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The People's Republic of Scandal - TIME cover

This has been discussed to death in other threads. You can all claim that Chinese are doing white collar jobs in Gulf but the truth is otherwise. Also if there are Indians working as manual labour (if you can construction work that) on one end of the spectrum, there are also billionaire Indians on the other end.

GCC Indian Rich list

1 Micky Jagtiani 3.2bn

2.Yusuffali MA 1.75bn

2 BR Shetty 1.72bn

4 Chhabria family 1.3bn

5 PNC Menon 1.2bn

6 Sunny Varkey 950m

7 Rajen Kilachand 900m

8 Tony Jashanmal 900m

10 Dr. Mohammed Ali 725m

11 Paras Shahdadpuri 650m

12 Hitesh Bodani 630m

13 Yogesh Mehta 623m

14 Jayant Ganwani 530m

15 Nilesh Ved 480m

16 Khimji family 390m

17 Santosh Joseph 360m

18 Faisal Kottikollon 300m

19 Mohan Valrani 285m

20 CK Menon 250m

Waiting for the Chinese list....

Pays to milk India's corrupt system doesn't it?
according to the US dept of labor and as has been discussed here several times . The no1 jobs Chinese hold in the US is restaurant wait staff and servers. Indians on the other have professional jobs as their no1 jobs held. that makes you more of the guys who clean up after they eat. I think the Indians putting in a hard day's work in the oil fields is far better and more paying than cleaning tables and being busboys.

Btw- how much embezzled money was transferred from china today by your folks to pay for boarding and tuition?

I wouldn't expect you to know this since you don't seem to have gone to college (if you did, you'd know) but get this fact: almost every science and engineering PHD in the US is fully funded by a combination of jobs as a teaching assistants and research fellowships paid for by the National Science Foundation and various grants from organizations such as NIH or Department of Energy.

Most Indians however choose to go for unfunded MBAs, which cost anywhere from 30 to 50 thousand dollars. That is equal to 50 years wages for Indians, more than can be done in an entire lifetime of work, so naturally that money didn't come from salaries.
woah woah look who is talking about corruption in politics .....may be america is not so corrupt cause all that is corrupt elsewhere as been made legal in america....like the lobbyists that bribe the politicians and big corporations that directly fund candidates in elections....the media that act as a mouthpiece for the gov and spew crap as propaganda example fox news.....I think its america that needs the wake up call :P.
Here is a good article for everyone...

The Great Fall of China - Businessweek
These episodes have revealed to the world—and to a sizable portion of the Chinese people—a culture of greed, violence, and deceit at the highest levels of government. The Communists’ power is not in imminent danger, but their legitimacy is.

So-called mass incidents—riots, strikes, and protests—doubled in five years, to 180,000 in 2010, according to Sun Liping, a sociologist at Beijing’s Tsinghua University.

China already has inequality comparable to the Philippines and Russia and is far less egalitarian than Japan, the U.S., and even Eastern Europe, according to Li Shi, an economist at Beijing Normal University. The top 10 percent of urban Chinese earn about 23 times that of the poorest 10 percent, according to official figures—which are almost certainly understated. Even those whose lives have improved resent those who have climbed even higher by milking the system.

Hu’s “Harmonious Society” campaign, which he initiated in 2005, has curdled into something unwholesome. Harmony has become a synonym for uniformity, obedience, and censorship. In a dig at Hu’s slogan, Chinese whose electronic communications have been blocked or bleeped joke that they have been “harmonized.”

...economist Daron Acemoglu and political scientist James Robinson predict that China’s economic miracle will fade because the security-obsessed government will continue to resist the creative destruction that is crucial to innovation,...

Of about 300 U.S. companies surveyed last November and December by the American Chamber of Commerce in China for its 2012 annual report, 79 percent said enforcement of intellectual property rights was ineffective, up from 70 percent in last year’s report.

Investors are starting to act on their words. In March, foreign direct investment into China fell about 6 percent from a year earlier, the fifth straight month of decline. That was the longest streak of monthly declines since 2009, when the financial crisis caused multinationals to slow overseas investment. China doesn’t depend on money from abroad, but it does require the technology and know-how that foreign multinationals bring.
I wouldn't expect you to know this since you don't seem to have gone to college (if you did, you'd know) but get this fact: almost every science and engineering PHD in the US is fully funded by a combination of jobs as a teaching assistants and research fellowships paid for by the National Science Foundation and various grants from organizations such as NIH or Department of Energy.

Most Indians however choose to go for unfunded MBAs, which cost anywhere from 30 to 50 thousand dollars. That is equal to 50 years wages for Indians, more than can be done in an entire lifetime of work, so naturally that money didn't come from salaries.


I would not expect you know that half your rich with and without embezzled funds and all 100% who embezzle send their kids to the US. There is no grants for student visa application. so again when is your family coming over with the funds they embezzled? phase 1 of the great leap forward is to send their send son , followed by non earning spouse and last by earning spouse ala supreme "embezzler"

Report: Half of China

I would not expect you know that half your rich with and without embezzled funds and all 100% who embezzle send their kids to the US. There is no grants for student visa application. so again when is your family coming over with the funds they embezzled? phase 1 of the great leap forward is to send their send son , followed by non earning spouse and last by earning spouse ala supreme "embezzler"

Student visa application costs on the order of a few hundred USD, which is big money for Indians but not big money for Chinese. The visa cost itself is small compared to tuition and living costs which is totally paid for, and then some, by TA jobs and NSF grants.

Graduate Student Awards & Fellowships | www.physics.uci.edu

During their first year of study, graduate students are typically provided stipends, tuition and fee fellowships, and/or Teaching Assistantships. In subsequent years, students typically receive support through Research Assistantships once they begin their doctoral research. Listed below are some of the sources of financial support for entering and continuing graduate students at UCI.

