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The Murder of Shahzeb Khan

Dude he wasn't begging for mercy, he may have been time and again latching to grab one of the weapons, he was a criminal caught with a weapon that can be seen and accepted by him in complete video. The tv channel and the people behind the edited video which agitated people's sentiment must also be taken care of. Definitely Rangers guys should be punished but not for the crime as established by edited video. The court must examin complete video and decide whatever is just. Otherwise everyday an AH like Sikander would stand on the road and no police or rangers guy would fire a sniper round instead would ask for a written order which pinches at the highest level.
Unfortunately LEAs don't have means and permissions to express their point of view. Surely Surfraz despite being a criminal, caught red handed with a weapon never deserved the treatment which he got but at the same time fair chance must be given to Rangers guys to defend themselves. The case is the courts and decision will be given on merit and they will get punishment for what they deserve. The case was blow out of proportion cause the brother of deceased was employee of that TV channel secondly there was political element too on the wishes of more than one party in the city.

What I have gathered from your post so far:

1) Sarfaraz was caught red handed, robbing people at gun point, with a weapon.
2) Sarfaraz repeatedly attampted to grab the gun from the Rangers Personnel.
3) Media broadcasted only edited video and the complete video was never broadcasted.
4) The ATC handed capital punishment to atleast 1 of the Rangers Personnel, however they had watched only the edited video and had handed out capital sentencing based on engineered evidence.
5) There were political forces involved in all of the above.

* SIGH *

1) Sarfaraz was allegedly caught, with a toy gun!!
2) Sarfaraz was almost dragged by the scruff of his neck to the rangers personnel and that too by a lone plain clothed policeman, he was unable to defend himself against 1 plain clothed person but attempted repeatedly to grab the gun from the Rangers Personnel. So let this be a moment of realization for you, Sarfaraz made not a single attempt to grab the gun off the Rangers Person, he merely attempted to divert the aimed nozzle away from his face and then away from his body!!
3) Complete video of the whole episode was aired almost daily when the news was hot and again when the sentencing was announced.
4) It is very stupid to assume that the courts did not have access to the actual video, the unedited version. Perhaps you believe that the ATC judge had to go through the advertisement sponsored news, just to let you know, the ATC received the video from the source, unedited! The sentencing was carried out after review of the actual footage as well as testimonies of witnesses!
5) We expect political influence to ensure justice is served, especially when the DG Rangers was in full action to protect his death squad!
What I have gathered from your post so far:

1) Sarfaraz was caught red handed, robbing people at gun point, with a weapon.
2) Sarfaraz repeatedly attampted to grab the gun from the Rangers Personnel.
3) Media broadcasted only edited video and the complete video was never broadcasted.
4) The ATC handed capital punishment to atleast 1 of the Rangers Personnel, however they had watched only the edited video and had handed out capital sentencing based on engineered evidence.
5) There were political forces involved in all of the above.

* SIGH *

1) Sarfaraz was allegedly caught, with a toy gun!!
2) Sarfaraz was almost dragged by the scruff of his neck to the rangers personnel and that too by a lone plain clothed policeman, he was unable to defend himself against 1 plain clothed person but attempted repeatedly to grab the gun from the Rangers Personnel. So let this be a moment of realization for you, Sarfaraz made not a single attempt to grab the gun off the Rangers Person, he merely attempted to divert the aimed nozzle away from his face and then away from his body!!
3) Complete video of the whole episode was aired almost daily when the news was hot and again when the sentencing was announced.
4) It is very stupid to assume that the courts did not have access to the actual video, the unedited version. Perhaps you believe that the ATC judge had to go through the advertisement sponsored news, just to let you know, the ATC received the video from the source, unedited! The sentencing was carried out after review of the actual footage as well as testimonies of witnesses!
5) We expect political influence to ensure justice is served, especially when the DG Rangers was in full action to protect his death squad!

