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The myth of ‘Hindutva terror’

Some good links would be greatly appreciated.

There is a good collection of books (including several by Ram Swarup and Sitaram Goel) here - Voice of Dharma

Some works of Shourie -

(1) A review of his book "Eminent Historians: Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud" - IndiaStar -- Arun Shourie, "Eminent Historians," reviewed by C.J.S. Wallia

(2) Shourie's study of missionary activity in India - Missionaries in India: Continuities, Changes, Dilemmas

Rajiv Malhotra has two important books,

(1) Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines - Breaking India | By: Rajiv Malhotra & Aravindan Neelakandan and

(2) Being Different: An Indian Challenge to Western Universalism - Being Different the Book | by Rajiv Malhotra

The Breaking India book is, in particular, an eye-opener. The site for the book has a number of videos. For example, here are videos for one of the events - http://www.breakingindia.com/houston-video-1/
There are different versions.

Please visit BJP's website and read for yourself the evolution of their thought process and successive manifestos.

Read some really good pieces on Hindutva, as cultural inclusive nationalism, by Vajpayee and Advani.

I would like to believe that a people who have been historically so tolerant for centuries cannot and will not change overnight.

Reactionary defensive steps and postures have to be taken though.

That is our reality today, and we cannot close our eyes to the same.

Lets agree to disagree here.

I dont particularly buy into Hindutva the way it is being represented today.

That said, I don't believe that Hindutva is terrorism, although I do believe that there are a few that advocate Hindutva that are religious extremists. And I do believe, Hindutva needs a redefinition in order to be more inclusive, or atleast present itself as a more inclusive ideology.
But the Samjhauta case does tell us a lot about the treasonous machinations of Indian "secularists". If it turns out to be another fabricated case, there is no reason why Chidambaram and Sonia Gandhi should not be proceeded against for High Treason.

Actually it doesn't. The CBI which is the investigating body in the Samjauta case has never been too interested in the claims that Col. Purohit was involved, primarily becuse as the CBI pointed out, the explosive used in the Samjauta case was ammonium nitrate & therefore any RDX handed by Col. Purohit had no relevance to the case. That supposed link was an unfortunate surmise by the ATS of Maharashtra which was led by Karkare but whose theory was never taken seriously by the CBI. Col.Purohit was arrested for the role in the Malegaon blasts which is a separate issue.
1.At Partition it was generally believed that the Muslim part would be Pakistan, and the Hindu part Hindustan. However, Machiavellian Indian politicians usurped the British colonial name and the geographical identity of SA. India then moved on a seemingly secular path of politics although secularism was incorporated as a state principle only in 1976. This concept of secularism is championed by politicians for vote purpose and the bulk of western educated urban elite. The bulk of the rural Indians do not understand or want to accept this. In short secularism in India is a farce / hypocrisy.

2. Much of India's and SA's tension and suspicion would end if India officially names herself Hindustan, a land of Hindus. And adopted Hinduism as the state religion allowing full religious freedom to all others.

And have you ever actually been to India to see the "farce" for yourself? As someone who has (been to India) let me tell you there is nothing farcical about India's secular identidy. On the whole you will finds every time of religion/person living in India with little problems. Yes, India isn't perfect but it has the right foundations to be a great and fair nation. In a neighborhood that has nations being founded on a single faith India is incredibly unique and impressive.

But India is an incredibly large nation so in the past there was not a huge amount of inter-state mixing. Now with the communication age and transport links getting better and better you will see an incredible amount of mixing. For example ( I got this anecdote from a cousin)- go to a call centre in Delhi, you will find Indians of all relgions and minorites from all over India in one workplace getting along and working together- no problems at all.

The future is bright for India in that regard.
it is just that ! my simple question is "when i am with my christian or sikh or hindu friend, i don't care what i say ! but why when i talk to a good muslim friend of mine , i have to contemplate everything i say (just feels like i am walking on slippery surface) . and always afraid that i might hurt him if i say something wrong ! why i can't be normally free with him ?"
Maybe that says more about you than him! But I don't know you're freind so I can't say if you are right or wrong to feel the way you do. It sometimes depends on the induvidual, some of my Muslim friends have no problems being on the reciving end of a few jokes and "ribbing"-they give as good as they get after all. But then some freinds are a bit more uptight so you know not to go there.

