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The Most powerful country in Islamic world

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What is Pakistan's problem with Israel? Why should Israel attack Pakistan?

According to Jewish Chronicle of August 9, 1967, David Bengurian, the first Israeli Prime Minister, saw a grave danger posed by Pakistan in the following terms:-
"The world Zionism/Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological state is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates Jews and loves Arabs. This lover of Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world of Zionism that it should take immediate steps against Pakistan "...then pointing to Indo-Israeli Alliance, he said: "Whereas the inhabitants of Indian Peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred, against Muslims, throughout history, like those of the Christians of Spain, that they had demonstrated in 1492, by eliminating all of them, after they had ruled them for over Eight Centuries; therefore, India is the most important country that provides the best base for us, after Spain, to work therefrom, against Pakistan. It is important for us that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans". (Dawn, December 6, 1983 Karachi).
We can take on India though and maybe Israel. But i agree with most of the members here that we should remain neutral when it comes to Israel. All we should do is keep a low profile and keep building our economy and stay out of the Arab Israeli conflict.
The most powerfull country in the muslim world is without a doudt turkey. In the future i think it will play a much bigger role in the muslim world compared to what its doing now. This will all happen when they get the boot from the EU. So as far as i am concerned kudoos to turkey

Pakistan can not challange Israel it is like a mini US only thing different is that they have less land mass. Turkey is a very close ally of Israel and Turkey buys Israeli tech, hence why the US still allows Turkey to Build the F-16. The Turkish will never side with the Arabs they hate them as the Arabs betrayed the Turks. You have not been to Turkey, if you did you would have seen why they wont get kicked from the EU they are already NATO members they are inches away from becoming full EU memebers, Turkey is partaily EU and ASIA/Middle East thats the problem. However, Israel is in the Middle East but is regarded as a EU member.

Turkey does not care what the muslims do it really doesnt care at all.
Turkey wont ge tinto the EU beucase of the Armenian question.
Really? Then how did USN planes and USAF planes out of Diego Garcia get to Afghanistan? Mussariff even said the choice he was given was war or alliance and KSA wasn't going to lift a finger to stop us. 19 of the Hijakcers were saudi's and they had thier own problems to deal with. Pakistan folded like a kicked dog, and it was both the honorable and right thing to do.

Do you really think that KSA does not have any influence over US. You really have to read history, the US will defend KSA they have there bases to protect the KSA, and I didn't say they will lift a finger I said they stop the export of Oil. Those air strikes were coordinated by Pakistan as the US seeks intel help from the Pakistanis. I am just talking about if the US wanted to Attack Pakistan it would have encountered many problems and not only KSA I mean many problems.
That may be true as far as AQ goes, but the taliban is Pakistan's ISI child.

And you don't know what your talking about the government of Benezir was giving money to assist the TB by the US and it was only the US who was paying the ISI to get the TB to have a government. The reason was Oil as usual the pipe line that Haliburton and the Bushes wanted through Afganistan to Pakistan, the bullying by the US to take the Pipe. Benezir ignored it and didn't want the proposistion of the pipeline, she instead asked Iran and India to setup a deal of the gas pipe line.

Sigh, if your ignorant of history how can you understand current events? Slavery in the Ottoman empire did not offically die out until 1909 a mere 5 years beofre WW1 and less than 10 years befor ethe Empire fell. Unoffically slavery was never abandoned and former parts of the empire like KSA practice it today. More importantly it was Arab slavers who introduced the idea of African slavery to Europeans.

You are delusional, you keep pointing the finger towards the Arabs but your crazy. The muslim empire never had slave trade it is forbiden, the muslim generals and calphis were Black! The african slave trade you need to read history, the slave trade was created by the europeans.
How the hell do u know it was unofficial or official. Do you ever hear injustice against blacks by the muslims? Malcolm X the notorious leader of th Black liberation was a muslim becaue every body knew that muslim had great black leaders. The muslims did not have Klu Klux or slave ships.

From the Islamic explosion out of Arabia following the death of Mohammed there has not been 2 consecutive generations worth of peace between the West and Islam, thats over 1000 years of war.

Who do u want to blame this for?

do you really want a list of just the conflicts since 1946 that involved islam soemthign like 70% of all the wars fought have at thier base a religious aspect pitting islam vs some other faith. denying this huge amount of conflict means the root cause will never be adressed, same as always blaming the khafir's for starting it and ignoring Muslim complicity in their own behaviour.

