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The new details of Iranian Trimaran Frigate, “Safineh”

This is 3000 ton USS Independence fully loaded. Have a look and fit me 96 VLS on front of this ship and i will throw away my engineering degree.

For the sake of argument could the Iranian Trimaran just be outright designed structurally to accommodate 96 VLS cells, cutting back on other components and keeping the ship internally really simple thus freeing up space for those 96 cells? I guess what I'm asking is how much can one cut back on ship to make room for 96 VLS cells. Philosopher does bring up a crucial point. The Iranian made missiles meant to be housed in those cells could be of a substantially smaller size compared to other contemporaries. That size reduction coupled with the assumption that the Ship builders have designed the ship to have 96 VLS could provide some sort of explanation.

I say the following with full ignorance on such matters but think of the Iranian Trimaran sort of like the A-10 Warthog, but instead of a plane built around a gun it's a ship built around 96 VLS cells. Idk, just throwing out ideas at this point.
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It's a beautiful ship that's for sure. I personally feel those VLS will be rather small housing surface to air missiles. These ships will probably be used in protecting the Iranian 7000 ton destroyer that is in the works.

Those are two completely different designs, you do realise that, right? The frontal section of safineh is clearly designed to house larger volumes of VLS. Is this the best you can do with your "engineering" degree?



Independence class:


If you cannot differentiate between clear difference in frontal deck designs, then I don't know how else I can make this any simpler.

Ok man you win i will make sure to wait for this 13th wonder of the world.
Ok man you win i will sure to wait for this 13th wonder of the world.

I will also wait for your so called "engineering" degree to show up.

For the sake of argument could the Iranian Trimaran just be outright designed structurally to accommodate 96 VLS cells, cutting back on other components and keeping the ship internally really simple thus freeing up space for those 96 cells?

That is exactly what we're seeing with Safineh. A trimaran design which is structurally designed to house 96 VLS.
I will also wait for your so called "engineering" degree to show up.

Tell me again Why would i post something personal and private document for sake of a nincompoop? Anyways build away no one is stopping you.
Tell me again Why would i post something personal and private document for sake of a nincompoop?.

Because you're claiming to have engineering degree yet you cannot even see the most obvious design differences between two completely different ships. Forgive us if we doubt your credentials given this fact.
Because you're claiming to have engineering degree yet you cannot even see the most obvious design differences between two completely different ship. Forgive us if we doubt your credentials given this fact.

Even if i didn't have a degree i still have common sense. Anyways like i said i am a bad bad engineer so please build me one of these.
Even if i didn't have a degree i still have common sense. Anyways like i said i am a bad bad engineer so please build me one of these.

Is your defenition of common sense thinking that this ship:


Has the same frontal deck volume as this ship?


And do not worry about them building it, they are going ahead with this ship, just make sure you're here with your "engineering" degree when it is built. Let hope you will not be nowhere to be found.
I will also wait for your so called "engineering" degree to show up.

That is exactly what we're seeing with Safineh. A trimaran design which is structurally designed to house 96 VLS.

Although I have my reservations about it I can't say much more on it since I'm not a ship-builder nor am I an accomplished engineer lol.

I hope Iran can deliver, that's all I can really say.
Is your defenition of common sense thinking that this ship:


Has the same frontal deck volume as this ship?


And do not worry about them building it, they are going ahead with this ship, just make sure you're here with your "engineering" degree when it is built. Let hope you will not be nowhere to be found.

I will i promise.
This is 3000 ton USS Independence fully loaded. Have a look and fit me 96 VLS on front of this ship and i will throw away my engineering degree.
Displacement (I.e. 3000 ton) is a representative of weight not size. It means thus ship would displace 3000 tons of water at its fully loaded weight to stay afloat. You can have a much larger ship than what you posted and still have 3000 tons displacement.
Let's say each of those missiles weighs 3 tons which is too high but let's assume that for the sake of the argument. 96 of them would add up to less than 300 tons or 10% of the weight. So it is always possible to fit those many missiles on a ship given the right dimensions.
Displacement (I.e. 3000 ton) is a representative of weight not size. It means thus ship would displace 3000 tons of water at its fully loaded weight to stay afloat. You can have a much larger ship than what you posted and still have 3000 tons displacement.
Let's say each of those missiles weighs 3 tons which is too high but let's assume that for the sake of the argument. 96 of them would add up to less than 300 tons or 10% of the weight. So it is always possible to fit those many missiles on a ship given the right dimensions.

:tup: It's quite strange how these "engineers" apparently cannot comprehend something so simple, yet so important.
You are the one that made the claim here. You are stating that this ship, despite officially being designed to carry 96 VLS apparently cannot do so. The burden of the proof is on you, not me. Clearly you're acting like a naval engineer given your statement, so we're still waiting for your deep analysis.

Good, so you're now admitting you're incapable of backing your claims, so you want me to start doing the substantiations.

You're ranting literally in this very comment, do you even read your own statements? Or you just replying with anything that comes to mind?

You school was clearly different to mine. In yours apparently you qualified as a naval engineer and you were taught you don't need to give backings for your own claims, instead it is the job of others to do that. Brilliant school.

