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The Most powerful country in Islamic world

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^ Do you work for RAW and where did you grew?????
As a long time PLA watcher, let me give you a piece of advice, do NOT subscribe to opinions that cannot be readily be backed up by open sources ... unless you know the person personally and can vouch for his credentials and even then, keep your mouth shut. The person tells you in confidence and expects you to keep things in confidence.

That being said, there are no open sources supporting your claim that Pakistan is capable of 50 nukes a year or has started an ICBM program or a MIRV program.

Don't try to quote secret programs because if they're secret, you should not be hearing about them at all.
well friend without bringing thier aircraft carrier in pakistani missile range they cannot attack pakistan. what do you expect from their lammb army, a ground invasion, no man never. thier attack will be from aircraft carrier. and asa for as air defence is concerned i think thier is no air defence to cruise missile and for your kind information pakistan has cruise missiles which are not scud
Regarding attack without the use of Aircraft Carriers:

You forgot about the long range strategic bombers of USAF, that can be used by them without the support from Aircraft Carrier Groups.

The 3 most notable USAF Bombers are:

A) B-52 Stratofortress
B) B-2 Spirit
C) B-1B Lancer

Also as Neo pointed out, US Bombers can be armed with Cruise Missiles as well.

Additionally, USAF has excellent Mid Air Refuelling capabilities. This will help them a lot in case of sending Jet Fighters to strike from a long distance.

Regarding Cruise Missiles:

I agree that Cruise Missiles are far more effective then Ballistic Missiles in combat situations but what you forgot to consider was the range of our Cruise Missile.

Our Cruise Missile "Babur" has a max range of 600 KM. Now the max range of a Tomahawk Cruise Missile is 1600 KM and it can be further increased. Now you do the math?

PAC 3 vs Cruise Missile:

Also the PAC 3 System has the capability to destroy Cruise Missiles as well.

Source: Click!

And here is another source: Click!
and in last pakistan is working on icbm. you know that pakistan cannot disclose its secret. and after aqquiring them i think that 10 nuclear tipped missile on american territory the job is done. i know that it is much difficult to do but we will do that.
We do not have a ICBM yet. When we will have one, then we will talk about it.

MAD Doctrine i.e mutual assured destruction . eighting with a super power you have to acknowledge that we will be nuked but will take many with ourselves. now told me that after that much damage do you still think that america will be super power. and told me if i have posted some unlogical thing.
I have already pointed out before that US does not needs to get even close to Pakistan to attack. They can attack us with their long range weapons with ease. We cannot harm them because they will be not in our range and they have the technological means to strike from long distance.
for israel , yes they have nukes but they dont have the 2nd strike capability. what do you thnk the the souls of israel will use nukes against us after destuction.

What makes you think Israel does not have 2nd strike capability?

