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The myth of ‘Hindutva terror’

Terrorism a freely used word and doesn't have a set meaning and has political and emotional connotations, fundamentalists might be appropriate in this case.

Considering the unorganized events and acts they look to be of reactionary nature rather of perfectly planned kind based on the data available in public till now. This doesn't mean they are to be overlooked.

So for me it is a myth as of now, discounting future data.
i.e. way forward for the Parivar.

In my opinion the only way forward for the Parivar, if they want political credibility is to be more inclusive. If they are not going to include Muslims and Christians, then that is a huge chunk of the vote bank, especially in areas like UP imo. I wouldnt classify them as a terror group, although some of their activities are indeed suspicious, just because they are not very powerful.

I mean most of the educated folks dont vote in this country. The ones that vote are poor and most of the poor, especially the minorities are afraid of the Hindutva groups. Until and unless they solve this issue I am afraid they are forever gonna be sitting on the sidelines. Because their position by itself is divisive in nature.
In my opinion the only way forward for the Parivar, if they want political credibility is to be more inclusive. If they are not going to include Muslims and Christians, then that is a huge chunk of the vote bank, especially in areas like UP imo. I wouldnt classify them as a terror group, although some of their activities are indeed suspicious, just because they are not very powerful.

I mean most of the educated folks dont vote in this country. The ones that vote are poor and most of the poor, especially the minorities are afraid of the Hindutva groups. Until and unless they solve this issue I am afraid they are forever gonna be sitting on the sidelines. Because their position by itself is divisive in nature.

I have a different theory.

Muslims vote as a block.

Hindus do not.

What is the size of the Hindu electorate compared to the Muslim?

Even counting for regional differences?
I have a different theory.

Muslims vote as a block.

Hindus do not.

What is the size of the Hindu electorate compared to the Muslim?

Even counting for regional differences?

Is this phenomenon a result of being minority in India, i have seen this tendency previously among the little number of Muslims i personally know of. Also is this statement applicable to all in India i mean Muslims?? I don't think any study has been done till now.
Is this phenomenon a result of being minority in India, i have seen this tendency previously among the little number of Muslims i personally know of. Also is this statement applicable to all in India i mean Muslims?? I don't think any study has been done till now.


The Hindus (and India) could do with a bit of "khatre mein" of their own right about now.
may be because you dont wanna end up hurting his religious sentiment as you know they are very sensitive with their religion. and secondly since you are a hindu (majority) you dont wanna say something that hurts him.

exactly my friend ! that is why even though being a good friend a muslim guy is a little distance away from us !
I have a different theory.

Muslims vote as a block.

Hindus do not.

What is the size of the Hindu electorate compared to the Muslim?

Even counting for regional differences?

Yeah thats what am saying.

That Muslims are minorities and as such the Parivar does not endear themselves to them. They exclude them.

And within the Hindus, there are many that are afraid of these far right wing groups.

These things weaken the Hindutva groups. If they advocate a more inclusive policy, then I am sure they would come across as being more moderate, which will probably bring them more support from Hindus as well.

But then again in a democracy, you would see things that you dont expect. So I wouldnt be surprised if a Muslim man actually prefers the BJP.
Yeah thats what am saying.

That Muslims are minorities and as such the Parivar does not endear themselves to them. They exclude them.

And within the Hindus, there are many that are afraid of these far right wing groups.

These things weaken the Hindutva groups. If they advocate a more inclusive policy, then I am sure they would come across as being more moderate, which will probably bring them more support from Hindus as well.

But then again in a democracy, you would see things that you dont expect. So I wouldnt be surprised if a Muslim man actually prefers the BJP.

The Parivar suffers due to the liberal permissive nature of Hindus per se.

The Parivar needs to be clear in its thinking and future manifesto.

Do not go psycho. But be firm.

And please do not ape the Congress.

You will always lose.

Forge your own path.

Just right of center if you must.

India is ready.
The Parivar suffers due to the liberal permissive nature of Hindus per se.

The Parivar needs to be clear in its thinking and future manifesto.

Do not go psycho. But be firm.

And please do not ape the Congress.

You will always lose.

Forge your own path.

Just right of center if you must.

India is ready.

I agree with that.

But the major problem with them, atleast as perceived by those that dont agree is the religious aspect. That is what they need to fix imo. And I dont think the ones advocating Hindutva are very liberal. They are actually quite conservative.
I agree with that.

But the major problem with them, atleast as perceived by those that dont agree is the religious aspect. That is what they need to fix imo. And I dont think the ones advocating Hindutva are very liberal. They are actually quite conservative.

There are different versions.

Please visit BJP's website and read for yourself the evolution of their thought process and successive manifestos.

Read some really good pieces on Hindutva, as cultural inclusive nationalism, by Vajpayee and Advani.

I would like to believe that a people who have been historically so tolerant for centuries cannot and will not change overnight.

Reactionary defensive steps and postures have to be taken though.

That is our reality today, and we cannot close our eyes to the same.
you see, the region i belong to is one of most violent of all, the CHAMBAL region. here it is predominantly hinduism. people say all the things about this region. RSS is also predominant here.

but 15 yrs of living here , i faced just 4 fights in last 15 yrs that were justified from both sides. NONE OF THE FIGHTS I SAW OR WAS INVOLVED IN INCLUDED RSS OR SOME SUCH HINDU ORGANIZATION but only random individual or groups . muslims live here in peace as well, there is no differentiation. even there are many muslims working in RSS , i heard.

hindu terrorism is a "farce" created by pseudoseculars and radical islamists to say " hey, we do **** all the time . so rather that not doing it , we splash some on you so we can justify it."

sikh are different people, proud and honorable. terrorism in punjab was crushed not just because of govt but active participation of sikh community . they didn't blame hindutva terror , they introspected and did what was right !


dude my ancestral home is dere....

which part Of CHAMBAL in UP, MP or RAJASTHAN???
The Parivar needs to be clear in its thinking and future manifesto.

Forge your own path.

Just right of center if you must.

India is ready.

If by Parivar you mean RSS types then they are pretty tame. They have been doing some good work in tribal areas but they seem to be intellectually moribund.

If you have read the work of folks like Ram Swarup and Sitaram Goel, then that is a breath of fresh air. Arun Shourie is pretty good too. Rajiv Malhotra has also done some painstaking work.
If you have read the work of folks like Ram Swarup and Sitaram Goel, then that is a breath of fresh air. Arun Shourie is pretty good too. Rajiv Malhotra has also done some painstaking work.

Some good links would be greatly appreciated.
Incidentally, the latest Re the Samjhauta case -

Lt Colonel Purohit: Did the Army sell short an effective officer? | NDTV.com

Malegaon blast: Lt Col Purohit is not a terrorist, say witnesses - India News - IBNLive

The army has completed the Court of Inquiry (CoI) under a Brigadier-level officer against Purohit and submitted its findings to the Southern Command headquarters, sources said.

None of the 60 witnesses who deposed before the CoI have corroborated the charge of Purohit being a terrorist, the magazine said based on testimonies of these witnessed accessed by it.

Actually the effort to blame Purohit for Malgaon was always low on credibility. Intelligence reports pointed to Arif Qasmani of the LeT, and these were also corroborated by the testimony of Headley's wife.

But the Samjhauta case does tell us a lot about the treasonous machinations of Indian "secularists". If it turns out to be another fabricated case, there is no reason why Chidambaram and Sonia Gandhi should not be proceeded against for High Treason.
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