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The “Princes” of Iran Speak Out as Regime Fears Collapse

We will revert whoever are considered ancestral Zoroastrians per our ancient bloodline theophilosophy. And that is in the realm of Athrvan who I am. Who our high priests are.

If you want to convert them, you're going to have to convince them that Zoroastrianism is real, which is a very uphill battle.

Though yet undecided whether they want to share our responsibility to our heritage, or remain loyal to their new non Persian faith.

Why is Zoroastrianism considered more acceptable than Manichaeism?

Let's see how Persian you are.

Converting. Doesn't. Change. Your. Genes.
I don't know, What is this demon doing with the lantern?

He's looking for a bride.

Meet Rustom, From Russia
The community stands divided on whether outsiders can become Zoroastrians, as 'conversions' increase internationally

In Mumbai, a Navjote evokes images of traditionally dressed Parsis gossiping at tables groaning under the weight of food after a teenager goes through a formal initiation ceremony into the faith. But it's not the same anymore. Recently, five Russians and a Ukranian were initiated. They weren't prepubescent kids either—the group included an editor, a lawyer and an interpreter. And the ceremony wasn't held in Mumbai, the heart of the Parsi community, but in Moscow. In a community where funerals seem to outnumber Navjotes, as Parsis grapple with aging and dwindling numbers, they are turning up in strange places. From Swedish pop stars to Muslim preachers, Zoroastrianism is enjoying a bit of a revival and the Indian Parsis are unsure how to deal with it. This has become a flashpoint in the small community. Zoroastrians have traditionally not proselytised or believed in conversion to Zoroastrianism. But away from the protected world of Mumbai's Baugs, a new breed of Zoroastrians has appeared, as has a growing number of mixed-marriage children who are not allowed to be Parsis."This fake insecurity of extinction can't be used as a bogey to open our doors and take more people or selectively convert," says Khojeste Mistree, who launched the World Alliance of Parsi Irani Zarthoshtis (WAPIZ) with fanfare on May 28. WAPIZ's formation preempts that of a world body of Zoroastrians, supported by the liberal Parsis, increasing pressure on the Bombay Parsi Punchayet to get on one side of the liberal-traditional debate. While the Parsi world traditionally ends around the edges of Mumbai, this new body could have people from around the world—Brazilians, Tajiks, Americans—many of whom are converts not considered Parsi by WAPIZ. Reformist scholars like Dr Homi Dhalla believe that the world body could represent Parsis and hold together a small and fragmented community. But Mistree, who brought 2,200 members and several priests together for the inauguration ceremony, says that by sharing a platform with the "neo-zarthushthis," the Parsi Punchayet could "subvert our religion."At the heart of the debate are issues like whether converted Zoroastrians and children of Parsi mothers married to outsiders should be allowed entry; issues which blur or redefine the Parsi identity, which of course brings with it the comfortable Parsi lifestyle and protection. While Dhalla says "fear psychosis" has led to this conservatism, Mistree says the liberals are "scaremongering" by talking about dwindling numbers to open the doors. It also threatens the trust-fund-lifestyle left behind for generations of Parsis. Some fear, led by probably inflated numbers, that foreign Zoroastrians will eventually outnumber Indian Parsis and dilute the benefits from some of the country's richest trusts. Parsis who live in the comfortably worn Parsi housing colonies or Baugs, where authorities pay half the cost of fixing bulb fuses or plumbing problems, can access well-endowed education scholarships and participate in 'Parsis only' volleyball games, could find themselves in a whole new world. One where the Parsi Punchayet pays for looking after a couple's third child onwards, sets up a fertility clinic, and plans to give bigger houses to families with many children. "In 20 years, our resources could be impacted. Some central Asian Zoroastrian could want to enter a fire temple or ask for a flat," says Mistree, at whose Zoroastrian Studies Institute, Parsi symbols are available in bookmarks to doorknobs. But Dhalla says trust fund deeds have safeguard clauses: "We have not got a single claim from a convert ever, so this fear that converts will flood the community is rubbish." Dhalla says the community may not believe in conversion or intermarriage, but needs to accept that it's happening and deal with it.As central Asian countries were freed from communism, people there, and in Iran, have shown new interest in Zoroastrianism. There are websites with simple instructions for initiation rituals across the West, conducted in Portuguese and Spanish. A new breed of preachers, including Ali Jafarey in California, Ron DelaVega, a Cuban from Miami, and Alexander Bard, a Swedish pop star are reinventing the faith. Bard, part of a 2,000-member Swedish Zoroastrian Society, says he believes "in the original Zoroastrian religion," in emailed responses. He denounces "a small group of Parsi isolationists in India, mostly ignored by other Zoroastrians in the world, who refuse to accept conversions." But conversions hit a raw nerve with Parsis like H.P. Ranina, a WAPIZ member. "To convert, you have to denounce your religion, which the Parsis don't believe in. We say every religion is good."

