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The “Princes” of Iran Speak Out as Regime Fears Collapse

Look, if the Shah was still around, all of you's would've probably been relocated to Yazd.......this was his plan for you boyz. After he threw the 2500 year celebration 'party of the century' at Pasargarde, many Zoro's flipped their wigs. They couldn't believe their eyes on what they were seeing. That's when many in the global disapora decided or thought a lot more seriously about relocating to Iran.

However.......we know what happened to the shah......he fukked up pretty badly.

You are the same age as I am, to the year. Its not like I am a babajee.

So you should know why there is that burst of interest, and why they turn out to be jaded atheists or agnosts or indeed scientologists in their 50s and 60s.

I travel and meet such guys often.

I recently met an interesting Armenian in the US. And a mixed blood Iranian (Persian and Turkmen).

Believe me. Those conversations, in an equal environment, no moderators, no Khomeini or Khameini or Basij, they are "interesting" ... double lol

Cheers, Doc
Look, if the Shah was still around, all of you's would've probably been relocated to Yazd.......this was his plan for you boyz. After he threw the 2500 year celebration 'party of the century' at Pasargarde, many Zoro's flipped their wigs. They couldn't believe their eyes on what they were seeing. That's when many in the global disapora decided or thought a lot more seriously about relocating to Iran.

However.......we know what happened to the shah......he fukked up pretty badly.

Yes I know.

Many of our industrialists were actually planning big projects for Iran.

I am not so certain we all would have moved though. India has been very good to us. She is our motherland of birth. Iran is of ancestry.

But yes. Young boys and girls would have gone back and forth and there would have been a lot more mingling and marrying. And settling down in each other's countries.

Eventually the community would have gotten a lot of fresh blood and grown.

Right now it happens as well, mainly in the US. But the flow is a trickle.

Recently a niece in San Diego married a boy from Iran. Both are doctors. Very good looking couple.

Cheers, Doc
Yeah no doubt.......hence I always say it, that your salvation lies in Yazd. It's the last bastion left on this planet for you boyz now.

I'm sure you've seen this doco on the 'party of the century'..........shit had he not pulled this stunt, he might've stayed a bit longer, but he had to do it:

Yes I know.

Many of our industrialists were actually planning big projects for Iran.

I am not so certain we all would have moved though. India has been very good to us. She is our motherland of birth. Iran is of ancestry.

But yes. Young boys and girls would have gone back and forth and there would have been a lot more mingling and marrying. And settling down in each other's countries.

Eventually the community would have gotten a lot of fresh blood and grown.

Right now it happens as well, mainly in the US. But the flow is a trickle.

Recently a niece in San Diego married a boy from Iran. Both are doctors. Very good looking couple.

Cheers, Doc
Yeah no doubt.......hence I always say it, that your salvation lies in Yazd. It's the last bastion left on this planet for you boyz now.

I'm sure you've seen this doco on the 'party of the century'..........shit had he not pulled this stunt, he might've stayed a bit longer, but he had to do it:

Remember, the Shah and the Akhoonds are only a century.

We have been living away for more than 10 centuries now. For a reason.

What in your eyes as an Iranian has changed now?

Are you guys not still the same people?

Cheers, Doc
Nothing has changed. Politics and political turmoil is in our genes. Everything is political. It must be, or else its no fun.

Remember, the Shah and the Akhoonds are only a century.

We have been living away for more than 10 centuries now. For a reason.

What in your eyes as an Iranian has changed now?

Are you guys not still the same people?

Cheers, Doc
Nothing has changed. Politics and political turmoil is in our genes. Everything is political. It must be, or else its no fun.

So tomorrow, someone like the Qajjars take over.

And wipe us out.

The issue will remain about the Iranshah fire.

It cannot be consecrated and brought back on Muslim soil.

Otherwise there is nothing about Parsis not living in Muslim dominant countries. We used to have a thriving small community in Pakistan. And we have small groups of Parsis in Afghanistan as well (I kid you not).

Cheers, Doc
It's 2019 buddy, not the 300 year old Qajjar era. The Qajjars are probably the most disgraced Iranian leaders in our history. No one talks good about them. Not a single good word is uttered for them. In case you didn't know. The religious rituals bit for you is something you guys need to sort out. What can I say about your rituals? However, be aware that no one in Iran discriminates against any other religion. The Armenians and Chaldians just celebrated their christmas in Vank/ Jolfa areas of Isfahan. They are huge in numbers now, centered around a church dating back from 1570's. Nobody says anything to them. For us all religions are the same:


So tomorrow, someone like the Qajjars take over.

And wipe us out.

The issue will remain about the Iranshah fire.

It cannot be consecrated and brought back on Muslim soil.

Otherwise there is nothing about Parsis not living in Muslim dominant countries. We used to have a thriving small community in Pakistan. And we have small groups of Parsis in Afghanistan as well (I kid you not).

Cheers, Doc
It's 2019 buddy, not the 300 year old Qajjar era. The Qajjars are probably the most disgraced Iranian leaders in our history. No one talks good about them. Not a single good word is uttered for them. In case you didn't know. The religious rituals bit for you is something you guys need to sort out. What can I say about your rituals? However, be aware that no one in Iran discriminates against any other religion. The Armenians and Chaldians just celebrated their christmas in Vank/ Jolfa areas of Isfahan. They are huge in numbers now, centered around a church dating back from 1570's. Nobody says anything to them. For us all religions are the same:


Bro, we are not Christians or Jews. We are Zoroastrians.

And the Iranshah is the oldest continually burning fire in the world. The highest grade known to mankind.

It signifies the Shah of Iran in exile.

It cannot and will not go to a Muslim Iran.


