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The Most Sensitive Part Of A Combat Aircraft!!!


It look like something Doc Brown would be working on in his garage, but it is absolutely one of the most essential and sensitive technologies found on many military and some civilian aircraft today: The Ring Laser Gyroscope.

Introduced in the mid 1960s and developed rapidly from then on, the Ring Laser Gyroscope has taken the place of many larger and more complex mechanical gyroscope systems. In comparison to their predecessors, Ring Laser Gyros can be built much smaller, they do not resist changes in direction, are totally frictionless, have low power consumption, and feature almost no moving parts, thus they are incredibly reliable, while still providing adequate accuracy.


Ring Laser Gyroscope's small size has also made them particularly well suited for tactical aircraft, both manned and unmanned, and weapon systems that once had to rely on much bulkier inertial navigation systems made up of accelerometer and mechanical gyroscopes. These include bombers, surface combatants, satellites and submarines. Additionally, this technology has migrated to the commercial marketplace, and many modern airliners and ships also feature RLG technology in their navigational suites.

Today, modern inertial navigational suites found on some aircraft, submarines, ships and spacecraft use Ring Laser Gyroscopes as part of an integrated Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), and in some cases, fly-by-wire flight control systems and targeting pods use them as well.

Inertial navigation systems with integrated GPS can pair gyroscopes, and in many cases Ring Laser Gyroscopes, and accelerometers with a GPS receiver system. Software within the system cross-checks the readings of each discreet navigational sensor source, and possibly other sources such as radio navigational beacons, flight data such as airspeed and attitude, and doppler and radar altimeter data to come up with an 'agreed upon' position.

Generally speaking, if one of the sensors of data sources used by the INS begins to deviate from the majority of the sources, or from a more heavily weighted source as computed in the software's 'voting' algorithms, then less weight will be given to the deviating source. If a source is way off position in comparison to others, or showing signs of failure, it could be filtered out by the INS software entirely. This leaves a less precise positioning capability, but not one that is entirely compromised due to a single failed or spoofed discreet sensor within the system. Sometimes multiple Ring Laser Gyroscopes will be used in a single Inertial Navigation System to work in tandem for redundancy reasons or for automatic cross-checking.


Gyroscopes can also be used to help stabilize an aircraft in flight and for autopilot purposes. According to Honeywell, one of the world's leaders in Ring Laser Gyroscope systems, the technology dates back a century: (correction: its not ring laser gyroscopes that date back a century but the gyroscope techonology)

Developed by inventive genius Elmer Sperry, the device was first demonstrated by Sperry's son Lawrence during France's Airplane Safety Contest in June 1914.

During the demonstration flight over the Seine River, Lawrence let go of the controls, stood up in the cockpit and raised his hands high above his head. Then came a roar of approval from the crowd gathered below as his mechanic walked far out onto the wing and the plane remained level.

As the Sperrys' flight demonstrated, a gyroscopic autopilot could fly an aircraft straight and level on a compass course without a pilot's constant attention. As a result, pilots could fly further without becoming fatigued, improving safety and setting the stage for the longer-distance flights that would would become popular with the rise of commercial aviation in the decades to come.

Today, this technology has moved beyond just autopilots, as Ring Laser Gyros can also be used for stabilizing an aircraft in space when its data is tied to an aircraft's fly-by-wire flight control system. For instance, the 'carefree handling' capabilities found on modern fighter aircraft allows aircrews to literally point the jet where they want it to go with minimal coordinated control or thought given to the aircraft's gross weight and configuration. The F-35B's hovering capability is possibly one of the most exotic examples of this.


Unlike the Harrier, where a pilot has to baby the aircraft in hover mode as if it were teetering on top of a telephone pole, the F-35B has a highly simplified fly-by-wire control system, one that even allows a pilot to take their hands off the controls, resulting in the aircraft steadily holding its position in midair.

