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The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

The Mirage purchase is a good short term interim move to ensure that the PAF have adequate number of spares and increase additional numbers of Mirages (due to attrition etc).

Pakistan has an expertise knowledge in handling Mirage aircraft - hence the PAC Mirage rebuild factory.

The Mirage aircraft have a good strike range that has been enhanced by the SMART weapons it is qualified to deliver.

The recent air Skirmishes and locked on targets with the IAF - showed how effective this aircraft had operated and penetrated IAF air defences etc.

The PAF will retire these aircraft in due course. However, due to financial constraints this can hamper early replacements.

These aircraft (operational ones) need to get internal upgrade by PAC to ensure their lethality (on the cheap). It will take a while before they can be replaced by JF-17S in the long run.

The PAF need to increase its size and numbers - to ensure that the IAF is unable to achieve air supremacy.

Please note the PAF possess approximately 180 Mirage 3/5 aircraft - hence it will take time to replace. Pakistan can upgrade these internally and ensure that it will give it extra numbers to penetrate enemy air defences.

The PAF needs yo increase its combat squadrons - hence can do with these Cost-effective Mirages.

Also the IAF has a large number of comparable age type aircraft, such as the following :

200+ MiG-21 Bison (upgrade with 4 generation Israeli technology - hence a potent aircraft when flown with better trained pilots and better airforce tactics).

130+ SEPECAT Jaguars

50+ Mig-27 Floggers


These above IAF aircraft are comparable in age/era if the Mirage 5 aircraft.

The PAF should increase its numbers - whether its second hand Mirages, F-16s, and even J-7s.....until it has an increase in squadrons. These should be eventually replaced by more newer and advance models of JF-17's and other new aircraft.

Remember these aircraft will be operating in a network-centric environment. The support of AWACS / Jammers / BVR capable aircraft.. I.e..shoot and scoot tactics. It will also put pressure on the enemy airforces in the number of aircrafts they have to deal with.:enjoy:
Ohhh bhai kiyoo dara raha hai 1 lakh ka aik hai
Ohhh bhai kiyoo dara raha hai 1 lakh ka aik hai
aik lakh nahi aik crore dollar ka aik hai !

Dreaming of SU-35 , Rafale, J-10C and getting second hand Mirage 5s at the end, SAD LIFE!

Btw Egyptian Air force also operates F-16s ;):enjoy:
Simply shows that mirages like jauguars will be here till 2030 albeit just 3-4 squardons at best

These will probably support the mirages ROSE till new generation aircraft or ample jf17 comes on line

My guess is that f7pg and non rose mirages will go first
Even PGs have came near to end of life(2025)

Mirages it self goes through complete rebuild

I doubt the upgrade vs non upgrades even matter
Come on guys Paf has not given us any reason to doubt their decisions , it might be for spare parts and replace some of the mirages as well . If they are coming at cheap price it's not a big deal , don't forget the role of mirages in recent skirmishes both India and Pakistan used their mirages for strikes .
Do you know how this platform performed in last Surprise for India? Let's not just carried away being unaware of situation. In my opinion, addition as such is firstly not going to cost us much & secondly, will add more punch while thirdly serving the concern of being short in numbers. It is like adding more punch to the existing fleet.

And by the way, I am seeing two way traffic in this regard. @Khafee
Their only use should be to get spare parts. We need Mirage 2K from ME while we work on Thunder block III. Please don’t come back with usual ‘you don’t know’ response because I know :)
only one squadron? PAF could have asked for 1-2 squadron of JF17's from China on war footing.
Majority of the aircraft will be used as a spare source to maintain the current fleet while it's expected to make one squadron operational.....The Mirages are ideal for high speed strikes where as the JF-17 will escort them.
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