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The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

The Mirages being acquired from Egypt is a worthy package.
They were upgraded to ''Horus'' a decade earlier including Night Strike Capability.
We got them for Peanuts, in the strike role, the Mirages are very versatile and will always be escorted by JF-17s or F-16s.

The Mirages being acquired from Egypt is a worthy package.
They were upgraded to ''Horus'' a decade earlier including Night Strike Capability.
We got them for Peanuts, in the strike role, the Mirages are very versatile and will always be escorted by JF-17s or F-16s.

What is included in Horus?
PAF already has 112 Thunders in service still we need 150 more to completely replace our old aircraft's,thus we are buying these mirages so we can support our mirage fleet until new thunders roll out to replace them which will obviously take few more years.



These are almost on par with our mirage Rose..
You are correct, these indian birds do 2.2 Mach comparable to Mirages III and V. IAF has only 41 of these whereas PAF has over 100 Mirages. So numbers and speed does matter for deep strikes.
But Mirage 2000s can engage too in A2A combat. Dont think our Mirages can
Not to forget our financial situation as well as that Mirage-2000 window was closed long ago. In fact, UAE upgraded them for their own use & even if we had gone for that class; would cost us more. I see that PAF decided to not to buy instead, invest more in JF-17 while obtain Mirage-Vs like these from Egypt to keep up our Mirage-Vs in the Air till last moment with load of spare in store without any worry.

This purchase does not reflect that we are buying a platform but rather, fulfilling our needs. Remember that Indian threat still exist and we can't underestimate hence, anything could come so before going empty, it is better to have some till we manage to replace ageing fleet with new birds... Be it JF-17 which needs time and till then, this will help. Shiny gadgets & latest weaponry can be bought only when we have deep pockets & defence budget like adversary and also, people pay Taxes.

It was satisfactory with Mirages in last retaliation hence, birds will be kept in order till date/time of retirement. We are not someone having the luxury to throw them away like this but have to plan in accordance to our need, resources & threat assessment.
Its really a good plan economically but what about the higher rate of crashes that will come with it? We cannot loose our precious pilots.
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