On the other hand, most Indian students go for unfunded, 50k USD MBAs. That's 50,000 USD that has to be had upfront, with full time classes, no time for TAing and no NSF grants. That's also 50 times the average Indian salary. We're not even talking living costs. Those would bring the MBA cost to 60,000 USD a year, with 2 year MBAs being the standard. How many Indians can afford 120,000 USD total? That's a century of earnings!
Student visa application costs on the order of a few hundred USD, which is big money for Indians but not big money for Chinese. The visa cost itself is small compared to tuition and living costs which is totally paid for, and then some, by TA jobs and NSF grants.

Graduate Student Awards & Fellowships | www.physics.uci.edu

On the other hand, most Indian students go for unfunded, 50k USD MBAs. That's 50,000 USD that has to be had upfront, with full time classes, no time for TAing and no NSF grants. That's also 50 times the average Indian salary. We're not even talking living costs. Those would bring the MBA cost to 60,000 USD a year, with 2 year MBAs being the standard. How many Indians can afford 120,000 USD total? That's a century of earnings!

those are not for foreign graduate students on a student visa. there is nothing to support your argument, transplant. On the other hand there is plenty of proof showing the rich send their kids to US to study at first , then mom and wait for emblezzer supreme to run off with all monies and escape china to the US. again- how is daddy depositing in our banks this month, I ask ya! :P

Jonathan Watts wrote in The Guardian, “Corruption is endemic. Revelations of bribery, influence peddling and misuse of public funds are a regular staple of the domestic media. Among the most recent cases was the sacking of the railway minister, Liu Zhijun, who was accused of taking 1 billion yuan ($157 million). The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences estimates that 800 billion yuan ($125 billion) was transferred overseas by officials and executives who later fled the country. Far more is likely to have been squirrelled away or lavished on banquets, second homes and lovers inside China. [Source: Jonathan Watts, The Guardian July 1, 2011]

Officials often embezzle funds or take bribes and send the money to family members living abroad. Yu Fei, a former vice chairman of the Guangdong People's Congress, used $3.3 million of state funds to buy some valuable land near the Hong Kong border. At the last minute he changed the name of the title from a state company to a private company owned by his son and daughter, and then skipped town to meet up with his family
those are not for foreign graduate students on a student visa. there is nothing to support your argument, transplant. On the other hand there is plenty of proof showing the rich send their kids to US to study at first , then mom and wait for emblezzer supreme to run off with all monies and escape china to the US. again- how is daddy depositing in our banks this month, I ask ya! :P

Yes they are. If you went to college, you'd know, but since you didn't, you don't. If you notice from the UCI Physics application page:

Applying to the Program | www.physics.uci.edu

there's no financial statement requirement for international students. If you have to pay for your studies, you will not be issued a visa without a financial statement proving that you can pay tuition. That's because they're all fully funded and paid for by TA work and NSF grant.

Now my question is: How do Indians afford a tuition that costs more than a century of average earnings? The average MBA tuition + living cost in the US is 120,000 USD for 2 years of study.
To me, as a native born American, what FaUB^^^^ is saying is outrageous. He seems to be saying that I and my fellow Americans are giving him a free ride to earn a PhD in my country. I really hope that this is a lie. If not, I truly hope that a Republican, supported by Fox News, is elected President, and puts a stop to such nonsense. IF FauB were gracious and grateful for the opportunity my country is providing to him, I might have some sympathy. But, no! he is a spiteful ingrate. I wish I had the power to deport his sorry rear end outta here. I would do so in a nanosecond if I had the power!!!!!

PS. And I also wouldn't let his sorry parents take refuge here either, even if they brought in their $ millions stolen from the Chinese people. FaUB, Sir, you need to think through why the USA is a sought-after haven for the intelligent people of this planet.
To me, as a native born American, what FaUB^^^^ is saying is outrageous. He seems to be saying that I and my fellow Americans are giving him a free ride to earn a PhD in my country. I really hope that this is a lie. If not, I truly hope that a Republican, supported by Fox News, is elected President, and puts a stop to such nonsense. IF FauB were gracious and grateful for the opportunity my country is providing to him, I might have some sympathy. But, no! he is a spiteful ingrate. I wish I had the power to deport his sorry rear end outta here. I would do so in a nanosecond if I had the power!!!!!

PS. And I also wouldn't let his sorry parents take refuge here either, even if they brought in their $ millions stolen from the Chinese people. FaUB, Sir, you need to think through why the USA is a sought-after haven for the intelligent people of this planet.

You r too kind to let the ball roll. I do belive the Chinese earned the rights to let the ball roll.
I undestand the need for having a multicultural forum, but these Indians on this forum really waste everybody's time.

Long live China
Oh, but numbers don't matter, do they? It's quality over quantity every time, and this is one of two competitions China will win hands down - every time!
Well, but one thing here shows that a politician as powerful as Bo can be brought down. Bo was a member of poliburo and his father was a founding member of PRC, and Vice Chairman of China. While his father was alive people like Wen Jiabo was just dirctor of CPC office, so Wen was like a butler to Bo's family. Well, I knew about his downfall 2 years ago already.

The funny thing here is that Bo is well liked by politicians from the west, there many articles praise him on Times and other magzine when he suited their purpose. In a way, Bo is like the politician in the west. He is about showmanship with no real deed, and massive corruption cloaked under his fancy words.
I undestand the need for having a multicultural forum, but these Indians on this forum really waste everybody's time.

Long live China

Interesting world we live in.
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