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The Origins Of Shaolin Kung Fu

Civilisation started in Mesopotamia, it is a scientific fact, not a fable, so most of what those great people said about India is to flatter Indians, you should read "How to win friends and influence people" by dale Carneige.

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No one on this thread could prove that Kung fu originated in India, if there were any sound and solid evidences, I and many others would have been the first to confirm it fairly.

I have read this before you even knew the word kung Fu in you dump life. and I know it is an Indian fable (wishful thinking), the same as India is the mother of all civilisations, no need to argue, since your arguments run contrary to all evidences, be it scientific or literate.

lol..i practiced Kung Fu(do you??)..and if it is an indian fable,then whay shaolin temple still using it???care to explain??and if it is indian Fable,why don't you gove enough proof to prove that Bodhidharma never existed.instead of that,you are trolling and posting wild fantasies..if Shaolin Temple says he existed,its not much you could do..right????their temple,their culture,their history...none of your business...so,accept and leave..
these guys are trying too hard to prove something belonging to others as theirs, reminds people of thieves caught with evidence of the stolen objects and trying to prove otherwise, it makes every one concerned -including the judge- laugh.
If they want to feel good about yourselves, just be ythemselves, without too much coercion and by trying to boost of their egos for nothing; every one supports and likes genuine people.

Now you have to steal arguments, at least quote them, but if you want to play this game it will show your illiteracy, and thank you for proving my point of Indian trying to steal anything they can not reach on their own.

lol..i practiced Kung Fu(do you??)..and if it is an indian fable,then whay shaolin temple still using it???care to explain??and if it is indian Fable,why don't you gove enough proof to prove that Bodhidharma never existed.instead of that,you are trolling and posting wild fantasies..if Shaolin Temple says he existed,its not much you could do..right????their temple,their culture,their history...none of your business...so,accept and leave..

You can get more mad than this, it shows your insanity!
You can get more mad than this, it shows your insanity!

and you can give more BS that shows you are nothing but a pathetic troll..give any counter arguments or leave..i can post wiki of bodhidharma that shows his existence was well documented..but that will not budge you(i know some trolls don't accept the truth no matter what)...still..to blow your "Fable"..here it is...(just see,nowhere indian are responsible for this history,entire history was documented either by Shaolin Temple and various dynasties)..

There are two known extant accounts written by contemporaries of Bodhidharma.
[edit]Yáng Xuànzhī (Yang Hsüan-chih) - The Record of the Buddhist Monasteries of Luoyang

A Dehua ware porcelain statuette of Bodhidharma, from the late Ming Dynasty, 17th century
The earliest text mentioned Bodhidharma is The Record of the Buddhist Monasteries of Luoyang (洛陽伽藍記 Luòyáng Qiélánjì) which is compiled in 547 by Yáng Xuànzhī (Yang-Hsuan-chih 楊衒之), a writer and translator of Mahāyāna Buddhist texts into the Chinese language. Yang gave the following account:
"At that time there was a monk of the Western Region named Bodhidharma, a Persian Central Asian. He traveled from the wild borderlands to China. Seeing the golden disks [on the pole on top of Yǒngníng's stupa] reflecting in the sun, the rays of light illuminating the surface of the clouds, the jewel-bells on the stupa blowing in the wind, the echoes reverberating beyond the heavens, he sang its praises. He exclaimed: "Truly this is the work of spirits." He said: "I am 150 years old, and I have passed through numerous countries. There is virtually no country I have not visited. Even the distant Buddha-realms lack this." He chanted homage and placed his palms together in salutation for days on end."[7]
[edit]T'an-lín's preface to the Two Entrances and Four Acts
The second account was written by T'an-lín (曇林; 506–574). T'an-lín's brief biography of the "Dharma Master" is found in his preface to the Two Entrances and Four Acts, a text traditionally attributed to Bodhidharma, and the first text to identify Bodhidharma as South Indian:
"The Dharma Master was a South Indian of the Western Region. He was the third son of a great Indian king. His ambition lay in the Mahayana path, and so he put aside his white layman's robe for the black robe of a monk [...] Lamenting the decline of the true teaching in the outlands, he subsequently crossed distant mountains and seas, traveling about propagating the teaching in Han and Wei."[8]
T'an-lín's account was the first to mention that Bodhidharma attracted disciples,[9] specifically mentioning Dàoyù (道育) and Huìkě (慧可), the latter of whom would later figure very prominently in the Bodhidharma literature. T'an-lín has traditionally been considered a disciple of Bodhidharma, but it is more likely that he was a student of Huìkě.[10]
[edit]Later accounts
[edit]Dàoxuān (Tao-hsuan) - Further Biographies of Eminent Monks