Cheers, Doc
You should hang out with Iranian people to really understand us and our culture. And I will give you this much that yes there is limited interest in a revitalized Zoroastrianism among small isolated factions of the diaspora (mostly teens and young adults), but it fades away as they grow up, nothing to sing home about........it's just a very long shot for you unfortunately.

P.S. They need a preacher man like you........lol
We will revert the Kurds, be they Iraqi, Syrian, Turk or Iranians.
OK, As a part of this revival plan, They managed to revert this donkey and send him to Iraq to revert the Kurds.


He minute he and his egg headed friends got there, They started falsifying history and branding Zoroastrianism as a Kurdish religion and Zartusht as a Kurdish prophet to create a fake history for their fairyland Kurdistan.



They constantly coming up with shenanigans like these.


They praise that traitorous bastard Ghassemlou.

They constantly say Kurds are not Iranians

What they can steal from Iran's history, They steal, What they can't, They start attacking it. Here's some articles by these a$$holes attacking Cyrus the Great.

All pics taken from the Facebook page of Kurdistan branch whatever this religion is.

More info here.

These Indain Parsis, Wannabe Kurdistani Zoroastrians, Islamists, C**k sucking Liberals, etc, What they all have in common is their hatred and animosity toewards Iran.
Here's a picture of a demon in human form, Whatever @padamchen alpha and his egg headed friends are trying to do, As usual they do a shitty job in doing in.
lol......Zoroastrianism a Kurdish religion!.........:rofl:

No of course it is not.

But no one can deny that they are Zoroastrian people. Like more than a dozen other ethnicities and nationalities today.

They will revert one way or the other. We have had these discussions for nearly 8 years now man. Across the world. Across language and race barriers.

Not many in our community like their pushy slightly crude (smelly I believe you call them) nature. They tend to make the meetings all about them too. Which we try to politely remind them that they are only a small and very new group for us. Some of Tajiks and Uzbeks and Azeris are much older. 30-40 years now.

So we believe rather than make them do some hodge podge and call it Zoroastrianism, and as @Cthulhu warns, a new distinct sect (man, after what we did to Islam, wouldn't that be ironic!), we prefer to teach them the ancient traditions the right way, the correct prayers and ancient rituals, train their priests under Indian high priests, and then leave them to convert/revert more on the war torn homeland/s of theirs.

Who knows?

Maybe there "could" be a Zoroastrian homeland in Iraq, long before Iran (if ever).

That is our only interest in the Kurds.

We know where our blood is from. We know our ancient heritage. We know what our homeland is.

Cheers, Doc

OK, As a part of this revival plan, They managed to revert this donkey and send him to Iraq to revert the Kurds.


He minute he and his egg headed friends got there, They started falsifying history and branding Zoroastrianism as a Kurdish religion and Zartusht as a Kurdish prophet to create a fake history for their fairyland Kurdistan.



They constantly coming up with shenanigans like these.


They praise that traitorous bastard Ghassemlou.

They constantly say Kurds are not Iranians

What they can steal from Iran's history, They steal, What they can't, They start attacking it. Here's some articles by these a$$holes attacking Cyrus the Great.

All pics taken from the Facebook page of Kurdistan branch whatever this religion is.

More info here.

These Indain Parsis, Wannabe Kurdistani Zoroastrians, Islamists, C**k sucking Liberals, etc, What they all have in common is their hatred and animosity toewards Iran.
Here's a picture of a demon in human form, Whatever @padamchen alpha and his egg headed friends are trying to do, As usual they do a shitty job in doing in.

Please put yourself in our shoes.

We are keepers of the heritage.

Why should we let it die out because you guys still cannot decide whether you want to be Muslim or Persian?

Don't kid yourself son. The two can never be the same.

What you COULD do to help is translate some of those curly lettered words for me so I can educate my people ....

Cheers, Doc
Iranians are not hostile to any ethnicity.

Except for Arabs lol.

What you call a "wet dream" is foretold and written.


I understand that you guys are completely divorced from your heritage.

They're closer to it than you since they still speak the language (Farsi).

We've lived it for thousands of years

So have they.

inferior race.

There is no such thing.

We will revert the Kurds, be they Iraqi, Syrian, Turk or Iranians.

We will revert Yazidis.

We will revert Shabakis.

We will revert Yarsanis.

We will revert Iranians.

We will revert Azeris.

We will revert Tajiks.

We will revert Uzbeks.

We will revert Kyrgiz.

We will revert Afghans.

If you want to convert all ex-Zoroastrian communities to Zoroastrianism, then you're going to need to convert all these people + their descendants living elsewhere:


Considering how your religion has one foot in the grave, I don't foresee this happening.
Except for Arabs lol.


They're closer to it than you since they still speak the language (Farsi).

So have they.

There is no such thing.

If you want to convert all ex-Zoroastrian communities to Zoroastrianism, then you're going to need to convert all these people + their descendants living elsewhere:


Considering how your religion has one foot in the grave, I don't foresee this happening.

We will revert whoever are considered ancestral Zoroastrians per our ancient bloodline theophilosophy. And that is in the realm of Athrvan who I am. Who our high priests are.

I understand @Cthulhu and others having reservations. Because inspite of what I tell them in anger some times (I'm human also), I 100% consider them to be equal stakeholders. Though yet undecided whether they want to share our responsibility to our heritage, or remain loyal to their new non Persian faith.

Cheers, Doc

These Indain Parsis, Wannabe Kurdistani Zoroastrians, Islamists, C**k sucking Liberals, etc, What they all have in common is their hatred and animosity toewards Iran.
Here's a picture of a demon in human form, Whatever @padamchen alpha and his egg headed friends are trying to do, As usual they do a shitty job in doing in.


Let's see how Persian you are ....

What's he doing with the lantern?

We've been doing this from before written history ....

Cheers, Doc
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