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The photos Saudi Arabia doesn't want seen –

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So you start a personal attack .. which is fine. I am not threatened.

You refuse to answer or are just unable to do so due to lack of knowledge.

Read what I wrote, if you find that it is non factual tell me, and I will try to educate myself furhter

I also like the avatar you use Satans ***** every time any pakistani dies at the hands of Wahhabi terrorist people immediately say zia the bastard did this to us.May he rote in hell for eternity

sure sure ... if it makes you happy.

I have tried not to use slurs .. and not to curse ..

I guess what you did qualifies for at least an infraction.

So you start a personal attack .. which is fine. I am not threatened.

You refuse to answer or are just unable to do so due to lack of knowledge.

Read what I wrote, if you find that it is non factual tell me, and I will try to educate myself furhter

I don't need to read about my religion from a man who follows moron who was disowned by his own family and teachers.But i like the way you do 360 insult and hide typical coward.I am willing to bet your family is named after yazeed and friends and you celebrate new years in the month of Ramadan.
well at least they should tear down that clock tower monstrosity.....
well at least they should tear down that clock tower monstrosity.....

As archaeology becomes replaced with relics of Saud so will the footprint of Islam and two decades from now Islam will become largely a ceremonial religion with a pope based in the same clock tower much like how Christianity is with their Vatican!
well at least they should tear down that clock tower monstrosity.....

As archaeology becomes replaced with relics of Saud so will the footprint of Islam and two decades from now Islam will become largely a ceremonial religion with a pope based in the same clock tower much like how Christianity is with their Vatican!

Yes, that clock tower looks very disrespectful towards Al-Haram, however I think they could do a controlled demolition of it without hurting the Kaba/Al-Haram, it worked with the world trade center...
proof Islam's most holy relics are being demolished in Mecca

The authorities in Saudi Arabia have begun dismantling some of the oldest sections of Islam’s most important mosque as part of a highly controversial multi-billion pound expansion.

Photographs obtained by The Independent reveal how workers with drills and mechanical diggers have started demolishing some Ottoman and Abbasid sections on the eastern side of the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca.

The building, which is also known as the Grand Mosque, is the holiest site in Islam because it contains the Kaaba – the point to which all Muslims face when praying. The columns are the last remaining sections of the mosque which date back more than a few hundred years and form the inner perimeter on the outskirts of the white marble floor surrounding the Kaaba.

The new photos, taken over the last few weeks, have caused alarm among archaeologists and come as Prince Charles – a long-term supporter of preserving architectural heritage – flew into Saudi Arabia yesterday for a visit with the Duchess of Cornwall. The timing of his tour has been criticised by human rights campaigners after the Saudis shot seven men in public earlier this week despite major concerns about their trial and the fact that some of the men were juveniles at the time of their alleged crimes.

Many of the Ottoman and Abbasid columns in Mecca were inscribed with intricate Arabic calligraphy marking the names of the Prophet Muhammad’s companions and key moments in his life. One column which is believed to have been ripped down is supposed to mark the spot where Muslims believe Muhammad began his heavenly journey on a winged horse, which took him to Jerusalem and heaven in a single night.

To accommodate the ever increasing number of pilgrims heading to the twin holy cities of Mecca and Medina each year the Saudi authorities have embarked upon a massive expansion project. Billions of pounds have been poured in to increase the capacity of the Masjid al-Haram and the Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina which marks where Muhammad is buried. King Abdullah has put the prominent Wahabi cleric and imam of the Grand Mosque, Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, in charge of the expansion while the Saudi Binladin Group – one of the country’s largest firms – has won the construction contract.

While there is little disagreement over the need to expand, critics have accused the Saudi regime of wantonly disregarding the archaeological, historical and cultural heritage of Islam’s two holiest cities. In the last decade Mecca has been transformed from a dusty desert pilgrimage town into a gleaming metropolis of skyscrapers that tower over the Masjid al-Haram and are filled with a myriad of shopping malls, luxury apartments and five star hotels.