That would be your imagenary list and you can post it but then again you never answered my reply to who has been at war.

Pakistan ecomomy 423 billion, defense spending 4.3 billion 10% No that would be 1 percent
KSA economy 374 billion, defense spending 18 billion 5% 4.8 percent
Russia economy 1.72 trillion defense spendign 60 billion 3.4%
USA econ0omy 13.26 trillion defense spending 630 billion 5.1% 4.75 percent we spend more overall beucase we can but we spend less percentage of our GDP than Pakistan and many other countries do. And our spending doesn't negatively hit our civillian sectors like Russia so who is over spending?

And you dont know basic maths and those numbers are made up as the current GDP's are different. So to recap the statement you made is baseless.
Turkey wont ge tinto the EU beucase of the Armenian question.

Turkey is a member of the EU, Istambul is under EU. The Turkish want whole of Turkey to be in EU. I could the ask the same question why is Germany and Italy allowed to join after all they they cooperated in the WW2 and the loss of nearly 100 million people compared to the Armenian question.
When the Portuguese first sailed down the Atlantic coast of Africa in the 1430's, they were interested in one thing. Surprisingly, given modern perspectives, it was not slaves but gold. Ever since Mansa Musa, the king of Mali, made his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1325, with 500 slaves and 100 camels (each carrying gold) the region had become synonymous with such wealth. There was one major problem: trade from sub-Saharan Africa was controlled by the Islamic Empire which stretched along Africa's northern coast. Muslim trade routes across the Sahara, which had existed for centuries, involved salt, kola, textiles, fish, grain, and slaves.

As the Portuguese extended their influence around the coast, Mauritania, Senagambia (by 1445) and Guinea, they created trading posts. Rather than becoming direct competitors to the Muslim merchants, the expanding market opportunities in Europe and the Mediterranean resulted in increased trade across the Sahara. In addition, the Portuguese merchants gained access to the interior via the Senegal and Gambia rivers which bisected long-standing trans-Saharan routes.

The Portuguese brought in copper ware, cloth, tools, wine and horses. (Trade goods soon included arms and ammunition.) In exchange, the Portuguese received gold (transported from mines of the Akan deposits), pepper (a trade which lasted until Vasco da Gama reached India in 1498) and ivory.

There was a very small market for African slaves as domestic workers in Europe, and as workers on the sugar plantations of the Mediterranean. However, the Portuguese found they could make considerable amounts of gold transporting slaves from one trading post to another, along the Atlantic coast of Africa. Muslim merchants had an insatiable appetite for slaves, which were used as porters on the trans-Saharan routes (with a high mortality rate), and for sale in the Islamic Empire.

The Portuguese found Muslim merchants entrenched along the African coast as far as the Blight of Benin. The slave coast, as the Blight of Benin was known, was reached by the Portuguese at the start of the 1470's. It was not until they reached the Kongo coast in the 1480's that they outdistanced Muslim trading territory.

The first of the major European trading 'forts', Elmina, was founded on the Gold Coast in 1482. Elmina (originally known as Sao Jorge de Mina) was modelled on the Castello de Sao Jorge, the first of the Portuguese Royal residence in Lisbon. Elmina, which of course, means the mine, became a major trading centre for slaves purchased along the slave rivers of Benin.

By the beginning of the colonial era there were forty such forts operating along the coast. Rather than being icons of colonial domination, the forts acted as trading posts - they rarely saw military action - the fortifications were important, however, when arms and ammunition were being stored prior to trade.