Ring Laser Gyros' lack of moving parts and small size, such as the Honeywell HG1900 IMU which weighs under two pounds, and the HG1700 IMU which weighs under a pound, make them ideal for integration on guided munitions. The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM),Paveway IV dual mode laser guided bomb, use these units, along with GPS, to execute incredibly pinpoint attacks on their targets. Also, the inclusion of a competent INS system along with GPS means that if a GPS signal is jammed or lost, the munition still has a high-probability of effecting its intended target.


Virtually all advanced smart munitions have a integrated INS systems featuring Ring Laser Gyros, from Tomahawks and advanced air-to-air missiles, to guided artillery shells. Yes, artillery shells. These howitzer rounds present their own unique problems to something as miniaturized and sensitive as Ring Laser Gyroscope.

A 155mm artillary shell will experience well over 10,000 times the force of gravity as it is fired, and seeing as payload (ie explosives) needs to be maximized on these rounds, stuffing a hardened guidance system into a 100lb artillery shell is challenge to say the least. Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology has allowed such a feat to become a reality, and Honeywell's HG1930 Gun Hard IMU can withstand up to 20,000 times the force of gravity and still be ready to guided the round on its way to its intended target. This is truly amazing technology that is being tested today on the Army's M982 Excalibur 155mm guided round.


The Navy is taking the guided artillery round one step further with its 155mm Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP). This will be the primary precision weapon for the DDG-1000 Zumwalt Class' advanced deck gun system. This rocket assisted artillery round will fly out to over 75 miles to impact its target within about 100 feet or less. Like the Excalibur artillery round, the Navy's LRLAP will use a GPS embedded INS, including a hardened and miniaturized Ring Laser Gyroscope, to navigate its way to its final destination.

As Ring Laser Gyroscopes and integrates INS technology continues to shrink, smaller and smaller unmanned aircraft, and the micro-munitions they carry, will be capable of incredibly precise navigation, even in areas where GPS is denied.

GPS not being a guaranteed resource during a time of war is a real possibility in potential future peer-state conflicts, where space could be a battleground in itself. Advanced jamming and GPS spoofing technologies that are already being fielded today also pose a major threat to GPS dependent systems. This means that in a battle against a capable foe, the non-GPS dependent components in modern Inertial Navigation Systems, Ring Laser Gyros included, may be relied upon more than ever before in mankind's post-GPS navigational history.


(Photo clicked during exercise valiant shield, largest exercise carried out after Vietnam war and it was the first time observers from China were allowed Exercise Valiant Shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

I just stumbled upon this article on another site and was completely awed by what I read about this tiny device. Now I've 2 doubts 1) if ring laser gyroscopes 're commonly used then why do only F-35Bs have hoovering capabilities??
2) I have not seen many pics where bombers lead the pack, is it common???
Looks like the flux capacitor:) Anyone form the eighties will know what i mean:)
Inertial Navigation System (INS)-For Beginners by a begineer!

Inertial Navigation System is a type of navigation system, used to guide aircrafts, guided missiles etc. There are many other types of guidance systems also, like radar guidance, satellite guidance etc.

For navigation, the current position of the object has to be determined. This involves finding the linear and angular positions of the object.

Linear positioning means, determining the object’s movement forward or backward, up or down, right or left (in straight lines;hence the name linear). Angular positioning means finding the object’s movement in the roll, pitch and yaw axis.


Fig:Linear positioning


Fig:Angular Position

In other types of navigations, usually the current position of the object is determined with the help of external means, for example, in radar navigation, a radar constantly tracks the object, and the position is send to the object.

The problem here is , constant sending and receiving from an external element is required. Any block in this sending and receiving will result in trouble. Intentional blocking of signals is a major problem incase of missiles where the enemy can block external signals, like radar signals or by destroying GPS satelites.

This is where INS comes in handy. Inertial Navigation System is completely self sufficient i.e it can operate without the help of an external element. For this, INS uses a method called “dead reckoning”.