But such a transformation has come at a cost. The Washington-based Gulf Institute estimates that 95 per cent of Mecca's millennium-old buildings have been demolished in the past two decades alone. Dozens of key historical sites dating back to the birth of Islam have already been lost and there is a scramble among archaeologists and academics to try and encourage the authorities to preserve what little remains.

Many senior Wahabis are vehemently against the preservation of historical Islamic sites that are linked to the prophet because they believe it encourages shirq – the sin of idol worshipping.

But Dr Irfan al-Alawi, executive director of the Islamic Heritage Research Foundation which obtained the new photographs from inside the Grand Mosque, says the removal of the Ottoman and Abbasid columns will leave future generations of Muslims ignorant of their significance.

“It matters because many of these columns signified certain areas of the mosque where the Prophet sat and prayed,” he said. “The historical record is being deleted. A new Muslim would never have a clue because there’s nothing marking these locations now. There are ways you could expand Mecca and Medina while protecting the historical heritage of the mosque itself and the surrounding sites.”

There are signs that King Abdullah has listened to concerns about the historical destruction of Mecca and Medina. Last October The Independent revealed how new plans for the masjid an-Nabawi in Medina would result in the destruction of three of the world’s oldest mosques on the west hand side of the main complex. However new plans approved by King Abdullah last week appear to show a change of heart with the bulk of the expansion now slated to take place to the north of the Masjid an-Nabawi.

However key sites are still at risk. The Independent has obtained a presentation used by the Saudis to illustrate how the expansion of Mecca’s main mosque will look. In one of the slides it is clear that the Bayt al-Mawlid, an area which is believed to be the house where Muhammad was born in, will have to be removed unless plans change.

The Independent asked the Saudi Embassy in London a number of questions about the expansion plans and why more was not being done to preserve key historical sites. They replied: “Thank you for calling, but no comment.”

Man are serious or what they are expanding the building that is why the are demolishing some parts of current building and every one knows it in the world for GOD Sake

So you start a personal attack .. which is fine. I am not threatened.

You refuse to answer or are just unable to do so due to lack of knowledge.

Read what I wrote, if you find that it is non factual tell me, and I will try to educate myself furhter

sure sure ... if it makes you happy.

I have tried not to use slurs .. and not to curse ..

I guess what you did qualifies for at least an infraction.

What should we say? when you call another sect in Islam which might have different view to some Islamic beliefs and practices "cancer" 'while they worship one God and believe in Mohammad (pbuh) as prophet of God and his book Quran as their holy book,saying their prayer towards the Kabbah and believe in hear after as you do" ...

Shias .. and only Shias are to be blamed.

There shold be no doubt; not even a speck of doubt about this.

1. Shia religion was invented AFTER Islam and AFTER our prophet's death.

Shia is a sect not a religion, and on the contrary to your claim it was not invented we are called Shia because we are followers of Imam Ali :

One day We shall call every group of people by their respective Imams. (Quran 17:71)
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) said: "The Shia of Ali are the real victorious in the day of resurrection/rising"

2. It was Shia mischief which led to our downfall ( Imam Ghazali Vs Ibn Rushd)

Where were your chefs then to lead us towards the path of salvation?

3. It is Shias who beat themselves up every year and block roads and cities for some thing which is prohibited.

Base upon what it's prohibited?

4. I welcome you, to roam around Karachi, and see how many Magician / Peers / imposters / fortune tellers are Shia !

And many Muslims are in prison 'cause they steal and rob, therefore by your logic all Muslim are theft?

5. I welcome you to go visit all shrines in Pakistan, see the level of "shirk" that is committed there, and see the Shia Patronage.

Who doesn't have shirk?

This form of shirk has been described by the Prophet (s.a.w.s.):
Shirk in the Muslim nation is more inconspicuous than the creeping of the black ant on a black rock in the pitch darkness of the night.

please think about yourself before sentencing others ....by your logic Haj should be considered as shirk too, hajarul aswad, tomb of the prophet (pbuh) ..

