Shia in Pakistan also Sunnis of Iran represented in the parliament just any one else plus they are save they don't worry some fanatic blow them up like what happen the Shia in Pakistan.

How many Sunnis were killed by Iran's ally Syria in 1982?
Those were BM fanatics who tried to topple the which is a sunnis majority party.

And how many Sunnis have yet been killed by Assad's, Iran's and Hizbullah's forces so far?
Say by terrorism who want to make a terror state like Taliban in Afghanistan.

Iranians exported their sectarian filth to Pakistan, to Iraq. Iraq was secular under Saddam; Saddam's Ba'ath Party had mostly shia figures, his army also had dominant shia factor. The reason why Iraqi shias fought Iranian shias was the racial difference of Arabs and Iranians. Iranian shias hate even Arab shias.
Iran didn't export any to any nation Iranian people are free to choose their type of government that's not my business
Saddam fyi mr hatred wajabi was never peaceful but because he was filthy sectarian Sunni filth you appraise him.

Iran collaborated with USA to topple peaceful Saddam's government and now you turned Iraq into a sectarian battlefield.
Its not us its your brothers sunnis since they are grown with their inferiority complex and since they also grow up with their slavery culture they refuse any freedom we brought to them simply they just can't live without being humiliated by their tyrants that's why they uprised against us but now after they have tried the rule of isis they won't carry no more weapons because they know next time we will make sure they lose some big time.

You did the same in Bahrain and now in Yemen. Stop your mischief as there's no use of violence when the other side will also retaliate.
Wahabi can't hide like a rat can't stand the smell of the cheese.
Difference of opinion is good and respect the diversity and others point of view, No Shias and Sunnis have 80% similarities and state needs to educate the masses about their differences but no idiot mullah has the right to talk shit about anyone.

No, they have 99% dissimilarities on fundamental beliefs; and about 15% similarities in rituals. You have insufficient knowledge of basic creed.

Sunnis in Iran live way better than the Shia in Pakistan also Sunnis of Iran represented in the parliament just any one else plus they are save they don't worry some fanatic blow them up like what happen the Shia in Pakistan.

Those were BM fanatics who tried to topple the which is a sunnis majority party.

Say by terrorism who want to make a terror state like Taliban in Afghanistan.

Iran didn't export any to any nation Iranian people are free to choose their type of government that's not my business
Saddam fyi mr hatred wajabi was never peaceful but because he was filthy sectarian Sunni filth you appraise him.

Its not us its your brothers sunnis since they are grown with their inferiority complex and since they also grow up with their slavery culture they refuse any freedom we brought to them simply they just can't live without being humiliated by their tyrants that's why they uprised against us but now after they have tried the rule of isis they won't carry no more weapons because they know next time we will make sure they lose some big time.

Wahabi can't hide like a rat can't stand the smell of the cheese.

Alright, sunnis are bad, then don't come to Pakistan and kiss our feet with requests to call Raheel Sharif back. Go and face the consequences of your fitnah whose seeds you have sown over the period of 1400 years.
No, they have 99% dissimilarities on fundamental beliefs; and about 15% similarities in rituals. You have insufficient knowledge of basic creed.
No I have very good knowledge, and differences are based on ahadeeths and history, they follow same Quran like you do.
If you talk about the 20% (Approx) dissimilarities then we know the differences between Salfi, Deobandi and barelvi.
Anyway i respect your opinion and you have to respect mine.
No, they have 99% dissimilarities on fundamental beliefs; and about 15% similarities in rituals. You have insufficient knowledge of basic creed.

Alright, sunnis are bad, then don't come to Pakistan and kiss our feet with requests to call Raheel Sharif back. Go and face the consequences of your fitnah whose seeds you have sown over the period of 1400 years.
Im Iraqi we never gone to your country asking for your help its our way or no way.
No I have very good knowledge, and differences are based on ahadeeths and history, they follow same Quran like you do.
If you talk about the 20% (Approx) dissimilarities then we know the differences between Salfi, Deobandi and barelvi.
Anyway i respect your opinion and you have to respect mine.

I respect you but do not agree with you on the above. There's no religion section but you may call me to another forum where religious discussions are allowed and I guarantee, I'll prove with Quran and hadith that there's 99% dissimilarities between the two over fundamental beliefs.

Im Iraqi we never gone to your country asking for your help its our way or no way.

You're a parasitic people (under the umbrella of Iran) who are feeding upon a total aid program from US.

You can't even fight a war, if Americans don't give you protection.
Sunnis in Iran live way better than the Shia in Pakistan also Sunnis of Iran represented in the parliament just any one else plus they are save they don't worry some fanatic blow them up like what happen the Shia in Pakistan.

Those were BM fanatics who tried to topple the which is a sunnis majority party.

Say by terrorism who want to make a terror state like Taliban in Afghanistan.

Iran didn't export any to any nation Iranian people are free to choose their type of government that's not my business
Saddam fyi mr hatred wajabi was never peaceful but because he was filthy sectarian Sunni filth you appraise him.

Its not us its your brothers sunnis since they are grown with their inferiority complex and since they also grow up with their slavery culture they refuse any freedom we brought to them simply they just can't live without being humiliated by their tyrants that's why they uprised against us but now after they have tried the rule of isis they won't carry no more weapons because they know next time we will make sure they lose some big time.

Wahabi can't hide like a rat can't stand the smell of the cheese.
Shias in Pakistan became president and Prime Ministers and One major political party head is Shia.
I dont think that gonna happen in Iran under the current regime and requires a millenium.
I dont give a shit to what Iraqis did to iranis and vice versa and its none of our business.
We knows how to take care of our Shias and Sunnis..
Shias in Pakistan became president and Prime Ministers and One major political party head is Shia.
I dont think that gonna happen in Iran under the current regime and requires a millenium.
I dont give a shit to what Iraqis did to iranis and vice versa and its none of our business.
We knows how to take care of our Shias and Sunnis..

He's Iraqi and intervening in our affairs. He should mind with their own business by living under the pants of US.
He's Iraqi and intervening in our affairs. He should mind with their own business by living under the pants of US.
Dude, it can be said with better(respectable) words.
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