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The photos Saudi Arabia doesn't want seen –

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Expansion of the mosque is necessary and need of the hour. I have seen these photographs and I have been there and its a wonderful expansion and will help people in hajj and umrah, there is shortage of place.
Saudi Arabia dont want these photos to be seen- nonsense!!
Makkah And Madianh are our personal properties It is a privilege we let Non Saudi muslims In. As for the topic you can only read, wish but at the end you still beg for Visa to get in. If you and your ilk don't like it the way to Karabla is much more closer than KSA.

so non saudi muslims are not muslims?
Makkah And Madianh are our personal properties It is a privilege we let Non Saudi muslims In. As for the topic you can only read, wish but at the end you still beg for Visa to get in. If you and your ilk don't like it the way to Karabla is much more closer than KSA.

Makkah And Madianh are the Most important parts of Islam and were part of Arabia not Saudi Arabia so there fore arent your personal properties.
Makkah And Madianh are our personal properties It is a privilege we let Non Saudi muslims In. As for the topic you can only read, wish but at the end you still beg for Visa to get in. If you and your ilk don't like it the way to Karabla is much more closer than KSA.

The Holy city like the stature of Makkah is the city of Allah. Makkah belongs to Allah and if you want any proof, than just one another time read Surah Feel in the Glorious Qur'an. You Saudis think that just because of hosting more than millions of Muslims annually who would die to have a single glimpse of Kaaba or Roza Rasool(PEACE BE UPON HIM) makes you Saudis some sort of Alpha people...I am sorry to say but that's sickening attitude.. Its not a privilege... its a DUTY....
Makkah And Madianh are our personal properties It is a privilege we let Non Saudi muslims In. As for the topic you can only read, wish but at the end you still beg for Visa to get in. If you and your ilk don't like it the way to Karabla is much more closer than KSA.

Totally disappointed with you first sentence. I believe Baitullah means Allah's house and Aale Saud uses title as Khadimain Harmain Sharifain and Khadim means servant, since when servants have become owners. I request you please refuse visa for haj and umrah of all non Saudi Muslims this year. Lets see if you or Aal e Saud can do it.
Buildings and graves are not Holy in Islam, Islam is clear regarding this issue, The place is holy but the buildings are not.
indeed this is more complicated than this. KSA is not the prophet by the way. you have one point of view . i respect it but don't judge us as simple as you do.

i remember he was a smart guy from your country, he was a doctor, we got many discussions with him. he was tolerant.

anyway just see one exemple:
in Africa they have figuration, i guess you know it right? so they are not muslim? they can even pray in front of a statue and believe a statue will help them...

when we pray we have a piece of soil. and yes we go to these places ... to touch. we are not considering it as a figuration of the prophet. for us this is just a place to remember the family. this is a shrine. ok i understand you don't like it. this is your opinion.

by the way i went to Mecca .. at least your country considered me as muslim.

another point: there are some fanatics in all countries. in ours as well. some people are haters. don't blame all shias because of some people.

to say the truth, most muslims in Europe i met (no Iranian they are rare here :D a lot of Africans here i wonder as many as the white people lol) didn't go to Mecca. Even the people who went there didn't consider KSA to be a religious leader, not to offense you but just the country WHERE IT IS. Mecca is important for all of us anyway, whatever the government is in your ocuntry, whaterever is the family in power. Mecca is Mecca.
and yes you can consider us much willing to go there. it is true. i ddn't see anything bad about it.

just this is off topic... but in Iran most young people don't care religion now. they are not shias anymore. some people with their extremism killed religion in our country. you blame shias , they want individual rights and more tolerant Islam.i blame these extremists too.
Buildings and graves are not Holy in Islam, Islam is clear regarding this issue, The place is holy but the buildings are not.

Really... this is news to me ... as I remember tons of Muslims ranting all over the globe about some Babri Mosque... but I guess the building becomes important if it sits in some non Islamic country.
how can we takeover something already ours.!

I never made such claim however shia should be ban from entering KSA.

so why should non saudis be prevented from entering a holy site of their religion? Why not shia are saudis gaurdians of islam but isnt your king a western puppet?
The Holy city like the stature of Makkah is the city of Allah. Makkah belongs to Allah and if you want any proof, than just one another time read Surah Feel in the Glorious Qur'an. You Saudis think that just because of hosting more than millions of Muslims annually who would die to have a single glimpse of Kaaba or Roza Rasool(PEACE BE UPON HIM) makes you Saudis some sort of Alpha people...I am sorry to say but that's sickening attitude.. Its not a privilege... its a DUTY....

Totally disappointed with you first sentence. I believe Baitullah means Allah's house and Aale Saud uses title as Khadimain Harmain Sharifain and Khadim means servant, since when servants have become owners. I request you please refuse visa for haj and umrah of all non Saudi Muslims this year. Lets see if you or Aal e Saud can do it.

I have made it clear earlier no need to repost what I said. The house is open to practice and leave with no single dedication.
indeed this is more complicated than this. KSA is not the prophet by the way. you have one point of view . i respect it but don't judge us as simple as you do.

I never claimed we are prophets. :astagh:

i remember he was a smart guy from your country, he was a doctor, we got many discussions with him. he was tolerant

@Mosamania ?

anyway just see one exemple:
in Africa they have figuration, i guess you know it right? so they are not muslim? they can even pray in front of a statue and believe a statue will help them.

They committed Shirk

when we pray we have a piece of soil. and yes we go to these places ... to touch. we are not considering it as a figuration of the prophet. for us this is just a place to remember the family. this is a shrine. ok i understand you don't like it. this is your opinion by the way i went to Mecca .. at least your country considered me as muslim..

I thought you said you are not a Muslim ? :what:

another point: there are some fanatics in all countries. in ours as well. some people are haters. don't blame all shias because of some people.

I don't blame all Shia, only their Mullahs.

to say the truth, most muslims in Europe i met (no Iranian they are rare here :D a lot of Africans here i wonder as many as the white people lol) didn't go to Mecca. Even the people who went there didn't consider KSA to be a religious leader, not to offense you but just the country WHERE IT IS. Mecca is important for all of us anyway, whatever the government is in your ocuntry, whaterever is the family in power. Mecca is Mecca.
and yes you can consider us much willing to go there. it is true. i ddn't see anything bad about it.

Also we never claimed to be religious leaders, and these are their opinions, they can think whatever they want.

just this is off topic... but in Iran most young people don't care religion now. they are not shias anymore. some people with their extremism killed religion in our country. you blame shias , they want individual rights and more tolerant Islam.i blame these extremists too.

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