6. It is Shia who has invented Karbala as another form of Pilgramage!

The companions had seen Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) repeatedly put Hassan and Hussain (PBUT) on his shoulders and play with them. At other times he would kiss Hussain (PBUH) and say, "Hussain is from me, and I am from Hussain. May Allah love him who loves Hussain." In other traditions the Prophet would say, "Hassan and Hussain (PBUT) are my two aromatic flowers from this world."

could you plz tell me what prophet (pbuh)meant? "Hussain is from me, and I am from Hussain" how a grandfather could be from his grandson? Hussain (AS) was the one who sacrificed himself and his family to save Islam, if you consider yourself Muslim then you should be thankful to him .

It is this cancer shia, which has poisoned us, which has challenged us.

to the OP:

Tell me why are these women taking the mud from the grave ?

to the OP:

Why don't Shia do Sajda on ground ? why do they do Sajda on that disc from Karbala ?
If our prophet could do sajda on plain ground .. where did you invent the disc ?
and if you invented that disc, then you will make more inventions if you are given time and opportunity.

To Pray on Turbah is Sunna of Our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

To pray on Turbah is Sunna of our Prophet. If you refer to Sunan of Al-Tirmidhi, you will see a saying (hadith) reported from Umm Salamah: “O Aflah, put your face on Turbah (i.e. while in Sajda)”. This has been reported by Al-Nasa’i, Abu Dawood and Al-Hakim also.
Ahmed Hambal (developer of Hambali madhhab) has added: "Put your face on Turbah, for the sake of Allah".
In Sahih Al-Bukhari (vol. 1, pp.104), it is reported from Abu Saeed who said: “I saw the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, do Sajdah on mud and I saw the mark of dust on his forehead”.
So, the Shia pray on Turbah, primarily because it is the practice of our Prophet and his companions.
Al-Tabrani has reported that Abdullah ibn Masood refused to pray or prostrate on anything but the earth, meaning that he always wished to do prayers by putting his forehead on earth in any condition.
As the second reason, that is the sign of humility before the Almighty Allah.
According to Shia Fiqh, sajdah should be performed on earth and on those things which are not edible or worn and on things which grow from the earth (e.g. wood and leaves of trees). It is not permissible to perform sajdah on things which are used as food or dress (e.g. Wheat, barley, cotton etc) nor on things which are not considered to be parts of soil e.g. gold, silver). According to the Shia Ja'fari Fiqh - which is one of the five main schools of law in Islam - prostration must be performed on pure earth or what grows on it, provided that it is not eaten or worn. This includes dust, stone, sand and grass, provided that it is not a mineral.
From the above, you will find that the objective is to use Turbah - earth, dust etc regardless of where it comes from. The preference to Kerbala over other soil is a matter of sentiment, which is essentially attached to the holy places, including Makka and Madina. But we use a soil of Karbala to say how much important it is for us and much more important than that, to imply and remind us and people what happened in that place in 61 A.H. and what the enemies of Imam Hussain did with him and his family there that time.
The legal scholars of all the Sunni schools of law concur regarding the validity of prostration on earth and that which grows on it!
Now some questions:
Did the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions ever do this?
Praying on the earth was certainly the practice of the Prophet (s) and those around him. Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri: “I saw Allah's Apostle prostrating in mud and water and saw the mark of mud on his forehead“. [Al-Bukhari, Sahih (English translation), vol. 1, book 12, no. 798; Al-Bukhari, Sahih (English translation), vol. 3, book 33, no. 244]. The Prophet (PBUH) also used to have a leaf mat (hassir - Hassir is a small mat made from palm fibres and it is like that which the Shia use for prostration [Talkhis Al-Sihah, pp. 81]) on which he would put his forehead for prostration. Maymuna narrates: “Allah's Apostle used to pray on a hassir”. [AlBukhari, Sahih (English translation), vol. 1, book 8, no. 378]
