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The Muslim World | Medusa's Wreck!

Strange, you've achieved so much yet you could not develop respect for the choices others make regarding something as silly as colour of the font.
That is a simple courtesy we afford to each other on a forum. Which is why we all use the same colour and font. Its a pity that you could not understand this.

You did shit, the west took pity in you so that they can use you against the rise of political Islam.
Again, it seems you lack comprehension. Make believe stories do not count in the real world. Please use conspiracy theories with others of your community where you find a steady market for such.

Economies dont rise because of pity, they rise because of competitiveness and arbitrage. Pity is when countries get aid.

Just as you blame Pakistan for your atrocities in Kashmir.
Ah..a non sequitor. Now I understand your mental capacity. It was a waste of time in educating you.
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IMO there is no Muslim "world" when all that we see is them reliving others and themselves from it .

And there is no hope as the article prescribes, because it is a religion that is shocking aggressive and violent towards 'non believers'. This does NOT mean every Muslim is looking to behead you or prescribes to violence.

There does exist an "Islamic world," it's just that every one of them, regardless of their current condition, wants to play top dog.

Note how the author brings in Pakistan's role in the article:

On its part, Pakistan has a pivotal role to play in reinforcing the solidarity of the Muslim world. In doing so, it must focus on cohesive rather than divisive strategies by promoting greater political, economic and strategic cooperation among Muslim countries and also by serving as a beacon of good quality education, scientific and technical knowledge and modernism.

No specifics(those are for losers) but just that Pakistan has a predestined pivotal role to play. Add sectarianism, ultranationalism and good ol' racism and that's the Islamic world in a nutshell.
That is a simple courtesy we afford to each other on a forum. Which is why we all use the same colour and font. Its a pity that you could not understand this.

Telling what others should choose is no courtesy, it's despotic mentality you're trying to cover up like a sly fox.

Again, it seems you lack comprehension. Make believe stories do not count in the real world. Please use conspiracy theories with others of your community where you find a steady market for such.

I didn't know that Nehru's affair with Mountbaten's wife was conspiracy. They spent a lot of time together, matter of fact, it's a zionist way of receiving political favour.

Ah..a non sequitor. Now I understand your mental capacity. It was a waste of time in educating you.

Ah, the same old foxy method of shying away from ones failure to find a suitable reply. Remember, what goes around comes around.
the guy opens his speech claiming that Bush claimed Islam is a peaceful religion...I cant ever once find him saying that :blink: Should I continue such a far shot debate?

All you had to is a simple search on terms - "Bush, Islam is a peaceful religion". But I suspect that won't play well in your neck of the woods.

At the opening statements the lady goes...I am a Muslim...we were raised in middle class American family and went to mosque on Sunday! :blink:

And her mosque has a president....a Muslim who doesnt wear headscarf...men and women pray side by side...exactly where is she from ....and she emphasizes her parents are both very religious people!

She was a defender of Islam on that panel and I find no reason for her to lie about her mosque. That would be counter productive for her in that debate. In fact she was trying to prove that Islam allows for such tolerances, unless you agree with me that it does not.

She actually got the Jewish facts right (prayed almost every morning and learned Hebrew) over the Islamic ones (Going to Mosque on Sundays)....Sorry man...such debates might bring in claps but lying doesnt help coz no orthodox Muslim follows what she said about her practices!

I'm not surprised a challenge to your views will find you dismissing it. You seem to be focused on " orthodox" Muslims practices rather than the content of the debate. Not every Muslim I've seen here in the US is orthodox, in fact thankfully most are not.
She was a defender of Islam on that panel and I find no reason for her to lie about her mosque. That would be counter productive for her in that debate. In fact she was trying to prove that Islam allows for such tolerances, unless you agree with me that it does not.
I never said she lied but what she portrayed is not the wide spread...We dont need lies to prove anything!

I'm not surprised a challenge to your views will find you dismissing it. You seem to be focused on " orthodox" Muslims practices rather than the content of the debate. Not every Muslim I've seen here in the US is orthodox, in fact thankfully most are not
Again I dont want a debate that has a lie as a base!