I donot agree serial 3 and 4 of your drawn inferences. I never said complete video was never shown. Yes it was shown complete for the first time after about a month in Mubashir Luqman program once it was too late and surely ATC must have been shown complete film since it was available to defendants.
ATC has awarded capital punishment to one guy and life imprisonment to rest of the party. However they have right to contest their case in higher courts and as far as I know case is in Sindh High Court. I still believe that ATC was defiantly influenced by public sentiment created by biased propaganda and I can clearly see that in your statement as if DG Rangers had mandated them to kill him there. Another example of clearly influenced decision was deposing DG Rangers by CJP which was later reconciled by not objecting to reinstatement of DG Rangers and even his promotion. I don't know how a deposed person was in full swing to save his killers group. I am sure there is no shurfa committee in Rangers.
My point is very simple that decision must be made without any influence and if justice says all should be hanged then they must be hanged but on merit.
I donot agree serial 3 and 4 of your drawn inferences. I never said complete video was never shown. Yes it was shown complete for the first time after about a month in Mubashir Luqman program once it was too late and surely ATC must have been shown complete film since it was available to defendants.
ATC has awarded capital punishment to one guy and life imprisonment to rest of the party. However they have right to contest their case in higher courts and as far as I know case is in Sindh High Court. I still believe that ATC was defiantly influenced by public sentiment created by biased propaganda and I can clearly see that in your statement as if DG Rangers had mandated them to kill him there. Another example of clearly influenced decision was deposing DG Rangers by CJP which was later reconciled by not objecting to reinstatement of DG Rangers and even his promotion. I don't know how a deposed person was in full swing to save his killers group. I am sure there is no shurfa committee in Rangers.
My point is very simple that decision must be made without any influence and if justice says all should be hanged then they must be hanged but on merit.

At times, it is easier to speak logic to a rock!

First of all, the perpetrators have all been set free after a deal with the family of deceased Sarfaraz, it is anybody's guess what the extremely poor Rangers personnel could have offered the family of late Sarfaraz as diyat! Try to keep up dude.

Moving on, ATC or courts do not hand out sentences based on public sentiment, they are oblivious to public sentiment, they have to be. Moreover, it would be wiser to ask me what I meant instead of creating stupid conclusions. DG Rangers was protecting his men and aiding/abetting criminals/fugitives is a crime as well. What does his eventual reinstatement or promotion (if any) have to do with the court???

Fortunately, most of the fellow Pakistanis are not as insane to not be able to correctly understand even from a full video what actually happened.
What Shahzeb's father did was right because he had to take care of his daughters who are alive.
Pope Leo X had started granting absolution to the crimes of the rich in return for donation to fund for the reconstruction of St Peters Basilica. This meant that that rich and powerful can do whatever they want and still be immune from prosecution and also expect to go Heaven. A simply monk, Martin Luther, was so incensed at this clear violation of Justice that he declared the Pope an Anti-Christ and the Christianity split right down the middle.

Islam in present day Pakistan is in a similar situation and badly in the need of Ijtehad. Even legal fraternity is outraged at this murder of justice in the name of Islam. It appears that Pakistani Mullahs have changed practice of Islam so much that they follow the religion in rituals only but certainly not in ‘Spirit’.

Most of mullahs keep quite when the terrorist fighting to establish ‘Sharia law’ commit suicide; something forbidden in Quran; kidnap for ransom ( I am personally aware of one such case), slaughter unarmed prisoners just because they are Shia.

Surat Al Nissa (4.92) clearly states that Diyya applies to the case where the believer is killed by mistake or accidentally. Mullahs also misuse the concept of ‘Diyya’ that in Pakistan the rich & powerful can literally get away with MURDER exploiting this law.

I fail to find words of this gross injustice. Allah stresses hundreds of times that justice or “Adl” is one of the Almighty’s main attributes. It is clear that in Pakistan, true spirit of Islam especially of Adl has disappeared completely. Islam in Pakistan is no longer what was revealed to our holy Prophet (PBUH) but instead followers of Dajjal rule the day and these heretics exploit every opportunity to turn Islam into a mockery for the Western world to spit on.

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