You aren't the only person to think about what would happen if Israel was nuke.
Israelis second strike is America
enuff said !
well my friend legend, i know that they have longe range bombers and excellent mid refuel capability but why you dont understand that will not harm pakistan . these strikes will be as effective as they will want to be. and remember that any country will not allow usa to use there bases against pakistan including india except those who already has american bases. and destroying pakistan with ballistic missiles , very funny . pakistan is not maldives. and remember that pakistan is getting FT-2000 longe range sam which have the capaility to shoot down all the bombers you mentioned from china. with aircraft carrier standing thousands miles away will not accomplsh thier job. so if they have to attack pakistan the only option is the to destroy the basic militiary infrastructure through pre emptive strikes . remember they cannot afford ground invasion before the all militiary might has gone. And remember that after establishing stratigic force command, pakistani nukes are not the reactors that they will destroy it by airstrikes or by ballistic missiles . so they will have to brought up thier carriers in our missile range. as for as countering the ballistic missiles is concerned remeber that pakistan has got mirv on shaheen 2 missile . check it on the home page of this website. after all the accuracy rate of even pac-3 is not that much firing 10 misssiles if half are abe to penetrate , the job is done. And countering the cruise is far away from possibility. and also remember that pakistan is getting submarine version of cruise. so a pakistani submarine with nukes sailing around american harbor. what do you think about that. please dont underestimate yourselve. we are able to use MOD
well know a personal question. how can i create an account in pakistanidefence forum .the email i give to them ,they do not accept that . "the board donot except this email" . so please any one who can teach me the procedure. i will be very thankfull to him.
well my friend legend, i know that they have longe range bombers and excellent mid refuel capability but why you dont understand that will not harm pakistan . these strikes will be as effective as they will want to be. and remember that any country will not allow usa to use there bases against pakistan including india except those who already has american bases. and destroying pakistan with ballistic missiles , very funny . pakistan is not maldives. and remember that pakistan is getting FT-2000 longe range sam which have the capaility to shoot down all the bombers you mentioned from china. with aircraft carrier standing thousands miles away will not accomplsh thier job. so if they have to attack pakistan the only option is the to destroy the basic militiary infrastructure through pre emptive strikes . remember they cannot afford ground invasion before the all militiary might has gone. And remember that after establishing stratigic force command, pakistani nukes are not the reactors that they will destroy it by airstrikes or by ballistic missiles . so they will have to brought up thier carriers in our missile range. as for as countering the ballistic missiles is concerned remeber that pakistan has got mirv on shaheen 2 missile . check it on the home page of this website. after all the accuracy rate of even pac-3 is not that much firing 10 misssiles if half are abe to penetrate , the job is done. And countering the cruise is far away from possibility. and also remember that pakistan is getting submarine version of cruise. so a pakistani submarine with nukes sailing around american harbor. what do you think about that. please dont underestimate yourselve. we are able to use MOD

Dude you have no clue......PAK subs in a American harbour?:lol: Mirv on a Shaheen 2 do you know what a MIRV is? plus how are they supposed to target a moving ship?
Do you have any idea what the capabilities of a American carrier battle group are?

There seem to be vast gaps in your knowledge. I suggest more studying before spouting crap.
Dude you have no clue......PAK subs in a American harbour?:lol: Mirv on a Shaheen 2 do you know what a MIRV is? plus how are they supposed to target a moving ship?
Do you have any idea what the capabilities of a American carrier battle group are?

There seem to be vast gaps in your knowledge. I suggest more studying before spouting crap.

I tried to explain that earlier, without result. :disagree:
He's all yours now. :enjoy:
well my forigner friends pakistan has got mirv . i was not saying hitting aircraft carrier with MIRV. i said that pakistanhas got the MIRV and by getting icbm we would be able to hit american cities without the fear of bieng coutered by anti ballistics. Ok for information sake i agree that pakistan cannt hit carrier with pinpoint accuracy , but falling a nuke in circle of 25 miles will also sink the carrier . do you know what an atomic bomb is? pakista has got mirv and here is link.
i can show dozens more link.
now with babur or ar babur 2 we can hit the carrier . and for your information babur is a nightmare. it is hard even to detect it . USA is feard of iran about thier carrier which is nil to pakistan in missile tech. As for as subs are concerned yes indeed there will
well my forigner friends pakistan has got mirv . i was not saying hitting aircraft carrier with MIRV. i said that pakistanhas got the MIRV and by getting icbm we would be able to hit american cities without the fear of bieng coutered by anti ballistics. Ok for information sake i agree that pakistan cannt hit carrier with pinpoint accuracy , but falling a nuke in circle of 25 miles will also sink the carrier . do you know what an atomic bomb is? pakista has got mirv and here is link.
i can show dozens more link.
now with babur or ar babur 2 we can hit the carrier . and for your information babur is a nightmare. it is hard even to detect it . USA is feard of iran about thier carrier which is nil to pakistan in missile tech. As for as subs are concerned yes indeed there will

What the diameter of the S2 missile? Find that and try to visualize placing a cone shaped warhead inside a cone shaped missile head of S2.Plus compare the load of S2 with a nuke warhead that can be deployed by Pakistan. FAS Pakistan has a 500 kg warhead design.

You will find out why it does not have MIRV.
Wow Pakistan hitting America ?

I'll be in a level here Pakistan will never make that distance for a strike unless thety are forced to.

Its neither interest for the US to attack Pakistan nor Pakistan to produce missle that will reach US soil.
well with very very huge efforts an a very very good reasons
they just might pull it off ? no ?
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