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The Muslim Situation in Secular India. Must watch

Your ISI worst Intel agency when Lakhs of foot soldiers are at his disposal doing nothing what happens to your death by thousands cuts

As a Lucknowi I strongly stand by my brothers. We must liberate our lands from the yoke of Indian hegemony. Jinnah was proven right to us when the Indians slayed people I knew. India is not a country but an amalgamation of several distinct identities. We muslims must work to enrich our rich culture which is under the vice like grip of Indian evil. As a Lucknowi I strongly stand by Pakistan and I believe my Pakistani countrymen must help migrants reclaim their original lands. As a son of parents born in Lucknow and surrounding areas I have a solid attachment and fond memories of the place.

According to the Azad Deccan Council muslims in Hyderabad too are suffering. They claim that since the invasion ad operation polo Hyderabadi demographics are gradually but surely being changed with muslims fallen from 60% of the population to 40% not to count the fact that so called "riots" too are used along with other laws as a tool against muslims.

Jinnah did not want Pakistan at first but when he saw the extent of, and capacity of India to oppress (cow slaughter ban and muslim majority provinces not granted self rule) he explicitly parted ways with the congress and decided to work with the muslims to carve a new land. The ADC also states that there is nothing such as an Indian muslim which they see as slaves while there is a distinct identity for the muslims.
That's the fun for those Muslim thought that they will be treated equally and their rights will be protected but thank god this fake Hindus are doing wonderful job by creating an environment of hate and injustice towards Muslim their mentality is changing fast and they will be coming together and put resistance and fight till end .
3 hanging in 8 years all Muslim
No jobs no reservations no where to go but fight more unemployment will be adding petrol to the fire .

LoL, Nothing like that will happen, Those who wanted a separate nation got Pakistan, they are free to go there.Those who dream of partition will only get a boot up their arse and a free entry to Pakistan. Infact, i even wonder if those muslims will even survive such a situation,because there are no Nehrus nor Gandhis to pacify hindus now.
Troll but don't, reply in such a way that you even look like a low level fool to your own country men...........
Pakistan's Hindu Population Growth Faster Than National Average

Thats why When Pakistan was created in 1947,
Hindus constituted about 15 per cent of the
population of West Pakistan (current Pakistan); by 1998 it is about 1.6 per cent – the population has declined by about 90 per cent in about 50 years. This decimation is the outcome of sustained legal and social discrimination ever since the creation of Pakistan.

Even India muslim population has been growing more than national average since long long time.

What does it feel like to be a Pakistani Hindu? - Quora
Thats why When Pakistan was created in 1947,
Hindus constituted about 15 per cent of the
population of West Pakistan (current Pakistan); by 1998 it is about 1.6 per cent – the population has declined by about 90 per cent in about 50 years. This decimation is the outcome of sustained legal and social discrimination ever since the creation of Pakistan.

Even India muslim population has been growing more than national average since long long time.

What does it feel like to be a Pakistani Hindu? - Quora
First of all Prove your 15% claim with credible source if That fell from 15 to 1.6 that is due to sharp growth is Muslim Population,In 1971 East Population was more then West but today Pakistan has population of 200 million as compared to 150 million of Bangladesh.Their no legal or social discrimination directed toward minorities.
First of all Prove your 15% claim with credible source if That fell from 15 to 1.6 that is due to sharp growth is Muslim Population,In 1971 East Population was more then West but today Pakistan has population of 200 million as compared to 150 million of Bangladesh.Their no legal or social discrimination directed toward minorities.

Well Well please do go through these links

Meeting on Capitol Hill Highlights Minority Repression in Pakistan -- WASHINGTON, August 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

Newslaundry – The Vanishing Hindus of Pakistan – a Demographic Study

I love Pakistan, but I can’t live here | TNS - The News on Sunday

Why Are Hindus from Pakistan Crossing Over to India? | Inter Press Service

Minority Rights Group International : Pakistan : Hindus
I have given you all international & neutral sources. You can deny it, but doesnt changes the facts.
As a Lucknowi I strongly stand by my brothers. We must liberate our lands from the yoke of Indian hegemony. Jinnah was proven right to us when the Indians slayed people I knew. India is not a country but an amalgamation of several distinct identities. We muslims must work to enrich our rich culture which is under the vice like grip of Indian evil. As a Lucknowi I strongly stand by Pakistan and I believe my Pakistani countrymen must help migrants reclaim their original lands. As a son of parents born in Lucknow and surrounding areas I have a solid attachment and fond memories of the place.

According to the Azad Deccan Council muslims in Hyderabad too are suffering. They claim that since the invasion ad operation polo Hyderabadi demographics are gradually but surely being changed with muslims fallen from 60% of the population to 40% not to count the fact that so called "riots" too are used along with other laws as a tool against muslims.

Jinnah did not want Pakistan at first but when he saw the extent of, and capacity of India to oppress (cow slaughter ban and muslim majority provinces not granted self rule) he explicitly parted ways with the congress and decided to work with the muslims to carve a new land. The ADC also states that there is nothing such as an Indian muslim which they see as slaves while there is a distinct identity for the muslims.
You do not represent Lucknow so stop pretending that you do. Also if you ask any Lucknawi Muslims about any violence they face they would most probably talk about the Shia-Sunni conflicts that happens every year, how that proves Jinnah right is beyond me.
The situation of 180,000,000 million Muslims isn't as bad as that of 60,000,000 million Dravidian Tamils,who are facing constant Aryan Hindu harassment - e.g Hindinisation , Tamil genocide etc

In an interview with the Governor of Madras, Jinnah, the main leader of Muslim League, said that India should be divided into four regions: Dravidistan (aka Tamilnadu) , Hindustan, Bengalistan and Pakistan; Dravidistan would approximately consist of the area under the Madras Presidency.


Periyar, leader of South Indian Dravidians (left) with Jinnah
forget about indians wise guya worry about genocide of shias , ahmedies and chiostaians and hindus/shikhs in pakistan :coffee:
There is no Genocide Going of anyone in Pakistan,we haven't got any Gujarat Riot Medal and Terrorist PM.
There is no Genocide Going of anyone in Pakistan,we haven't got any Gujarat Riot Medal and Terrorist PM.
well at least we did a thouro investigation in gujrat riots and more than 100 culprits are behind the bars tell me that last tiome such a thing hppenned in pakistan :azn:

did pakistan did anything about the plotterts in lal masjid

what did pakistan did with culprits and conspirators of GHQ , Mehran , minhas and kakul acedamy attackers

what did your nation did on attackers of parade ground mosque masacre ?

what did your nation did on attackers of peshawar church attacks ?

what did you nation did on plight of hindu girls who are raped and then forciballi converted ?

what did your nation did on plotters and attackers of karachi airport attack ?

what did you nation did on massacrre of ahmedies ?

madam ji first go and check your own past record and then come and cry over indian muslims cause a pertson who is crying foriltreatment of his wealthy naighbours kids while his own kids are dying of deases and voilence and starvation is at best called a fool and a hypocrate ...... what is your nations attitude and postion on this front :azn: :haha:
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