According to Al-Shawkani, a famous Sunni scholar, more than ten companions of the Prophet (PBUH) have narrated traditions mentioning his prostration on a hassir. And he lists all the Sunni sources recording these traditions which include Sahih Muslim, Sahih Al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abu Dawood, Sunan al-Nasa'i and many others. [AlShawkani, Nayl Al-Awtar , Chapter of ‘Prostration on the hassir’, vol. 2, p. 128 – In this book, the word ‘Khurmaa’ has been used instead of ‘Hassir’]
But why the earth of Karbala?
The special characteristics of the soil of Karbala (Iraq) were known and it was an object of special attention during the time of the Prophet (PBUH) as well as in later times:
• Umm Salama says: “I saw Hussain (alayha salaam) sitting on the lap of his grandfather, the Prophet (PBUH), who had a red block of soil in his hand. The Prophet (PBUH) was kissing the dust and weeping. I asked him what that soil was. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Gabriel has informed me that my son, this Hussain, will be murdered in Iraq. He has brought this soil for me from that land. I am weeping for the suffering that will befall my Hussain””. Then the Prophet (PBUH) handed the dust to Umm Salama and said to her: “When you see this soil turn into blood, you will know that my Hussain has been slaughtered”. Umm Salama kept the soil in a bottle and kept watch over it until she saw on the day of Ashura, 10th of Muharram 61 A.H., that it turned to blood. Then she knew that Hussain bin Ali (alayhumaa salaam) had been martyred. [Al-Hakim, Al-Mustadrak, vol. 4, p. 398; Al-Dhahabi, Siyar a`lam al-nubala', vol. 3, p. 194; Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidayah wa Al-Nihayah, vol. 6, p. 230; Al-Suyuti, Khasa'is AlKubra, vol. 2, p. 450; Jam` al-Jawami, vol. 1, p. 26; Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib , vol. 2, p. 346]
• Ali ibn Abi Talib passed by Karbala after the battle of Siffin. He took a handful of its soil and exclaimed: “Ah, ah, on this spot some men will be slain, and will enter Paradise without reckoning”. [Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, Tahdhib Al-tahdhib, vol. 2, p. 348]
All these are to show why the soil of Karbala is of great importance.
It is not compulsory for Shia to do sajda on the soil of Karbala (we can do on any clean soil) but the Shia prefer to prostrate on the earth of Karbala because of the importance given to it by the Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams from his Family (Ahl Al-Bayt). After the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a), his son Imam Zayn Al-'Abidin (a) picked some up from the soil of Karbala and declared it to be sacred dust, and kept it in a bag. The Imams (a) used to perform prostrations on it. [Ibn Shahrashub, AlManaqib, vol. 2, p. 251] They also encouraged the Shia to perform prostrations on them, with the understanding that it was not compulsory, but with a view to achieving greater recompense. The Imams (a) insisted that prostration before Allah must be on clean earth only and that it was preferable if it was performed on that earth of Karbala. [AlTusi, Misbah al-Mutahajjad, pp. 511; Al-Saduq, Man la yahduruhu'l faqih, vol. 1, pp. 174]
The Shia for a long time have kept this earth with them. Then, fearing that it might be desecrated, they kneaded it into small tablets or pieces, which are now called ‘mohr’ or Turbah. During prayers we prostrate on it not as a compulsory act but in view of its special nature. Otherwise, when we have no pure soil with us, we prostrate on clean earth, or something that originates from it.
It is a pity I heard some people maliciously insist that the Shia worship stones or that they worship Hussain (a). The truth is that we worship Allah alone by prostrating on the Turbah, not to it. And we never worship Imam Hussain, Imam Ali, or the Prophet Muhammad (s) as they are all Allah’s servants. We worship only Allah, and it is in accordance with Allah's order that we perform prostration only on pure earth.
This is the reason why Shia Muslims carry small tablets, usually made from the earth of Karbala, which enables them to do prostration on this highly recommended object and to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).