In dead reckoning, the current position of an object is calculated from the previous known position. For example, imagine a boy cycling from a position A to position B which are 5 km apart. Please note that p positions A and B are already known


The starting position, A is known here. Then the boy cycles down at 5 kmph to the point O, makes a turn and reaches point B. There are instruments to measure speed, change in direction etc. So the instruments measure a forward motion from A to O, a left turn, and forward motion from O to B all at a speed of 5 kmph for one hour.

Using the starting point A and the feedback from instruments measuring speed, change in linear and angular directions, the current position is determined as Point B.

INS basically is the combination of the instruments to measure the speed, positions and a computer to combine and process the information from the instruments.

Imagine a missile is to be send from Kerala to New Delhi. The starting point is Kerala and ending point is New Delhi. The entire path is then divided into a series of Waypoints i.e points in between starting and ending points.


The coordinates of the waypoints are already fed into the computers before the launch. So the missiles launches from kerala flies to Tamil Nadu, then to Goa , then to Rajasthan and finally to New Delhi. Simply said, each time the missile reaches a way point, the INS determines missile’s current position and tells it to the main computer which changes the course to the next waypoint.

The common instruments used include a accelerometer (for linear position) gyroscope (angular position) a miniature computer (to integrate all the information).

As INS uses the previous position to find the current position, any error in determining a position will cause error in determining the subsequent positions. For this a cross check using external systems are used. Like, at particular points, the position given by the INS is compared to the position given by a GPS and correction to the INS is made.

INS systems are widely used in commercial aircrafts, where the pilots enters a series of waypoints between the starting point and destination, the autopilot system along with INS then flies the aircraft almost automatically.

(to be Contd)

@Abingdonboy and others: kindly go through the above post and point out any mistakes or corrections to be made.

Looks like the flux capacitor:) Anyone form the eighties will know what i mean:)

Back to the Future....................................................:crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot:
. .
these?? them?
You've confused me. :)

Well I might be wrong but as far as I know its the INS which has the larger role to play, each INS has 3 accelerators and 3 ring laser gyroscopes and they 're oriented along each of the three axis (x,y,z) of the airplane, so it does consider all the 3 dimensions.Initially only a coarse vertical is established. And once vertical is established, the laser gyro senses earth rate components, which are used to establish the heading of the airplane. As the alignment continues, both the vertical reference and the heading determinations are fine tuned for maximum accuracy.
And its the software that does all the computations, including compensations, navigational calculations, and coordinate transformations. Gyro and accelerometer outputs are compensated for sensor bias, scale factor, misalignment, and thermal changes. The compensated signals are used in computing airplane pitch, roll and heading relative to the local navigation coordinates.
The inertial system display unit (ISDU) provides pilot interface with the Inertial reference units. The display of track angle, ground speed, present position, wind direction and speed, heading and system status is available in ISDU.

INS \ IRS are systems that are used for navigation. Where as ISDU is just the display that will show the present position and wind direction and speed.

What is the purpose of the gyro is to determine that the aircraft is not in a role\dive\climb. If this is coupled with the altitude hold then it is going to maintain the hight . If now you couple it up with Auto Pilot then it is going to fly straight and maintain wings level. Now you can further add other stuff to this and it would do other things but that is where FMS (Flight Management System) and Auto Throttle come in which have completely different working.

The issue is that this gyroscope is made on the principle of laser technology which according to the picture (see below) does not make sence. It clearly shows that there are two different light beams and where they intercept at that point there is the read out detector.


Hence the above mentioned questions still remain valid and unanswered.
How are they going to balance the light beams because a normal gyroscope is kept in a solution so that it can work in 3 dimensions? Moreover can the light beams be controlled i.e increase or decrease the number of light beam frequency because doppler frequencies can be reduced or increased to find the target range and size.
INS \ IRS are systems that are used for navigation. Where as ISDU is just the display that will show the present position and wind direction and speed.

What is the purpose of the gyro is to determine that the aircraft is not in a role\dive\climb. If this is coupled with the altitude hold then it is going to maintain the hight . If now you couple it up with Auto Pilot then it is going to fly straight and maintain wings level. Now you can further add other stuff to this and it would do other things but that is where FMS (Flight Management System) and Auto Throttle come in which have completely different working.

