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The photos Saudi Arabia doesn't want seen –

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actually these are one of ugliest places in world for non-Muslims...

even they can't practice their religion openly .... but same Muslims make noise on secularism rights in non-Muslim country

In 2010, the U.S. State Department stated that in Saudi Arabia "freedom of religion is neither recognized nor protected under the law and is severely restricted in practice" and that "government policies continued to place severe restrictions on religious freedom".[125] No faith other than Islam is permitted to be practised, although there are nearly a million Christians, nearly all foreign workers, in Saudi Arabia.[126] There are no churches or other non-Muslim houses of worship permitted in the country.[125] Even private prayer services are forbidden in practice and the Saudi religious police reportedly regularly search the homes of Christians.[126] Foreign workers must observe Ramadan and are not allowed to celebrate Christmas or Easter.[126] Conversion by Muslims to another religion (apostasy) carries the death penalty, although there have been no confirmed reports of executions for apostasy in recent years.[125] Proselytizing by non-Muslims is illegal,[125] and the last Christian priest was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1985.[126] Compensation in court cases discriminates against non-Muslims: once fault is determined, a Muslim receives all of the amount of compensation determined, a Jew or Christian half, and all others a sixteenth.[126]

According to Human Rights Watch, the Shia minority face systematic discrimination from the Saudi government in education, the justice system and especially religious freedom.[127] Restrictions are imposed on the public celebration of Shia festivals such as Ashura and on the Shia taking part in communal public worship.[1
Stop the religious name callings and sectarian approach.This topic has nothing to do with Shias or Sunnis,so enough with this.

From now on,infractions will follow if any rules are violated.
I see, so how you suggest to expand the mosque without demolition some of the parts that stand in the way of the expansions ?

Brother I believe neither Kaaba or Safa and Marwa can be shifted. And you can not demolish and extend area from Bab e Aziz and place of Saee, if extension is made on other three sides of existing mosque, symmetry will be severely damaged and Tawaf would become difficult. To me better would be to add modules on the sides to increase capacity and let the old construction as it is. If there is no other solution architects can always follow as they have planned but demolishing it just for the sake of expansion is not a right approach.
Makkah And Madianh are our personal properties It is a privilege we let Non Saudi muslims In. As for the topic you can only read, wish but at the end you still beg for Visa to get in. If you and your ilk don't like it the way to Karabla is much more closer than KSA.

Try closing it, there are muslim countries with a much more powerfull military then all of the GCC combined, you would not want to face them without the US in front of you saving you everyday.
@somebozo Dude... which side you're on?! I don't get you? Are you pro-Secular Arab Nationalism?
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@somebozo Dude... which side you're on?! I don't get you? Are you pro-Secular Arab Nationalism?

Why do you think there is a need to take sides and why should I be taking sides?
Lets engage in a factual debate rather than hollow ranting. As far as nationalism is concerned I rather not have any which transcends the limits of my basic common sense and humanity!
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First and Most important house of Saud is part owner of the newspaper second what does the destruction thats part of Wahhabi ideology has any thing to do with shias.

Shias arent the ones doing the destruction under the disguise of ''Expansion'' Wahhabi s are,shias arent the ones printing it in newspaper westerners are.

So instead of blaming shias concentrates on the Topic and as far as your comments about shia holy sites is concerned we had lots of Wahhabi help in destroying those too.

Off course not they are destroying the historic places to build mega malls and hotels i guess that will be called progress.

Shias .. and only Shias are to be blamed.

There shold be no doubt; not even a speck of doubt about this.

1. Shia religion was invented AFTER Islam and AFTER our prophet's death.

2. It was Shia mischief which led to our downfall ( Imam Ghazali Vs Ibn Rushd)

3. It is Shias who beat themselves up every year and block roads and cities for some thing which is prohibited.

4. I welcome you, to roam around Karachi, and see how many Magician / Peers / imposters / fortune tellers are Shia !

5. I welcome you to go visit all shrines in Pakistan, see the level of "shirk" that is committed there, and see the Shia Patronage.

