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The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

Australian batch of 50 mirages along with all manufacturing jigs ( Australia had manufacturing rights and built its fleet locally) , many engines and spares were bought for Australian 27 million dollars that ~ half a million dollar per plan add another half a million or say million dollars for recovery guessing you get a fighter for 1-2 million dollars plus support and training already in place beat that
This is Pakistan where less than 1% of total population pays taxes and 90% of that too is looted by leaders selected by the 99% non-tax payers.

this is pakistan where we like to maintain vintage things when they become obsolete we improvise and still maintain them. this in common term is call jugar.
Most probably 36 Mirage V (Horus) which were recently upgraded in 2008. Upgrades include RC400 radar, HMD, mission pods, MAWS & night strike capability.

What weapons package they can carry?
People fretting over Pakistan buying used jets should think more about operational requirements then just optics. Lot of points have already been made as to why this is a very good deal on many fronts, including acquisition cost to capability, supply chain/spare parts issues, capability increase over non-ROSE Mirage squadrons already in PAF, and JF-17 production so far and in the immediate future is going to be targeted towards existing F-7 squadrons.

In lieu of that, I wanted to highlight a couple of examples from much richer nations doing what Pakistan is doing right now.
Indian acquired 32 Jaguar aircraft from the French to use them to both replenish their fleet and to scavenge these aircraft for parts. That is despite the fact that India actually produced these aircraft in house and still has an issue with spares to keep its inventory airworthy.
They are also in talks to acquire 25 Mig-29 from Russia at $25MM each. These are partially completed airframes that have been sitting with the Russian bureau. These if completed would be to the Mig-29C standard and if they decide to upgrade them to the UPG standard would cost somewhere between 45-50MM each.
Canada just acquired 18 some ex-Australian F-18As that have already flown 6,000 hours each as an interim measure and will fly them until at least 2032 before replacing them with F-35.

PAF is basically doing the same thing ... acquiring used aircraft that are already in service to replace less capable aircraft in the short term, while it awaits its longer terms plans to pan out with continued JF-17 production (slow as orders depend on $$) and also focusing its resources towards AZM and next generation fighters.
it is funny to believe having "lack of funds" for almost all important military procurements necessary for the defence and security of Pakistan but on the other hand there is no "lack of funds" when these bastard zardaris and sharifs loot & plunder daily during broad dayligt , and that too in billions of dollars not in mere millions...
Kid stop watching cartoons on whatsapp(fake news) and focus on the topic. All culprits should be hanged and made an example. Saying that when you point one finger at others the remaining four point towards yourselves.It pisses me to see when petty politics is brought down on Military topics.
Coming to the topic of Mirages i think the procurement is a wise decision. These western air frames have more life than their eastern counterparts B 52 are a living example. With all the maintenance infrastructure in place these Mirages will be our low cost bomb trucks for times to come.
it is funny to believe having "lack of funds" for almost all important military procurements necessary for the defence and security of Pakistan but on the other hand there is no "lack of funds" when these bastard zardaris and sharifs loot & plunder daily during broad dayligt , and that too in billions of dollars not in mere millions...
It is precisely because of the plundering these idiots committed that we dont have any reserves for a new buy.

Alan Warnes is a credible source of news regarding PAF, atleast he have close contacts with top brass of PAF. These Mirages will surely have ample flying hours left in them. An RC400 fitted Mirage V with BVR missiles in the hands of a PAF pilot can actually face any of IAF fighters in current fleet. The Mirage rebuild factory can do wonders and PAF engineers can customize an aircraft beyond our imaginations.

30 of such aircrafts can fill a stopgap of atleast 2 years i.e. PAC produces 30 units in 2 years which will be enough time to deploy BVR capable jets in CAP missions. I am watching CAP patrols of PAF from last 3 months, this operational readiness and war time deployment is enough for old machines like Mirages so we have to supplement the Mirage fleet on warfootings. Something is better than nothing.
I think one needs to look at what else is coming with the planes ie armaments. I understand that the Egyptians did not have any BVR capability, but could be wrong. So it is unlikely we can get appropriate missiles for RC400 to fire. We do not have source codes for RC400 SO mating SD10A s might be an issue unless there is a jugaar on the way.. We need to wait and see what comes along. However worse comes to worse we will get some spares.

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It is precisely because of the plundering these idiots committed that we dont have any reserves for a new buy.