The issue is that this gyroscope is made on the principle of laser technology which according to the picture (see below) does not make sence. It clearly shows that there are two different light beams and where they intercept at that point there is the read out detector.

View attachment 182142

Hence the above mentioned questions still remain valid and unanswered.

www.TheAirlinePilots.com :: View topic - Ring Laser Gyros
INS \ IRS are systems that are used for navigation. Where as ISDU is just the display that will show the present position and wind direction and speed.

What is the purpose of the gyro is to determine that the aircraft is not in a role\dive\climb. If this is coupled with the altitude hold then it is going to maintain the hight . If now you couple it up with Auto Pilot then it is going to fly straight and maintain wings level. Now you can further add other stuff to this and it would do other things but that is where FMS (Flight Management System) and Auto Throttle come in which have completely different working.

The issue is that this gyroscope is made on the principle of laser technology which according to the picture (see below) does not make sence. It clearly shows that there are two different light beams and where they intercept at that point there is the read out detector.

View attachment 182142

Hence the above mentioned questions still remain valid and unanswered.
The light beams that you see are nothing but a single light beam split into two. The very principle of Ring laser gyroscope is based on this.


is that your article?? If so I am going to nominate it for best article competition.

yes you'd guessed it right, my blog does have what you wanted. But I've just begun blogging. lol
. .
Inertial Navigation System (INS)-For Beginners by a begineer!

Inertial Navigation System is a type of navigation system, used to guide aircrafts, guided missiles etc. There are many other types of guidance systems also, like radar guidance, satellite guidance etc.

For navigation, the current position of the object has to be determined. This involves finding the linear and angular positions of the object.

Linear positioning means, determining the object’s movement forward or backward, up or down, right or left (in straight lines;hence the name linear). Angular positioning means finding the object’s movement in the roll, pitch and yaw axis.

View attachment 182054

Fig:Linear positioning

View attachment 182055

Fig:Angular Position

In other types of navigations, usually the current position of the object is determined with the help of external means, for example, in radar navigation, a radar constantly tracks the object, and the position is send to the object.

The problem here is , constant sending and receiving from an external element is required. Any block in this sending and receiving will result in trouble. Intentional blocking of signals is a major problem incase of missiles where the enemy can block external signals, like radar signals or by destroying GPS satelites.

This is where INS comes in handy. Inertial Navigation System is completely self sufficient i.e it can operate without the help of an external element. For this, INS uses a method called “dead reckoning”.

In dead reckoning, the current position of an object is calculated from the previous known position. For example, imagine a boy cycling from a position A to position B which are 5 km apart. Please note that p positions A and B are already known

View attachment 182056

The starting position, A is known here. Then the boy cycles down at 5 kmph to the point O, makes a turn and reaches point B. There are instruments to measure speed, change in direction etc. So the instruments measure a forward motion from A to O, a left turn, and forward motion from O to B all at a speed of 5 kmph for one hour.

Using the starting point A and the feedback from instruments measuring speed, change in linear and angular directions, the current position is determined as Point B.

INS basically is the combination of the instruments to measure the speed, positions and a computer to combine and process the information from the instruments.

Imagine a missile is to be send from Kerala to New Delhi. The starting point is Kerala and ending point is New Delhi. The entire path is then divided into a series of Waypoints i.e points in between starting and ending points.

View attachment 182057

The coordinates of the waypoints are already fed into the computers before the launch. So the missiles launches from kerala flies to Tamil Nadu, then to Goa , then to Rajasthan and finally to New Delhi. Simply said, each time the missile reaches a way point, the INS determines missile’s current position and tells it to the main computer which changes the course to the next waypoint.

The common instruments used include a accelerometer (for linear position) gyroscope (angular position) a miniature computer (to integrate all the information).

As INS uses the previous position to find the current position, any error in determining a position will cause error in determining the subsequent positions. For this a cross check using external systems are used. Like, at particular points, the position given by the INS is compared to the position given by a GPS and correction to the INS is made.

