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The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

calm down everyone these aircrafts are for spares and spares only...no addition in squadron strength.
surely you all cant be that stupid to term spares buying as wrong decision.
we need to try for Qatari mirage 2000
I think we need to understand what we are saying. There is NO COMMONALITY between M2Ks and M3/5s. Which means you will have to set up repair/Overhaul facilities from a new, just like you would for a new bird in PAF. So are you telling me we should do that for a fighter which went out of production in early 2000s for which there are no spares and for which we will still have to beg the French and they will not listen to you. PAF has made 3 attempts to acquire these birds the last one in 2002 which did not work out. It is time to accept this bird will NEVER be seen in PAF and let go. 18 birds for 375 million when you do not have any money is a lot of headache.
we need to try for Qatari mirage 2000

Flying the same plane our neighbours have used for decades isn't a very smart move.

Useless AF decision if true

These Mirages will be used to maintain the current fleet. It's not at all a useless decision, especially when one considers how capable some of these Mirage HORUS aircraft are.
Flying the same plane our neighbours have used for decades isn't a very smart move.

These Mirages will be used to maintain the current fleet. It's not at all a useless decision, especially when one considers how capable some of these Mirage HORUS aircraft are.
Flying same plane but in different manner... We are having more intelligent and passionate pilots ...
Flying same plane but in different manner... We are having more intelligent and passionate pilots ...

They have flown M2Ks for decades, they know them FAR better than we do. The expenses of procuring a new platform that isn't even in production is also something that needs to be considered. The M2K isn't even a leap forward in terms of technology for the PAF, and we will only be able to order a handful of used ones.

The PAF's primary focus (in terms of fighter/attack aircraft) is Project Azm and the JF-17, both of which are better options than getting M2Ks, Flankers or Fulcrums, since our enemies have operated these aircraft for decades as well as the fact that they have serviceability, price and age issues.

The only new non-indigenous fighter/attack aircraft worth inducting are the J-10 and FC-31. But the PAF seems to have rejected the J-10 after considering it (Musharraf even visited a J-10 production factory IIRC), so I guess that narrows it down to only the FC-31.
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No war coming
The war is coming all right. It is just amatter of time.
They have flown M2Ks for decades, they know them FAR better than we do. The expenses of procuring a new platform that isn't even in production is also something that needs to be considered. The M2K isn't even a leap forward in terms of technology for the PAF, and we will only be able to order a handful of used ones.

The PAF's primary focus (in terms of fighter/attack aircraft) is Project Azm and the JF-17, both of which are better options than getting M2Ks, Flankers or Fulcrums, since our enemies have operated these aircraft for decades as well as the fact that they have serviceability, price and age issues.

The only new non-indigenous fighter/attack aircraft worth inducting are the J-10 and FC-31. But the PAF seems to have rejected the J-10 after considering it (Musharraf even visited a J-10 production factory IIRC), so I guess that narrows it down to only the FC-31.
There was a deal for 59 M2k5 of Armie de air in 2002. The deal included spares for a long time along with decent armaments. As soon as the Indian interest arose in Rafale The frogs withdrew the offer/ went frigid and asked us to buy the rafale instead. PAF did evaluate the rafale but found it too expensive and so the whole deal collapsed. What was a good money spinner for the french is now rotting away. However I guess they got waht they wanted at 8 billion for 36 Rafales.
There was a deal

There were multiple times a deal was almost struck, at one point, I heard there was even a negotiation for Pakistan to locally produce them.

But alas, it never happened. One must wonder though, if Pakistan didn't go after nuclear weapons, how much better would our conventional firepower be? We could have had a fleet containing Gripens, many more F-16s, and M2Ks.

Never the less, obtaining nuclear weapons was the right move. They have safeguarded the country much better.

PAF did evaluate the rafale but found it too expensive and so the whole deal collapsed.

The French are really charging high prices during these Rafale deals. I'm just glad India is wasting billions on a measly 36 aircraft that will be outclassed by the FC-31 once it's inducted sometime in the next decade (insha'Allah).
The French are really charging high prices during these Rafale deals. I'm just glad India is wasting billions on a measly 36 aircraft that will be outclassed by the FC-31 once it's inducted sometime in the next decade (insha'Allah).
So FC 31 is a Project AZM?
Modi ki rss r gonday election jitna ka bad ap ko batien gy...
I think we need to understand what we are saying. There is NO COMMONALITY between M2Ks and M3/5s. Which means you will have to set up repair/Overhaul facilities from a new, just like you would for a new bird in PAF. So are you telling me we should do that for a fighter which went out of production in early 2000s for which there are no spares and for which we will still have to beg the French and they will not listen to you. PAF has made 3 attempts to acquire these birds the last one in 2002 which did not work out. It is time to accept this bird will NEVER be seen in PAF and let go. 18 birds for 375 million when you do not have any money is a lot of headache.

Very Well Summed Up Sir.
Why not consider SAAB Gripen JAS 39 .its latest and can compete rafale and is much less priced .
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