This Japanese scroll calligraphy of Bodhidharma reads “Zen points directly to the human heart, see into your nature and become Buddha”. It was created by Hakuin Ekaku (1685 to 1768)
In the 7th-century historical work Further Biographies of Eminent Monks (續高僧傳 Xù gāosēng zhuàn), Dàoxuān (道宣; 596-667) possibly drew on Tanlin's preface as a basic source, but made several significant additions:
Firstly, Dàoxuān adds more detail concerning Bodhidharma's origins, writing that he was of "South Indian Brahman stock" (南天竺婆羅門種 nán tiānzhú póluómén zhŏng).[11]
Secondly, more detail is provided concerning Bodhidharma's journeys. Tanlin's original is imprecise about Bodhidharma's travels, saying only that he "crossed distant mountains and seas" before arriving in Wei. Dàoxuān's account, however, implies "a specific itinerary":[12] "He first arrived at Nan-yüeh during the Sung period. From there he turned north and came to the Kingdom of Wei".[11] This implies that Bodhidharma had travelled to China by sea, and that he had crossed over the Yangtze River.
Thirdly, Dàoxuān suggests a date for Bodhidharma's arrival in China. He writes that Bodhidharma makes landfall in the time of the Song, thus making his arrival no later than the time of the Song's fall to the Southern Qi Dynasty in 479.[12]
Finally, Dàoxuān provides information concerning Bodhidharma's death. Bodhidharma, he writes, died at the banks of the Luo River, where he was interred by his disciple Huike, possibly in a cave. According to Dàoxuān's chronology, Bodhidharma's death must have occurred prior to 534, the date of the Northern Wei Dynasty's fall, because Huike subsequently leaves Luoyang for Ye. Furthermore, citing the shore of the Luo River as the place of death might possibly suggest that Bodhidharma died in the mass executions at Heyin 河陰 in 528. Supporting this possibility is a report in the Taishō shinshū daizōkyō stating that a Buddhist monk was among the victims at Héyīn.[13]
[edit]Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall
In the Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall (祖堂集 Zǔtángjí) of 952, the elements of the traditional Bodhidharma story are in place. Bodhidharma is said to have been a disciple of Prajñātāra,[14] thus establishing the latter as the 27th patriarch in India. After a three-year journey, Bodhidharma reaches China in 527[14] during the Liang Dynasty (as opposed to the Song period of the 5th century, as in Dàoxuān). The Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall includes Bodhidharma's encounter with Emperor Wu, which was first recorded around 758 in the appendix to a text by Shen-hui (神會), a disciple of Huineng.[15]
Finally, as opposed to Daoxuan's figure of "over 150 years,"[16] the Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall states that Bodhidharma died at the age of 150. He was then buried on Mount Xiong'er (熊耳山 Xióngĕr Shān) to the west of Luoyang. However, three years after the burial, in the Pamir Mountains, Sòngyún (宋雲)—an official of one of the later Wei kingdoms—encountered Bodhidharma, who claimed to be returning to India and was carrying a single sandal. Bodhidharma predicted the death of Songyun's ruler, a prediction which was borne out upon the latter's return. Bodhidharma's tomb was then opened, and only a single sandal was found inside.
Insofar as, according to the Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall, Bodhidharma left the Liang court in 527 and relocated to Mount Song near Luoyang and the Shaolin Monastery, where he "faced a wall for nine years, not speaking for the entire time",[17] his date of death can have been no earlier than 536. Moreover, his encounter with the Wei official indicates a date of death no later than 554, three years before the fall of the last Wei kingdom.
[edit]Dàoyuán - Transmission of the Lamp
Subsequent to the Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall, the only dated addition to the biography of Bodhidharma is in the Jingde Records of the Transmission of the Lamp (景德傳燈錄 Jĭngdé chuándēng lù, published 1004 CE), by Dàoyuán (道原), in which it is stated that Bodhidharma's original name had been Bodhitāra but was changed by his master Prajñātāra.[18] The same account is given by the Japanese master Keizan's 13th century work of the same title.[19]

Bodhidharma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

hope you can read just like you troll and you'll educate yourself..adios...
Tat Moh escaped Hinduism prosecution/suppression and achieved a good deal in China.

Indeed China was a land of hope and prosperity for nearly everybody: from the north, the south and the west.

Indians should of course be proud of Tat Moh as an Indian, but should also be ashamed of their intolerant Hindu culture. In fact, due to that intolerance, Buddhism flourishes in China...

Stop smoking weed man,Buddha found soultion for human suffering & his sangha wanted every human being to be benefited by it.

So 1000s of students from all neighbouring countries were studying Nalanda & Taxilla universities in same Hindu dominated areas while 100s of indian scholars having quest for spreading knowledge travelled to srilanka,china,japan,burma to spread buddhism.

Emperor Ashok's son Mahendra & daughter Sanghmitra too travelled abroad to spread light of buddhism & its philosophy.
Civilisation started in Mesopotamia, it is a scientific fact, not a fable, so most of what those great people said about India is to flatter Indians, you should read "How to win friends and influence people" by dale Carneige.

Back to topic:
No one on this thread could prove that Kung fu originated in India, if there were any sound and solid evidences, I and many others would have been the first to confirm it fairly.

I have read this before you even knew the word kung Fu in you dump life. and I know it is an Indian fable (wishful thinking), the same as India is the mother of all civilisations, no need to argue, since your arguments run contrary to all evidences, be it scientific or literate.