6. It is Shia who has invented Karbala as another form of Pilgramage !

It is this cancer shia, which has poisoned us, which has challenged us.

to the OP:

Tell me why are these women taking the mud from the grave ?

to the OP:

Why don't Shia do Sajda on ground ? why do they do Sajda on that disc from Karbala ?
If our prophet could do sajda on plain ground .. where did you invent the disc ?
and if you invented that disc, then you will make more inventions if you are given time and opportunity.

I welcome you all, each and every one, to objectively question your self ... and answer to yourself

See what Shia do on 9/10th Moharaam ... does it have ANY resemblence to even a day or just one hour of our prophet's life ?

Tell me, one day, and JUST one day, one instance when our prophet let go of his stature and behaved like so ....

and these Shia behave below stature in the name of prophet's family !

Hindus make "tashbeh" of what they hold holy and parade in streets
Shias make "tashbeh" of what is holy to them and parade in steets.

Hindus walk on burning coals
Shias walk on burning coals.


Show me ONE instance, and JUST one instance where our prophet either him self visited, or asked people to visit shrines of those before him ?

If he didn't do it .... then Muslims won't.

Shias ... they can do what they want .. in Iran and Karbala.
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To the others ...

Have you been to Makkah ?
Do you have ANY idea how crowded it is ?

Have you EVER seen the video of Haj .. have you seen how crowded it is .. and people live / worship on streets.

Where should those people be Accomodated ? skies ?
Shias .. and only Shias are to be blamed.

There shold be no doubt; not even a speck of doubt about this.

1. Shia religion was invented AFTER Islam and AFTER our prophet's death.

2. It was Shia mischief which led to our downfall ( Imam Ghazali Vs Ibn Rushd)

3. It is Shias who beat themselves up every year and block roads and cities for some thing which is prohibited.

4. I welcome you, to roam around Karachi, and see how many Magician / Peers / imposters / fortune tellers are Shia !

5. I welcome you to go visit all shrines in Pakistan, see the level of "shirk" that is committed there, and see the Shia Patronage.

6. It is Shia who has invented Karbala as another form of Pilgramage !

It is this cancer shia, which has poisoned us, which has challenged us.

to the OP:

Tell me why are these women taking the mud from the grave ?

to the OP:

Why don't Shia do Sajda on ground ? why do they do Sajda on that disc from Karbala ?
If our prophet could do sajda on plain ground .. where did you invent the disc ?
and if you invented that disc, then you will make more inventions if you are given time and opportunity.

I welcome you all, each and every one, to objectively question your self ... and answer to yourself

See what Shia do on 9/10th Moharaam ... does it have ANY resemblence to even a day or just one hour of our prophet's life ?

Tell me, one day, and JUST one day, one instance when our prophet let go of his stature and behaved like so ....

and these Shia behave below stature in the name of prophet's family !

Hindus make "tashbeh" of what they hold holy and parade in streets
Shias make "tashbeh" of what is holy to them and parade in steets.

Hindus walk on burning coals
Shias walk on burning coals.


Show me ONE instance, and JUST one instance where our prophet either him self visited, or asked people to visit shrines of those before him ?

If he didn't do it .... then Muslims won't.

Shias ... they can do what they want .. in Iran and Karbala.

All hail the next bin laden.
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Shias .. and only Shias are to be blamed.

There shold be no doubt; not even a speck of doubt about this.

1. Shia religion was invented AFTER Islam and AFTER our prophet's death.

2. It was Shia mischief which led to our downfall ( Imam Ghazali Vs Ibn Rushd)

3. It is Shias who beat themselves up every year and block roads and cities for some thing which is prohibited.

4. I welcome you, to roam around Karachi, and see how many Magician / Peers / imposters / fortune tellers are Shia !

5. I welcome you to go visit all shrines in Pakistan, see the level of "shirk" that is committed there, and see the Shia Patronage.

6. It is Shia who has invented Karbala as another form of Pilgramage !

It is this cancer shia, which has poisoned us, which has challenged us.

to the OP:

Tell me why are these women taking the mud from the grave ?

to the OP:

Why don't Shia do Sajda on ground ? why do they do Sajda on that disc from Karbala ?
If our prophet could do sajda on plain ground .. where did you invent the disc ?
and if you invented that disc, then you will make more inventions if you are given time and opportunity.