The content of the debate flew out when she didnt even portray Muslims...

I am not one who twists facts nor likes twisted facts....

As for GWB's speech I must have missed that one....Coz I seriously never heard him say any of that...thanks for pointing that one out!
Nostradamus predicted that a Caliph with a purple turban will rise and lead the Muslim nations. He spoke of this Caliph's rise during a time when "big birds (planes) will fall from the skies and when the Russians will cause catastrophe amongst the Europeans". The downing of two Malaysian Airline planes recently and the fact that Russia is at loggerheads with the West over the Ukraine coupled with the rise of Al-Baghdadi of ISIS makes me wonder whether we have during our lifetime the "man with the purple turban" :undecided:
I never said she lied but what she portrayed is not the wide spread...We dont need lies to prove anything!

Again I dont want a debate that has a lie as a base!

The content of the debate flew out when she didnt even portray Muslims...

I am not one who twists facts nor likes twisted facts....

As for GWB's speech I must have missed that one....Coz I seriously never heard him say any of that...thanks for pointing that one out!

You have serious problem trying to follow your own statements. Your 1st sentence starts off with as highlighted " I never said she lied" to only then proceed to say she lied.

Then you claim the examples of her Mosque is not 'wide spread'. Okay, but not being wide spread does not refute her claim of her experience in her Mosque. What takes place in her mosque is an anomaly, I agree.

She did not come across to me as portraying Muslims as some monolithic group. In fact in her position as the defender of Islam on the panel, she wanted to show that tolerances are accepted within Islam . Your objection to her claim, oddly, finds you to be agreeing with me that it is not.
You have serious problem trying to follow your own statements. Your 1st sentence starts off with as highlighted " I never said she lied" to only then proceed to say she lied.
You do realize I split your post into 2 quotes....and for the 2 quotes I gave different answers...coz I counted them as 2 separate issues....

Then you claim the examples of her Mosque is not 'wide spread'. Okay- but not being wide spread does not refute her claim of her experience in her Mosque. What takes place in her mosque is an anomaly, I agree.
I can refute it but it will go into religious details and be derailing the thread

She did not come across to me as portraying Muslims as some monolithic group. In fact in her position as the defender of Islam on the panel, was that she wanted to show that tolerances are accepted within Islam . Your objection to her claim, oddly, finds you to be agreeing with me that it is not.
Well when you enroll in the army you have a set of rules otherwise you are thrown out...same case for being enrolled in schools, uni and so on...even when you are at work...you have a set of rules and guides and work ethics stuff...so when you have a set of rules in a religion and you break them...why then is it not counted as wrong but intolerant?

Will you call a school/ workplace/ army/ country intolerant if they say look you are breaking our rule and you may be subject to punishment (for this case I mean by GOD not human as she is in a free country) but that does not mean I have to accept what wrong she is doing and to reject her lies is not a wrong!

For this part:
She was a defender of Islam on that panel and I find no reason for her to lie about her mosque. That would be counter productive for her in that debate. In fact she was trying to prove that Islam allows for such tolerances, unless you agree with me that it does not.
The answer was:
I never said she lied but what she portrayed is not the wide spread...We dont need lies to prove anything!

For this part:

You seem to be focused on " orthodox" Muslims practices rather than the content of the debate. Not every Muslim I've seen here in the US is orthodox, in fact thankfully most are not
The answer was
Again I dont want a debate that has a lie as a base!
What BASE? the focus being on her sole practice! Muslims going to mosque on Sundays?!
Nostradamus predicted that a Caliph with a purple turban will rise and lead the Muslim nations. He spoke of this Caliph's rise during a time when "big birds (planes) will fall from the skies and when the Russians will cause catastrophe amongst the Europeans". The downing of two Malaysian Airline planes recently and the fact that Russia is at loggerheads with the West over the Ukraine coupled with the rise of Al-Baghdadi of ISIS makes me wonder whether we have during our lifetime the "man with the purple turban" :undecided:

Perhaps that's the reason why CIA trained Baghdadi the impostor to claim the Caliphate. They are so eager to fulfill the prophesy of their saint.
Perhaps that's the reason why CIA trained Baghdadi the impostor to claim the Caliphate. They are so eager to fulfill the prophesy of their saint.