I welcome you all, each and every one, to objectively question your self ... and answer to yourself

See what Shia do on 9/10th Moharaam ... does it have ANY resemblence to even a day or just one hour of our prophet's life ?

Tell me, one day, and JUST one day, one instance when our prophet let go of his stature and behaved like so ....

and these Shia behave below stature in the name of prophet's family !

That [is so]. And whoever honors the symbols of Allah - indeed, it is from the piety of hearts.(Quran 22:32)

Umm Salamah has said: "al-Hussain entered on the Prophet (S), while I was sitting at the door, so I saw in the hand of the Prophet (S) something he turned over while (Hussain) sleeping on his stomach. I said: Oh messenger of Allah, I looked and saw you turning something over in your hand when the kid was sleeping on your stomach and your tears were pouring? He said: Gabriel came to me with the sand upon which he (Hussain) will be killed. And he informed me that my nation (umma) will kill him."

Hindus make "tashbeh" of what they hold holy and parade in streets
Shias make "tashbeh" of what is holy to them and parade in steets.

Hindus walk on burning coals
Shias walk on burning coals.


Show me ONE instance, and JUST one instance where our prophet either him self visited, or asked people to visit shrines of those before him ?

If he didn't do it .... then Muslims won't.

Shias ... they can do what they want .. in Iran and Karbala.
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Some mod needs to look into thread a remove posts of sectarian nature. Obviously those are off topic and offensive in nature.
I love how he forgets earth is a sphere and not flat!

Even most moderate amount of Alpha particle radiation is enough to cause human birth defects and early death but his glorification of radiation is enough to even make a high school student laugh! Or may be there really exist such radiation and hence the reason why entire region has been a retard for centuries.
In the land of the blind, One eyed is the king ! Intellectual capacity of the barbarians, simply astounding !
Shias .. and only Shias are to be blamed.

There shold be no doubt; not even a speck of doubt about this.

1. Shia religion was invented AFTER Islam and AFTER our prophet's death.

2. It was Shia mischief which led to our downfall ( Imam Ghazali Vs Ibn Rushd)

3. It is Shias who beat themselves up every year and block roads and cities for some thing which is prohibited.

4. I welcome you, to roam around Karachi, and see how many Magician / Peers / imposters / fortune tellers are Shia !

5. I welcome you to go visit all shrines in Pakistan, see the level of "shirk" that is committed there, and see the Shia Patronage.

6. It is Shia who has invented Karbala as another form of Pilgramage !

It is this cancer shia, which has poisoned us, which has challenged us.

to the OP:

Tell me why are these women taking the mud from the grave ?

to the OP:

Why don't Shia do Sajda on ground ? why do they do Sajda on that disc from Karbala ?
If our prophet could do sajda on plain ground .. where did you invent the disc ?
and if you invented that disc, then you will make more inventions if you are given time and opportunity.

I welcome you all, each and every one, to objectively question your self ... and answer to yourself

See what Shia do on 9/10th Moharaam ... does it have ANY resemblence to even a day or just one hour of our prophet's life ?

Tell me, one day, and JUST one day, one instance when our prophet let go of his stature and behaved like so ....

and these Shia behave below stature in the name of prophet's family !

Hindus make "tashbeh" of what they hold holy and parade in streets
Shias make "tashbeh" of what is holy to them and parade in steets.

Hindus walk on burning coals
Shias walk on burning coals.


Show me ONE instance, and JUST one instance where our prophet either him self visited, or asked people to visit shrines of those before him ?

If he didn't do it .... then Muslims won't.

Shias ... they can do what they want .. in Iran and Karbala.

Why is it Hindus are mentioned in your post, isn't it off topic?

Does it mean if muslims and hindus have some common things they should be forbidden??
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