Source: Transformations in Slavery by Paul E. Lovejoy
Cambridge University Press, 2000,
ISBN 0-521-78430-1
Derived from tables: 2.1 and 3.1


he history of the slave trade has given rise to numerous debates amongst historians. For one thing, specialists are undecided on the number of Africans taken from their homes; this is difficult to resolve because of a lack of reliable statistics: there was no census system in medieval Africa. Archival material for the transatlantic trade in the 16th to 18th centuries may seem useful as a source, yet these record books were often falsified. Historians have to use imprecise narrative documents to make estimates which must be treated with caution: Luiz Felipe de Alencastro[6] states that there were 8 million slaves taken from Africa between the 8th and 19th centuries along the Oriental and the Trans-Saharan routes. Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau has put forward a figure of 17 million African people enslaved (in the same period and from the same area) on the basis of Ralph Austen's work.[7] Paul Bairoch suggests a figure of 25 million African people subjected to the Arab slave trade, as against 11 million that arrived in the Americas from the transatlantic slave trade.[8] Owen 'Alik Shahadah author of African Holocaust (audio documentary), puts the figure at 10 million and argues that the trade only boomed in the 18th century, prior to this the trade was "a trickle trade" and that exaggerated numbers have been claimed in order to de-emphasize the Transatlantic trade. [9].


The Indian Ocean Slave trade evolved around the Indian Ocean basin. Slaves were taken from mainland East Africa and sold in markets in On the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf. In contrast to the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, the Indian Ocean Slave Trade was much older dating back from at least the second century C.E. until the early twentieth century. For example, the oldest written document from the East Africa Coast, thePleriplus of the Erythraean Sea, describes a small trade in slaves around the second century C.E.


Due to the enormous length of the Arab Slave Trade, from 700 to 1911AD, it is impossible to be certain of the numbers of Africans sold in this system. Estimates place the numbers somewhere around 14 million: at least 9.6 million African women and 4.4 African men.

It has been estimated that in all, at least 14 to 20 MILLION African men, women and children died throughout this trade. (Photos and Information courtesy of The Black Holocaust for Beginners by SE Anderson, A Pictorial History of the Slave Trade, Slave Trade of Eastern Africa by Beachy, Slavery in the Arab World by Gordon Murray and Africa in History by Basil Davidson)


Who do u want to blame this for?

Well it was Islam that invaded Christendom and started thjis never ending war. So what exaclty makes the West warring on islam wrong and Islam warring on the west right?

Your the one who is delusional you dont even know your own religion

he major juristic schools of Islam traditionally accepted the institution of slavery.[1] Muhammad and many of his companions bought, sold, freed, and captured slaves. Slaves benefited from Islamic dispensations which improved their situation relative to that in pre-Islamic society.[1][2] At the end of 19th century a shift in Muslim thought and interpretation of the Qur'an occurred, and slavery is widely viewed to be opposed to Islamic principles of justice and equality.[3] This interpretation has not been accepted by Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia.[4]

In Islamic law, the topic of Islam and slavery is covered at great length.[1] The Qur'an and the hadith consider manumission of a slave to be a meritorious deed, and see slavery as an exceptional circumstance - a condition that can be entered into only under certain limited circumstances.[4] For a variety of reasons, internal growth of the slave population was not enough to fulfill the demand in Muslim society. This resulted in massive importation, which involved enormous suffering and loss of life from the capture and transportation of slaves from non-Muslim lands.[5] In theory, slavery in Islamic law does not have a racial or color component, although this has not always been the case in practice.[6]

The Arab slave trade was most active in eastern Africa, and by the end of the 19th century such activity had reached a low ebb. In the early 20th century (post World War I) slavery was gradually outlawed and suppressed in Muslim lands, largely due to pressure exerted by Western nations such as Britain and France.[4] However, slavery claiming the sanction of Islam is documented presently in the African republics of Chad, Mauritania and the Sudan.[7][8][9]

Traditional Islamic jurisprudence

[edit] Principles

In Islamic jurisprudence, slavery was an exceptional condition, with the general rule being a presumption of freedom (al-'asl huwa 'l-hurriya — "The basic principle is liberty") for a person if his or her origins were unknown[4], though enslavement was sanctioned by God as punishment for unbelief.[29] Lawful enslavement was restricted to two instances: capture in war (on the condition that the prisoner is not a Muslim), or birth in slavery. Islamic law did not recognize the classes of slave from pre-Islamic Arabia including those sold or given into slavery by themselves and others, and those indebted into slavery.[4] Though a free Muslim could not be enslaved, conversion to Islam by a non-Muslim slave did not require that he or she then should be liberated. Slave status was not affected by conversion to Islam.[30]

