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The Origins Of Shaolin Kung Fu

there is no deny that Buddism were coming from sub-continent, but if you say gongfu was origniated in India is like saying Jesus was a Chinese..

Birthplace of Kung Fu: China? Wrong! Guess Again! (1of2) - YouTube
Birthplace of Kung Fu: China? Wrong! Guess Again! (2of2) - YouTube

i guess jesus is chinese after all

simpleton put some youtube BS videos think its a 'fact'````that video is just a stunt to amuse ignorant people thats all

please educate your extreemly ignorant brain by reading something not from youtube or wiki

talkKungFu - Guide

and to differenciate the difference of Chinese gongfu (kongfu) in general and one type of gongfu (shaolin gongfu)
Interesting. From the BBC.

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Martial arts existed in China long before the 5th Century and likely arrived at Shaolin through ex-soldiers seeking refuge. The reigning philosophy of Shaolin Kung Fu rests on the belief that a healthy life turns on the principles of chan (Zen meditation), wu (martial arts) and yi (herbal medicine). Here, A student practices flips and somersaults at the Ta Gou Academy. (Justin Guariglia/National Geographic Stock)

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Kung fu’s long history
Kung Fu students assemble for a ceremony in Shaolin. According to popular myth, a 5th-century Indian mystic taught a series of exercises that mimicked animal movements to the monks at the newly established Shaolin Temple. The monks adapted the forms for self-defence and later modified them for warfare. Their descendants honed these "martial arts" and over the next 14 centuries used them in countless battles — opposing despots, putting down rebellions and fending off invaders. Today, visitors to Shaolin witness firsthand the revival of China’s ancient martial art. (Justin Guariglia/National Geographic Stock)

BBC - Travel - Slideshow - China?s kung fu revival
Kung Fu students assemble for a ceremony in Shaolin. According to popular myth, a 5th-century Indian mystic taught a series of exercises that mimicked animal movements to the monks at the newly established Shaolin Temple.

I have learned Yoga many exercises are based on animal movements like Mandukasana( Frog Posture) or Ustrasana(camel posture).
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