INS systems are widely used in commercial aircrafts, where the pilots enters a series of waypoints between the starting point and destination, the autopilot system along with INS then flies the aircraft almost automatically.

(to be Contd)

@Abingdonboy and others: kindly go through the above post and point out any mistakes or corrections to be made.

Back to the Future....................................................:crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot:

@Slav Defence
can the quoted post (which is an article by @acetophenol ) be considered for best writer contest???
. .
@levina is this article being written by @acetophenol?

Not the OP but the post that I had quoted .I am requoting it here again.He has to finish it though. I'm sure @acetophenol can email you as soon as he completes it.
Inertial Navigation System (INS)-For Beginners by a begineer!

Inertial Navigation System is a type of navigation system, used to guide aircrafts, guided missiles etc. There are many other types of guidance systems also, like radar guidance, satellite guidance etc.

For navigation, the current position of the object has to be determined. This involves finding the linear and angular positions of the object.

Linear positioning means, determining the object’s movement forward or backward, up or down, right or left (in straight lines;hence the name linear). Angular positioning means finding the object’s movement in the roll, pitch and yaw axis.

View attachment 182054

Fig:Linear positioning

View attachment 182055

Fig:Angular Position

In other types of navigations, usually the current position of the object is determined with the help of external means, for example, in radar navigation, a radar constantly tracks the object, and the position is send to the object.

The problem here is , constant sending and receiving from an external element is required. Any block in this sending and receiving will result in trouble. Intentional blocking of signals is a major problem incase of missiles where the enemy can block external signals, like radar signals or by destroying GPS satelites.

This is where INS comes in handy. Inertial Navigation System is completely self sufficient i.e it can operate without the help of an external element. For this, INS uses a method called “dead reckoning”.

In dead reckoning, the current position of an object is calculated from the previous known position. For example, imagine a boy cycling from a position A to position B which are 5 km apart. Please note that p positions A and B are already known

View attachment 182056

The starting position, A is known here. Then the boy cycles down at 5 kmph to the point O, makes a turn and reaches point B. There are instruments to measure speed, change in direction etc. So the instruments measure a forward motion from A to O, a left turn, and forward motion from O to B all at a speed of 5 kmph for one hour.

Using the starting point A and the feedback from instruments measuring speed, change in linear and angular directions, the current position is determined as Point B.

INS basically is the combination of the instruments to measure the speed, positions and a computer to combine and process the information from the instruments.

Imagine a missile is to be send from Kerala to New Delhi. The starting point is Kerala and ending point is New Delhi. The entire path is then divided into a series of Waypoints i.e points in between starting and ending points.

View attachment 182057

The coordinates of the waypoints are already fed into the computers before the launch. So the missiles launches from kerala flies to Tamil Nadu, then to Goa , then to Rajasthan and finally to New Delhi. Simply said, each time the missile reaches a way point, the INS determines missile’s current position and tells it to the main computer which changes the course to the next waypoint.

The common instruments used include a accelerometer (for linear position) gyroscope (angular position) a miniature computer (to integrate all the information).

As INS uses the previous position to find the current position, any error in determining a position will cause error in determining the subsequent positions. For this a cross check using external systems are used. Like, at particular points, the position given by the INS is compared to the position given by a GPS and correction to the INS is made.

INS systems are widely used in commercial aircrafts, where the pilots enters a series of waypoints between the starting point and destination, the autopilot system along with INS then flies the aircraft almost automatically.

(to be Contd)
Yeah, I wrote it :bounce:! I figured out writing things articles like these is a good way to study things, once we write it down, we won't forget them easily.:crazy_pilot:
Very well then si
Not the OP but the post that I had quoted .I am requoting it here again.He has to finish it though. I'm sure @acetophenol can email you as soon as he completes it.
Tell him to make suggestions in this article as well.His personal remarks about and probable modifications. Then nobody can defeat him -
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