[edit] Treatment

In the instance of illness it would be required for the slave to be looked after. Manumission is considered a meritorious act. Based on the Quranic verse (24:33), the Islamic law permits a slave to ransom himself upon consent of his master through a contract known as mukataba.[4] Azizah Y. al-Hibri, a professor of Law specializing in Islamic jurispundence, states that both the Qur’an and Hadith are repeatedly exhorting Muslims to treat the slaves well and that Muhammad showed this both in action and in words.[31] Levy concurs, adding that "cruelty to them was forbidden."[32] Al-Hibri quotes the famous last speech of Muhammad and other hadiths emphasizing that all believers, whether free or enslaved, are siblings.[31] Lewis explains, "the humanitarian tendency of the Qur'an and the early caliphs in the Islamic empire, was to some extent counteracted by other influences,"[1] notably the practice of various conquered people and countries Muslims encountered, especially in provinces previously under Roman law (even the Christianized form of slavery was still harsh in its treatment of slaves). In spite of this, Lewis also states, "Islamic practice still represented a vast improvement on that inherited from antiquity, from Rome, and from Byzantium."[1] Murray Gordon writes: "It was not surprising that Muhammed, who accepted the existing sociopolitical order, looked upon slavery as part of the natural order of things. His approach to what was already an age-old institution was reformist and not revolutionary. The Prophet had not in mind to bring about the abolition of slavery. Rather, his purpose was to improve the conditions of slaves by correcting abuses and appealing to the conscience of his followers to treat them humanely."[33] The adoption of slaves as members of the family was common, according to Levy. If a slave was born and brought and brought up in the master's household he was never sold, except in exceptional circumstances.[32]

[edit] Legal status
A boy slave in the slave trade market of Zanzibar punished by chaining to a 32 pound log. c.1890. From the Moresby Treaty of 1822, slave trade through Zanzibar became exclusive to Arab and Islamic traders as the sale of slaves to European powers had become illegal
A boy slave in the slave trade market of Zanzibar punished by chaining to a 32 pound log. c.1890. From the Moresby Treaty of 1822, slave trade through Zanzibar became exclusive to Arab and Islamic traders as the sale of slaves to European powers had become illegal[34][35]

Within Islamic jurisprudence, slaves were excluded from religious office of from any office involving jurisdiction over others.[36] Freed slaves are able to occupy any office within the Islamic government, and instances of this in history include the Mamluk who ruled Egypt for almost 260 years and the Eunuchs (castrated human males) who have held military and administrative positions of note.[37] With the permission of their owners they are able to marry.[38] Annemarie Schimmel, a contemporary scholar on Islamic civilization, asserts that because the status of slave under Islam could only be obtained through either being a prisoner of war (this was soon restricted only to infidels captured in a holy war)[1] or born from slave parents, slavery would be theoretically abolished with the expansion of Islam.[37] Islam's reforms stipulating the conditions of enslavement seriously limited the supply of new slaves.[1] In the early days of Islam, a plentiful supply of new slaves were brought due to rapid conquest and expansion. But as the frontiers were gradually stabilized, this supply dwindled to a mere trickle. The prisoners of later wars between Muslims and Christians were commonly ransomed or exchanged.

According to Lewis, this reduction resulted in Arabs who wanted slaves having to look elsewhere to avoid the restrictions in the Qur'an, meaning an increase of importing of slaves from non-Muslim lands,[39] primarily from Africa. These slaves suffered a high death toll.[39][1] Patrick Manning states that Islamic legislations against the abuse of the slaves convincingly limited the extent of enslavement in Arabian peninsula and to a lesser degree for the whole area of the whole Umayyad Caliphate where slavery had existed since the most ancient times. He however notes that with the passage of time and the extension of Islam, Islam by recognizing and codifying the slavery seems to have done more to protect and expand slavery than the reverse.[40]

In theory free-born Muslims could not be enslaved, and the only way that a non-Muslim could be enslaved was being captured in the course of holy war.[41] (In early Islam, neither a Muslim nor a Christian or Jew could be enslaved.[42]) Slavery was also perceived as a means of converting non-Muslims to Islam: A task of the masters was religious instruction. Conversion and assimilation into the society of the master didn't automatically lead to emancipation, though there was normally some guarantee of better treatment and was deemed a prerequisite for emancipation.[43] The majority of Sunni authorities approved the manumission of all the "People of the Book". According to some jurists -especially among the Shi’a- only Muslim slaves should be liberated.[44] In practice, traditional propagators of Islam in Africa often revealed a cautious attitude towards proselytizing because of its effect in reducing the potential reservoir of slaves.[45]