All of these beliefs about religious identity will play themselves out at a world congress in London next month, where Zoroastrians will discuss the formation of the world body and what its contours will be. They will also battle for the core of what a follower of Zoroastrianism is, an identity getting harder to pin down. While WAPIZ allows children of Parsi fathers and non-Parsi mothers into the religion and not the other way around, Dhalla says the faith allows for gender sensitivity and at a time when a third of all Parsis marry outside the community, it makes sense to accept these children into the faith. "Families are affected when forced to be of different religions. Elders can't bring grandchildren into their religion," says Jehangir Patel, editor of community magazine Parsiana.Patel's office is in what used to be a maternity hospital for Parsis. Today, the hospital has no takers. By Parsiana's estimates, there are around 300 Parsi births each year and nearly 900 deaths. In this increasingly divided community, aging is a particularly painful process.

Cheers, Doc
For himself?

Yes. It's a traditional ritual. Even if he has one ....

P.S. we are allowed only one. With Zoroastrian women, that's more than enough.

P.P.S. The Chinese lamp festival is derived from this. When Zoroastrianism spread to most parts of China about 2500 years ago. Sodogians they're called .... I think.

Cheers, Doc
Oh great now this a$$hole is going to multiple bringing more demon like himself to this world.

Can't you guys strip this a$$hole from his position and i don't know, Put someone else in his place? Someone that at least won't falsify the history?
It's a traditional ritual. Even if he has one ....

P.S. we are allowed only one. With Zoroastrian women, that's more than enough.
I can assure you right now these guys falsified this and are selling it as a Kurdish tradition ritual to the masses.
P.P.S. The Chinese lamp festival is derived from this. When Zoroastrianism spread to most parts of China about 2500 years ago. Sodogians they're called .... I think.

Cheers, Doc
Very interesting, Thanks for the share.
Oh great now this a$$hole is going to multiple bringing more demon like himself to this world.

Can't you guys strip this a$$hole from his position and i don't know, Put someone else in his place? Someone that at least won't falsify the history?

I can assure you right now these guys falsified this and are selling it as a Kurdish tradition ritual to the masses.

Very interesting, Thanks for the share.

I told you son.

Right now only ONE people in the world are fighting for Zoroastrianism.

A homeland will not be carved out without blood.

We have you guys. But you're not interested for now.

And we have these guys. 40 million of them. In the eye of the storm. And fighting. And willing to pray to Ahura Mazda (who is neither Persian nor Kurd).

It's not even a choice.

Cheers, Doc
P.S. They need a preacher man like you........lol

As dusty springfield sang:

The only one who could ever reach me ....was the son of a preacher man....the only boy who could ever teach me, was the son of a preacher man....

It all makes some kinda sense now w.r.t the charisma of doc heh.
Hello there, so I've been monitoring this long going discussion on Zoroastrianism and how @padamchen is fairly obsessed about converting all Iranian peoples into Zoroastrianism among other things. You constantly refer to it as originating in Iran and therefore it will be restored there for the return of the Shah etc.

What is worth mentioning is that Zoroastrianism may not have originated in Iran...Hate to put out your flame (no pun intended) but you may want to tone down this whole Zoroastrianism revival stuff; just let people be, why are you so obsessed with converting Iranian peoples? Isn't really much different to the early Islamic conquest of converting people to Islam in Iran now is it? Something which you rail against.

Anyway, here is the research article that breaks the notion that Zoroastrianism originated in Iran; may just collapse all your thought processes linking the holy triad of Iran, the Shah and Zoroastrianism:


@Tokhme khar @Cthulhu this may be of interest to you guys too.
Hello there, so I've been monitoring this long going discussion on Zoroastrianism and how @padamchen is fairly obsessed about converting all Iranian peoples into Zoroastrianism among other things. You constantly refer to it as originating in Iran and therefore it will be restored there for the return of the Shah etc.

What is worth mentioning is that Zoroastrianism may not have originated in Iran...Hate to put out your flame (no pun intended) but you may want to tone down this whole Zoroastrianism revival stuff; just let people be, why are you so obsessed with converting Iranian peoples? Isn't really much different to the early Islamic conquest of converting people to Islam in Iran now is it? Something which you rail against.

Anyway, here is the research article that breaks the notion that Zoroastrianism originated in Iran; may just collapse all your thought processes linking the holy triad of Iran, the Shah and Zoroastrianism:


@Tokhme khar @Cthulhu this may be of interest to you guys too.
We have many bigger problems on our hands right now so i'm not really interested in this Zoroastrianism thing, But i say that now for various reasons, This "revival" plan is dangerous for Iran both internally and externally, If these guys really care about Iran they should put whatever their doing on hold, That's my 2 cents on the issue.
I take it you’ve been for break bro? Trust me it’s got worse than this at times, with bannings.

Most Iranian members are looking at doc with a kind of humorous curiosity. They are playing his game on his terms more or less....I'd tell them how to flank him better....but this is too amusing for now...esp Tokhme Khar "hendi manhoos" bag of insults.
This thread is actually hilarious......:rofl:.........Just creating an issue for the hell of it, when there is nothing!:rofl:

He's a funny guy Where there is nothing, he sees something.....:rofl:

40 years ago we had an emperor, with almost god like powers and the US solidly behind him! He had all he could want.........He tried this zoro experiment too, Not for conversion, but more so nationalism. It was a spectacular failure.

Most Iranian members are looking at doc with a kind of humorous curiosity. They are playing his game on his terms more or less....I'd tell them how to flank him better....but this is too amusing for now...esp Tokhme Khar "hendi manhoos" bag of insults.
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