At first, I admit, it can be a bit awkward around certain people as you don't know where that line is, and yes I'll agree that Muslims in large are a bit sensitive to their religious sentiments but then again some (the minority unforuntaly) are not.
Actually it doesn't. The CBI which is the investigating body in the Samjauta case has never been too interested in the claims that Col. Purohit was involved, primarily becuse as the CBI pointed out, the explosive used in the Samjauta case was ammonium nitrate & therefore any RDX handed by Col. Purohit had no relevance to the case. That supposed link was an unfortunate surmise by the ATS of Maharashtra which was led by Karkare but whose theory was never taken seriously by the CBI. Col.Purohit was arrested for the role in the Malegaon blasts which is a separate issue.

And the Army Court of Inquiry has has found no evidence against Purohit in the Malegaon case also. It may be that he was maintaining contact with various fringe groups that were up to no good, which was a part of his job.

Be that as it may, one needs to find out if any political interference has played a role and take very strict action, if it has.
At first, I admit, it can be a bit awkward around certain people as you don't know where that line is, and yes I'll agree that Muslims in large are a bit sensitive to their religious sentiments but then again some (the minority unforuntaly) are not.

By and large the Shias are less uptight.

Though they have their mulla types too.

Point is, most of us (99%) would rarely come in contact or discuss religion with the type that would be VERY uptight in the course of our daily lives.

So we are probably not exposed to a proper sampled cross-section.
Nah you dont need ISPR propaganda story for that,Sire.GOI and indian MSM did better job on popularizing the term saffron terror.Now either GOI+MSM is lying through their teeth or saffron terror does exists. Keeping in mind GoI and MSM are representative of Indian society that means either you are blaming Indians of lying about the existence of saffron terror or trying to shift blame on ISPR propaganda machinery just by being clever by half,Sire.
GoI and MMS are from the congress party who unfortunately rule us. They are pseudo secularists for whom secularism = anti Hinduism. I will take their word of safforn terrorism with a ton of salt.
Having said that I don't deny that there are fundamentalist Hindus. The absence of such people in almost 100 crore population of Hindus will be impossible. However these fundamentalist Hindus do not quote Geeta when they blow them selves up in crowded markets, do not justify killing innocents because they are "kafirs" or do not talk about "jihad"

Soi will respectfully say that safforn terrorism is a myth and if saying this makes me a liar because my so called representative says otherwise so be it.
Saffron terror is not myth ...Graham saines and son's murder was not murder but was an act of terror.Killings of muslim in gujarat and christians in orisa are not riots but act of terror.Bombing at malegaon,ajmer,mecca masjid are pure act of terror.
Saffron terror is not myth ...Graham saines and son's murder was not murder but was an act of terror.Killings of muslim in gujarat and christians in orisa are not riots but act of terror.Bombing at malegaon,ajmer,mecca masjid are pure act of terror.
Please define murder, riot and act of terror
Saffron terror is not myth ...Graham saines and son's murder was not murder but was an act of terror.Killings of muslim in gujarat and christians in orisa are not riots but act of terror.Bombing at malegaon,ajmer,mecca masjid are pure act of terror.
what like 4 incidents in 20 years? compare that with what your lot is doing around the world. The worst part is muslims like you supporting their activities.
what like 4 incidents in 20 years? compare that with what your lot is doing around the world. The worst part is muslims like you supporting their activities.

I don't think much of that. Whether it is four incidents or one incident, what does it matter? Horror is horror. Terror is terror.
By and large the Shias are less uptight.

Though they have their mulla types too.

Point is, most of us (99%) would rarely come in contact or discuss religion with the type that would be VERY uptight in the course of our daily lives.

So we are probably not exposed to a proper sampled cross-section.

agree with u on ur views about shias

in some places u can actually find the hindus and shias celebrating muharram together!!!!
There is nothing Called Saffron Terror ... the Paid media specially NDTV Made this word in association with CNN IBN , Star News & certain congress channels ...

Hindu Nationalism believes in inclusive politics but depends upon the mentality of person reasoning with it... Muslims who think they are ancestors of Gouri & gajni who looted India r not welcomed among us... But Muslims that they r a part of the greater Hindu Culture with in there religion r always welcome...

We dont look like seculars as we dont believe in Western Marxist type of Secularism we Believe in Indian version of Sarva Dharma Sambhava ...

& we r Tolerant & non violent as well but unlike Gandis Version of non violence which he taught to Hindus...we dont believe showing the other cheek to the culprit if u get slapped... we advocate if u get slapped for unjustified reasons then slap back the Culprit Twice ...
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