[edit] Rights and restrictions

"Morally as well as physically the slave is regarded in law as an inferior being," Levy writes.[46] Under Islamic law, a slave possesses a composite quality of being both a person and a possession.[4] The slave is entitled to receive sustenance from the master, which includes shelter, food, clothing, and medical attention. It is a requirement for this sustenance to be of the same standard generally found in the locality and it is also recommended for the slave to have the same standard of food and clothing as the master. If the master refuses to provide the required sustenance, the slave may complain to a judge, who may then penalize the master through sale of her or his goods as necessary for the slave's keep. If the master does not have sufficient wealth to facilitate this, she or he must either sell, hire out, or manumit the slave as ordered. Slaves also have the right to a period of rest during the hottest parts of the day during the summer.[47]

Evidence from slaves is rarely viable in a court of law. As slaves are regarded as inferior in Islamic law, death at the hands of a free man does not require that the latter be killed in retaliation.[48] The killer must pay the slave's master compensation equivalent to the slave's value, as opposed to blood-money. At the same time, slaves themselves possess a lessened responsibility for their actions, and receive half the penalty required upon a free man. For example: where a free slave would be subject to a hundred lashes due to pre-marital relations, a slave would be subject to only fifty. Slaves are allowed to marry only with the owner's consent. Jurists differ over how many wives a slave may possess, with the Hanafi and Shafi'i schools allowing them two, and the Maliki school allowing four. Slaves are not permitted to possess or inherit property, or conduct independent business, and may conduct financial dealings only as a representative of the master. Offices of authority are generally not permitted for slaves, though a slave may act as a the leader (Imam) in the congregational prayers, and he may also act as a subordinate officer in the governmental department of revenue.[4][49] Masters may sell, bequeath, give away, pledge, hire out or compel them to earn money.[50]

By the view of some madh'hab (but not others), a master may compel his/her slave(s) to marriage and determine the identity of their marriage partner(s)[51][52]

The mahr that is given for marriage to a female slave is taken by her owner, whereas all other women possess it absolutely for themselves[53]


How much evidence do you need?
Bias and baseless to the matter, the africans in fact every country that was under european rule was in slavery that is a Fact! Wiki is a bias site u can change the views so I wont accept the Wiki statements.

Just copy and paste bias statements.
Not all the info is from wiki, the stuff from wiki is also sourced and cited. So I guess its a giant conspiracy on the part of whites. Talk about sneaky, when western Europe was locked in the dark ages and thiught the world was flat hundreds of years before Marco Polo "discovered" China they managed to get a Indian Ocean slave trade conspiracy started and not only that they got Muslkim authors and leading religious figures to join the conspiracy. Deny it all you want but Islam is no more pure or right than any other faith what ever its intentions it is still a religion of humans the most wicked of Gods creations.

The big threat to islam is not America or Christianity, but ignorant people like you who hold to some idealised fairy tale version of history that whitewashes the bloodstains and tears stains with some BS.

There are people on this site I will probalby always dissagree with, but they at least know how to argue and we do point counter point, there are others on this site whose words i will probalby take at face value beucase the've earned that level of trust with either ofthose groups thier is a certain level of respect that extends past the religious and national/cultural differances. And then thier are people like you- with yuor fantasy's of s Super caliphate tossing nukes around like water balloons who are so caught up in delusion that you do not realize war kills.

I tried to be polite and get that point across earlier, imortalizing and idolising the nutjob murderers in Iraq who are keeping 26 million Iraqies locked in a cycle of violence is stupid.
What god damn conspiracy is this of Wiki,

This cant be true the Muslims are the biggest colonial power in the whole world, the map is bias I cant agree with this because zraver showed me that the Muslims were the straters of the slave trade and thus the colonial empire.
I would not say they are the biggest colonial power, just that they are the ones who instatunionalised the African slave trade. Its not a conspiracy its history, and the HISTORY of man is bloody and cruel. My own nation the the worlds moral leader played a part in the extermination of millions and enslavement of millions more. The differanc eis of course that my fellow countrymen are delaing with our past not denying it.