Whoever trained him is irrelevant. There are also claims that the CIA trained OBL. The timing of the emergence of Al-Baghdadi as the Caliph and his publicized intent to unify the Islamic world from the middle east to India, coupled with the falling of those Malaysian "birds" and Russia's new fight with the West is something which makes me wonder whether the "human forces of fire" (nukes) are about to end the world as per the prophesy of Nostradamus
Whoever trained him is irrelevant. There are also claims that the CIA trained OBL. The timing of the emergence of Al-Baghdadi as the Caliph and his publicized intent to unify the Islamic world from the middle east to India, coupled with the falling of those Malaysian "birds" and Russia's new fight with the West is something which makes me wonder whether the "human forces of fire" (nukes) are about to end the world as per the prophesy of Nostradamus

He is more like As-Sufyani for me, a Muslim who has power both in Syria and Iraq, and he is the enemy of Mahdi

Sufyani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he Sufyani (Arabic: السفياني), is an apocryphal character of Islamic eschatology. The Sufyani will emerge before the Mahdi from the depths of Damascus.
The term "Sufyani" is a term referring to his descent from the progeny of Abu Sufyan. He will be one of many Muslim tyrants that the Mahdi will have to face in the Middle East. The Sufyani is not the Dajjal. The Ahadith regarding the Sufyani specify that he is a tyrant who will spread corruption and mischief on the earth before the Mahdi. He will be such a tyrant that he will kill the children and rip out the bellies of women. The Sufyani will murder those from the household of the Prophet and will rule over Syria. When he hears about the Mahdi, he will send an army to seize and kill him. However the earth will swallow this army before it even reaches the Mahdi.

Abu Hurayrah has narrated that the Prophet said:

A man will emerge from the depths of Damascus. He will be called Sufyani. Most of those who follow him will be from the tribe of Kalb. He will kill by ripping the stomachs of women and even kill the children. A man from my family will appear in the Haram, the news of his advent will reach the Sufyani and he will send to him one of his armies. He (referring to the Mahdi) will defeat them. They will then travel with whoever remains until they come to a desert and they will be swallowed. None will be saved except the one who had informed the others about them. (Mustadrak Al-Hakim)

The Sufyani's army will go to Kufa; a city in Iraq, and from there he will launch an attack against the people of Khurasan. At the Gate of Istakhr, Shuayb bin Salih and the Hashimite under the black banners, will join forces and engage the army of the Sufyani. The battle will be extremely fierce with a tremendous loss of life and the army of the Sufyani will suffer a temporary defeat. It is at this time that a yearning for the Mahdi's appearance is on the lips of everyone.

The army of the Sufyani will march from the direction of Iraq to seize the Mahdi, however, when they reach the desert near Dhi Hulayfah the ground will swallow them up. However, two will escape to convey the news but even when he learns of the occurrence he will not be deterred. There will be some people from the Quraysh who manage to escape from him to Constantinople, which will be at that time under the control of the Non-Muslims. When the Sufyani asks for their return they will be returned whereupon not only the escapees' throats will be slit but those like them.

Khalid bin Ma'dan said:

The Sufyani will emerge with three staffs in his hand. Anyone whom he strikes with them will die. (Nu'aym bin Hammad)
Whoever trained him is irrelevant. There are also claims that the CIA trained OBL. The timing of the emergence of Al-Baghdadi as the Caliph and his publicized intent to unify the Islamic world from the middle east to India, coupled with the falling of those Malaysian "birds" and Russia's new fight with the West is something which makes me wonder whether the "human forces of fire" (nukes) are about to end the world as per the prophesy of Nostradamus