I welcome you all, each and every one, to objectively question your self ... and answer to yourself

See what Shia do on 9/10th Moharaam ... does it have ANY resemblence to even a day or just one hour of our prophet's life ?

Tell me, one day, and JUST one day, one instance when our prophet let go of his stature and behaved like so ....

and these Shia behave below stature in the name of prophet's family !

Hindus make "tashbeh" of what they hold holy and parade in streets
Shias make "tashbeh" of what is holy to them and parade in steets.

Hindus walk on burning coals
Shias walk on burning coals.


Show me ONE instance, and JUST one instance where our prophet either him self visited, or asked people to visit shrines of those before him ?

If he didn't do it .... then Muslims won't.

Shias ... they can do what they want .. in Iran and Karbala.

you are Ignorant and a fool what can one expect from you since you are a Wahhabi.You wanna discuss religion start a new topic.i will be more then happy to rip you a new one not that you need it as you are one.

Here is example enjoy

The Beliefs Of Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab

What Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab's father, brother, and shaykhs speculated about him came true-by the Will of Allah, Ta'ala. Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab innovated deviant and misleading ways and beliefs and managed to allure some ignorant people to follow him. His deviant and misleading ways and beliefs disagreed with the sayings of the scholars of the Religion. His deviant beliefs led him to label the believers as blasphemers! He falsely claimed visiting the grave of the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and performing the tawassul(5) by him as shirk(6). Additionally, he falsely claimed visiting the graves of other prophets and righteous Muslims (awliya’) and performing tawassul by them was shirk as well. He added to this by saying, "To call upon the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, when performing tawassul by the Prophet is shirk." He passed the same judgment of shirk on the ones who call upon other prophets and righteous Muslims (awliya’) in performing tawassul by them.

In an effort to give credibility to his innovations Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab embellished his sayings by quotations which he selected from Islamic sources, i.e., quotations which are used as proofs for many issues but not the issues which Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab was attempting to support. He brought false statements and tried to beautify them for the laymen until they followed him. He wrote treatises for them until they believed that most of the People of Tawhid(7) were blasphemers.

Alliance With The Saudi Family

Moreover, Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab called upon the princes of eastern Arabia and the people of ad-Dar'iyyah(8) to support him. They carried his doctrine and made this endeavor a means to strengthen and expand their kingdom. They worked together to suppress the Bedouins of the deserts until they overcame them and those Bedouins followed them and became foot-soldiers for them without pay. After that, these masses started to believe that whoever does not believe in what Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab said is a blasphemer, and it is Islamically lawful (halal) to shed his blood and plunder his money.

The matter of Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab started to evidence itself in 1143 A.H. and began spreading after 1150 A.H. Subsequently, the scholars--even his brother, Shaykh Sulayman and the rest of his shaykhs-- authored many treatises to refute him. But Muhammad Ibn Su'ud, the Prince of ad-Dar'iyyah in eastern Arabia, supported him and worked to spread his ideology. Ibn Su'ud was from Banu Hanifah, the people of Musaylimah al-Kadhdhab(9). When Muhammad Ibn Su'ud died, his son 'Abdul-'Aziz Ibn Muhammad Ibn Su'ud took over the responsibility of fulfilling the vile task of spreading the Wahhabi beliefs.

Many of the shaykhs of Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab in Medina used to say, "He will be misguided, and he will misguide those for whom Allah willed the misguidance." Things took place as per the speculation of the scholars. Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab claimed his intention behind the madhhab he invented was "to purify the Tawhid" and "repudiate the shirk." He also claimed people had been following the shirk for six-hundred years and he revived their Religion for them!!

I also like the avatar you use Satans ***** every time any pakistani dies at the hands of Wahhabi terrorist people immediately say zia the bastard did this to us.May he rote in hell for eternity.


I am gonig to get hold of you and squeeze you.

I have a lot of love, and a lot of hope from Yemen.

You are the most ancient people ..and if you let our hopes break .. I am going to come-------- and get you ! :angry:

Homosexuality is allowed in Wahhabi sum did not know that.
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