Also that map is not real, it appears to be related to the popular series of books written by Harry Turtledove that offer an altenrantive history whee the Confederae States of America won the American Civil War
I can say that the Wiki source is is bias because muslims when practicing there religion 5 times a day ever day, are always saying that God is mighty and there is no other god except god, god is one and god does not have any parent, brothers, sisters, daugher and sons he is all alone you should fear god. And so on. The people who inslave others think they are the alpha dominant and second to god on earth.
its not bias read the history of the Janissary and Mamluke


The first Janissary units comprised war captives and slaves, selecting one in five for enrollment in the ranks (Pencik rule). After the 1380s Sultan Mehmet I filled their ranks with the results of taxation in human form called devshirmeh: the Sultan’s men conscripted a number of non-Muslim, usually Christian Balkan boys, taken at birth at first at random, later, by strict selection – to be trained. Initially they favoured Greeks, Albanians (who also supplied many gendarmes), and Bulgarians, usually selecting about one boy from forty houses, but the numbers could be changed to correspond with the need for soldiers. Boys aged 14-18 were preferred, though ages 8-20 could be taken. Greeks formed a large part of the Janissary units. Next the devshirmeh was extended to also include Serbs, Croats and other Balkan countries, later especially Ukraine and southern Russia. The Janissaries started accepting enrollment from outside the devshirmeh system first during the reign of Sultan Murad III (1546-1595) and completely stopped enrolling devshirmeh in 17th century. After this period, volunteers were enrolled, mostly of Muslim origin.


The first mamluks served the Abbasid caliphs in 9th century Baghdad. The Abbasids recruited them mainly from areas near the Caucasus (mainly Circassian and Georgian) and in areas north of the Black Sea (mainly Turkic, most of whom were Kipchak Turks). Most of the captured were of non-Muslim origin. The mamluks were often sold into slavery by impoverished steppe families or kidnapped by slave-traders.

The mamluke system gave rulers troops who had no link to any established power structure. The local warriors were often more loyal to their tribal sheiks, their families or nobles other than the sultan or caliph. If some commander conspired against the ruler, it was often not possible to deal with him without causing unrest among the nobility. The slave-troops were strangers of the lowest possible status who could not conspire against the ruler and who could easily be punished if they caused trouble, making them a great military asset. Mamluks were frequently used as mercenaries.

You can't deny the Mamlukes or Jannisary troops they are an undeniable historical fact.

The sad thing is while every faith on earth practiced slavery at some point, parts of Islam still do.

ready for a question that will cook your noggin?

You said-
I can say that the Wiki source is is bias because muslims when practicing there religion 5 times a day ever day, are always saying that God is mighty and there is no other god except god, god is one and god does not have any parent, brothers, sisters, daugher and sons

Prove it with out using a logical fallacy. Islam like any religion is only as valid as the faith of the beleiver. Now is God one or Many? My personal faith says he is a singular being but I can't prove it. Unable to support my posistion with fact and testable hypothesis I cannot make a blanket claim that my understanding of God is correct. Since I cannot prove that I am right, at best all I can do is disprove certain fallacies many faiths contain.

Somethings to avoid in saying these diuscussions becuase they are unprovable fallacies

My religion is right- prove it

God said ___________- prove it

God is "insert bias or favoritism" - prove it

If you can master logical discourse and logical argument styles your faith will be tested, if its a real faith it will grow stronger as you mature. If it is nothing more than rote recipe it will wane and die and will be replaced by something else, may be a real faith in something maybe even Islam and maybe (hopefully not) like far to many people it will be replaced by selfish pursuits entirely. Who among us can say we don't play God far more often than we pray to God.

However, no matter what you choose, stop automatically discouting everyting that doesn't fit your neat little world view, educating you has taken this thread way to far off topic.
Dont get me wrong here i am really getting into the discussion but why are we discussing slavery rather than the matter at hand.
It all started with the colonailism as stated by zraver, he claims with his Wiki sources that islam allows slavery and but has laws to make there life better.

He also claims that Pakistan spends $42.3 billion on defence budget which is 10% of $423 billion.

He says that his Wiki sources have found the first criminals who created the slave trade and that would be the Arabs of course, the Muslims. Were the pioneers of slave trade they had harbours all over the world and traded humans for gold.

Yeah right!
Why are we discussing colonialism and slavery, offtopic! :confused:
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