Your or CIA's desire to see Baghdadi as Caliph does not make him the Caliph, so stop referring to him as the Caliph.
He is more like As-Sufyani for me, a Muslim who has power both in Syria and Iraq, and he is the enemy of Mahdi

Sufyani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he Sufyani (Arabic: السفياني), is an apocryphal character of Islamic eschatology. The Sufyani will emerge before the Mahdi from the depths of Damascus.
The term "Sufyani" is a term referring to his descent from the progeny of Abu Sufyan. He will be one of many Muslim tyrants that the Mahdi will have to face in the Middle East. The Sufyani is not the Dajjal. The Ahadith regarding the Sufyani specify that he is a tyrant who will spread corruption and mischief on the earth before the Mahdi. He will be such a tyrant that he will kill the children and rip out the bellies of women. The Sufyani will murder those from the household of the Prophet and will rule over Syria. When he hears about the Mahdi, he will send an army to seize and kill him. However the earth will swallow this army before it even reaches the Mahdi.

Abu Hurayrah has narrated that the Prophet said:

A man will emerge from the depths of Damascus. He will be called Sufyani. Most of those who follow him will be from the tribe of Kalb. He will kill by ripping the stomachs of women and even kill the children. A man from my family will appear in the Haram, the news of his advent will reach the Sufyani and he will send to him one of his armies. He (referring to the Mahdi) will defeat them. They will then travel with whoever remains until they come to a desert and they will be swallowed. None will be saved except the one who had informed the others about them. (Mustadrak Al-Hakim)

The Sufyani's army will go to Kufa; a city in Iraq, and from there he will launch an attack against the people of Khurasan. At the Gate of Istakhr, Shuayb bin Salih and the Hashimite under the black banners, will join forces and engage the army of the Sufyani. The battle will be extremely fierce with a tremendous loss of life and the army of the Sufyani will suffer a temporary defeat. It is at this time that a yearning for the Mahdi's appearance is on the lips of everyone.

The army of the Sufyani will march from the direction of Iraq to seize the Mahdi, however, when they reach the desert near Dhi Hulayfah the ground will swallow them up. However, two will escape to convey the news but even when he learns of the occurrence he will not be deterred. There will be some people from the Quraysh who manage to escape from him to Constantinople, which will be at that time under the control of the Non-Muslims. When the Sufyani asks for their return they will be returned whereupon not only the escapees' throats will be slit but those like them.

Khalid bin Ma'dan said:

The Sufyani will emerge with three staffs in his hand. Anyone whom he strikes with them will die. (Nu'aym bin Hammad)

So, is it possible that we will see the emergence of the Mahdi during our lifetimes ?
So, is it possible that we will see the emergence of the Mahdi during our lifetimes ?

Exactly, inshaALLAH........

The time has become near and ALLAH (in my opinion) will not make Syrian and Palestinian suffer even further.......

I believe Mahdi is more like Sufi than hard liner Islamist
You do realize I split your post into 2 quotes....and for the 2 quotes I gave different answers...coz I counted them as 2 separate issues....

I can refute it but it will go into religious details and be derailing the thread

Well when you enroll in the army you have a set of rules otherwise you are thrown out...same case for being enrolled in schools, uni and so on...even when you are at work...you have a set of rules and guides and work ethics stuff...so when you have a set of rules in a religion and you break them...why then is it not counted as wrong but intolerant?

Will you call a school/ workplace/ army/ country intolerant if they say look you are breaking our rule and you may be subject to punishment (for this case I mean by GOD not human as she is in a free country) but that does not mean I have to accept what wrong she is doing and to reject her lies is not a wrong!

For this part:

The answer was:

For this part:

The answer was

What BASE? the focus being on her sole practice! Muslims going to mosque on Sundays?!

Ironically your observations were verbatim what the other side said about Islam and it not being a religion of peace. The very reasons and arguments you have made was among examples of their assertions. That Islam is not flexible, it is either follow the 1400 year old religion as written back then or consider your self as a non believer. That the call to violence is overwhelmingly present in the religion's tenets.

It's heartening to know that you agree with me.

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