I have already read the book "How to win friends and influence people" - Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Hu Shih etc are not political leaders or some country head so they need to flatter Indian's!!! - thees are the people who are considered to be greats in their field and they never had any requirement to give any undue credit to our civilization...
Kung fu is a Chinesse art simply stop posting fake stories about it i mean really lolz.

Yeah who better than can pakistanis can tell so.

Can we expect any BS source from you or pakistani media & internet propoganda worms have not included kung-fu,kallari-pattu,marma-kala like they included RAW, Kashmir ,Supa Powa, Toilets etc. thing in their super dooper agenda??
and you can give more BS that shows you are nothing but a pathetic troll..give any counter arguments or leave..i can post wiki of bodhidharma that shows his existence was well documented..but that will not budge you(i know some trolls don't accept the truth no matter what)...still..to blow your "Fable"..here it is...(just see,nowhere indian are responsible for this history,entire history was documented either by Shaolin Temple and various dynasties)..

Bodhidharma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

hope you can read just like you troll and you'll educate yourself..adios...

Your article says he was a Persian! I didn't know Persia was in southern India!!!
And that the legend was written by an Indian and translated by a Chinese.
This is not a fable.
So who is trolling ?

I have already read the book "How to win friends and influence people" - Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Hu Shih etc are not political leaders or some country head so they need to flatter Indian's!!! - thees are the people who are considered to be greats in their field and they never had any requirement to give any undue credit to our civilization...

You are quoting mostly Jews who flatter India up till today!
So, it means that he was a Chinese who came to India to teach it Buddhism and Indians gave him the name Budhidharma! it is a possibility too.

You might-be-possibilty theory stinks.
He was born in South India & was son of Pallava King.Just like Indians taught buddhism to east asia like wise they taught martial arts & zen.
Kung-fu now definitely belongs much to China than it belongs to India but its origin is in India & that can be changed.
Your article says he was a Persian! I didn't know Persia was in southern India!!!
And that the legend was written by an Indian and translated by a Chinese.
This is not a fable.
So who is trolling ?

You are quoting mostly Jews who flatter India up till today!

I also quoted the words of other greats such as :- Hu Shih -writer, Philosopher, former Ambassador of China to USA / Will Durant - American historian / Romain Rolland- French scholar, Max Mueller - German scholar and I believe this people are not Jew, by the way what is the reason for all this people to praise India in the early stage of 20th century when it was under a colonial rule??, also I feel it's futile to argue with some one who just discredit the words of the greats like Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer just because they belong to Jew community...People such as Albert Einstein's contribution to the human race is immense and benefited by the entire human race not just the Jew community...
Your article says he was a Persian! I didn't know Persia was in southern India!!!
And that the legend was written by an Indian and translated by a Chinese.
This is not a fable.
So who is trolling ?

see..told you,your trolling effort sucks...

T'an-lín's preface to the Two Entrances and Four Acts

The Dharma Master was a South Indian of the Western Region. He was the third son of a great Indian king. His ambition lay in the Mahayana path, and so he put aside his white layman's robe for the black robe of a monk [...] Lamenting the decline of the true teaching in the outlands, he subsequently crossed distant mountains and seas, traveling about propagating the teaching in Han and Wei

Dàoxuān (Tao-hsuan) - Further Biographies of Eminent Monks

Firstly, Dàoxuān adds more detail concerning Bodhidharma's origins, writing that he was of "South Indian Brahman stock" (南天竺婆羅門種 nán tiānzhú póluómén zhŏng).

Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall

. Bodhidharma is said to have been a disciple of Prajñātāra,[14] thus establishing the latter as the 27th patriarch in India. After a three-year journey, Bodhidharma reaches China in 527

Dàoyuán - Transmission of the Lamp

Subsequent to the Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall, the only dated addition to the biography of Bodhidharma is in the Jingde Records of the Transmission of the Lamp (景德傳燈錄 Jĭngdé chuándēng lù, published 1004 CE), by Dàoyuán (道原), in which it is stated that Bodhidharma's original name had been Bodhitāra but was changed by his master Prajñātāra.[18] The same account is given by the Japanese master Keizan's 13th century work of the same title.

didn't know all of them were Indian Fable written by Indian...and you came up with "he was called persian"....height of ignorance..so,who's trolling now???i bet you didn't read anything...i'm just wasting my time.if you have anything that he was a myth,then share.else don't waste my time.
Nobody questions the origine of Damo and it's pretty sure that he taught his disciples yoga techniques to enhance their physics and mental, but until now none of the Indias can show me evidence that there is something practiced that is like Shaolin wushu in India, not one picture of artifacts and relic.

There also arises another question, if Shaolin wushu came to China with Buddhism, why doesn't other Buddhist countries like Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar have anything resembling Shaolin wushu? Japan and Korea are two other Buddhist countries but they got that via China where Buddhism was already heavily sinicised by Daoist and Confucianist teachings before they arrived in Korea and Japan and martial arts in these two countries have little to no links to Buddhism.
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