I think one needs to look at what else is coming with the planes ie armaments. I understand that the Egyptians did not have any BVR capability, but could be wrong. So it is unlikely we can get appropriate missiles for RC400 to fire. We do not have source codes for RC400 SO mating SD10A s might be an issue unless there is a jugaar on the way.. We need to wait and see what comes along. However worse comes to worse we will get some spares.

And precisely these idiots were allowed by our educated idiots class ..so i wonder why do we bring this up again and again
It is precisely because of the plundering these idiots committed that we dont have any reserves for a new buy.

I think one needs to look at what else is coming with the planes ie armaments. I understand that the Egyptians did not have any BVR capability, but could be wrong. So it is unlikely we can get appropriate missiles for RC400 to fire. We do not have source codes for RC400 SO mating SD10A s might be an issue unless there is a jugaar on the way.. We need to wait and see what comes along. However worse comes to worse we will get some spares.

I dont think they did have bvr; knowing the egyptian mentality; entire plane will need to get stripped down and built up and given grifo radar is available, plug that in to existing sagem set should be fairly straightforward. but as u note be prepared for a high attrition rate to salvage for parts only.
Wise decision according to situation .
There are strong evidences that all out war can be broke out in coming few months unless n untill some unusual event in region or world delays indians war mongering .
Paf already got basic infrastructure , man skill , amunition and pilots trained on old mirages .even we get enough money doesnt make any sense to procure new platform , it takes years for new jet get ooerational with full use in any airforce.

Yes one thing Pakistan can buy on urgent bases is new long range SAM system in good numbers with handful anti ship missiles and anti tank missiles to counter and dent indian war madness.
I dont think they did have bvr; knowing the egyptian mentality; entire plane will need to get stripped down and built up and given grifo radar is available, plug that in to existing sagem set should be fairly straightforward. but as u note be prepared for a high attrition rate to salvage for parts only.
I did not think so either. The US gave them sparows only due to Israeli concerns. I do not know whether they now have AMRAAMS. I did not want to say much re the mentality aspect but I can only hope PAF has done its homework correctly.

And precisely these idiots were allowed by our educated idiots class ..so i wonder why do we bring this up again and again
They were brought up on blood of Benazir firstly and then on the utter incompetence of Zardari. The educated masses never wanted them however our Jahil awam either out of blind love or m9ney sold their votes. Barring the idiots in power at the time who stood to gain from this no educated man in his right mind wanted them. There was however no choice and even though our current PM IS HONEST he is no intellectual genius either. But so far the best in the current situation is in power.
I did not think so either. The US gave them sparows only due to Israeli concerns. I do not know whether they now have AMRAAMS. I did not want to say much re the mentality aspect but I can only hope PAF has done its homework correctly.

They were brought up on blood of Benazir firstly and then on the utter incompetence of Zardari. The educated masses never wanted them however our Jahil awam either out of blind love or m9ney sold their votes. Barring the idiots in power at the time who stood to gain from this no educated man in his right mind wanted them. There was however no choice and even though our current PM IS HONEST he is no intellectual genius either. But so far the best in the current situation is in power.
You dont need to be genius just honest enough to hire the right people ..things have been slower than i would have liked but moving in the right direction
I did not think so either. The US gave them sparows only due to Israeli concerns. I do not know whether they now have AMRAAMS. I did not want to say much re the mentality aspect but I can only hope PAF has done its homework correctly.

They were brought up on blood of Benazir firstly and then on the utter incompetence of Zardari. The educated masses never wanted them however our Jahil awam either out of blind love or m9ney sold their votes. Barring the idiots in power at the time who stood to gain from this no educated man in his right mind wanted them. There was however no choice and even though our current PM IS HONEST he is no intellectual genius either. But so far the best in the current situation is in power.
They have very very poor maintenance record; not sure what they are in for.
Wise decision according to situation .
There are strong evidences that all out war can be broke out in coming few months unless n untill some unusual event in region or world delays indians war mongering .
Paf already got basic infrastructure , man skill , amunition and pilots trained on old mirages .even we get enough money doesnt make any sense to procure new platform , it takes years for new jet get ooerational with full use in any airforce.

Yes one thing Pakistan can buy on urgent bases is new long range SAM system in good numbers with handful anti ship missiles and anti tank missiles to counter and dent indian war madness.
No war coming
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