I did not say you can't get involved. I said don't get involved if you can't handle discussion that are above your level of understanding because you're just replying with emotional rants devoid of logic and sense.
Again ur stupid. I did not make any claims, iran made a claim and i said its BS, simply because such weight class is not capable of the features given, as no where in world such weight class ship with such capabilities exist. This is a comman man assertion, i never claimed to be a naval engineer. Now the onus is on u to prove me that such a system is possible. If u claim to have built something that no one else have built in the world and i say its BS, its for u to prove me wrong and provide solid evidence/logic. What kind of a moron demands precise engineering calculations to prove it wrong while u never gave any to prove it in the first place. Seriously do u drink cowpiss? U seem so stupid and so confident in ur stupidity, u talk of logic while in ur whole worthless discussion u never gave a single logic to prove ur claims. Now again ull bark about logic and engineering while giving zero proof or logic.
Again i would say its a public forum and i can pass a comment on any news as i wish, its u who quoted me and started ur stupid dumb discussion. No one here except propaganda mouthpieces agree with u, isnt that enough to prove ur an idiot???
Dont ever quote me again because ur a high class moron with zero comprehension skills and zero brain cells. This shows the iranian regime's online dogs are idiots.

I will also wait for your so called "engineering" degree to show up.

What a stupid moron. Replying everyone with same childish arguments. Give him logical reply instead of mocking him or asking for a degree. That too coming from an iranian where i doubt any good uni exista at all.
@mods plz see who let this propaganda mouthpiece free? Find so.e genuine iranians and ban these mullah's rats.
Again ur stupid. I did not make any claims,

This is what you said:

2200 to 3000 tons displacement, helicopter, 96 vls, 8 horizontal, 40+ knots speed lolzz i call BS.

What is that if not a claim? You're trying to backtrack now?

iran made a claim and i said its BS

And that is a claim, try to get your head around this simple fact.

simply because such weight class is not capable of the features given, as no where in world such weight class ship with such capabilities exist. This is a comman man assertion,

What you're stating is pseudo-engineering, not a true engineering. You clearly lack the knowledge in this area. User Armnikh described it nicely, so pay attention:

Displacement (I.e. 3000 ton) is a representative of weight not size. It means thus ship would displace 3000 tons of water at its fully loaded weight to stay afloat. You can have a much larger ship than what you posted and still have 3000 tons displacement.
Let's say each of those missiles weighs 3 tons which is too high but let's assume that for the sake of the argument. 96 of them would add up to less than 300 tons or 10% of the weight. So it is always possible to fit those many missiles on a ship given the right dimensions.

i never claimed to be a naval engineer.

So then you're a troll? Why else would you claim a naval ship designed by naval engineers is "BS" when you cannot provide any backings for that claim?

Now the onus is on u to prove me that such a system is possible.

1) You made the claim, and yet you want us to prove it. Desperate? silly?
2) Check Arminkh's statement above. He explained it to you.

If u claim to have built something that no one else have built in the world and i say its BS,

No else has built it before ≠ No one can else build it.

its for u to prove me wrong and provide solid evidence/logic.

Now you're just repeating yourself.

What kind of a moron demands precise engineering calculations to prove it wrong while u never gave any to prove it in the first place.

Because you are one claiming it cannot be done.

Seriously do u drink cowpiss? U seem so stupid and so confident in ur stupidity, u talk of logic while in ur whole worthless discussion u never gave a single logic to prove ur claims. Now again ull bark about logic and engineering while giving zero proof or logic.

Insult/rants. You're simply way above your head in this discussion.

Again i would say its a public forum and i can pass a comment on any news as i wish, its u who quoted me and started ur stupid dumb discussion. No one here except propaganda mouthpieces agree with u, isnt that enough to prove ur an idiot???

Calling something propaganda is easy, proving it is something else. Sadly all you're capable of is claims and rants but zero substance.

Dont ever quote me again because ur a high class moron with zero comprehension skills and zero brain cells. This shows the iranian regime's online dogs are idiots.

Anytime you spill bile on Iranian threads, you will be debunked. If you cannot handle it, then solution is simple. Stick to topics that are intellectually on your level. And once more for the road:

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The things is, u cant BS to people who are not ur subjects or blind goats. You can BS to ur dumb zombies and they will jump and chant and gain u cheers but people who see through it will call it. Its not the first time, iran lies about most of its military stuff, remember ur stealth fighter that was better than F22 lolz. Show me a single 3000 ton class ship with 96 vls, 8 horizontal, helicopter and 40+ knots speed????? Or do u think the whole world are fools and its just u ppl who can build it?????
If u cant face criticism and cant tolerate ppl calling ur BS, then i suggest u go n join those iranian forums full of such BS n zombies dancing to it.
last catamaran ship Iran built used aluminum alloys for it, so if they use that particular material for this one too it's feasible.
This is what you said:

What is that if not a claim? You're trying to backtrack now?

And that is a claim, try to get your head around this simple fact.

What you're stating is pseudo-engineering, not a true engineering. You clearly lack the knowledge in this area. User Armnikh described it nicely, so pay attention:

Displacement (I.e. 3000 ton) is a representative of weight not size. It means thus ship would displace 3000 tons of water at its fully loaded weight to stay afloat. You can have a much larger ship than what you posted and still have 3000 tons displacement.
Let's say each of those missiles weighs 3 tons which is too high but let's assume that for the sake of the argument. 96 of them would add up to less than 300 tons or 10% of the weight. So it is always possible to fit those many missiles on a ship given the right dimensions.

So then you're a troll? Why else would you claim a naval ship designed by naval engineers is "BS" when you cannot provide any backings for that claim?

1) You made the claim, and yet you want us to prove it. Desperate? silly?
2) Check Arminkh's statement above. He explained it to you.

No else has built it before ≠ No one can else build it.

Now you're just repeating yourself.

Because you are one claiming it cannot be done.

Insult/rants. You're simply way above your head in this discussion.

Calling something propaganda is easy, proving it is something else. Sadly all you're capable of is claims and rants but zero substance.

Anytime you spill bile on Iranian threads, you will be debunked. If you cannot handle it, then solution is simple. Stick to topics that are intellectually on your level. And once more for the road:

this man's brain isnt good at logic!! be warned u might be wasting ur time..
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