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The Origins Of Shaolin Kung Fu

Shaolin branch of martial arts was indeed started by an Indian monk, but that's simply one offshoot of Chinese martial arts. Throughout its history, warfare has always been a part of the Chinese civilization. You cannot expect that some monk suddenly brought knowledge on how to fight.
Afghan Kung Fu Master. He's the real deal. In fact Martial Arts schools in Pakistan are the real deal as well. There areno concerns for safety and either you commit all the way or quit.

Here is also one of a Shaolin Monk with tourists. His speed and technique are just amazing.

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wrestling has roots in persian empire..you must have heard of Rustom.the persian king who was a wrestler.
It does seem that for many regions of the world (including China) westling type martial arts is the first to appear.
But I havn't really heard of any equivalent of the Chinese soft style matial arts outside China.
Tat Moh escaped Hinduism prosecution/suppression and achieved a good deal in China.

Indeed China was a land of hope and prosperity for nearly everybody: from the north, the south and the west.

Indians should of course be proud of Tat Moh as an Indian, but should also be ashamed of their intolerant Hindu culture. In fact, due to that intolerance, Buddhism flourishes in China...
Tat Moh escaped Hinduism prosecution/suppression and achieved a good deal in China.

Indeed China was a land of hope and prosperity for nearly everybody: from the north, the south and the west.

Indians should of course be proud of Tat Moh as an Indian, but should also be ashamed of their intolerant Hindu culture. In fact, due to that intolerance, Buddhism flourishes in China...

"intolerant hindu culture"? dont shoot heroin in ur viens when u comment on PDF. india is the only country in the world where there has been no noticable prosecution/suppression

for thousands of years all cultures and relrgions existed peacefully in india, and many relegions including buddhism was born here. these monks travelled to tibet and china to enlighten the people there of the truth.

by the way, the chinese kung fu is said to be derived from an ancient indian (kerela) martial art form called kalaripayattu, which is the first form of martial arts to exist in the world
Kung fo is a Chinesse art simply stop posting fake stories about it i mean really lolz.

many pakistanis assume india's interaction throughout history has only been to its west, ie afghanistan, iran turkey etc.

they forget that india had an equally heavy interaction with the mongoloid world, all the way to japan and korea.
in fact Tibetans have been heavily influenced by indians, their script is a derivative of ancient indian language.

watch the video, they tell about it in detail

---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 AM ----------

Kalari-Kung fu meet at Shaolin temple

Martial arts experts from China and India met at the Shaolin Temple, famous as one of the holy sites of the art of Kung fu, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Twelve Indian martial arts experts from the Nithya Chaithanya Kalari Indian martial arts training centre, founded in 1993 by Murugan Gurakal, performed Kalaripayattu on Sunday alongside monks of the Shaolin Temple, who performed Kung fu.

"Shaolin Kung fu is the father of Chinese martial arts and Kalari is the mother of Indian martial arts," Murugan Gurakal, was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

Gurakal hoped his countrymen could learn a lot from Shaolin Kung fu.

The Indian experts performed Kalarippayattu styles like long stick fighting, knife fighting, sword, shield and flexible swords, while the Shaolin monks performed Kung fu including Tung Chi Gong, Er-zhi-zen and Eighteen Weapons.

Shi Yanhao, a monk who performed Tiger Fist, said he was "happy to see the mysterious Indian martial arts".
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:lol: mallus trying kung fu? things couldnt get better

Its original root is in here dude.Bodhidharma, is remembered in the Kerala Region of Southern India - the Homeland of Kalari, as both a lineage Kalari Master, AND, as the Father of Han-Chinese Shaolin 'Kung-Fu'.
"intolerant hindu culture"? dont shoot heroin in ur viens when u comment on PDF. india is the only country in the world where there has been no noticable prosecution/suppression

for thousands of years all cultures and relrgions existed peacefully in india, and many relegions including buddhism was born here. these monks travelled to tibet and china to enlighten the people there of the truth.

by the way, the chinese kung fu is said to be derived from an ancient indian (kerela) martial art form called kalaripayattu, which is the first form of martial arts to exist in the world

Buddha was the one who formed Buddhism to revolt against Hinduism (Brahmanism) caste, because he saw the unfaireness of caste system.

Read this:
Brahmanist assault on Buddhists

The massacres and oppression perpetrated by Brahmanist zealots out of religious
hatred for Buddhists in ancient times are a matter of the historical record.
Yet, for reasons best known to themselves, Brahmanists have been trying to
conceal the hideous, blood-stained record of Hinduism.

The truth must be told.

As the revival of Brahmanical Hinduism progressed, atrocities against Buddhists
increased both in strength and in number. As Goyal [394] notes, "According to
many scholars hostility of the Brahmanas was one of the major causes of the
decline of Buddhism in India."
The hatred poured out against Buddhists in Hindu
scriptures offers ample evidence of this. To quote Goyal again [394-5]:

"Yajnavalkya (I. 271-72) declares that the very sight of a Buddhist monk, even
in dreams, is inauspicious. The Brhannaradiya-purana lays it down as a
principal sin for a Brahmana to enter the house of a Buddhist even in times of
great peril. The drama Mrchchhakatika shows that in Ujjain the Buddhist monks
were despised and their sight was considered inauspicious. The Vishnupurana
(XVIII 13-18) also regards the Buddha as Mayamoha who appeared in the world to
delude the demons. Kumarila is said to have instigated King Sudhanvan of Ujjain
to exterminate the Buddhists. ... The Kerala- utpatti describes how he
exterminated the Buddhists from Kerala."


Brahmanist Genocide of Indian Buddhists

Of course, there were also other, but minor, reasons for Buddhism decline in India.
Tat Moh escaped Hinduism prosecution/suppression and achieved a good deal in China.

Indeed China was a land of hope and prosperity for nearly everybody: from the north, the south and the west.

Indians should of course be proud of Tat Moh as an Indian, but should also be ashamed of their intolerant Hindu culture.
In fact, due to that intolerance, Buddhism flourishes in China...

Read the history son.. The first religion to occupy tamil nadu is buddhism not Hinduism. Hinduism entered very lately.
what legend shows is that BodhiDharma was a prince who became budhdhist.he taught martial arts to Chinese monks due to their poor health...i saw a chinese movie in which they mentioned this fact.after that i searched net a bit and found a lot of info regarding this...
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